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Got to love the screeching by the left over Musk buying Twitter.

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4 hours ago, Oksanna said:

So, in something as important as vaccines in a gigantic pandemic, you are super easily manipulated. I showed you the real data, but you simply insist on just focusing on cherry picked data, and bad interpretations of data.


This is how important disinformation is. There is no terrorism, no crime, nothing that is deadlier than THIS.

It's all bullshit.


The CDC states that the risk of dying from COVID-19 in February 2022 was 10 times higher for unvaccinated people compared to those vaccinated with a primary series, and 20 times higher than those fully vaccinated and with a booster.

Total lie. 

There were more than twice as many triple jabbed deaths as unjabbed deaths in the charts I showed you. In order for the death rate to be 20x higher for unvaxed there would have to be 40x as many triple jabbed as unjabbed and that's absolutely not the case. 

Propaganda says that 54% of Canadians over 12 are 3x-jabbed, so if only 1.35% of Canadians over 12 are unjabbed then you're right on track ?

Just a word of advice: when you're working on a math problem and it seems like your answer is batshit crazy, check it again. 

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We'll never know how effective the vaxes are because propagandists who benefit massively from dosing the whole country twice/year control all of the information.

"Vaxing" 30M Canadians twice a year with a few CCs of containing a microgram of placebo, at $20 a pop, is the most lucrative business in the history of the world.

That's 60M doses x $20 each is $1.2 Billion. 

Each shot is .25ml, so 4,000 shots is 1L of water. 60M / 4,000 = 15,000L of water.

For $1.2B we get 15,000L of water. That's $80,000/L. And we pay for the needles ourselves, plus the cost of drones to inject people.

All that and still there were more covid deaths under Biden, who started with a vax, than there were under Trump.


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23 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Elon put out a tweet showing himself as left of center until the left shifted so far over that his original positions were now considered to be on the right side of center. 

Sanders and the squad are pretty close to mainstream left now. Pelosi and Schumer have gone full leftard. Biden doesn't know whether he's coming or tha, you know tha thing, man? He's got hairy legs. 

If you don't like pedophiles and you don't think that a dude who tucks his junk in should be abe to compete with women, and you don't think that grade 3 students possess the wisdom to rush out and get gender reassignment therapy but 18 year olds don't have the wisdom to understand what a student loan is, you're a conservative. 

Basically anything that's not batshit crazy is conservative now. If your IQ is over 50 you're a conservative. 

Do those leftist liberal toddlers have any IQ left at all? They certainly do appear as though they are totally devoid of any common sense and logic. They really have to be very short on having that many functional brain cells left to work with anymore. With those lefty liberal toddlers, today it is like this, and tomorrow it is like that. Whatever will suit their leftist liberal narrative agenda for that day. Democrat liberals are truly a bunch of well known hypocrites indeed.  ?


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Yes I saw Elon's tweet.  Indeed Americans were much more conservative in the Reagan years and Democrats were actually, at times, people one could reason with.  I know my position on the spectrum has not changed.  People world wide have just gone further to the left.

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11 hours ago, Oksanna said:

So, in something as important as vaccines in a gigantic pandemic, you are super easily manipulated. I showed you the real data, but you simply insist on just focusing on cherry picked data, and bad interpretations of data.


This is how important disinformation is. There is no terrorism, no crime, nothing that is deadlier than THIS.

Is the following link an example of a politician spreading disinformation?

Joe Biden said in July that if you get vaccinated, you will not get COVID | Washington Examiner

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's all bullshit.

Total lie. 

There were more than twice as many triple jabbed deaths as unjabbed deaths in the charts I showed you. In order for the death rate to be 20x higher for unvaxed there would have to be 40x as many triple jabbed as unjabbed and that's absolutely not the case. 

Propaganda says that 54% of Canadians over 12 are 3x-jabbed, so if only 1.35% of Canadians over 12 are unjabbed then you're right on track ?

Just a word of advice: when you're working on a math problem and it seems like your answer is batshit crazy, check it again. 

