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Oil and gas workers find work in the wind energy business.

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Giant Wind Farms Arise Off Scotland, Easing the Pain of Oil’s Decline

“Oil and gas workers, losing their jobs as fossil fuel investment wanes, find work in the wind energy business.


Across the globe, governments and developers are pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into large offshore wind farms like Beatrice to meet climate-change goals. Britain is already generating more than 10 percent of its electricity from wind at sea, and on same gusty days, like Nov. 2, wind produces more than half. As energy security becomes a critical issue in wake of Russia’s war in Ukraine, the country aspires to nearly quadruple offshore capacity over the next decade.

The Beatrice wind farm takes its name from a nearby offshore oil field that was depleted and will be gradually dismantled. Skepticism about the future of fossil fuels remains strong in Britain and much of Europe, and the numbers tell a story of decline. After reaching a peak in 2014, investment in oil and gas in Britain plummeted by about three-quarters to around £3.7 billion last year.”

So where will America be in 20 years? Dependent on yesterday’s energy technology, or leading the world with abundant, cheap energy? 


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Wow, here I am putting up a link from CNN.

It does seem like there is currently an energy crisis in the UK. Same old story, moving way too fast without a viable alternative ready to take up the slack.

UK energy crisis is 'bigger than the pandemic' | CNN Business

So with all this abundant wind energy, why am I still reading articles about the UK energy crisis?

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37 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Wow, here I am putting up a link from CNN.

It does seem like there is currently an energy crisis in the UK. Same old story, moving way too fast without a viable alternative ready to take up the slack.

UK energy crisis is 'bigger than the pandemic' | CNN Business

So with all this abundant wind energy, why am I still reading articles about the UK energy crisis?

The answer to your question is in your cite:


Wholesale natural gas prices started increasing last year as countries reopened from their pandemic lockdowns, causing a global spike in demand.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February, and the resulting energy crunch, has only pushed prices further up. Western countries have banned Russian coal and oil imports, and Europe is desperately trying to wean itself off Russian natural gas.

June was the first month on record that the United Kingdom did not import any fuel from Russia, traditionally one of its major suppliers, according to data released Wednesday by the Office for National Statistics.

And it TAKES TIME to build more wind farms.

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23 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Yes, I agree with that. In the meantime, people are going to have to deal with a severe energy crisis. Eat or heat?

On the plus side, Putin has done a brilliant job of destroying the credibility of relying on his energy supply businesses.

He may wind up owning the gas reserves off the shore of Southern Ukraine, but have NO customers for that product.

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

Wow, here I am putting up a link from CNN.

It does seem like there is currently an energy crisis in the UK. Same old story, moving way too fast without a viable alternative ready to take up the slack.

UK energy crisis is 'bigger than the pandemic' | CNN Business

So with all this abundant wind energy, why am I still reading articles about the UK energy crisis?

Can I ask you something?

Are you really that stupid, or is your whole schtick all about making up stupid reasons why green technology bad? 

Who’s side are you on?
Arab dictators, Venezuela and Putin are the buddies you’re cheerleading for. Why? 


The gas workers? They’re getting laid off by big oil and working on wind farms. 

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Can I ask you something?

Are you really that stupid, or is your whole schtick all about making up stupid reasons why green technology bad? 

Who’s side are you on?
Arab dictators, Venezuela and Putin are the buddies you’re cheerleading for. Why? 


The gas workers? They’re getting laid off by big oil and working on wind farms. 

I'm pointing out that even with all the output from those wind farms there is still an energy crisis in the UK. I am all for domestic oil and gas production.

I'll shrug off your latest insult just knowing you're the kind of person that wouldn't dare say it to anyone's face.

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21 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I'm pointing out that even with all the output from those wind farms there is still an energy crisis in the UK. I am all for domestic oil and gas production.

I'll shrug off your latest insult just knowing you're the kind of person that wouldn't dare say it to anyone's face.

You are probably very young and you don't understand that there's an energy crisis every decade and people have long lines at gas pumps. But we're finally in a position to really do something about it, because as we transition to wind, we'll no longer be held hostage by unstable enemy dictatorships in the middle east, Venezuela and Moscow. We can master our own destiny and since the fuel of windmills costs $0, we are on a path to abundant, free energy. Great time to invest in it.

I'm going to be honest: Your comment wasn't very intelligent. Yes, they have a gigantic wind farm, and we all know that Putin stopped all petroleum flow to Western Europe. So that creates a shortage because the gigantic wind farm was not equal to the total of all energy production in their country. But it will be!

