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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


Fair enough, but ridicule the legitimate concerns of others with a weather eye on karma... and I'm speaking generally here, not accusing you of anything.

In the fullness of time people who do that may see their own concerns trampled like  old ladies under an RCMP horse. 

I'd suggest that the effect here is to push moderate people who populate the centre (dare I say like me) into an unapologetic hard right turn. A short sighted tactic born of overconfidence and complacency IMO that fails to anticipate future political shoe exchanges whilst ridiculing cobblers. I predict blisters on the horizon.

Bill articulates the whole thing pretty well. If you look back at some of the comments here and listen closely to what he says, you'll see where the "vote em out and crush em" sentiment comes from.

If you're one of those who thinks this is off topic then please beware of horses:



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1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Fair enough, but ridicule the legitimate concerns of others with a weather eye on karma... and I'm speaking generally here, not accusing you of anything.

In the fullness of time people who do that may see their own concerns trampled like  old ladies under an RCMP horse. 

I'd suggest that the effect here is to push moderate people who populate the centre (dare I say like me) into an unapologetic hard right turn. A short sighted tactic born of overconfidence and complacency IMO that fails to anticipate future political shoe exchanges whilst ridiculing cobblers. I predict blisters on the horizon.


If you're one of those who thinks this is off topic then please beware of horses:



You are actually admonishing me for ridiculing wesconman and cdnfux? The two most ignorant name calling insulting posters on the forum??  Then I am astonished by your comment.

Those two have only one concern and that is vaccines, covid vaccines. Years after the issue is over. They cannot let go, hence the dead horse meme.

Off topic in a thread by westconman and cdnfux is a normal activity.  :)  They always go adrift.

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You are actually admonishing me for ridiculing wesconman and cdnfux?

Dude - EVERYONE thinks you're a m0ron.  You post ass porn when you can't win an argument. You make dumb ass statements that are so easy to refute that 7 year olds wonder if perhaps you should be held back a year. You behave like a child and you make arguments like one as well.

I tried to tell you - you're not looking good with your antics. I mean they're hilarious - but they don't make you look terribly mature :)   What is that now like five people recently other than me who've pointed it out?

Sigh.  Well at least you're amusing :) 

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21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Dude - EVERYONE thinks you're a m0ron.  You post ass porn when you can't win an argument. You make dumb ass statements that are so easy to refute that 7 year olds wonder if perhaps you should be held back a year. You behave like a child and you make arguments like one as well.

I tried to tell you - you're not looking good with your antics. I mean they're hilarious - but they don't make you look terribly mature :)   What is that now like five people recently other than me who've pointed it out?

Sigh.  Well at least you're amusing :) 

I blocked you but had to read your retort. I knew you could not stay away from me....HaHaHa

Yup, as I figured, typical useless crap.

Can't get over that I posted a selfie of you....many weeks ago. Guess I hit the nail on the head LOL

So, you got 5 groupies?  Whoa, you hit the big time LOL F'n loser


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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I blocked you but had to read your retort. I knew you could not stay away from me....HaHaHa

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!  You BLOCKED me... THEN ADMIT you couldn't help yourself from looking at what i said anyway, and you think -I'M- the one who  can't stay away  ;)   Oh my god that's funny :)   Do you even think about what you say before you say things like that?!? LOL


And i see you're still going on about your weird sex fantasies about people's butts :)

And you wonder why everyone thinks you're a loser :)  

See ya round kiddo ;) 

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Dude - EVERYONE thinks you're a m0ron.

Nah dawg, that's you.  You're a singular specimen here - objectively the biggest loser no-life the forum has ever seen in 20+ years.  Nobody ever has had less going on in their life on this forum than you. 

King Loser, we crown you.  

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8 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Nah dawg, that's you. 

Eye no u r but wut am I!!

well you sure showed your intellectual superiority there! :)   ROFLMAO - what wit! What logic! How did i ever doubt you !?!? :)  

So what's the next plan? Repeat everything i say? Tell me i can't come to your birthday party? Perhaps tell  your mother i was mean to you and she should call my  mother :)    I'm not sure what's in with the preschool crowd you must hang with :)


Kid - every time we talk. Every time.  You look like a childish 1diot and largely because it's your life goal to make ME look like an 1diot and you wind up shooting yourself in the foot.

