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Biden's Hateful Screed

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

So Christians can kill people, because the Ten Commandments don’t apply to Christians. And Christians can cheat on their wives and have homosexual relationships, because that’s all Old Testament. And Christians can be rich as they want, because Paul’s words matter more than Jesus’.

Truly, I understand Evangelical Christianity: It is a religion for straight white sinful males. It preaches that it’s OK for them to sin, but it’s also ok for them to discriminate and hate people who are different because it’s convenient to do so.  It is a Bullshit religion.  If the Bible says you cannot do it, that’s ok, you can do it. But if it’s something you don’t do, then those “other people” are horrible sinners.  That is a Bullshit religion. It is pick-and-choose and judge all you want on everybody else, because we decided that’s what the rules are.  God’s words are completely meaningless whenever they are inconvenient.  That is American Evangelical Christianity. White supremacy and discrimination in the name of a God who’s rules they defy far more than they obey. 

No, Christians cannot kill people.  You missed what I said.  I said all the commandments are repeated in the New Testament as a guide for Christians.  So the commandment against killing applies to Christians.  Did you deliberately ignore what I said about the teachings in the ten commandments still applying to Christians with the exception of keeping the Sabbath which was only meant for Israel in Old Testament times?

The Bible does not say say that Christians should hate people who are different.  There you go making up things again. 

Where did I say the Bible says it is ok to sin?  I didn't but you still make the claim.

You can say what you want on here, but anyone reading it would know you are lowering yourself to the lowest common denominator.  There is nothing to pick and choose about Christianity or the Bible.  Pointless to discuss something with someone whose mind is made up to try to defend evil and throw out the total nonsense in an attempt to smear Christianity or believers.  I am not here to waste time arguing over nonsense.  If you want to have a sincere discussion of truth and what the Bible teaches that is one thing, but what you are saying is totally false.  No rational person believes your allegations about Christianity.

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14 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I KNOW you are CONFUSED. When it is the LAW it is NOT just your OPINION whether it is IMMORAL.

I already explained that.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Putin make laws too, but that doesn't make them moral.  Making laws to allow abortion for example does not make it moral if the Bible condemns it.  Laws are man-made and can say anything.  That does not mean that God in his word, the Bible, approves of them.  Laws can still be immoral from a biblical point of view.  

It should also be mentioned there are two different views of what the word moral means.  There is the secular humanist or world's view and there is the Bible or God's view.  I am speaking about the Biblical view when I say moral or immoral.  We should not confuse the two views.  You may be thinking of morality from a purely worldly or humanist view which is totally different than the Bible view.

Edited by blackbird
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On 9/1/2022 at 10:15 PM, WestCanMan said:


Joe Biden, the guy whose gov't has been caught ordering social media giants to crush free speech, who used the FBI to retrieve his daughter's lost diary, who had the FBI lie about Hunter's laptop, is calling Trump a fascist now.

What's worse, his alt-left media is just parroting him, oblivious to the danger.

What a worthless dipshit. He needs to have a stroke, and soon. 

Here is how his vitriol was described by CNN in a different article:

Even though they know that he said this:


Biden said that he'd be the guy who would try to bring people together, and here he is two years later, just as divisive and hateful as ever. 

Bidumb has to be the most hateful and traitorous American president of all time. This buffoon is either totally stupid or he does suffer from senility but still knows as to what he is doing which should get him impeached or at least kicked off the presidential stage for good. This buffoon of a president is really out to destroy the good old America and bring in a new and real bad and corrupt government to America. It's hard to believe that this fool is able to get one person to any of his events. Maybe those that do attend are being paid to be there. Hey, we never know, eh? Bidumb is truly a worthless dip shit alright.

One can only hope that the GOP takes the house and the senate in the midterm elections. Sadly, Canada is no better off with the dip shit that we have running this once great Canadian nation. Why do people keep electing these buffoons all the time is beyond me. It must mean that we have way more stupid people out there than we ever thought. ?

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On 9/2/2022 at 4:37 AM, Michael Hardner said:

Let's get this straight.  Trump's allowed to lie that the election was stolen but Biden isn't allowed to call him out?

Let's really try and get this straight here, MH. When Trump won the election in 2016, all the dumbocrats were doing for years after Trump's win was that they would constantly whine and cry back then that Trump stole the 2016 election from the dumbocrats. 

Even today, the dumbocrats are whining and crying about the governors of Florida and Texas and calling both of them  racists for sending illegal aliens to their blue states, but yet at the same time Bidumb is doing the exact same thing and sending as many illegals as he can to red states. Hypocrisy should be the dumbocrats logo. A bunch of donkeys indeed. 

Hopefully, when the midterms rolls around, the elephant will finally end up sitting on the donkey and crushing the donkey's body into a flat looking piece of pancake for good. ?

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On 9/2/2022 at 8:15 AM, Rebound said:

Lawfully-elected President Biden did not say that everyone who supports Trump is an extremist. Instead of listening to you make up words and paraphrasing, I suggest you try living in the real, non-MAGA world, where we use “quotation marks.”

