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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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26 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Proof that someone has no clue about human nature. People are moving on according to you because of some grand conspiracy.. There are all in on it and yet no one knows this. 

It was a disinformation campaign on a grand scale. 

If it wasn't all disinformation then why did talk of covid deaths go away in 2022 when we had 30% more covid deaths than the previous year? 

How did ALL of our MSM outlets just drop their covid coverage down to 10% of what it was, at the exact same time? 

"Deaths and hospitalizations are far higher than ever before, but it's time to drop the story from headline news down to also-ran status." - CBC, CTV, Global, etc. All at the same time. Coincidentally. 

Buddy, none of the vaxtards on this forum even believed me when I was telling them that covid deaths were up in 2022. They all thought I was crazy. Then they came up with "There were just way more infections than ever before, so the jab was still a success" 😂

OK, so now the story is "way more people get infected with the vax, but the death toll only goes up marginally, so it's a success." People say that with a straight face, as if it sounds reasonable. 

"We have this new seatbelt that wraps around the head. It reduces visibility quite a bit, so of course there are about 7x as many accidents as before, but deaths are only up by 30%, so it's a success. If people don't wear them we'll take away their jobs."

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

How do you blame Nancy, your next-door neighbour,

Well let's consider Nancy in isolation for a moment because I'll be pressed for time over the next week or so.

Nancy applauded after her other neighbour got fired, that's the one who plowed her driveway free of charge for years. She was also in the group who lobbied for vax passports and wondered aloud if the un-vaxed  should even be tolerated.

Nancy wrote a hateful letter to the editor, and Nancy was one of the 20% (or so) who thought unvaccinated people should be interned. She refused to even consider the information management techniques (you mention) that were deployed against her and publicly ridiculed the Trumpers and tin foil hatters who suggested it was possible. 

Nancy's scholastic achievements are worthy of mention too, she dropped grade 9 biology and hung out with the cool kids smoking cigarettes in the girls can during 3rd period.

A few years later, even though she had never heard of Ivermectin and lacked the most rudimentary understanding of possible off label benefits, she was front and centre with a megaphone screaming "are you a horse" at the people who did.

So ya, not really a Nancy fan I guess. She still asserts that she was right about everything wishes more draconian actions would have been taken.

I used to wonder why she insisted on calling Chad CHUD... now that I know I'm less of a fan than I was before. 

Looks like you'll be plowing her driveway next year eh?


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2 hours ago, Venandi said:

Well let's consider Nancy in isolation for a moment because I'll be pressed for time over the next week or so.

Nancy applauded after her other neighbour got fired, that's the one who plowed her driveway free of charge for years. She was also in the group who lobbied for vax passports and wondered aloud if the un-vaxed  should even be tolerated.

Nancy wrote a hateful letter to the editor, and Nancy was one of the 20% (or so) who thought unvaccinated people should be interned. She refused to even consider the information management techniques (you mention) that were deployed against her and publicly ridiculed the Trumpers and tin foil hatters who suggested it was possible. 

Nancy's scholastic achievements are worthy of mention too, she dropped grade 9 biology and hung out with the cool kids smoking cigarettes in the girls can during 3rd period.

A few years later, even though she had never heard of Ivermectin and lacked the most rudimentary understanding of possible off label benefits, she was front and centre with a megaphone screaming "are you a horse" at the people who did.

So ya, not really a Nancy fan I guess. She still asserts that she was right about everything wishes more draconian actions would have been taken.

I used to wonder why she insisted on calling Chad CHUD... now that I know I'm less of a fan than I was before. 

Looks like you'll be plowing her driveway next year eh?


I get that Nancy is saying and doing all the wrong things, but just imagine a woman who's lived her whole life in peace and solitude, who has medical care and a pension, and who just turns on her TV and sees people on the news talking about things which are demonstrably true, then they show a video of a dog and a duck who are friends, and this woman is totally convinced that the people who control the news cycle are honest and they are really warm and fuzzy. 


Isn't it predictable that Nancy's just gonna believe? Doesn't she want to live? 

Look at the f-tards on here who still believe that "the vaccine is safe and effective."

They even acknowledge that it straight-up kills some young, healthy people, but it's ok with them. 

