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Biden Department of Education: "School Discipline Is Racist."

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Biden Department of Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness




FIRST ON FOX – A Biden Department of Education official has claimed that "school discipline" is part of a "racist system," blaming so-called "whiteness," while she worked for a left-wing education organization, Fox News Digital found. 

Kayla Patrick has worked at the DOE's Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development since February 2022, according to her LinkedIn. In 2021, she said, "school discipline is a symptom of a racist and punitive system that often fails to see children as children."

"Instead of helping students to learn and grow from mistakes, educators send them into the office, or send them home, or even sometimes call the police. And Black students are more likely to be offended, affected by that," she said. 


Proof positive that Biden, and the Democrats are ALL RACISTS AND LIARS.


Go ahead, snowflakes. Say otherwise.

Tell me you think blacks are inferior and that disciplining them is racist. Make the case, bee oches.

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16 minutes ago, reason10 said:


Biden Department of Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness


Proof positive that Biden, and the Democrats are ALL RACISTS AND LIARS.


Go ahead, snowflakes. Say otherwise.

Tell me you think blacks are inferior and that disciplining them is racist. Make the case, bee oches.

Sigh. What she's saying is not controversial or new. It's been studied extensively. For like offenses (and controlling for variables) a black child is more likely to face harsher consequences at school. So are boys relative to girls, for that matter. 

Which makes it rather like the justice system for adults as well, in which Blacks (and especially Black men) are more likely to be convicted and also face harsher penalties for the same crimes.

Our justice system is racist. School discipline is racist. Systemic racism is baked into most of daily life. It doesn't me we don't need or want those things, but we can and should do better to achieve equitable treatment. 

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31 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Sigh. What she's saying is not controversial or new. It's been studied extensively. For like offenses (and controlling for variables) a black child is more likely to face harsher consequences at school. So are boys relative to girls, for that matter. 

Which makes it rather like the justice system for adults as well, in which Blacks (and especially Black men) are more likely to be convicted and also face harsher penalties for the same crimes.

Our justice system is racist. School discipline is racist. Systemic racism is baked into most of daily life. It doesn't me we don't need or want those things, but we can and should do better to achieve equitable treatment. 

It's possible that a black child will face harsher consequences in school, IF HIS/HER TEACHER IS BLACK. Black teachers do not fck around. They smack the little shits, yell at them and make them behave. White teachers barely raise their voices at all. I've seen it. I've seen very petite, attractive young black teachers scare the crap out of black Seniors, just by giving them a slightly dirty look. I know what's behind that.

Black cops on the street are more likely to knock the crap out of black perpetrators.

Here's the thing: (At least I've seen this in Florida schools). Discipline is evenly distributed. And problem kids are not limited to black kids. I've subbed at an elementary school in one of the roughest black neighborhoods of all time and those kids might as well  be college students, they are so polite. Then I subbed in a rich white school where the kids were ANIMALS. It's not race that is the problem. I say this every day: Children are clay. They are not born bad. They are molded by their environment. If they are raised with no consequences for their actions, they are going to stay in trouble. You can't blame the justice system or the education system for that.

The justice system is not racist, even with that bill that Biden signed decades ago that locked up a generation of blacks for smoking a single joint. Kamala Harris, as a prosecutor, put enough blacks behind bars to make her qualified to join the Ku Klux Klan. Cops are not out there looking for black faces to arrest. That lie is just racist beyond the imagination.

Bottom line, a person commits a crime and gets caught, that person deserves prison, regardless of race

But you're right about systemic racism. It exists. It's called the DEMOCRAT PARTY. And this Biden regime is the most racist one in history, even worse than KKKlinton. (Remember, it was during KKKlinton that Biden wrote that crime bill which locked up so many blacks for drug crimes.)

But by all means, stick with that defund the cops, no discipline in school. Sit around and wait until gangs invade your neighborhood and kill everyone on your block. 