As a patriotic American, I want our nation off of petroleum for good!  Sure, there will always be a need for petroleum-based energy. It would be wasteful to shut down all of the gas turbines in the nation. But we are on a path to ensuring that we will never have an energy crisis ever again, and all those Arab countries can go screw themselves. Our alleged ally, Saudi Arabia, conspired with Russia and Venezuela to raise gas prices this year. Screw them! Build  wind and solar until the bottom falls out of their market. 

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Don't take it from me, take it from Michael Schellenberger. I'm not entirely against wind and solar, I'm just not convinced they will solve all or most of our problems. Not to mention the problems that are created by wind and solar.

There is a very interesting fact stated in this video regarding Germany and their rush to wind and solar. Had they invested the same amount in nuclear, they would be getting 100% of its energy for electricity from a zero-emission source.

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

Don't take it from me, take it from Michael Schellenberger. I'm not entirely against wind and solar, I'm just not convinced they will solve all or most of our problems. Not to mention the problems that are created by wind and solar.

There is a very interesting fact stated in this video regarding Germany and their rush to wind and solar. Had they invested the same amount in nuclear, they would be getting 100% of its energy for electricity from a zero-emission source.

You've found an uneducated, unqualified "personality" who tells you what you want to hear, and accept it as fact. 

His education: BA in Peace and Global Studies, an a Master's Degree in Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. Those things don't make him an expert on science, and actual scientists disagree with most of what he says.

Why does the right-wing do this? 1,000 scientists arrive at the same conclusion, and you find one non-scientists who tells you what you want to hear, and claim, "Aha!  Look! There are two sides!" No! This doesn't mean that there are two sides. 

I am not saying that we need to stop using all gasoline and petroleum. Climate change is occurring because we are releasing too much CO2 into the atmosphere. That doesn't mean we have to release zero CO2.  Besides that, even if there was no global warming issue at all, getting off of petroleum-based fuels is good for America. Gasoline has given trillions of OUR dollars to unstable, dangerous governments, such as Iran and Venezuela. 

Consider This: American and Canadian soldiers died to protect Saudi Arabia from invasion from Iraq. And now that our economy is hurting because of rising gasoline costs, Saudi's response is to raise gas prices. It is time to bury them by going all-in on wind, solar, and other renewable technologies, GLOBALLY. 

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Wind and solar won't solve all our problems but they sure won't hurt. As a mater of fact, more electricity won't solve all our problems, but it sure won't hurt. There won't be a silver bullet to replace gas and oil, it will come from a variety of technologies and for some applications, there will be no substitute because alternatives just don't have the energy density and portability.

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Boys and girls, NOBODY is claiming that other sources of energy can never be utilized.

For CENTURIES, the only land mode of transportation was the highly polluting HORSE, which got its fuel from many acres of hay. The internal combustion engine got its fuel from a substance deep in the ground on a fraction of the acres and transported more people, much more cleanly. And there is at least 300 years worth of fossil fuels in the earth.

When the market is right for wind farms, biofuels, whatever, then they will become mainstream and their cost will drop.

Right now, there is no need for them. And electric cars are ALL powered by fossil fuels. There's just not enough wind energy to light cities and power electric cars today.

Maybe in 50 years, but not today.

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10 hours ago, herbie said:

Don't be so sensible.
Some of these guys are so intent on discrediting any attempt at adversity, they're posting 'heat and eat' arguments about Europeans.

Well I guess they should just go back to buying oil and gas from Russia then?
They don't have their own supply...

You can thank Unelected Joe for taking away America's energy independence. Joe has made Putin even richer by screwing American energy producers.

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40 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Boys and girls, NOBODY is claiming that other sources of energy can never be utilized.

For CENTURIES, the only land mode of transportation was the highly polluting HORSE, which got its fuel from many acres of hay. The internal combustion engine got its fuel from a substance deep in the ground on a fraction of the acres and transported more people, much more cleanly. And there is at least 300 years worth of fossil fuels in the earth.

When the market is right for wind farms, biofuels, whatever, then they will become mainstream and their cost will drop.

Right now, there is no need for them. And electric cars are ALL powered by fossil fuels. There's just not enough wind energy to light cities and power electric cars today.

Maybe in 50 years, but not today.

Electric cars are only powered by fossil fuels where fossil files are used to generate electricity.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

You can thank Unelected Joe for taking away America's energy independence. Joe has made Putin even richer by screwing American energy producers.