Biden said, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

Not “Trump supporters.” What he said was “MAGA Republicans.”  Like, for instance, the lunatics who are incapable of accepting the fact that the 2020 election was won by Biden. Even after the ridiculous CyberNinja audit, and audit after audit, conducted by other MAGA Republicans, they embrace fairy tales and fantasy.  

They dress up like LARP characters in cammo, with their little guns, and pretend to be patriots while undermining our basic Democratic system. Because as soon as America has a pineapple dictator who declares himself the winner after losing an election, we stop being America. We end the Constitution.  

MAGA Republicans filed 64 lawsuits claiming election fraud and they lost every single one.  They did not produce any evidence of widespread fraud in even one of the states they disputed.  They know it, and we know it. So if they can’t win an election, they’ll just steal it. 

But we know the MAGA’s are a bunch of babies. They went in their LARP outfits to the Capitol to riot, and they ran away like a bunch of babies after a single bullet was fired.  One single bullet and they run. I am far from scared of that. 

The real lunatics here are those leftist liberal dumbocrats who once went and took a cry me a river tantrum when they said that Trump stole the 2016 election from the donkey dumbocrats. Hello there blue boy. Lol. 

The pro Antifa and BLM pro democrat terrorists were committing all kinds of criminal acts like looting, rioting and burning down cities while the MAGA crowd were pretty much peaceful. They did not loot, riot or burn the capital building down  down or do anything all that terrible looking. Your true blue pro liberal nonsense is showing. 

Your democrats are now whining and crying about how those two governors from the states of Florida and Texas are now sending all those illegal aliens to blue states but yet they appear to want to forget that Bidumb was and is still  doing the same thing and sending thousands of illegals off to red states. It's wakey-wakey time, blue boy. Lol. 

The real babies here are the loser dumbocrats who truly are an exercise in futility and hypocrisy. On Jan. 6th an innocent woman was shot and killed by a cowardly capital hill police murderer. The killer should never have used his gun to shoot and kill an innocent demonstrator. The woman was no danger to him. The killer was behind closed doors. Anyway, I would be running too if you have a capital hill police coward shooting at you, blue boy. ? 

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

I already explained that.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Putin make laws too, but that doesn't make them moral.  Making laws to allow abortion for example does not make it moral if the Bible condemns it.  Laws are man-made and can say anything.  That does not mean that God in his word, the Bible, approves of them.  Laws can still be immoral from a biblical point of view.  

It should also be mentioned there are two different views of what the word moral means.  There is the secular humanist or world's view and there is the Bible or God's view.  I am speaking about the Biblical view when I say moral or immoral.  We should not confuse the two views.  You may be thinking of morality from a purely worldly or humanist view which is totally different than the Bible view.

The Bible has NO STANDING in the US legal code.

You would have to CODIFY anything in the Bible for it to gain standing, but Congress making laws with respect to any religion is prohibited by the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."


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37 minutes ago, taxme said:

The real lunatics here are those leftist liberal dumbocrats who once went and took a cry me a river tantrum when they said that Trump stole the 2016 election from the donkey dumbocrats. Hello there blue boy. Lol. 

The pro Antifa and BLM pro democrat terrorists were committing all kinds of criminal acts like looting, rioting and burning down cities while the MAGA crowd were pretty much peaceful. They did not loot, riot or burn the capital building down  down or do anything all that terrible looking. Your true blue pro liberal nonsense is showing. 

Your democrats are now whining and crying about how those two governors from the states of Florida and Texas are now sending all those illegal aliens to blue states but yet they appear to want to forget that Bidumb was and is still  doing the same thing and sending thousands of illegals off to red states. It's wakey-wakey time, blue boy. Lol. 

The real babies here are the loser dumbocrats who truly are an exercise in futility and hypocrisy. On Jan. 6th an innocent woman was shot and killed by a cowardly capital hill police murderer. The killer should never have used his gun to shoot and kill an innocent demonstrator. The woman was no danger to him. The killer was behind closed doors. Anyway, I would be running too if you have a capital hill police coward shooting at you, blue boy. ? 

You know you have LOST the argument when you have to resort to name calling.

BTW Babbit had JUST BREACHED the "closed doors" which was WHY she was shot. You should get your facts straight before posting ^your OPINION rant.

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Bible has NO STANDING in the US legal code.

You would have to CODIFY anything in the Bible for it to gain standing, but Congress making laws with respect to any religion is prohibited by the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."


You are speaking about the U.S.  I am not in the U.S.  But America has many Christian people and I would assume many hold elected positions.  Making laws based on one's personal religious beliefs has always been the way many politicians governed.  The code you mentioned has nothing to do with making laws based on one's religious beliefs.  Laws against murder, stealing, and many other things may have been made based on Christian beliefs down through the centuries.  That is nothing new.  A law against murder, stealing, etc. is not establishing religion.  Similarly a law against abortion would not be establishing a religion.

The Bible is God's revelation to man.  It is believed and followed by millions of people.  It has been the reference for many politicians down through history.  It always has and always will be a guide to many lawmakers.  