Edited by reason10
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20 minutes ago, reason10 said:

It's possible that a black child will face harsher consequences in school, IF HIS/HER TEACHER IS BLACK. Black teachers do not fck around. They smack the little shits, yell at them and make them behave. White teachers barely raise their voices at all. I've seen it. I've seen very petite, attractive young black teachers scare the crap out of black Seniors, just by giving them a slightly dirty look. I know what's behind that.

Black cops on the street are more likely to knock the crap out of black perpetrators.

Here's the thing: (At least I've seen this in Florida schools). Discipline is evenly distributed. And problem kids are not limited to black kids. I've subbed at an elementary school in one of the roughest black neighborhoods of all time and those kids might as well  be college students, they are so polite. Then I subbed in a rich white school where the kids were ANIMALS. It's not race that is the problem. I say this every day: Children are clay. They are not born bad. They are molded by their environment. If they are raised with no consequences for their actions, they are going to stay in trouble. You can't blame the justice system or the education system for that.

The justice system is not racist, even with that bill that Biden signed decades ago that locked up a generation of blacks for smoking a single joint. Kamala Harris, as a prosecutor, put enough blacks behind bars to make her qualified to join the Ku Klux Klan. Cops are not out there looking for black faces to arrest. That lie is just racist beyond the imagination.

Bottom line, a person commits a crime and gets caught, that person deserves prison, regardless of race

But you're right about systemic racism. It exists. It's called the DEMOCRAT PARTY. And this Biden regime is the most racist one in history, even worse than KKKlinton. (Remember, it was during KKKlinton that Biden wrote that crime bill which locked up so many blacks for drug crimes.)

But by all means, stick with that defund the cops, no discipline in school. Sit around and wait until gangs invade your neighborhood and kill everyone on your block. 


Oh, great. This old chestnut: "If you acknowledge racism it means that you're racist!"

Look, people are people. They have flaws and biases both conscious and unconscious. Teachers are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female. Administrators skew the same way. There are differences in the ways that humans relate to or understand "otherness." If you don't think some of that bleeds through to school discipline you're a fool. 

That's why consciousness of bias and representation and proactive awareness of oneself is critical for equity. I can't erase my unconscious biases any better than anyone else can, but if I make myself aware of them then I am better prepared to treat everyone fairly. Everyone should be doing that work, but you can't even manage to acknowledge that systemic racism is a problem. Oy.


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Just now, Hodad said:

Oh, great. This old chestnut: "If you acknowledge racism it means that you're racist!"

Look, people are people. They have flaws and biases both conscious and unconscious. Teachers are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female. Administrators skew the same way. There are differences in the ways that humans relate to or understand "otherness." If you don't think some of that bleeds through to school discipline you're a fool. 

That's why consciousness of bias and representation and proactive awareness of oneself is critical for equity. I can erase my unconscious biases any better than anyone else can, but if I make myself aware of them then I am better prepared to treat everyone fairly. Everyone should be doing that work, but you can't even manage to acknowledge that systemic racism is a problem. Oy.



IOh, great. This old chestnut: "If you acknowledge racism it means that you're racist!"

That's a lie. I acknowledge racism all the time, pointing that it is mostly in the Democrat Party. That doesn't make me a racist.


Look, people are people. They have flaws and biases both conscious and unconscious. Teachers are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female. Administrators skew the same way.

I guess you must have led a charmed life, one where you never were taught anything. I've subbed at schools were most of the teachers were black.  The principals were black. But I guess in your blue state you people think blacks cannot be teachers,  principals or administrators. I guess you wanted to burn a cross on Joe Clark's front lawn, huh?


That's why consciousness of bias and representation and proactive awareness of oneself is critical for equity

See, THIS is why everyone says you left wingers life in the land of make believe. You worship this god called Equity. Somehow ALL outcomes have to be equal or its whitey's fault. This total lack of logic is precisely what spawned the great Democrat Party welfare state which almost completely destroyed the black family unit to begin with.

