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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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Ya, every time my sister's legs go out from under her and she cracks her head on the floor or walls, from the neurological condition she got from the vax,  I tell her to quit whining, get over it and move on.

I don't understand why she keeps at this after over 2 years, it's been sooooooo long and we're all tired of hearing about it.

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23 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Ya, every time my sister's legs go out from under her and she cracks her head on the floor or walls, from the neurological condition she got from the vax,  I tell her to quit whining, get over it and move on.

I don't understand why she keeps at this after over 2 years, it's been sooooooo long and we're all tired of hearing about it.

As with any drug, medication, vaccination, there will and can be side effects. All drugs and medications will let you know about them. It is awful that there are but, the fact is, there can be. Most, unfortunately, side effects are found out after the medication has been taken. I had serious side effects with my chemotherapy, a heart condition happened but, I have medication and learned how to live with it.  I am very sorry to hear about your sister and I hope they can diagnose and help her.

"The Global Vaccine Data Network cohort study included 99 million vaccinated people from 10 sites across eight countries. Researchers compared the observed with expected rate for 13 neurological, blood, and heart related medical conditions."

"There was a statistically significant increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome within 42 days after the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine—76 events were expected and 190 events were observed ....)


"Two new but exceptionally rare Covid-19 vaccine side effects – a neurological disorder and inflammation of the spinal cord – have been detected by researchers in the largest vaccine safety study to date.

The study of more than 99 million people from Australia, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland also confirmed how rare known vaccine complications are, with researchers confirming that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines still “vastly outweigh the risks”.

The key is the study is not a just few folks but 99 million.


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48 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

They mostly come here to scratch an itch that they can't out in the open. If they were so impassioned, uncivil, and prejudicial as they are here.. they would lose their jobs, relationships would erode, and such. I am the same guy on here as I am in real life. 

A pretentious jackoff? :) 

I'm amazed that you know why most people come here. I don't recall you taking a survey.

But i suspect you're partially right - if you say for example that you think the vaccine response was inappropriate in the real world no matter how you say it you risk being cancelled or fired.   That's the world we live in. 

Even you,  a pretty moderate leftie - can only reply "shut up and stop whining" when you hear an opinion you don't like.  In the real world it's much worse.

1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

As with any drug, medication, vaccination, there will and can be side effects. All drugs and medications will let you know about them.

Can you show me where they said 'may cause heart attacks' when they started issuing the drug initialy?

no? hmm.

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9 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

As with any drug, medication, vaccination, there will and can be side effects. All drugs and medications will let you know about them. It is awful that there are but, the fact is, there can be. Most, unfortunately, side effects are found out after the medication has been taken. I had serious side effects with my chemotherapy, a heart condition happened but, I have medication and learned how to live with it.  I am very sorry to hear about your sister and I hope they can diagnose and help her.

"The Global Vaccine Data Network cohort study included 99 million vaccinated people from 10 sites across eight countries. Researchers compared the observed with expected rate for 13 neurological, blood, and heart related medical conditions."

"There was a statistically significant increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome within 42 days after the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine—76 events were expected and 190 events were observed ....)


"Two new but exceptionally rare Covid-19 vaccine side effects – a neurological disorder and inflammation of the spinal cord – have been detected by researchers in the largest vaccine safety study to date.

The study of more than 99 million people from Australia, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland also confirmed how rare known vaccine complications are, with researchers confirming that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines still “vastly outweigh the risks”.

The key is the study is not a just few folks but 99 million.


you fight human nature on this one. No matter the person.. we tend to fixate on only the most extreme of cases. Nobody cares about the second round pick in the NBA that average 3.3 points per game. We care about Luka Doncic, Nikola Jokic, or Victor Wembanyama.. the least ordinary. 

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41 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


Can you show me where they said 'may cause heart attacks' when they started issuing the drug initialy?

no? hmm.

"The study confirmed with a high level of accuracy known links between mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) vaccines and the rare side-effects of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (swelling of the thin sac covering the heart)." 