LOL which reminds me :)  Got milk?  LOL i'd forgotten about that one :)  

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23 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You are actually admonishing me for ridiculing wesconman and cdnfux?

Nope, that's between you and them... I'm guessing y'all enjoy the banter so fire at will, it's of no interest to me.

As to being off topic, some of the covid issues discussed here wouldn't be so contentious had people just minded their own business and left their neighbours in peace. There could easily be a 100 page thread on all aspects of that alone, the effects of it are broad spectrum with lasting consequences, some of which (like lipids vs the BBB) we don't even know about yet. 

I won't drag the thread further afield, I'll just leave you with a final thought:

I'm suggesting that Covid was a big deal and that there's a lot of lessons here for the wise to reflect on. When I hear things like "the Governor has moved on" (I know you didn't say that BTW) or some condescending comment like "it's an old issue, get over son,"  I see that it usually comes from a contingent of people who were absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.

Not only did they get everything wrong (that wasn't good enough for them) they had to hurt a bunch of people in the process and be mindlessly hateful whilst doing it.

Insert snippy voice here "move along son." Well, not so damn fast partner... just who do you think you are?

Look at the damage caused and then consider the effect of snippy, condescending comments or BS memes on those who refuse to entertain the prospect of covid madness version 2.0. It's not a statistically insignificant group and you may be in for a surprise by antagonizing them further.

I was suggesting that doing so creates an easily anticipated backlash on election day, I was suggesting that the people who do that aren't going to like the result, and I was suggesting that all you had to do (not meaning you personally BTW) to avoid that was pretty much nothing. Clearly I can only speak for myself but the whole road rage thing doesn't work with me (or, dare I say, people like me). It actually works against the rager, they seem to confuse good nature with fearful compliance, those days are over, best just stay in your car now...  I guess that was my point.

Your meme was simply a target of opportunity, a vehicle to make that point, a chance to suggest that the authors of such memes may not like what's coming down the pipe and to suggest they only have themselves to blame for that. 

I'd also suggest they prepare to get crushed on election day and lose the support they previously enjoyed from moderate minded liberals. I see all of this as self inflicted and perfectly predictable.

Were you really expecting a different result?

As with the previous post, please note: 

On 4/13/2024 at 7:28 AM, Venandi said:

I'm speaking generally here, not accusing you of anything.


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9 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Kid - every time we talk. Every time.  You look like a childish 1diot and largely because it's your life goal to make ME look like an 1diot and you wind up shooting yourself in the foot.

If it were my life goal, my post count would look something like this:


Alas, I go to work, do things outside the house, and don't have time for 40+ posts and engaging in a dozen internet battles with various people on any given day.  

Fortunately, you do such a good job making yourself look like an assclown that anyone can point it out.  The fact that you can't make it to the second page of a thread without getting into a fight with someone and humiliating yourself speaks for itself.  🙃

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5 hours ago, Moonbox said:

If it were my life goal, my post count would look something like this:


Sure - you only type with two fingers so for you it would be quite an achievement :)

For me it's less work that a  text message, especially when i use voice dictation. Most kids today text more than that.

It's especially easy when hundreds of those posts are just cut and paste responses to you saying "yes,  100 - 50 IS 50."  Or any of the other simple replies to you when you have your massive hissy fits :)

Also  i talk to lots of people.  Basically you just come here to talk to me :) Which says more about you than my post count says about me :)  

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21 hours ago, Moonbox said:

If it were my life goal, my post count would look something like this:


Alas, I go to work, do things outside the house, and don't have time for 40+ posts and engaging in a dozen internet battles with various people on any given day.  

Fortunately, you do such a good job making yourself look like an assclown that anyone can point it out.  The fact that you can't make it to the second page of a thread without getting into a fight with someone and humiliating yourself speaks for itself.  🙃

You know this guy has no life. He lives in his (or his Mothers) basement and posts all day every day.

He cannot get over being called out and proven wrong and 1diotic so he always resorts to name calling and insults. And then he goes on and on and on with the same whining complaints LOL

I posted his selfie of him coming out of PP's ass and he is so wound up about it he still whines, after almost a month of it being posted.

But hey, every forum has to have a self centred loser and we have him LOL

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17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure - you only type with two fingers so for you it would be quite an achievement :)

For me it's less work that a  text message, especially when i use voice dictation. Most kids today text more than that.

So you sit all day by yourself, dictating?