So, on something this undeniable, you double down on cherry picking and bad analysis huh? No interest in the truth at all? You just want as many people to die as possible so you can live in your little fantasy world huh? That's why leftists are so much better than you.

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9 hours ago, Goddess said:

Except it's not.

5.5 million (and we know those numbers are inflated) died of covid.

Out of 8 billion people.


8 hours ago, Faramir said:

Yup it was a giant nothing burger all along, but no one will take ownership for that.  

So you are so bankrupt and such a morally bereft person that 5 MILLION DEAD is a nothignburger to you? You idiots realize that you just admitted that you are lying about ANYthing you pretend to care about right? I'm always AMAZED at how much better we are than you people. So much scum in this world.

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16 hours ago, Oksanna said:

So, on something this undeniable, you double down on cherry picking and bad analysis huh? No interest in the truth at all? You just want as many people to die as possible so you can live in your little fantasy world huh? That's why leftists are so much better than you.

I used country-sized and global-sized samples. If you had the slightest clue about science, math or statistics you'd know that's not "cherry picking" lol.


It's like if I was telling you about how awesome Trump is by reading one of his own tweets to you ffs. 

People are lying to you Oksana. You're their stooge. Toady. Useful idiot. One of their sheeple. They say "VAX, PEON!" and you say "HOW OFTEN?"

If you don't think they lied to you, look again at the laundry list of backpedles they did:


1) The vaccines will be safe and they will work. They will get us to herd immunity. 

2) Some of the vaccines are safe (sorry dead dudes) and they work!

3) Some of the vaccines are mostly safe, they cause a bit of mere myocarditis in the healthiest people. They still work though. You might just get a bit sick. They will keep people out of the hospital and out of the ICU.

4) Some of the vaccines are mostly safe, they cause a bit of mere myocarditis in the healthiest people and women sometimes stop having their period for several months - it's probably no big deal. The vaccines still work though. You might just get a bit sick. They will keep people out of the hospital and out of the ICU.

5) The vaccines still work though. You might just get hospitalized but you won't end up in ICU. You still won't spread covid though, even if you have the same viral load in your nasopharynx. 

6) The vaccines still work though. You might end up in ICU but you won't die (tens of thousands of people were actually dying though when they said that). You still won't spread covid though, even if you have the same viral load in your nasopharynx. 

7) The vaccines still work though. Thousands of people will still die even after they're vaxed, but it's mostly the elderly and immunocompromised. Vaxed people still spread less covid though, even if they have the same viral load in their nasopharynx. 

8} WE NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HERD IMMUNITY! Just take the vaccines. Look at the stats from our lackeys. They say somethin' ? . I'm gonna take a break from being on TV for a while. 

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If you're keeping score:

The Vaxxies don't stop you from getting covid

The Vaxxies don't stop you from spreading covid

The vaxies won't get us to herd immunity

The vaxxies are not safe - they cause myocarditis and cause women to lose their period for several months and we still don't know about any possible long-term effects

The Vaxxies don't stop you from ending up in the hospital

The Vaxxies don't stop you from ending up in the ICU.

The Vaxxies don't stop you from dying - several thousand double and triple vaxxied Canadians are dead now. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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20 hours ago, Oksanna said:

So, you guys are such murderers that you are this desperate huh?

You didn't answer the simple question I asked. Is it because it makes you uncomfortable? Or was it because the truth hurts?

Your responses and tone on this site seem kind of jbanderish.

Free speech is a good thing, nothing to be afraid of.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I used country-sized and global-sized samples. If you had the slightest clue about science, math or statistics you'd know that's not "cherry picking" lol.


It's like if I was telling you about how awesome Trump is by reading one of his own tweets to you ffs. 

People are lying to you Oksana. You're their stooge. Toady. Useful idiot. One of their sheeple. They say "VAX, PEON!" and you say "HOW OFTEN?"

If you don't think they lied to you, look again at the laundry list of backpedles they did:


1) The vaccines will be safe and they will work. They will get us to herd immunity. 

2) Some of the vaccines are safe (sorry dead dudes) and they work!