It's ok with @eyeball and @ExFlyer and @impartialobserver, etc that the vaccine kills some people. They acknowledge that it happens, but in their minds "it's just a few meaningless people, and the vax saves so many!"

They also won't acknowledge that those people didn't need a vax in the first place. I can rub their noses in stats all day long that show that young healthy people don't need a vax, they still remember CTV telling them to vax young people because they need it, and that's the end of it. 

These people here really believe all the sorts of things that justify [evil word] taking the rights away from the unvaxed. 

If you allow that kind of messaging on national TV stations, you're gonna end up with these losers. I honesty don't blame the losers, I blame the vax-pimps. 

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Isn't it predictable that Nancy's just gonna believe?

She can believe what she wants and act accordingly with my blessings, that's OK. I would certainly defend her right to do it too, that's what this is about.

But then we come to:

12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

"We have this new seatbelt that wraps around the head. It reduces visibility quite a bit, so of course there are about 7x as many accidents as before, but deaths are only up by 30%, so it's a success

Nancy voted for this and there were enough Nancy's to carry the day. She remains unapologetic and will react the same way next time she's frightened. Point it out, try to reason with her and it won't work. Ask to be left alone and she'll call you Trumper... a name she got from the MSM you refer to. She jotted that down and taped it to the inside of her door so she could remember to scream it at me as I plowed her driveway.

Yes, of course information management techniques were on full display here; they were aimed at her and they'll work again next time too. There are courses in such things and next time there will be more Nancys than before and the damage will be greater.

I foolishly expected a bit more from the constitutional safe guards in place to protect me from Nancy's government. Turns out her government doesn't even have to defend its actions now, Nancy does that for them. 

12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If people don't wear them we'll take away their jobs."

 Nancy's preferred destination.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt and defending her here is kind, actually I admire the sentiment and even shared it a short time ago. But Nancy's new religion is dangerous and she's gained a lot of traction in the neighbourhood.

If she agrees to keep the "Church of Absurdity" on her own property then we can be friends again, but given the quote above, I don't think you're convinced she will either. 



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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I get that.....

It's ok with @eyeball and @ExFlyer and @impartialobserver, etc that the vaccine kills some people. They acknowledge that it happens, but in their minds "it's just a few meaningless people, and the vax saves so many!"

They also won't acknowledge that those people didn't need a vax in the first place. I can rub their noses in stats all day long that show that young healthy people don't need a vax, they still remember CTV telling them to vax young people because they need it, and that's the end of it. 


I have my opinions as you have yours. Thing with me is I understand and realize there is grey areas. Not everything is black and white. You keep accusing people of saying things and when asked to prove it, you fade away in a different direction to deflect being caught in imaginary claims. (like you will do here LOL)

I also do not go off the deep end and start insulting and name calling if someone does not see things my way. You lose credibility with that kind of action.

Your "stats and figures" can be and  have been misinterpreted by you and when other "stats and figures" are shown, you blow up on the page.

Yours and canfux and taxme as well as a few others overzealousness demeans and belittles any points you may have.

I have personal reasons for getting and staying vaccinated against covid (and flu and measles etc) but that is of no concern of yours. You are just more interested in insulting and name calling because I do not follow your lead.

No black and white in this old issue, grey yes, but certainly not enough to keep regurgitation it.

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4 hours ago, Venandi said:

She remains unapologetic and will react the same way next time she's frightened.

That part gets to me.

I don't see any of the covid-Nazis showing any signs of remorse or guilt. 

I feel quite a bit less Canadian than ever before these last few years. I honestly don't care about my fellow Canadians at all anymore. 

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's ok with @eyeball and @ExFlyer and @impartialobserver, etc that the vaccine kills some people. They acknowledge that it happens, but in their minds "it's just a few meaningless people, and the vax saves so many!"

That's right except for the implication we're unsympathetic monsters who cheer everytime the exceedingly rare jab goes sideways somewhere.

But you're suggesting you're okay with millions dying from disease to ensure no one ever dies from vaccine? You're completely insane.


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5 hours ago, Venandi said:

next time there will be more Nancys than before and the damage will be greater.


5 hours ago, Venandi said:

Nancy's new religion is dangerous and she's gained a lot of traction in the neighbourhood.