The phrase "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." refers to establishing a particular religion as the religion of the state by law as some countries have.  An example would be an Islamic theocracy like Iran where the religious leader, the Ayatolla, runs the country.  Using the Bible as one's belief about morality is not the same as "establishing a religion" to be the religion of the state.  Many people have their own personal religious beliefs and are entitled to that.  It is called freedom of religion.  Everyone has the freedom to believe or not believe whatever they choose, but we will all be held to account after death.

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Bible has NO STANDING in the US legal code.

You would have to CODIFY anything in the Bible for it to gain standing, but Congress making laws with respect to any religion is prohibited by the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."


I am not an American and do not study or know anything about the U.S. Constitution.   But there are articles that delve into that subject if one wants to know more about it.

Here is one:


Parallel Concepts between the U.S. Constitution & the Bible

Our last three monthly newsletters have shown the amazing correlation between Biblical concepts and the Principles of Liberty established by the Founders for freedom, prosperity, and peace, and how they were reflected in the Declaration of Independence. This month we will show how many of those same concepts are also reflected in our structure of government as established by the Constitution of the United States. These reflections should not surprise the honest student of American History. Scholarly studies have shown that the Bible was the most quoted source, by far, in all the Founders’ speeches and writings. The reverence which the Founders showed toward Biblical concepts in both the Old and New Testaments was reflected by John Adams when he said:

"Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God.... What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be."    Unquote

Parallel Concepts between the U.S. Constitution & the Bible (nccs.net)

There are many anti-Christian people in America (and Canada) who want to move their country further away from their Christian heritage and culture.  What kind of culture they would replace it with is concerning.  It is becoming more evident that they want a more heathen nation.  That is destructive to society and is the worst thing that could happen to a country that had a semblance of Christianity previously.  We are seeing it now in Canada with abortion on demand, the push for LGBTQ "rights', the teaching of SOGI in the school system (sexual orientation and gender identity), assisted suicide.  Things could get even worse.  I don't suppose this bothers you.  Sad really to go through life in the wrong walk.  One needs to study the Bible and become a believer.  That is the only thing that sets a person truly free.  That's what Jesus said. 

"31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. "  John 8:32 King James Version.

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Bible has NO STANDING in the US legal code.

You would have to CODIFY anything in the Bible for it to gain standing, but Congress making laws with respect to any religion is prohibited by the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

What a ridiculous interpretation of BB's post. 

He never "the bible is law", he talked about the gap between morality and legality

Sorry to burst your bubble but the US constitution was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. 

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Bible has NO STANDING in the US legal code.

You would have to CODIFY anything in the Bible for it to gain standing, but Congress making laws with respect to any religion is prohibited by the 1st Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."


According to the following information, the Bible had a lot to do with the American system of government.  


Universal Recognition of Almighty God in State Constitutions

Nearly all of the fifty states recognize God in the Preambles or the Declaration of Rights of their state constitutions in one or more of the following phrases:

“invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God”

“endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”

“grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land”

“grateful to Almighty God for our liberties”

“grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government; for our civil and religious liberty”

“with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe”“acknowledging with gratitude, the good providence of God, in having permitted them to enjoy a free government”

“Through Divine goodness, all men have by nature the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences”

“being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty”

“relying upon the protection and guidance of Almighty God”

“grateful for Divine Guidance”

“grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors”

“grateful to ALMIGHTY GOD for the free exercise of the right to choose our own form of government”

“grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of those blessings”

“acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity, so favorable to the design; and, imploring God's aid and direction in its accomplishment”

“acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the goodness of the great Legislator of the universe, in affording us, in the course of His providence, an opportunity, deliberately and peaceably, without fraud, violence or surprise, of entering into an original, explicit, and solemn compact with each other; and of forming a new constitution of civil government, for ourselves and posterity; and devoutly imploring His direction in so interesting a design”

“grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work”

“with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness”

“grateful to God for the quiet beauty of our state, the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our rolling plains”

“grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and transmit the same unimpaired to succeeding generations”

“grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity”

“grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance”

“grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and to transmit the same, unimpaired, to succeeding generations”

“Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty….”

Oath Taking – A Recognition of Man’s Duty to God

Nearly every state requires public officials to take an oath upon entering their term of service. To the Founders, oath taking was very special. They knew one does not take an oath to people. The oath is taken to God, hence, in nearly every state constitution the words “so help me God” are required at the end of the oath. Furthermore, some state constitutions deny elective office to anyone who does not believe in God, recognizing the situation that if a person who doesn’t belief in the existence of God is required to take an oath to God, it would be meaningless and of no binding effect upon the man’s conscience. Some states constitutions also forbid a non-believer from giving testimony in court, realizing that his oath to God “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” would have no binding effect. In other words his testimony could not be relied upon for the truth. The following words are examples found in some state constitutions. Note that, to the Founders, these words were not in conflict with the prohibition of a religious test found in Article VI of the U. S. Constitution which was meant only to prohibit a sectarian or denominational test. It is also interesting to note that many states were adopting constitutions at a time when modern anti-Creator theories were being perpetrated from the likes of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin. It seems the authors of state constitutions wanted it clearly known that they, with America’s Founders, knew the source of their freedoms and liberties and that all public officials must have a belief in a Supreme Being to whom they feel accountable. Hear their words in their state constitutions:

“No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.”