Today, 75 percent of all black children are being raised in single parent homes. That is the result of Democrat Party policies. You can't blame Whitey for that, (except for the racist Whiteys in your party who are responsible for this.)

Kids who come from fatherless homes are at a disadvantage, emotionally, cognitively, etc. They have much less self control without a strong father image in the home. That is NOT THE FAULT of education or discipline. It is NOT THE FAULT of the justice system. It is the fault of the political party whose policies created this in the first place, and that party is the DEMOCRATS.

Suggesting discipline is racist means you think blacks are inferior and cannot handle discipline. You hold blacks to different standards than the Master White Race.

School busing was likewise based on such racism, the idea that putting a poor, unintelligent black kid in the same classroom with a superior white kid would somehow rub off on that black kid. Your party PUSHED that racist narrative. Your own unelected President was one of the first to push back from that.


The difference between you and me is the fact that I don't judge a person based on his/her color. I hold ALL of them to the same standards. I expect the same effort, (especially when I'm on the job in either mostly black schools or mostly white schools), and I don't let anyone play the race card. Unlike your side of the aisle, I do not believe a person of sub saharan African descent is inferior.

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10 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I think sometimes teachers from a different ethnicity/culture can misinterpret things due to lack of understanding.  Like they don't know what a doo rag is for.

A doo rag? Are you retarded? Misinterpret based on an item worn by Aunt Jemimah, (which you left wingers wound up cancelling in your Fourth Reich of political correctness even though Aunt Jemimah on record was the first black millionaire?)

You wingers REALLY have no idea what you're talking about. Have you EVEN been in the same room with an actual black  person?

Are you now going to admit that blacks are inferior and cannot be held up to standards of whites and Asians? Is THAT why you say discipline is racist? Is that why some REALLY stupid California school systems banned certain math courses because they were considered racist, because blacks were too inferior to be able to grasp them?

That's your left wing bigotry.

Welcome to REAL education. Here in an assignment (especially if there is no lesson plan) I hold ALL students equally accountable. I've subbed for classes where there were one or two white kids and the rest were black. I've subbed in situations where most of the class was Latino. (Interestingly enough, THOSE brownish kids were very well behaved because their Spanish speaking parents were extremely strict with them. Kinda hard to look down on them as inferior, but your side of the aisle does that all the time.) Bottom line, I show the ENTIRE class the same respect, the same drive to finish the work and the SAME push for discipline and decorum in the classroom.

If some black kid cannot control himself/herself, I call in a black principal and all hell breaks loose. (In certain ghetto white schools, same thing.)

Color is NOT a factor in discipline or achievement in Florida public schools. We do NOT assume one race is inferior to the other. That's YOUR side of the aisle.

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10 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I think sometimes teachers from a different ethnicity/culture can misinterpret things due to lack of understanding.  Like they don't know what a doo rag is for.

A reasonable take from someone with basic humanity and intellectual curiosity.


FOX news posts these stories to perpetuate controversy and stoke outrage.  It's not posted to start dialogue about what  might be correct or incorrect about the statement.  This is the problem with MSM and how we get culture wars.



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19 hours ago, reason10 said:


Biden Department of Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness


Proof positive that Biden, and the Democrats are ALL RACISTS AND LIARS.


Go ahead, snowflakes. Say otherwise.

Tell me you think blacks are inferior and that disciplining them is racist. Make the case, bee oches.

Why do you watch that crappy Fox News? It is not news.


Read the full sentence: She wrote that “While she worked at a left-wing organization.”

But the headline skews that to make it appear that this is a Biden Administration statement. This is the reason America is so divided.

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

A doo rag? Are you retarded? Misinterpret based on an item worn by Aunt Jemimah, (which you left wingers wound up cancelling in your Fourth Reich of political correctness even though Aunt Jemimah on record was the first black millionaire?)

You wingers REALLY have no idea what you're talking about. Have you EVEN been in the same room with an actual black  person?