"Aw muffin *smiley face* sorry kid butthurt butthurt *smiley face* aww muffin sorry kid butthurt *smiley face*.  


17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

It's especially easy when hundreds of those posts are just cut and paste responses to you saying "yes,  100 - 50 IS 50."  Or any of the other simple replies to you when you have your massive hissy fits :) 

Me being here has no effect whatsoever on your puking all over the forums all day.  If I'm gone for a weekend, a few days, or a week, you're still pounding out 40+ battlemode posts a day, melting down and throwing insults at the drop of a hat as soon as anyone calls out your clueless bullshitting. 

1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

I posted his selfie of him coming out of PP's ass and he is so wound up about it he still whines, after almost a month of it being posted.

Oh that's standard fair.  He humiliated himself ranting about inflation last year, and he's still dredging it up now.  That's what this 100-50 garbage is that he keeps squawking about - another made-up phantom he's invented to cope with so he can argue against himself. 

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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You know this guy has no life. He lives in his (or his Mothers) basement and posts all day every day.

He cannot get over being called out and proven wrong and 1diotic so he always resorts to name calling and insults. And then he goes on and on and on with the same whining complaints LOL

I posted his selfie of him coming out of PP's ass and he is so wound up about it he still whines, after almost a month of it being posted.

But hey, every forum has to have a self centred loser and we have him LOL

ROFLMAO!!!!  Nice to see the "Cdnfox-made-me-cry" crew out today :)

The fact that you fantasize that your butt porn is my 'selfie'  pretty much takes you out of the running when it comes to being seen as rational or adult :)    No wonder Moonbox approves of you :)  

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

So you sit all day by yourself, dictating?

If you think 5 seconds is 'all day' then sure :) 

"post too much post too much posts too long uses words too big posts too much posts too much"  :)

Kid, the fact that's your only argument is pretty telling.  If i posted less - you'd still be wrong in all those arguments you lost.

If i posted less 100-50 would still  be 50.  If i posted less healthy men under 40 would still have been at more risk from the vaccine based on the evidence YOU posted. If i posted less you STILL would have screwed up the math and the numbers in the milk thread repeatedly till you looked like a child because math is hard (apparently).

Basically "your post count" is you're way of saying "You were right, and i look stupid, and i'm angry about it but have nothing else to argue. "  :)  


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On 4/11/2024 at 2:36 PM, WestCanMan said:

I think this is an important topic. 

I feel like most of the people in the world were greatly affected by it. 

We both know that Fauci lied to the world dozens of times, and that his lies hurt a lot of people. Thousands. Maybe tens of thousands. No one even knows because the number of vax-injured remains a mystery that's shrouded in lies and secrecy.

But you don't care. I forgot. 

as predicted.. you can't answer a simple, direct question with a simple, direct answer. My point in the very beginning was that folks are moving on. My meeting with state officials was evidence of that. Whether or not this is how it should be.... that is up to you. I have moved on. Living life through the rear view mirror does not advance your life. But... hey, you keep whining, complaining to deaf ears and I will move on to topics that are impactful and relevant to right now.

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7 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

as predicted.. you can't answer a simple, direct question with a simple, direct answer.

Grow up. You said: "why do you respond? I know that you can't and won't answer this honestly" and I gave an hnest, complete answer to that, now you're changing the question.


My point in the very beginning was that folks are moving on.

Wrong. SOME folks are.

So what?

Some people went along with vax-fascism too. Was that the right thing to do?

I don't live with my head up my arse or follow fools.


My meeting with state officials was evidence of that. Whether or not this is how it should be.... that is up to you. I have moved on.

Fine. Then move on. Stay outta this thread, dummy.

What's your point? "I've moved on, and you have to move on too." 

Nah. We were lied to and had our basic rights taken away. I wanna get to the bottom of it. 


Living life through the rear view mirror does not advance your life.

That's like saying "My spouse cheats on me a lot, but I think they're done now. We're gonna buy a house and have kids."


But... hey, you keep whining, complaining to deaf ears and I will move on to topics that are impactful and relevant to right now.

You're not deaf, you're a cultist, and you just refuse to look at basic, undisputed facts because you won't want to admit you were fooled/wrong. 


I will move on to topics that are impactful and relevant to right now.

Good boy.