“The manner of administering an oath or affirmation shall be such as is most consistent with the conscience of the deponent, and shall be esteemed by the General Assembly the most solemn appeal to God.”

“That no religious test ought ever to be required as a qualification for any office of profit or trust in this State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of God”

“The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

“No person who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punishments shall, on account of his religious sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth.”

“In God We Trust”

Even though the phrase “In God We Trust” was later officially adopted by Congress as the nation’s motto, original histories of the United States are filled with accounts affirming the Founders’ belief that all things were created by God and that upon Him are all mankind equally dependent and to Him they are equally responsible. Sincerely, Earl Taylor, Jr.


America’s Dependence on and Accountability to the Creator (nccs.net)

The idea that church and state can be separated is really a nonsensical phrase.  It is an oversimplification of the whole subject and does not reflect reality.  As we can see, Christian culture and Biblical principles have been deeply rooted in American government and thinking.  Today the atheists want to remove them but I don't know what kind of heathen nation it would result in.  It would not be good.  Maybe they want some kind of Communist system.


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12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

According to the following information, the Bible had a lot to do with the American system of government.  


Universal Recognition of Almighty God in State Constitutions

Nearly all of the fifty states recognize God in the Preambles or the Declaration of Rights of their state constitutions in one or more of the following phrases:


Deism is based on a Deity, NOT Christ.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Deism is based on a Deity, NOT Christ.

Fair point.  Something that is worth looking into more.  I always like to examine things like that to get a better understanding.  Some people claim to be atheists and others will claim to believe in God, but may not believe in Christ.  Belief in Christ as one's personal savior (and that he is God) and that he died for our sins and was raised from the dead is essential for salvation. -- gospel of John.

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

The real lunatics here are those leftist liberal dumbocrats who once went and took a cry me a river tantrum when they said that Trump stole the 2016 election from the donkey dumbocrats. Hello there blue boy. Lol. 

The pro Antifa and BLM pro democrat terrorists were committing all kinds of criminal acts like looting, rioting and burning down cities while the MAGA crowd were pretty much peaceful. They did not loot, riot or burn the capital building down  down or do anything all that terrible looking. Your true blue pro liberal nonsense is showing. 

Your democrats are now whining and crying about how those two governors from the states of Florida and Texas are now sending all those illegal aliens to blue states but yet they appear to want to forget that Bidumb was and is still  doing the same thing and sending thousands of illegals off to red states. It's wakey-wakey time, blue boy. Lol. 

The real babies here are the loser dumbocrats who truly are an exercise in futility and hypocrisy. On Jan. 6th an innocent woman was shot and killed by a cowardly capital hill police murderer. The killer should never have used his gun to shoot and kill an innocent demonstrator. The woman was no danger to him. The killer was behind closed doors. Anyway, I would be running too if you have a capital hill police coward shooting at you, blue boy. ? 

Are you a seven year old? You write like a lunatic. 

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

Bidumb has to be the most hateful and traitorous American president of all time. This buffoon is either totally stupid or he does suffer from senility but still knows as to what he is doing which should get him impeached or at least kicked off the presidential stage for good. This buffoon of a president is really out to destroy the good old America and bring in a new and real bad and corrupt government to America. It's hard to believe that this fool is able to get one person to any of his events. Maybe those that do attend are being paid to be there. Hey, we never know, eh? Bidumb is truly a worthless dip shit alright.

One can only hope that the GOP takes the house and the senate in the midterm elections. Sadly, Canada is no better off with the dip shit that we have running this once great Canadian nation. Why do people keep electing these buffoons all the time is beyond me. It must mean that we have way more stupid people out there than we ever thought. ?

Yet from his basement lair, Biden was able to secretly manipulate the outcomes of Presidential elections in six states so effectively that Trump’s army of Uber-lawyers couldn’t find a shred of evidence. THAT’S a badass! He’s 64 levels of 3D chess over your head, fascist.  Sucks to be you, huh?

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14 hours ago, robosmith said:

Hardly. Most of the Founders were Deists.

Deism isn't a repudiation of Christianity. 

The FFs who were influenced by Deism were still entirely Christian in nature. They were raised in a Christian world with Christian morality and values. They still engaged in the normal Christian practices and observances. They still celebrated all of the same holidays that everyone else did.

If you sit with Roman Catholics, "Christians", Baptists, Jehovahs, born agains, etc you'll find that their religious beliefs can be quite different, but their core beliefs that they pretend to adhere to are almost identical

Those core beliefs are what the US Constitution is based on. Americans and their constitution are protestant in nature - they have their own relationship with God which is fiercely independent of attendance at a specific church.

Just remember that Americans of that era were focused on getting out from under British rule, they wanted their religious independence, but they were still entirely Christian. 

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On 9/17/2022 at 4:57 PM, blackbird said:

No, Christians cannot kill people.  You missed what I said.  I said all the commandments are repeated in the New Testament as a guide for Christians.  So the commandment against killing applies to Christians.  Did you deliberately ignore what I said about the teachings in the ten commandments still applying to Christians with the exception of keeping the Sabbath which was only meant for Israel in Old Testament times?