Are you now going to admit that blacks are inferior and cannot be held up to standards of whites and Asians? Is THAT why you say discipline is racist? Is that why some REALLY stupid California school systems banned certain math courses because they were considered racist, because blacks were too inferior to be able to grasp them?

That's your left wing bigotry.

Welcome to REAL education. Here in an assignment (especially if there is no lesson plan) I hold ALL students equally accountable. I've subbed for classes where there were one or two white kids and the rest were black. I've subbed in situations where most of the class was Latino. (Interestingly enough, THOSE brownish kids were very well behaved because their Spanish speaking parents were extremely strict with them. Kinda hard to look down on them as inferior, but your side of the aisle does that all the time.) Bottom line, I show the ENTIRE class the same respect, the same drive to finish the work and the SAME push for discipline and decorum in the classroom.

If some black kid cannot control himself/herself, I call in a black principal and all hell breaks loose. (In certain ghetto white schools, same thing.)

Color is NOT a factor in discipline or achievement in Florida public schools. We do NOT assume one race is inferior to the other. That's YOUR side of the aisle.

What is wrong with you? Aunt Jemiamah is a corporate trademark, a fictional character, and not the world's first anything.

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47 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Why do you watch that crappy Fox News? It is not news.


Read the full sentence: She wrote that “While she worked at a left-wing organization.”

But the headline skews that to make it appear that this is a Biden Administration statement. This is the reason America is so divided.


Why do you watch that crappy Fox News? It is not news.

Why are you stupid? Fox is the most reliable and highest rated news source in the world. Only cretins trust PMSNBC or CNN.

Kayla Patrick is a Biden appointee. She is a stupid racist bee itch. Does it matter WHEN she said that? Would you be as forgiving if a Republican had said something equally stupid 20 years ago?

(Answer: NO.)

Your goose steppers tried to crucify Brett Kavanaugh for something a lying WHORE accused him off when he was still in school.

This IS the Biden Administration. The most incompetent, RACIST group of retards ever to work in government.


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18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

What is wrong with you? Aunt Jemiamah is a corporate trademark, a fictional character, and not the world's first anything.



Corporations have the right to change their corporate symbols.. weirdo magachuds trying to stop the free speech of corporate entities

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16 minutes ago, Hodad said:

What is wrong with you? Aunt Jemiamah is a corporate trademark, a fictional character, and not the world's first anything.

So you believe no black is capable of being a millionaire, I guess because you believe they are inferior.

The Aunt Jemima trademark was an actual person. You left wing goose steppers didn't know that, did you?


Nancy Green, Freed Slave and Trailblazing Corporate Model, Was 1st Aunt Jemima




After the fair, Green was signed to a lifelong contract and worked until she died in an car accident in 1923, according to the African American Registry.

The Women of Every Complexion and Complexity website described Green as a “talented entrepreneur” and “transitional symbol.”

Nancy Green’s pancakes are just as popular in the 21st century, but often her name is forgotten as a woman who was born into slavery and its devastation, but turned a localized flour business into a thriving national enterprise and racial stereotypes into symbols of friendliness, hospitality, and prosperity. She was a storyteller, cook, and one of the first African American women hired as a corporate representative. Some people still criticize her and label her as the stereotypical “black Mammy,” while overlooking her individual courage, determination, and talent.

Along with slavery, Nancy Green inherited a legacy of stereotypes about African Americans that continued over a century after the Civil War.  Billy Kersands, himself an African American comedian, songwriter and minstrel show performer, inspired the Aunt Jemima character with his vaudeville song “Old Aunt Jemima” which he wrote in 1875.  His song earned Aunt Jemima popularity in late 19th century minstrel shows and as a symbol in 20th century corporations. The song helped create the Aunt Jemima pancakes brand and several film, television and radio characters called “Aunt Jemima,” but Nancy Green and her dynamic personality were equally important factors in the success of Aunt Jemima character.