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11 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

as predicted.. you can't answer a simple, direct question with a simple, direct answer. My point in the very beginning was that folks are moving on. My meeting with state officials was evidence of that. Whether or not this is how it should be.... that is up to you. I have moved on. Living life through the rear view mirror does not advance your life. But... hey, you keep whining, complaining to deaf ears and I will move on to topics that are impactful and relevant to right now.

The fact you feel you've moved on doesn't mean that others shouldn't drag your ass back to deal with it tho.

Listen to how this sounds:

(man sexually abuses woman)

Woman - hey, you abused me and that's wrong! There has to be an accounting!!

"Oh sorry sweetie - i'm past that and I've moved on now.  Whether or not that's how it should be is up to you, but i don't want to hear your whining," .

Universally  we can all acknowledge that would NOT be ok. Just  because YOU feel you've "moved on" doesn't mean that the issue is dead for the other people OR that they should stop 'whining'  and demanding resolution.

Ask our first nations about that. :)  

In Canada especially but in the US too there needs to be some recognition that what happened was wrong. That it was not ok to hurt people or threaten them.  Sorry if you find that inconvenient.

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're not deaf, you're a cultist, and you just refuse to look at basic, undisputed facts because you won't want to admit you were fooled/wrong. 

Cultist... wow. That would mean that I care one way or the other. When folks at the office refused to get vaxxed.. guess what? I said nothing. If you get vaxxed..ok. If you do not, ok as well. a cultist would get upset about the possible outcomes. 


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7 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Cultist... wow. That would mean that I care one way or the other. 

You do care... You just care that the topic gets buried

You literally just come into these threads to say "I'm an expert on stats and I say that this topic should buried", but for some reason you never enlighten us with your vast knowledge. 

We get it. 

You're and expert and you hate the topic.

You don't care, and you're off doing bigger and better things now.

See you back here in 5 minutes... 😉

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You do care... You just care that the topic gets buried

You literally just come into these threads to say "I'm an expert on stats and I say that this topic should buried", but for some reason you never enlighten us with your vast knowledge. 

We get it. 

You're and expert and you hate the topic.

You don't care, and you're off doing bigger and better things now.

See you back here in 5 minutes... 😉

You never fail to deliver entertainment value.

It comes down to being rational... the past is the past, you can't change it. To keep saying the same things over and over and over again.. (which you do) and expect a different result is not rational. Rehashing something just because you can.. again, not rational. 

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1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

It comes down to being rational... the past is the past, you can't change it.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. 

What kind of a message does a total lack of accountability send to future vax-fascists? 


To keep saying the same things over and over and over again.. (which you do) and expect a different result is not rational.

As more evidence comes out, and more people become aware of the extent of the vax-injuries, it gets harder to keep a lid on this. 

You're the only one saying the same old things "Ignore everything! I don't care!" 

I found a picture of impartial observer, eyeball and ex-flyer:



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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. 

What kind of a message does a total lack of accountability send to future vax-fascists? 

As more evidence comes out, and more people become aware of the extent of the vax-injuries, it gets harder to keep a lid on this. 

You're the only one saying the same old things "Ignore everything! I don't care!" 

I found a picture of impartial observer, eyeball and ex-flyer:



and yet when you run simple web scraping code.. you find that covid is not even close to being the number one story. I am not the only one moving on. So if it is such a hot story.. how can this be? Why are we moving on? Simple human nature. The more time passes by since something, the less we prioritize it. Why is occupy wall street not front page news now? Answer.. its been roughly 12 years. A more rational and honest person could understand this time-tested truth but we know that you can't 50 years from now.. you will be saying the same thing. What is amazing is that you think that you have this vast captive audience who is waiting on your every word.. such delusions of grandeur. You keep rambling on and on and no one is listening. You have my pity. 

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Posted (edited)
On 4/14/2024 at 4:05 AM, Venandi said:

As to being off topic, some of the covid issues discussed here wouldn't be so contentious had people just minded their own business and left their neighbours in peace. There could easily be a 100 page thread on all aspects of that alone, the effects of it are broad spectrum with lasting consequences, some of which (like lipids vs the BBB) we don't even know about yet. 

I don't think it's fair to blame basic citizens for being duped by the full-court press coming from the MSM, social media, medical health journals, our medical health professionals, and the gov't.