The Bible does not say say that Christians should hate people who are different.  There you go making up things again. 

Where did I say the Bible says it is ok to sin?  I didn't but you still make the claim.

You can say what you want on here, but anyone reading it would know you are lowering yourself to the lowest common denominator.  There is nothing to pick and choose about Christianity or the Bible.  Pointless to discuss something with someone whose mind is made up to try to defend evil and throw out the total nonsense in an attempt to smear Christianity or believers.  I am not here to waste time arguing over nonsense.  If you want to have a sincere discussion of truth and what the Bible teaches that is one thing, but what you are saying is totally false.  No rational person believes your allegations about Christianity.

Let me be clear that I am referring to American Evangelical Christianity, which is absolutely a "pick and choose" religion.

Did Jesus decry the sins of wealth? Absolutely he did. No question. Does the Bible repeatedly command followers to help the poor? Absolutely it does, no question. Does the Bible command followers to take in immigrants? Yes. Jesus, in fact, was an immigrant. 

Look at this this way: If we take the OPPOSITE of Evangelical Christianity, is that Satanism, or is it good? The opposite, in my view, is COMPASSIONATE towards others. LOVING towards others. GIVES AWAY WEALTH. DOES NOT JUDGE OTHERS.  So I can only conclude that Evangelical Christianity in America is Satanism. It is the opposite of Christianity. Just this week, DeSantis and Abbot flew illegal immigrants to Massachusetts and Washington, and they've been sending buses of them there as well. That is something Satan would do, not Jesus.

Adultery is a greater sin than homosexuality, because Adultery is one of the Ten Commandments. Why some Christians think there are only nine commandments, I don't understand, but ok, there are Nine if you're Christian, and gay sex isn't part of that unless you're married. And... ok, that makes no sense that PAUL, not Jesus, but PAUL's word is somehow more important that God Himself.  But anyway... is adultery illegal in any state? Did one single Christian leader in America stop supporting Trump when yet more adultery was discovered? No. Somehow, the Nine Commandments written by the Lord Himself are less important than non-Commandments. 

A woman accused of adultery was brought before Jesus to be stoned to death. After all, the Ten Commandments say that adultery is a sin. The Bible commands death. What did Jesus do? He forgave her. He said that the first one without sin should be first to throw a stone. But Evangelical Christianity today is nothing like that at all. They are extremely forgiving of their own sins and extremely judgemental of sins which don't affect them.  

Where did Jesus tell you to pray? On television? On a street corner? On a gigantic altar in front of hundreds or thousands? Or alone, in private?

Consider the Seven Deadly Sins of Christianity. (Note that homosexuality isn't one of them)

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

Donald Trump is a poster child of those seven sins, except, perhaps, Sloth. But the rest? 

  1. Lust: Married three times. Cheated on all his wives.
  2. Gluttony: Well, look at him.
  3. Greed: Ask his relatives about why Donald managed to inherit all the money.
  4. Sloth: He refused to read his Presidential Daily Briefs. They had to be read to him in simplified form.
  5. Wrath: When somebody disagrees with the man, he unleashes hell upon them. No question the man is wrathful.
  6. Envy: When France had a military parade, Donald decided that America needed to have a bigger parade.
  7. Pride: He's definitely not humble, not by any means. When the US Treasury sent checks to American taxpayers, he put his own name on the checks, as if the money came from him.

So it is clear that American Evangelicals support an anti-Christian man. 

I CHALLENGE YOU: Give me just ONE example of an Evangelical Christian leader standing up to American Big Business. Just one example. The only one I can think of? Businesses with policies that are compassionate and tolerant towards homosexuals. THAT is something evangelicals will gleefully attack! Compassion!  But low pay? Pollution of the environment? Outsourcing US jobs to China? Making people work on Sunday? I challenge you to show me that.

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5 hours ago, Rebound said:

Let me be clear that I am referring to American Evangelical Christianity, which is absolutely a "pick and choose" religion.

Did Jesus decry the sins of wealth? Absolutely he did. No question. Does the Bible repeatedly command followers to help the poor? Absolutely it does, no question. Does the Bible command followers to take in immigrants? Yes. Jesus, in fact, was an immigrant. 

Look at this this way: If we take the OPPOSITE of Evangelical Christianity, is that Satanism, or is it good? The opposite, in my view, is COMPASSIONATE towards others. LOVING towards others. GIVES AWAY WEALTH. DOES NOT JUDGE OTHERS.  So I can only conclude that Evangelical Christianity in America is Satanism. It is the opposite of Christianity. Just this week, DeSantis and Abbot flew illegal immigrants to Massachusetts and Washington, and they've been sending buses of them there as well. That is something Satan would do, not Jesus.

Adultery is a greater sin than homosexuality, because Adultery is one of the Ten Commandments. Why some Christians think there are only nine commandments, I don't understand, but ok, there are Nine if you're Christian, and gay sex isn't part of that unless you're married. And... ok, that makes no sense that PAUL, not Jesus, but PAUL's word is somehow more important that God Himself.  But anyway... is adultery illegal in any state? Did one single Christian leader in America stop supporting Trump when yet more adultery was discovered? No. Somehow, the Nine Commandments written by the Lord Himself are less important than non-Commandments. 