3) Some of the vaccines are mostly safe, they cause a bit of mere myocarditis in the healthiest people. They still work though. You might just get a bit sick. They will keep people out of the hospital and out of the ICU.

4) Some of the vaccines are mostly safe, they cause a bit of mere myocarditis in the healthiest people and women sometimes stop having their period for several months - it's probably no big deal. The vaccines still work though. You might just get a bit sick. They will keep people out of the hospital and out of the ICU.

5) The vaccines still work though. You might just get hospitalized but you won't end up in ICU. You still won't spread covid though, even if you have the same viral load in your nasopharynx. 

6) The vaccines still work though. You might end up in ICU but you won't die (tens of thousands of people were actually dying though when they said that). You still won't spread covid though, even if you have the same viral load in your nasopharynx. 

7) The vaccines still work though. Thousands of people will still die even after they're vaxed, but it's mostly the elderly and immunocompromised. Vaxed people still spread less covid though, even if they have the same viral load in their nasopharynx. 

8} WE NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HERD IMMUNITY! Just take the vaccines. Look at the stats from our lackeys. They say somethin' ? . I'm gonna take a break from being on TV for a while. 

You are dead focused on one data set. And, like all the others it shows that even in a place that is almost entirely vaccinated, the vast majority of deaths come from the small percentage that isn't vaxxed. There is a slightly higher number of boosted deaths since those are the most at risk. That's all you got. Every source of data, every paper, all evidence that is not pure lies shows that vaccines work, and therefore save lives, and are insanely safe. Since the only evidence that they aren't are vague correlations to minor cases.

Whenever I see a screed like this, I always wonder if the person I'm talking to is really this stupid. I have to ask "Is this person stupid enough to not know the difference between 100% and effective? Are they stupid enough to not know that even 10% would save countless lives? Are they stupid enough not to know that there is no herd immunity without a vaccine? Are they stupid enough to not know that vaccines don't work when people take them? Are they stupid enough not to know what breakthrough infections are? Are they stupid enough that they don't know that breakthroughs are precisely why getting vaccinated isn't a 'personal choice?' Are they stupid enough not to know that the longer it takes to get everyone vaccinated, the more it can transmit, the more it can mutate, and the more the game changes?"

I never really know how stupid someone is, but I usually think it's safe to assume that they don't care about any of that. That pretending their team is right is worth the lives of millions. Never having to admit they were wrong is far more important than any suffering their stupid ideas have on the world.

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16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

You didn't answer the simple question I asked. Is it because it makes you uncomfortable? Or was it because the truth hurts?

Your responses and tone on this site seem kind of jbanderish.

Free speech is a good thing, nothing to be afraid of.

Honestly dude, I have no idea what your thing even was.

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20 minutes ago, ironstone said:

You didn't answer the simple question I asked. Is it because it makes you uncomfortable? Or was it because the truth hurts?

Your responses and tone on this site seem kind of jbanderish.

Free speech is a good thing, nothing to be afraid of.

Oh, I found it. Yeah it was too stupid. Look, he said something offhandedly in an unscripted interview that isn't 100% true. It was 90% true. And if you have to stretch that far to justify the insane murderous outright lying of antivax rightwing killers. Well, how much respect do you think you deserve for that?

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15 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

Oh, I found it. Yeah it was too stupid. Look, he said something offhandedly in an unscripted interview that isn't 100% true. It was 90% true. And if you have to stretch that far to justify the insane murderous outright lying of antivax rightwing killers. Well, how much respect do you think you deserve for that?

What Biden said at that time is totally untrue. Fully vaxxed people can in fact get covid. Getting vaxxed does reduce the symptoms but that's not what Biden said. What he said then is certainly a case of disinformation but he was in no danger of getting called out for spreading disinformation by the MSM and Twitter at the time.

It's ludicrous to suggest anyone that doesn't want to be forced to get vaxxed is guilty of "insane murderous outright lying". Anyone that wants to be vaxxed go ahead, if not , fine. 

I am fully vaxxed for what it's worth but in spite of Biden's past claim I know I will likely contract the Chinese coronavirus at some point.