14 hours ago, Venandi said:

Nancy applauded after her other neighbour got fired, that's the one who plowed her driveway free of charge for years. She was also in the group who lobbied for vax passports and wondered aloud if the un-vaxed  should even be tolerated.


14 hours ago, Venandi said:

Nancy was one of the 20% (or so) who thought unvaccinated people should be interned.


14 hours ago, Venandi said:

She still asserts that she was right about everything wishes more draconian actions would have been taken.

These are the very reasons why some of us will not "just move on" and forget about it.

It's not to set "Nancy" straight - there's no helping Nancy see the truth.

It's to help the ones who were on the fence and just went along with insanity "to get along", but felt in their souls that something was just not right with everything happening.

We are at the intersection of Milgram and Ashe.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I feel quite a bit less Canadian than ever before these last few years. I honestly don't care about my fellow Canadians at all anymore. 

I look at people differently now, too.

Those who cheered on job firings, social shunning/ jailing of the unjabbed, forced medical experimentation, mandates and removal of human rights - are pure evil.

Those who knew it was wrong and stayed silent - pathetically weak.

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34 minutes ago, eyeball said:

But you're suggesting you're okay with millions dying from disease to ensure no one ever dies from vaccine? You're completely insane.

Some of us think killing and maiming children so 97-year-olds can have a couple extra months is what is completely insane.  And frankly, most 97-year-olds would not want that either, had they been told the truth.

In medical ethics there is a cost/benefit analysis involving the calculating of years of life lost:

  • Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) 
  • Years lived with disability (YLDs)
  • Disability‐adjusted life years (DALYs)

But we threw out medical ethics for this virus, along with basic immunology, virology and science.

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On 4/11/2024 at 8:26 AM, Venandi said:

Then I want them to mind their own business and leave me alone.

That has been my stance since the beginning. When someone would say, " I am not going to get the vax", my reply was "ok". I could not care less if someone was vaxxed or not. No guilt or shaming on my part. I only did it because I did not want to fill out paperwork. No passion, fervor, etc on my part. 

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46 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's right except for the implication we're unsympathetic monsters who cheer everytime the exceedingly rare jab goes sideways somewhere.

But you're suggesting you're okay with millions dying from disease to ensure no one ever dies from vaccine? You're completely insane.


Those 'millions' are free to decide to get the jab themselves - which is supposed to be HIGHLY effective at preventing death.

Further - they're free to isolate themselves if they feel they're at special danger and reduce contact.

There will be no "millions" of deaths.

But it's not ok to kill someone else who has done nothing wrong to protect yourself.   Imagine if someone was starving - so they shot someone else and took their food. If we follow your logic that's fine - otherwise you support starving people to death.  

Nope - your circumstances don't give you the right to demand someone else dies just so you can slightly reduce your chances of serious illness.

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55 minutes ago, Goddess said:





These are the very reasons why some of us will not "just move on" and forget about it.

It's not to set "Nancy" straight - there's no helping Nancy see the truth.

It's to help the ones who were on the fence and just went along with insanity "to get along", but felt in their souls that something was just not right with everything happening.

We are at the intersection of Milgram and Ashe.

Why do you care who's side of the fence anyone was 4 years ago???

Is it somehow important to you that I care what your beliefs are?

Kinda todays Don Quixote charging an old covid windmill?? LOL

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Amazing how some went from   **clutches pearls**  "If even one life is saved, than forcing people to accept an experimental medical procedure is fine" .....to..... "Some children will be killed or permanently disabled, but... 🤷‍♂️ meh 🤷‍♂️...who cares?"

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

Why do you care who's side of the fence anyone was 4 years ago???


I realize you have the attention span of a goldfish, but it what world is 4 years a long time?

The only people who think 4 years was "a long time ago" are 4 year olds.

You keep talking like somehow 4 years is nothing.

It's been about 4 years since january 6th in the states - i see people are still discussing it :)  :)  :)  

Can't you come up with a better, less rediculous argument ohter than "FOUR YEARS !?!?!? Who can remember THAT far back?!"

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Why do you care who's side of the fence anyone was 4 years ago???

Erm.....for the reasons I gave in the post, via that new guy's comments about Nancy.  Still having trouble with reading comprehension, I see.

3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Is it somehow important to you that I care what your beliefs are?