A woman accused of adultery was brought before Jesus to be stoned to death. After all, the Ten Commandments say that adultery is a sin. The Bible commands death. What did Jesus do? He forgave her. He said that the first one without sin should be first to throw a stone. But Evangelical Christianity today is nothing like that at all. They are extremely forgiving of their own sins and extremely judgemental of sins which don't affect them.  

Where did Jesus tell you to pray? On television? On a street corner? On a gigantic altar in front of hundreds or thousands? Or alone, in private?

Consider the Seven Deadly Sins of Christianity. (Note that homosexuality isn't one of them)

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

Donald Trump is a poster child of those seven sins, except, perhaps, Sloth. But the rest? 

  1. Lust: Married three times. Cheated on all his wives.
  2. Gluttony: Well, look at him.
  3. Greed: Ask his relatives about why Donald managed to inherit all the money.
  4. Sloth: He refused to read his Presidential Daily Briefs. They had to be read to him in simplified form.
  5. Wrath: When somebody disagrees with the man, he unleashes hell upon them. No question the man is wrathful.
  6. Envy: When France had a military parade, Donald decided that America needed to have a bigger parade.
  7. Pride: He's definitely not humble, not by any means. When the US Treasury sent checks to American taxpayers, he put his own name on the checks, as if the money came from him.

So it is clear that American Evangelicals support an anti-Christian man. 

I CHALLENGE YOU: Give me just ONE example of an Evangelical Christian leader standing up to American Big Business. Just one example. The only one I can think of? Businesses with policies that are compassionate and tolerant towards homosexuals. THAT is something evangelicals will gleefully attack! Compassion!  But low pay? Pollution of the environment? Outsourcing US jobs to China? Making people work on Sunday? I challenge you to show me that.

I think I already explained to you or maybe someone else, that politics is not Christianity and it is not the church.  There are only two parties to vote for in America. (I am not in America, but will try to answer)  The only choice that has any chance of being elected are either Democrats and Republicans.  This is not a vote for Christian parties as I said.  A Christian is really just choosing the lesser evil.   Democrats lean more to Socialism, progressivism (LGBTQ stuff taught in schools, trans people rights to use women's washrooms, etc., open borders, climate change radicalism, and the big thing, abortion, which is killing millions of unborn  babies.  The idea that millions of migrants should be able to just walk in is repugnant to many people who believe in law and order and the sanctity of borders and the immigration system.  Every country controls their borders and controls the immigration.  Why should America be any different.  Why should they just tear down their borders and allow the world to walk in?  I don't understand your thinking.  I don't see the Bible teaching on that.  So when Christians vote, they are not necessarily voting for Trump or DeSantis.  As far as I can see, they are voting for the lesser evil.  They see Biden and Democrats supporting all those things I listed.  That's really all there is to it.  It certainly doesn't mean they support Trump's lifestyle or behavior.  You seem to think that Jesus was some kind of Socialist or Communist.   I don't think so.

Jesus taught Christians should be charitable and I believe many are.  I have met Christians who give a lot to charity.  I know there were some Christians who were successful in business and gave lots of money.  They were instrumental in building a Christian school and a church.  They gave plenty.  Others gave too.  Jesus never taught that government should be Socialist or Communist and take wealth by force from people to redistribute.  Karl Marx and others taught that one.  

When preachers pray on television, they are doing that because they are leading a ministry to their followers or viewers on television.  Nothing wrong with that.  How else could they do it?  That doesn't mean all TV evangelists are good or honest.  The world is a crooked place and there are scammers in every walk of life.  One must be careful who they give money to.  Television broadcasting is extremely expensive to begin with and it does take a lot of money to run a program.

The Old Testament commands given to Israel about stoning for adultery and other things were only meant to apply to Israel at that time and do not apply to Christians in the church age in the last 2,000 years.  The Bible cannot be interpreted without understanding which parts were addressed to who and what time period.  

Also, most Christians are ordinary people just trying to work and earn a living like everyone else. Many are very immature and do not know a whole lot about the Bible teachings.  Becoming a Christian does not require a degree in Bible knowledge or doctrines.   It is a simple matter of accepting Christ as one's Savior and Lord and believing he died for their sins on the cross and was raised from the dead.  Believing that he is God.  Some Christians learn more over time but everyone is different and lead different lives.  Your claim that Evangelical Christians are too judgmental of other sins but not their own.  I have met many Christians but never heard that kind of thing before.  I have not witnessed it either.  Sounds more like something you invented to try to attack Christians.  They are taught there are sins and taught that some things are wrong.  That is what the Bible teaches.  But the Bible also teaches we were all born in sin and have a sinful corrupt heart.  That is why we need to be born again and turn from sin.  Your idea that only Evangelicals point out certain sins is off base, unless Evangelicals are the only ones following the Bible.  What is your religious background?   What do you believe about Jesus Christ and your own sins?