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8 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

You are dead focused on one data set. And, like all the others it shows that even in a place that is almost entirely vaccinated, the vast majority of deaths come from the small percentage that isn't vaxxed. There is a slightly higher number of boosted deaths since those are the most at risk. That's all you got. Every source of data, every paper, all evidence that is not pure lies shows that vaccines work, and therefore save lives, and are insanely safe. Since the only evidence that they aren't are vague correlations to minor cases.

Whenever I see a screed like this, I always wonder if the person I'm talking to is really this stupid. I have to ask "Is this person stupid enough to not know the difference between 100% and effective? Are they stupid enough to not know that even 10% would save countless lives? Are they stupid enough not to know that there is no herd immunity without a vaccine? Are they stupid enough to not know that vaccines don't work when people take them? Are they stupid enough not to know what breakthrough infections are? Are they stupid enough that they don't know that breakthroughs are precisely why getting vaccinated isn't a 'personal choice?' Are they stupid enough not to know that the longer it takes to get everyone vaccinated, the more it can transmit, the more it can mutate, and the more the game changes?"

I'm focused on covid deaths in Cnada.

Covid deaths on the planet.

Covid deaths in the USA.

FYI those aren't small data sets.

FYI the vast majority of covid deaths are not from the unvaxxed, you're lying again. They're from double- and triple-vaxxed. Over 2/3 of the deaths in Canada are among double- and triple-vaxxed people. I showed you that stat, but it doesn't fit your narrative, so you ignored it, and you're lying now.

FYI, all of the stats from every time and place show that regardless of whether we're talking about pre-Pfizer days or countries that are almost entirely vaccinated, the vast vast vast majority of deaths come from the small percentage that isn't vaxxed of people who are extremely old and have one or more (usually more) extremely serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Are you actually pretending not to know that too? You're lying by omission. Shocker.

FYI not all the triple-vaxxed are at risk. Most of the teachers in BC are 3xers, I know that for a fact because our daughter is a teacher here. She didn't get her booster because she stopped having her period after the jabs, but everyone assumes she is, and they talk about it a lot there. 

FYI there's not a data set on this planet that says anything remotely like: "People between 5-50 need the pseudovaccines", is there Oksana?

Whenever I see a stupid screed like yours I always wonder, how can that person be stupid enough to say those moronic things yet smart enough to write them all down with reasonably good spelling and grammar? Just kidding, I have no doubts about what's going on with you: you're a liar and a propagandist.

You know that the pseudovax doesn't prevent the spread of covid at all. (That's why omicron got here from SA so fast, when only the pseudos were allowed to fly, and that's why almost everyone in Canada got omicron, regardless of pseudovax status.) 

Therefor you know that there's no point in pseudovaxxing children and young adults.

Therefor you know that the pseudovax mandates are completely bogus, and all about money & control.


I never really know how stupid someone is, but I usually think it's safe to assume that they don't care about any of that. That pretending their team is right is worth the lives of millions. Never having to admit they were wrong is far more important than any suffering their stupid ideas have on the world.

Like I said earlier, I have no doubts about your intelligence because of your ability to write. That means that you know you're just lying. 

There are things that I posted, which you read, so I know that you're aware of them, yet to choose to pretend that you're unaware of them and then you go back to prattling off disinformation and lies.

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16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

What Biden said at that time is totally untrue. Fully vaxxed people can in fact get covid. Getting vaxxed does reduce the symptoms but that's not what Biden said. What he said then is certainly a case of disinformation but he was in no danger of getting called out for spreading disinformation by the MSM and Twitter at the time.

It's ludicrous to suggest anyone that doesn't want to be forced to get vaxxed is guilty of "insane murderous outright lying". Anyone that wants to be vaxxed go ahead, if not , fine. 

I am fully vaxxed for what it's worth but in spite of Biden's past claim I know I will likely contract the Chinese coronavirus at some point.

Be honest. You know this is really really stupid don't you?

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm focused on covid deaths in Cnada.