Nothing in my post was directed at you personally ( did you see yourself personally tagged  or anything....??), so.....Nope.  Not important to me what you care about or not.

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23 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Erm.....for the reasons I gave in the post, via that new guy's comments about Nancy.  Still having trouble with reading comprehension, I see.

Nothing in my post was directed at you personally ( did you see yourself personally tagged  or anything....??), so.....Nope.  Not important to me what you care about or not.

Nope, I comprehend very well. It is you making general statements that are not specific and apply to anyone and everyone.

When you post on an open forum, you direct your comments to everyone.

Glad you do not care. :)

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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, I comprehend very well. It is you making general statements that are not specific and apply to anyone and everyone.

When you post on an open forum, you direct your comments to everyone.

Glad you do not care. :)

Okee dokee.

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26 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I realize you have the attention span of a goldfish, but it what world is 4 years a long time?

The only people who think 4 years was "a long time ago" are 4 year olds.

You keep talking like somehow 4 years is nothing.

It's been about 4 years since january 6th in the states - i see people are still discussing it :)  :)  :)  

Can't you come up with a better, less rediculous argument ohter than "FOUR YEARS !?!?!? Who can remember THAT far back?!"

4 years is a lifetime to a 4 year old and a goldfish....and to your attention span.

Au contraire, I say 4 years ago since covid outbreak is a long time, not nothing. You make it out as if it was yesterday LOL

They are in court, the Supreme court and some are in jail because of it so yes, they are discussing. it.

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6 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I have my opinions as you have yours.

You have MSM talking points, I have informed opinions.


You keep accusing people of saying things and when asked to prove it, you fade away in a different direction to deflect being caught in imaginary claims. (like you will do here LOL)

You name the accusation, I'll prove it.


I also do not go off the deep end and start insulting and name calling if someone does not see things my way. You lose credibility with that kind of action.

I call people liars, along with proof of same. It's important to call people out for lying. I think it's BS to pretend to have a civil conversation with someone who's lying.


Your "stats and figures" can be and  have been misinterpreted by you


You guys get misled by the big word of the day, and now your misused word is "base rate fallacy": as soon as anyone mentions the high death toll among the multi-jabbed you just blurt it out and act validated. 

FYI a base rate fallacy would be if I said "Look! 50% of jabs are among the vaxed! It's the same as the death toll of the unvaxed. The jab doesn't work" and you said: "Yeah, but 85% of people are vaxed. If the death rate was the same then 85% of the deaths would be among the multi-vaxed. Your claim is an example of a base-rate fallacy."

  1. 86% of deaths are among the jabbed. 85% of jabbed are vaxed. Do you see the similarity? Is there really a base rate fallacy baked into that statement somehow?
  2. My point is not that 'the vax has a zero % success rate', it's that 'the jab isn't effective enough to warrant vax-fascism'. Especially among people 5-20 who don't need any help whatsoever to beat covid. It might be 10% effective, maybe a bit more, but it's not 80% or anything outrageous. It's probably far less effective than Vitamin D though, TBH. 

and when other "stats and figures" are shown, you blow up on the page.

When people post worthless crap I just point it out. You don't like it. Boo hoo.


Yours and canfux and taxme as well as a few others overzealousness demeans and belittles any points you may have.

Any criticism of the jab meets that criterion in your eyes. Just grow up.


I have personal reasons for getting and staying vaccinated against covid (and flu and measles etc) but that is of no concern of yours.

Correct. Good for you. I have no problem with that.

Cdn Fox is jabbed too, but not a Nazi like you. 


You are just more interested in insulting and name calling because I do not follow your lead.

Stop being a vax-apologist/vax-pimp. It's pathetic at this point. 


No black and white in this old issue, grey yes, but certainly not enough to keep regurgitation it.

Black and white is your side buddy. The vaxtard POV is that "There are two kinds of people: 1. the vaxed, and 2. the 'deserve to be locked-down, deserve to be fired, and hopefully soon to be dead"

Even people like Dr Scumbag Latchmedial, who said things like "I won't shed any tears for the unvaxed when they die" are celebrated as covid heroes and decent people in the MSM.  

Go to hell Ex-Flyer. Stop pretending to be civil now. 

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13 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

4 years is a lifetime to a 4 year old and a goldfish....and to your attention span.