America remains energy independent, but energy prices are still set globally.  Energy is expensive here, but it is abundantly available everywhere.  No shortages, no long lines. The US is exporting a lot of petroleum to Europe. Energy companies are making their highest profits ever.  

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9 hours ago, reason10 said:

You can thank Unelected Joe for taking away America's energy independence. Joe has made Putin even richer by screwing American energy producers.

And yet, America is producing more petroleum this year than under Trump. We’ve increased from 10,000 barrels under Trump to over 12,000 barrels a day under Biden. 


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23 hours ago, Rebound said:

You've found an uneducated, unqualified "personality" who tells you what you want to hear, and accept it as fact. 

His education: BA in Peace and Global Studies, an a Master's Degree in Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. Those things don't make him an expert on science, and actual scientists disagree with most of what he says.

Why does the right-wing do this? 1,000 scientists arrive at the same conclusion, and you find one non-scientists who tells you what you want to hear, and claim, "Aha!  Look! There are two sides!" No! This doesn't mean that there are two sides. 

I am not saying that we need to stop using all gasoline and petroleum. Climate change is occurring because we are releasing too much CO2 into the atmosphere. That doesn't mean we have to release zero CO2.  Besides that, even if there was no global warming issue at all, getting off of petroleum-based fuels is good for America. Gasoline has given trillions of OUR dollars to unstable, dangerous governments, such as Iran and Venezuela. 

Consider This: American and Canadian soldiers died to protect Saudi Arabia from invasion from Iraq. And now that our economy is hurting because of rising gasoline costs, Saudi's response is to raise gas prices. It is time to bury them by going all-in on wind, solar, and other renewable technologies, GLOBALLY. 

In the Michael Schellenberger presentations I've seen so far, he does back up what he says with graphs and charts. If you claim he's merely an uneducated, unqualified "personality" then surely must have the same opinion of people like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg. The same could apply to Jennifer Granholm, US Energy Secretary. She has a Batchelor of Arts degree and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. No degrees in science that I've seen. The world gets constantly lectured by woke politicians and brainless celebrities like DeCaprio about climate change.

Schellenberger brings up accurate facts about wind and solar that we should all think about. They take up an enormous amount of land which does have an impact on wildlife and the environment. They cannot produce power on demand. There are valid unanswered questions about what happens to this equipment at the end of its life cycle. If you want the entire world to go all in with wind and solar, I can't begin to fathom how much resources will be consumed, how much wildlife will be displaced and/or face extinction. Wind and solar still require vast amounts of resources in the form of infrastructure and mining.

Canada, the US and Mexico do have the capacity to support our own oil and gas needs without OPEC. Our political leaders just don't have the will.

Nuclear is the way to go. Not perfect but way more reliable than depending on steady wind and sunshine.

Schellenberger voted for Biden too.


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51 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Canada, the US and Mexico do have the capacity to support our own oil and gas needs without OPEC. Our political leaders just don't have the will.

Because telling the domestic oil producers who they could sell to and for how much would be actual socialism, the very thing you people rail against. Otherwise, if Europe will pay $2 more a barrel, enjoy paying $2 a litre more for gas.

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

In the Michael Schellenberger presentations I've seen so far, he does back up what he says with graphs and charts. If you claim he's merely an uneducated, unqualified "personality" then surely must have the same opinion of people like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg. The same could apply to Jennifer Granholm, US Energy Secretary. She has a Batchelor of Arts degree and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. No degrees in science that I've seen. The world gets constantly lectured by woke politicians and brainless celebrities like DeCaprio about climate change.

Schellenberger brings up accurate facts about wind and solar that we should all think about. They take up an enormous amount of land which does have an impact on wildlife and the environment. They cannot produce power on demand. There are valid unanswered questions about what happens to this equipment at the end of its life cycle. If you want the entire world to go all in with wind and solar, I can't begin to fathom how much resources will be consumed, how much wildlife will be displaced and/or face extinction. Wind and solar still require vast amounts of resources in the form of infrastructure and mining.

Canada, the US and Mexico do have the capacity to support our own oil and gas needs without OPEC. Our political leaders just don't have the will.

Nuclear is the way to go. Not perfect but way more reliable than depending on steady wind and sunshine.

Schellenberger voted for Biden too.


If they want to build a nuclear plant across the street from your house, would that be ok with you? I mean… they have to put them somewhere.

As for OPEC… US oil producers like Exxon and Chevron are happy to raise their prices whenever OPEC does.  Do you think the US should institute price controls?

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