It was known https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9538893/

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29 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

It was not communicated.

And only reluctantly recognized after thousands of children already had been given vax-induced heart problems.

The latest:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK based cardiologist, recently gave a presentation at a Helsinki Inquiry on this:


Does 1 in 6000 and 1 in 2700 seem "rare" to you?

Would you say that this is a good cost/benefit ratio, considering teens and young adults face a statistically zero risk of severe or fatal covid?

Link to his presentation:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra Helsink court statement - DocumentCloud

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34 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

"The study confirmed with a high level of accuracy known links between mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) vaccines and the rare side-effects of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (swelling of the thin sac covering the heart)." 


It was known https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9538893/

That's february 2022.  When did you get YOUR first injection?

The vaccine roll out started late in canada but was well under way in 2020. That's almost TWO FULL YEARS before that report was published

It wasn't know - and when it was know it was not communicated to people getting the shot as a serious side effect or risk.

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11 minutes ago, Goddess said:

It was not communicated.

And only reluctantly recognized after thousands of children already had been given vax-induced heart problems.

The latest:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK based cardiologist, recently gave a presentation at a Helsinki Inquiry on this:


Does 1 in 6000 and 1 in 2700 seem "rare" to you?

Would you say that this is a good cost/benefit ratio, considering teens and young adults face a statistically zero risk of severe or fatal covid?

Link to his presentation:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra Helsink court statement - DocumentCloud


From a 2020 publication

"Myocarditis has been recognized as a rare complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccinations, especially in young adult and adolescent males."



A very early study of side effects.


Not going to get into it with you. I will let you wallow in the westconman and cafnux glow.

And I am very sorry for your sisters plight.

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47 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:


From a 2020 publication

"Myocarditis has been recognized as a rare complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccinations, especially in young adult and adolescent males."



A very early study of side effects.


Not going to get into it with you. I will let you wallow in the westconman and cafnux glow.


Well i guess that's just about as pissy a way of saying "you're right and i'm wrong' that you can get :) 

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I say it because it's true, and telling the truth is how i show i care.  You're just a tribal loser who can't cope with the truth and lashes out when it doesn't agree with his echo chamber.

The consensus in my echo chamber is so deafening its difficult to ignore. The volume at which the vast VAST body of medical expertise is talking remains so impervious to squelching out by dingbats without a clue.

As for your chamber it's just hello...hello...hello?

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3 hours ago, Goddess said:

the neurological condition she got from the vax, 

  1. The jabs cost over $100 a pop
  2. we jabbed 30M Canadians twice, some 3-6 times, that's 60M sots for the #1 + 2, plus what, 20M more 3rd and 4th shots? Are we at 80M doses? A bit more? A bit less?
  3. 80M shots x 100 = about $8 Billion we spent on jabs
  4. the 'vaccines' are 'safe': serious adverse affects are almost unheard of, so....

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = the companies that made those ultra-safe jabs care so much about people, and the adverse effects are so rare, shouldn't they have vast gobs of money to help the small handful of people who were injured?

Is the level of care and help that you're getting at the level that you'd call "Almost extravagant"?

Surely the people like Trudeau, Biden and Fauci - who advocated so strongly for the safety of the jabs - must feel like the cost to care for the vax-injured would just be a drop in the bucket, right? They must be advocating strongly for advanced care for those people from Big Pharma, right? 

I know that Canada, for one, has come out and offered to dig the holes we chuck the vax-killed into. So there's that at least. What else? 

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

It was not communicated.

And only reluctantly recognized after thousands of children already had been given vax-induced heart problems.

The latest:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK based cardiologist, recently gave a presentation at a Helsinki Inquiry on this:


Does 1 in 6000 and 1 in 2700 seem "rare" to you?

Would you say that this is a good cost/benefit ratio, considering teens and young adults face a statistically zero risk of severe or fatal covid?