LOL - four years is a life time to my attention span :)    Right :)  

It's ok buddy - english is hard :)


Au contraire, I say 4 years ago since covid outbreak is a long time, not nothing. You make it out as if it was yesterday LOL

for the vast majority of humans, 4 years is not a long time in the slightest :)  it's barely a single presidential term.  Why would you think 4 years is a long time ago?  I mean 4 years isn't even how much time people spend in high school.  (especially you :) )



They are in court, the Supreme court and some are in jail because of it so yes, they are discussing. it.

But but but but it's SOOOOOOO long ago.... why are they still talking about ancient history!!!!  :)

see how stupid that sounds?

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You have MSM talking points, I have informed opinions.

You name the accusation, I'll prove it.

I call people liars, along with proof of same. It's important to call people out for lying. I think it's BS to pretend to have a civil conversation with someone who's lying.


You guys get misled by the big word of the day, and now your misused word is "base rate fallacy": as soon as anyone mentions the high death toll among the multi-jabbed you just blurt it out and act validated. 

FYI a base rate fallacy would be if I said "Look! 50% of jabs are among the vaxed! It's the same as the death toll of the unvaxed. The jab doesn't work" and you said: "Yeah, but 85% of people are vaxed. If the death rate was the same then 85% of the deaths would be among the multi-vaxed. Your claim is an example of a base-rate fallacy."

  1. 86% of deaths are among the jabbed. 85% of jabbed are vaxed. Do you see the similarity? Is there really a base rate fallacy baked into that statement somehow?
  2. My point is not that 'the vax has a zero % success rate', it's that 'the jab isn't effective enough to warrant vax-fascism'. Especially among people 5-20 who don't need any help whatsoever to beat covid. It might be 10% effective, maybe a bit more, but it's not 80% or anything outrageous. It's probably far less effective than Vitamin D though, TBH. 

When people post worthless crap I just point it out. You don't like it. Boo hoo.

Any criticism of the jab meets that criterion in your eyes. Just grow up.

Correct. Good for you. I have no problem with that.

Cdn Fox is jabbed too, but not a Nazi like you. 

Stop being a vax-apologist/vax-pimp. It's pathetic at this point. 

Black and white is your side buddy. The vaxtard POV is that "There are two kinds of people: 1. the vaxed, and 2. the 'deserve to be locked-down, deserve to be fired, and hopefully soon to be dead"

Even people like Dr Scumbag Latchmedial, who said things like "I won't shed any tears for the unvaxed when they die" are celebrated as covid heroes and decent people in the MSM.  

Go to hell Ex-Flyer. Stop pretending to be civil now. 


18 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

LOL - four years is a life time to my attention span :)    Right :)  

It's ok buddy - english is hard :)

for the vast majority of humans, 4 years is not a long time in the slightest :)  it's barely a single presidential term.  Why would you think 4 years is a long time ago?  I mean 4 years isn't even how much time people spend in high school.  (especially you :) )


But but but but it's SOOOOOOO long ago.... why are they still talking about ancient history!!!!  :)

see how stupid that sounds?

Aaaaaand there it is...verbal diarrhea....with insults too....as expected.

I wish I could be vaccinated against it and you two  LOL

Best I can do is block you and suffer constipation. LOL

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:


Aaaaaand there it is...verbal diarrhea....with insults too....as expected.

I wish I could be vaccinated against it and you two  LOL

Best I can do is block you and suffer constipation. LOL

I do the same thing.. I know that a certain someone can't help himself. He can't respond and not have it be full of insults, personal attacks, and loaded assumptions. He still insists that I watch CNN religiously and every time I correct him. He has watched infinitely more CNN than I ever have but simple minds make assumptions. It is easier to only consider one data point, one view than to be realistic and look at the actual more complex picture. 

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8 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:


Aaaaaand there it is...verbal diarrhea....with insults too....as expected.

I wish I could be vaccinated against it and you two  LOL

Best I can do is block you and suffer constipation. LOL

That's right where you always are: just responding to on-topic comments with general BS and childishness. 

4 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I do the same thing.. 

You do the same thing as Ex-Flyer.

You comment on every post with vague, off-topic, childish insults instead of responding to the actual subject matter. Then you get butthurt when people point out that you never actually said anything worth responding to. 

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