Some might point out certain sins in a certain situation or discussion forum such as this, but there is nothing necessarily wrong with that.  The Bible teaches believers to have no fellowship with evil but to renounce it.  So how would it be possible to be a follower of Christ and his word, the Bible, without defending what Jesus (God) taught in his word?   So I don't know exactly where you're coming from on that.  You want everyone to just shut up and let the world go to hell.  I don't think that's what Jesus taught.  We are to be gracious as much as possible and be loving.  But we must always stand up for the truth.   Sometimes a child must be spanked in love to correct him.  That's the way life is.  Saying nothing about anything and just approving of every evil in the world is nonsensical, non-biblical and actually serves the Devil rather than God.

You said give an example of one Evangelical leader standing up to big business.   Well, I would say there is nothing necessarily wrong with big business, billionaires or rich people.  The idea that they are evil and wealth is evil is a Communist idea.  The NDP in Canada thinks wealth is wrong because they want to enforce their Socialist or Communist policies through government and confiscate the wealth of big business and corporations.  Their leader Jagmeet Singh says so often.   But Jesus and the Bible never taught that wealth was wrong.   The Bible clearly teaches taking the wealth of others is stealing.  How the social gospel people reconcile that I don't understand.  

Wealthy people who invest their wealth in the stock market and corporations is what creates good-paying jobs and generates wealth and prosperity for the nation.  

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

I think I already explained to you or maybe someone else, that politics is not Christianity and it is not the church.  There are only two parties to vote for in America. (I am not in America, but will try to answer) 

I'll just stop right there and say BS, because evangelicals voted like mad for Trump and the Trumpistas in the PRIMARIES. It's not true that there are only two parties, because each party has primaries and big changes are made by how people vote in the primaries. 

As for this: "Democrats lean more to Socialism, progressivism (LGBTQ stuff taught in schools, trans people rights to use women's washrooms, etc., open borders, climate change radicalism, and the big thing, abortion, which is killing millions of unborn  babies. "


Hmm... So Jesus believed in Capitalism? Jesus would have stoned Lesbians? That's really an interesting thing: LESBIANISM is SUPER ANTI-CHRISTIAN... when Lesbianism isn't mentioned a single time in the Bible. ALL THOSE SINS, and Christians are focused on a "sin" that doesn't even appear in the Bible. I don't think transgenderism appears a single time either.  So is this alleged "Christianity" really based on the Holy Bible and the teachings of Jesus, or is it really based on bigotry and hate?  

And Christians think "Socialism" is a sin, and they reject the teachings of Christ where he repeatedly says that wealth is good because it lets you help the poor, that wealthy people cannot enter heaven, that wealth belongs to Caesar, etc., etc. Yah... those "Christians" are really into the literal word-for-word teaching of the Scriptures.  I already mentioned that Christ and his family were immigrants, and denied a room at the Inn so Mary had to give birth in a barn. The Bible doesn't teach us to close our borders, it tells us to open them. Sorry, it just plain does. But if you believe in a religion that says the Bible is sinful, I suppose that's your choice, but I think you should rename your religion to what it really is.

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On 9/18/2022 at 12:04 AM, blackbird said:

Fair point.  Something that is worth looking into more.  I always like to examine things like that to get a better understanding.  Some people claim to be atheists and others will claim to believe in God, but may not believe in Christ.  Belief in Christ as one's personal savior (and that he is God) and that he died for our sins and was raised from the dead is essential for salvation. -- gospel of John.

The point here is not whether the Founders of the US were Deists, Muslims or Christians. Many were Christians, of course.  

The point is that America was initially settled by Christians who came to America to flee religious persecution of OTHER CHRISTIANS.  The Pilgrims in Massachusetts, or Penn’s Quakers who settled Pennsylvania… these were very religious Protestants who were persecuted by the state run Protestant Church of England. That is the precise reason why the Founders built a Constitutional wall separating church and state. And we should understand that this Wall exists to protect Christians as much as anyone.  If the US government were to embrace Christianity as its state religion, how long until it starts discriminating against your particular church? If the US allows teachers to lead prayer in classrooms, what happens when it’s not the Bible used in your church? 

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18 hours ago, Rebound said:

Let me be clear that I am referring to American Evangelical Christianity, which is absolutely a "pick and choose" religion.

What religion isn't 'pick and choose'? 


Donald Trump is a poster child of those seven sins, except, perhaps, Sloth. But the rest? 

  1. Lust: Married three times. Cheated on all his wives.
  2. Gluttony: Well, look at him.
  3. Greed: Ask his relatives about why Donald managed to inherit all the money.
  4. Sloth: He refused to read his Presidential Daily Briefs. They had to be read to him in simplified form.
  5. Wrath: When somebody disagrees with the man, he unleashes hell upon them. No question the man is wrathful.
  6. Envy: When France had a military parade, Donald decided that America needed to have a bigger parade.
  7. Pride: He's definitely not humble, not by any means. When the US Treasury sent checks to American taxpayers, he put his own name on the checks, as if the money came from him.

1) Show me a millionaire that's not guilty of lust. Maybe Paul McCartney and Mike Pence. 

2) Your bar for calling Trump a glutton is pretty low. I think that your standards for the rest of the world are quite different.