Link to his presentation:

Dr. Aseem Malhotra Helsink court statement - DocumentCloud

1/2700 would mean that we'd expect to see about 1 heart attack per year in a large HS. 

Did you ever even hear about a heart attack in a 12-17 yr old in your life before now?

I've heard of two heart attacks in my life among college students, both basketball players over 6'5, both just from TV, and obviously both were more than 17 yrs old. 

Seems like an insane amount to me. 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

The consensus in my echo chamber is so deafening its difficult to ignore.

That's because it echos so much in that empty head.

And the polls and prevailing attitudes suggest that your echo chamber has been exposed as nonsense to the general public,  Even the kids are leaving the ndp at this point.

You and your kind had  a chance to do all the good social experiments,  UBI with cerb, Taxing the rich, very high immigration, gov't laws pushing trans and gay issues, safe supply, etc etc.

It's all gone to shit.  You failed. Badly, Everywhere.

So i get why you're bitter. But its time to start accepting facts and truth and living your life better

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And the polls and prevailing attitudes suggest that your echo chamber has been exposed as nonsense to the general public,  Even the kids are leaving the ndp at this point.

What polls are those?  Do you have some new polling that folks (and the medical community) have reversed their thinking on vaccines?  Or...are you just cluelessly bullshitting again?  

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

What polls are those? 

Are you kidding me?


Do you have some new polling that folks (and the medical community) have reversed their thinking on vaccines? 

Yes actually  - well medical data anyway:


just 15 percent of canadians though the vaccines were a good idea in 2023. 

That's down from 80%.  And the doctors were still advising everyone to do it - signs were up at every pharmacy, heard it on the news quite a bit.

But people ain't buying it. Only those in  severe at risk groups. People no longer think the vaccines are a good idea at all.

I will now await your reply where you studder and stammer out a reason why that fact isn't REAAAAAAALLY a fact or the like :) 

Having said that - i was pretty clear in that post that I was discussing his left wing echo chamber in general rather than covid specifically and the polls on that have been coming out repetatively every month for over half a year now.  People, especially young people, are done with the woke and leaving the ndp and libs in bucketfulls.


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15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Anyway, let them whine...they gain absolutely zero. They have already lost all credibility so they cn keep looking up from the bottom of the barrel

 I used to be pretty tolerant of other views/actions/lifestyles, the only caveat being not causing injury to others. By failing to anticipate the trajectory, I'm beginning to see that as a form of complacency now. 

I think it takes supreme confidence to alienate the people whose good nature contributed to opening the window you admit to viewing them from.  We'll see if that confidence is overdone or not, I look forward to watching it play out on election day.  

I sometimes wonder if going along with all this was a reflection of apathy or good nature on the part of moderate (middle of the road) voters.

I'm not sure about that, maybe it was a combination of both.

But regardless, when good nature is prevailed upon it usually results in pushback, I used to see that pushback as a starting point for discussion and negotiation. An opportunity to review the after action reports and tweak SOPs if you will.

But take it a step further, define that inevitable pushback as weak minded whining, throw in (even mild) support for  compliance techniques (maybe in the form of ridicule, doxing, job action etc) and I wonder how it all plays out.

When people have cause to fear election results it's democracy that usually suffers. The willingness to flirt with the unintended consequences that sometimes follow is regrettable and easily avoided IMO.

Usually the reasons for any backlash (and the damage done as a result) are only identified with the clarity of hindsight. Nothing in my experience makes me inclined to roll the dice.

Backlashes usually go too far and I think that's a distinct possibility now, as is the likelihood of you not liking it much.










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13 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well i guess that's just about as pissy a way of saying "you're right and i'm wrong' that you can get :) 

Well, when you are wrong....as so often you are...you are wrong. LOL

Pissy or not, once again you awere wrong.

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2 hours ago, Venandi said:

 I used to be pretty tolerant o....


Backlashes usually go too far and I think that's a distinct possibility now, as is the likelihood of you not liking it much.



As is your likelihood of not liking it much? :)

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yes actually  - well medical data anyway:


just 15 percent of canadians though the vaccines were a good idea in 2023. 