The messages people got from the MSM were:

  1. "Covid is killing everyone", which was patently false because it has only ever killed people with serious underlying health issues
  2. "Only vaccines can save us - they will be perfect" which was a lie
  3. "the vaccines are perfect" which was another lie
  4. "the unvaxed are (somehow) a danger to the vaxed", which makes no sense at all - the jab either makes you safe or it doesn't
  5. "It's now a pandemic of the unvaccinated" which was false
  6. "There's nothing more to see here" when we had our worst year, by far, for covid deaths

How do you blame Nancy, your next-door neighbour, when all the false messaging was coming in so loud and clear, from every side? 

What percent of the population is going to look into it any further than "CTV/CNN said...."? 40%? 

If the only messaging that you had access to was what was on CNN/CTV, you'd be hoping for your unvaxed neighbour to drop dead as well.  

And TBH, what they're saying about internet disinformation on the MSM is partially true: there is a lot of disinformation on the internet, and it's not all theirs. There's a massive integrity deficit in the MSM and the internet is rife with disinformation. No one really knows who trust on a minute-by-minute basis. 

I keep pointing at TNI, the international MSM cabal that was established in 2019 "to combat election disinformation", which quickly started pumping out all of the exact same election disinformation and covid disinformation in lock step with each other. They're the actual enemy here. 


I'm suggesting that Covid was a big deal and that there's a lot of lessons here for the wise to reflect on. When I hear things like "the Governor has moved on" (I know you didn't say that BTW) or some condescending comment like "it's an old issue, get over son,"  I see that it usually comes from a contingent of people who were absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.

Not only did they get everything wrong (that wasn't good enough for them) they had to hurt a bunch of people in the process and be mindlessly hateful whilst doing it.

Again, I agree that the average Joes were wrong about pretty much everything, but they all arrived at the exact same opinions all over the world at the exact same time for a reason, and it's not because they all made the exact same guesses.

They were lead around by the nose an international, calculated fear-porn campaign.

How did the entire MSM around the globe just know to hate Dr Dider Raoult? Are they all smarter than him? Do they all know more about medicine? No, Raoult was eviscerated by the MSM on behalf of the vax-pimps.

Raoult's notion that a cheap, off-patent medication could help fight covid was like a dagger in the heart of Big Pharma's cash cow. 

When the xax-apologists here speak, I don't know what percent of Canadians are represented by that. It's important not to listen to the Ex-Flyers, eyeballs, and i-o's of the world. 


Insert snippy voice here "move along son." Well, not so damn fast partner... just who do you think you are?

  • "We are the CNN/CTV/LPOC/DNC truthers [aka cultists]. We are the truth and the light. We are the new religion. The old religion is dead."

You haven't been here long, but the guys who are making the "vaccines are safe and effective" narrative their hill to die on also fully support every other opinion presented on CTV/CNN. 

Every single one of these guys was also fully behind the Jussie Smollet hoax, the hijab hoax in Canada, the tree-root genocide story, etc. 

AFAIK, those are the only narratives that they've finally abandoned, they still believe in Russian collusion, mostly peaceful protests, the US gov't was almost overthrown on Jan 6th, walls are racist, etc, etc, etc. 


Look at the damage caused and then consider the effect of snippy, condescending comments or BS memes on those who refuse to entertain the prospect of covid madness version 2.0. It's not a statistically insignificant group and you may be in for a surprise by antagonizing them further.

They're congenital liars. 

Some of these guys have been busted for lying hundreds of times here, it doesn't even phase them. It's just water under the bridge. They'll just act like nothing ever happened and lie to your face again 5 minutes liar, while they call you a liar. 

Nothing that you say will ever get through to them, so when you post information here, it's generally accepted that it's for the rest of the world, not them.

Their goal is to bury all useful information here in a sea of sandbox insults, hoping that eventually the mods have to step in and close the thread. 

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1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

and yet when you run simple web scraping code.. you find that covid is not even close to being the number one story. I am not the only one moving on. So if it is such a hot story.. how can this be? Why are we moving on? Simple human nature. The more time passes by since something, the less we prioritize it. Why is occupy wall street not front page news now? Answer.. its been roughly 12 years. A more rational and honest person could understand this time-tested truth but we know that you can't 50 years from now.. you will be saying the same thing. What is amazing is that you think that you have this vast captive audience who is waiting on your every word.. such delusions of grandeur. You keep rambling on and on and no one is listening. You have my pity. 


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