Nancy Green transformed Aunt Jemima from a strictly racist, commercial cipher into a symbol of friendliness and hospitality, making thousands of personal appearances for Aunt Jemima Self Rising Pancake Flour and the Davis Milling Company. Several organizations, including the Boys Club at Rockford, Illinois, exist because Nancy Green helped raise funds to support them every year. Nancy Green raised over three million dollars for charities without any personal return for her or her company. In 1914, the Davis Milling Company changed its name to Aunt Jemima Mills Company and Nancy Green continued to travel and promote Aunt Jemima Self Raising Pancake Flour.


I'm now starting to think most if not all left wing posters here are teenagers, or pre teens.

Even in a liberal, this kind of stupidity is rare in an adult.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

A reasonable take from someone with basic humanity and intellectual curiosity.


FOX news posts these stories to perpetuate controversy and stoke outrage.  It's not posted to start dialogue about what  might be correct or incorrect about the statement.  This is the problem with MSM and how we get culture wars.



You give FoxNews too much credit. The reason why it is the highest rated news source on the PLANET is because the FACTUAL stories is reports are the kinds that create more demand for the source. It's called RATINGS. Fox reports the things people WANT TO KNOW. Other left wingers have accused Foxnews of creating stories that P iss people off.

It's like these people have never heard of CNN, MSLSD, or THE VIEW, (hate mongers on a high level.)

Fox reports and gives BOTH sides of every argument equal time. Left wingers have always HATED that.

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44 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Why are you stupid? Fox is the most reliable and highest rated news source in the world. Only cretins trust PMSNBC or CNN.

Kayla Patrick is a Biden appointee. She is a stupid racist bee itch. Does it matter WHEN she said that? Would you be as forgiving if a Republican had said something equally stupid 20 years ago?

(Answer: NO.)

Your goose steppers tried to crucify Brett Kavanaugh for something a lying WHORE accused him off when he was still in school.

This IS the Biden Administration. The most incompetent, RACIST group of retards ever to work in government.


You’re the one using race language.

It certainly matters when she said it.  And the context and what she meant by it, versus the meaning that Fox News attributed to it, also matters.  

We all went to college and did stupid things in our lives. Some, for instance, cheat on their wives, pay porn stars for sex and pay hush money to cover it up. Some threaten their girlfriends with physical violence if they refuse to get an abortion, then campaign as anti-abortion. So in the entire Department of Ed, Fox found one official who may or may not have once said something stupid? Stop the presses! We need an armed revolution! Somebody said something stupid a long time ago!

As to her statement, I cannot say if it was stupid or not. Her claim is that black children are disciplined in school in a disproportionate manner. I have no statistics on that.  But her main point is that she believes schools can create better systems to treat misbehavior, and her remedy is not race-based at all.  

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20 minutes ago, reason10 said:

So you believe no black is capable of being a millionaire, I guess because you believe they are inferior.

The Aunt Jemima trademark was an actual person. You left wing goose steppers didn't know that, did you?


Nancy Green, Freed Slave and Trailblazing Corporate Model, Was 1st Aunt Jemima


I'm now starting to think most if not all left wing posters here are teenagers, or pre teens.

Even in a liberal, this kind of stupidity is rare in an adult.

Again, WTF is wrong with you? A fictional corporate character is NOT a real person. 

Let me introduce you to my friend, I call him Brawny, for short. He's really into paper towels. I think that's why we get along so well. I met him through my other friend, Kool-aid man. Fun fact, Kool was the world's first glass millionaire. Unfortunately he's pretty much broke now. Squandered his whole fortune on wall repair. Good times though.

And yes, there were multiple model/actors for the brand. Nancy Green was the first, but not  a wealthy pancake magnate. She just played the part. She was buried in an unmarked grave. There was a small movement a couple of years ago to try to get her a headstone, but I don't recall how is turned out.