That's down from 80%.  And the doctors were still advising everyone to do it - signs were up at every pharmacy, heard it on the news quite a bit.

Aww...muffin.  Why are you talking about polls and prevailing attitudes when there are no actual polls?  Is it because you're cluelessly bullshitting again? 

Getting the vaccines and thinking the vaccines are good idea are not the same thing.  🤡

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Well, when you are wrong....as so often you are...you are wrong. LOL

And wen yoo have da proof is da proof and if it's a proven proof den it's proof :P


Pissy or not, once again you awere wrong.

no i awere not :)

As you admitted normally someone would be advised of all the risks and side effects of a medication before taking it. And that's when we're NOT forcing them to take it by threat.

In this case that didn't happen. Even your "very early" study doesn't note half of them.  That's a simple truth.  You may not LIKE the truth, but it's still the truth.

So it would seem that not only are you wrong about what you were wrong about, you were also wrong about my being wrong about what you were wrong about.  Thats a lotta wrong there bud :)  

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

And wen yoo have da proof is da proof and if it's a proven proof den it's proof :P

no i awere not :)

As you admitted normally someone would be advised of all the risks and side effects of a medication before taking it. And that's when we're NOT forcing them to take it by threat.

In this case that didn't happen. Even your "very early" study doesn't note half of them.  That's a simple truth.  You may not LIKE the truth, but it's still the truth.

So it would seem that not only are you wrong about what you were wrong about, you were also wrong about my being wrong about what you were wrong about.  Thats a lotta wrong there bud :)  



worst loser.jpg

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43 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Aww...muffin.  Why are you talking about polls and prevailing attitudes when there are no actual polls?  Is it because you're cluelessly bullshitting again? 

ROFLMAO!!!!! Called it :) 

I was right - you were wrong, and once gain you're mad about it :)   You can't argue the truth so you try to twist what was said into something you somehow can argue :)  


Getting the vaccines and thinking the vaccines are good idea are not the same thing.

Holy shit kid :)   So your arguement is that people think the vaccines are a great idea - and therefore because they think they're great they don't take them ;)

Sorry kid. Despite constant doctors warnings people who used to take the vaccines don't anymore. By a massive amount.

And as noted the polls show us that people are abandoning the leftard echo chambers in droves having realized that people like you are just plain wrong :)  Well that didn't take you long to fail again did it?  I must say - you're not getting any smarter but you're MUCH more efficient :) 

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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:



worst loser.jpg


LOL  and you thought the best way to prove that would be a personal attack that one would normally expect from a 6 year old :)   Well done - you've certainly proven that YOU are the adult in the room and not me :)

Here - i'll try to respond using the level of intellectual maturity you seem to be at:  POOPY PANTS POOPY PANTS!!!!! :) 

Oh - and also, someone who's the worst at being a loser would actually be a winner. :)   you really do suck at this.

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

As is your likelihood of not liking it much?

That stark reality is something worth avoiding I think.

Hence my point. 

4 hours ago, Venandi said:

When people have cause to fear election results it's democracy that usually suffers.

 Rolling the dice can be costly and there are better options than signing a waiver and stepping onto the mats IMO. It's not just chud-like whining over covid either, covid is a symptom of wider malaise. 

Over time, backlash usually happens and it usually goes too far. It's the appetite for such things that always surprises me though, too many foreign vacations maybe, I keep hoping for a different outcome.  


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14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:



LOL  and you thought the best way to prove that would be a personal attack that one would normally expect from a 6 year old :)   Well done - you've certainly proven that YOU are the adult in the room and not me :)

Here - i'll try to respond using the level of intellectual maturity you seem to be at:  POOPY PANTS POOPY PANTS!!!!! :) 

Oh - and also, someone who's the worst at being a loser would actually be a winner. :)   you really do suck at this.

Personal attack?? From the master of attacks.

A compliment to be sure Thanks LOL

No matter, you are what you are

loser of yar.jpg

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