3) At least Trump admits to being greedy. He's not like the Obamas who mysteriously acquire wealth while pretending to be champions of the common man. He's not like 3-house Bernie or 4-house David Suzuki who preach environmentalism and have carbon footprints like a small corporation. He's not like all the climatards who fly around in private jets to go to parties and then preach to use about our evil Hondas. 

4)  "He refused to read his Presidential Daily Briefs", what a crock of shit. His foreign policy was bang on. No other president of the last 40 years even compares, so whatever he did was working.

Do you think that Biden "reads his daily presidential briefs"? Do you honestly think that he's up to the task? I dare you to say "I think that Joe Biden reads all of his presidential daily briefs". You'll be the laughing stock of the western world.

The only way he 'reads his briefs' is if it just says "Nod and smile, don't answer any questions from the media, never talk to the drapes outside of your own bedroom, and only read the words on the teleprompter that aren't in brackets - [brackets]."

5) Unleashes hell? Is he the POTUS who sicced the FBI on his political opponents? The IRS? Did he start a war that no one is aware of? 

6) Oooh, that's a good one. Trump is such a sinner ?. You make the gossipy cult Karens behind the old church look chill. 

7) Pride isn't as much of a sin as the lack of it. You'll never know it though.

I'd love for you to try and explain how Bill Clinton or Barack Obama don't check a lot of boxes that are much worse than that. Obama even admitted to being a racist ffs. 

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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What religion isn't 'pick and choose'? 

1) Show me a millionaire that's not guilty of lust. Maybe Paul McCartney and Mike Pence. 

2) Your bar for calling Trump a glutton is pretty low. I think that your standards for the rest of the world are quite different.

3) At least Trump admits to being greedy. He's not like the Obamas who mysteriously acquire wealth while pretending to be champions of the common man. He's not like 3-house Bernie or 4-house David Suzuki who preach environmentalism and have carbon footprints like a small corporation. He's not like all the climatards who fly around in private jets to go to parties and then preach to use about our evil Hondas. 

4)  "He refused to read his Presidential Daily Briefs", what a crock of shit. His foreign policy was bang on. No other president of the last 40 years even compares, so whatever he did was working.

Do you think that Biden "reads his daily presidential briefs"? Do you honestly think that he's up to the task? I dare you to say "I think that Joe Biden reads all of his presidential daily briefs". You'll be the laughing stock of the western world.

The only way he 'reads his briefs' is if it just says "Nod and smile, don't answer any questions from the media, never talk to the drapes outside of your own bedroom, and only read the words on the teleprompter that aren't in brackets - [brackets]."

5) Unleashes hell? Is he the POTUS who sicced the FBI on his political opponents? The IRS? Did he start a war that no one is aware of? 

6) Oooh, that's a good one. Trump is such a sinner ?. You make the gossipy cult Karens behind the old church look chill. 

7) Pride isn't as much of a sin as the lack of it. You'll never know it though.

I'd love for you to try and explain how Bill Clinton or Barack Obama don't check a lot of boxes that are much worse than that. Obama even admitted to being a racist ffs. 

1) Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama didn’t cheat on their wives. Clinton did, and it got him impeached… though the outrage was non-existent when Orange Man did it. 
2) Trump is a big fat tub of Jello. He can’t even hold a cup of water in his hands.

3) Comparing the wealth of Trump to Bernie Sanders is a joke. Like you. 

4) Trump gave away Israeli intelligence to Russia, who he coddled up to while nearly destroying NATO. His “foreign policy” included using Ukraine to dig up non-existent dirt on Biden. And how did that work out? Russia wound up invading Ukraine. Good thing Trump personally held up weapons shipments to them. That dope probably would have shipped weapons to Russia to help them invade Ukraine, if they could get him dirt on Biden. 

5) Yeah, Trump treated loyal Mike Pence really well. Uh huh. 

6) Donald needed a bigger parade than France. 

7) And now your defense is that Pride isn’t a sin at all… the “pick and choose religion” is in full bloom. 

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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Deism isn't a repudiation of Christianity. 

The FFs who were influenced by Deism were still entirely Christian in nature. They were raised in a Christian world with Christian morality and values. They still engaged in the normal Christian practices and observances. They still celebrated all of the same holidays that everyone else did.

If you sit with Roman Catholics, "Christians", Baptists, Jehovahs, born agains, etc you'll find that their religious beliefs can be quite different, but their core beliefs that they pretend to adhere to are almost identical

Those core beliefs are what the US Constitution is based on. Americans and their constitution are protestant in nature - they have their own relationship with God which is fiercely independent of attendance at a specific church.

Just remember that Americans of that era were focused on getting out from under British rule, they wanted their religious independence, but they were still entirely Christian. 

Deism is NOT a belief in Christ, despite ^this SPECULATION.

Since they didn't belong to a Christian church, they were NOT Christian.

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A quarter million people tuned into Rumble to see Trump's Ohio rally on the 17th. Rumble is a Canadian company that moved to Florida to escape Liberal censorship and meddling. Doing well, I'd say...

A thing people noted was how LARGE the Salty Army has become. If you don't know what that is, you're likely stuck in a media echo chamber.

As Crowder leads in with Gowan. You're a strange animal. Got to follow...


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