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4 hours ago, reason10 said:

So you believe no black is capable of being a millionaire, I guess because you believe they are inferior.

The Aunt Jemima trademark was an actual person. You left wing goose steppers didn't know that, did you?


Nancy Green, Freed Slave and Trailblazing Corporate Model, Was 1st Aunt Jemima


I'm now starting to think most if not all left wing posters here are teenagers, or pre teens.

Even in a liberal, this kind of stupidity is rare in an adult.

Of course YOUR OWN CITE proves she was NOT Aunt Jemima. It says she was "the 1st" ACTOR who PLAYED THE PART as a corporate SHILL.

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Look this dude is a drooling imbecile too dumb to realize the time has passed. So stunned he thinks Nazis are leftist, black teachers are allowed to physically assault students and things like the Gerber baby are real people.
Obviously mad as a hatter, probably rants about ethanol in his gasoline because he's suffering withdrawals from the lead fumes he grew up on.

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

Look this dude is a drooling imbecile too dumb to realize the time has passed. So stunned he thinks Nazis are leftist, black teachers are allowed to physically assault students and things like the Gerber baby are real people.
Obviously mad as a hatter, probably rants about ethanol in his gasoline because he's suffering withdrawals from the lead fumes he grew up on.

I don't think we can ever "suffer withdrawal" from the brain damage that lead fumes causes.

I've long suspected it was responsible for most of any statistical intellectual disability of inner city dwellers.

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On 11/12/2022 at 6:36 AM, Michael Hardner said:

A reasonable take from someone with basic humanity and intellectual curiosity.


FOX news posts these stories to perpetuate controversy and stoke outrage.  It's not posted to start dialogue about what  might be correct or incorrect about the statement.  This is the problem with MSM and how we get culture wars.



Thanks.  My teacher friend said a white teacher in her school told a black student to take off their doo rag because they looked like a gang member.

So it happens, however generally all kids should be treated by the same standards of decent behaviour/rules and my guess is black students will typically get reprimanded more than white kids due to economic backgrounds.

Edit: (which correlate to behaviour and how well they were raised etc).

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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11 hours ago, reason10 said:

A doo rag? Are you retarded? Misinterpret based on an item worn by Aunt Jemimah, (which you left wingers wound up cancelling in your Fourth Reich of political correctness even though Aunt Jemimah on record was the first black millionaire?)

You wingers REALLY have no idea what you're talking about. Have you EVEN been in the same room with an actual black  person?

Are you now going to admit that blacks are inferior and cannot be held up to standards of whites and Asians? Is THAT why you say discipline is racist? Is that why some REALLY stupid California school systems banned certain math courses because they were considered racist, because blacks were too inferior to be able to grasp them?

That's your left wing bigotry.

Welcome to REAL education. Here in an assignment (especially if there is no lesson plan) I hold ALL students equally accountable. I've subbed for classes where there were one or two white kids and the rest were black. I've subbed in situations where most of the class was Latino. (Interestingly enough, THOSE brownish kids were very well behaved because their Spanish speaking parents were extremely strict with them. Kinda hard to look down on them as inferior, but your side of the aisle does that all the time.) Bottom line, I show the ENTIRE class the same respect, the same drive to finish the work and the SAME push for discipline and decorum in the classroom.

If some black kid cannot control himself/herself, I call in a black principal and all hell breaks loose. (In certain ghetto white schools, same thing.)

Color is NOT a factor in discipline or achievement in Florida public schools. We do NOT assume one race is inferior to the other. That's YOUR side of the aisle.

Lots of false assumptions here.

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Happens all the time, some outlet picks up and runs a story from somewhere and it 'happens all the time all over the place', "it's the LAW now" in the minds of those who can't think.

My stepdaughter's annoyed when I told her to let the kid walk to school with her friends... in Grade 6 one block away. I got the story of how there were more registered sex offenders in her apartment complex than there could possibly be in the whole province. Kids get raped on the way to school every day, doncha know?

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