Covid deaths on the planet.

Covid deaths in the USA.

FYI those aren't small data sets.

FYI the vast majority of covid deaths are not from the unvaxxed, you're lying again. They're from double- and triple-vaxxed. Over 2/3 of the deaths in Canada are among double- and triple-vaxxed people. I showed you that stat, but it doesn't fit your narrative, so you ignored it, and you're lying now.

FYI, all of the stats from every time and place show that regardless of whether we're talking about pre-Pfizer days or countries that are almost entirely vaccinated, the vast vast vast majority of deaths come from the small percentage that isn't vaxxed of people who are extremely old and have one or more (usually more) extremely serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Are you actually pretending not to know that too? You're lying by omission. Shocker.

FYI not all the triple-vaxxed are at risk. Most of the teachers in BC are 3xers, I know that for a fact because our daughter is a teacher here. She didn't get her booster because she stopped having her period after the jabs, but everyone assumes she is, and they talk about it a lot there. 

FYI there's not a data set on this planet that says anything remotely like: "People between 5-50 need the pseudovaccines", is there Oksana?

Whenever I see a stupid screed like yours I always wonder, how can that person be stupid enough to say those moronic things yet smart enough to write them all down with reasonably good spelling and grammar? Just kidding, I have no doubts about what's going on with you: you're a liar and a propagandist.

You know that the pseudovax doesn't prevent the spread of covid at all. (That's why omicron got here from SA so fast, when only the pseudos were allowed to fly, and that's why almost everyone in Canada got omicron, regardless of pseudovax status.) 

Therefor you know that there's no point in pseudovaxxing children and young adults.

Therefor you know that the pseudovax mandates are completely bogus, and all about money & control.

Like I said earlier, I have no doubts about your intelligence because of your ability to write. That means that you know you're just lying. 

There are things that I posted, which you read, so I know that you're aware of them, yet to choose to pretend that you're unaware of them and then you go back to prattling off disinformation and lies.

even the data set YOU showed doesn't show this. I have explained that data to you many times.

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36 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

 to justify the insane murderous outright lying of antivax rightwing killers. 

That right there is classic fear/hate-mongering. Your lies and disinformation are getting to the point now where you're using them in an attempt to justify violence. 

When people here question whether or not our country's Naziesque manifestations are really sinister or if it's just coincidence that we are in lock step with Hitler's trajectory, I like to think that we're just gonna get to a certain point and then lose steam, but your post is the first evidence I've seen that we actually might be headed down that same path.

Just out of curiosity, did you ever get to the point where you called Andrew Cuomo a killer, for sending infected people back into care homes and preventing them from being tested first? Because that actually was murder - it's the exact same thing as sending someone with smallpox into a maternity ward in a country that's never seen smallpox. 

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10 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

even the data set YOU showed doesn't show this. I have explained that data to you many times.

Yeah, it absolutely does. Look at the totals from the first picture and the second picture in my earlier post. The 2x and 3x vaxed deaths (combined) went up by more than 3 times as much as the unvaxed in that time frame. There were twice as many deaths among the 3x jabbed in that period. 

You didn't "explain" anything, you were just wrong a bunch of times.

If you look at the entire time frame of that graph you'll notice that it goes back to the very first day that anyone was ever vaccinated in Canada. IE, a time when zero Canadians even had a single dose. IE, a time when there were 38M unvaxed Canadians and zero people who even had a first dose.

That was also right in the middle of flu season.

That was the time of year when elderly Canadians traditionally die from the flu.

Of course the unvaxxed got off to a roaring head start in the death count when all 38M Canadians were unvaxed for the vast majority of a flu season and there weren't even any 1xers let alone 2xers. Grab a brain. You should never look at any graphs anywhere without thinking very critically about exactly what you're looking at. 

Back to the graphs themselves..... There wasn't a significant number of 2xers until mid-summer, a time when almost no one dies of the flu in Canada. Winter of 2021/22 was the first exposure of a significant number of vaxxed people to flu season. We just came out of that winter. It was the second flu season for the unvaxed, although this time there are less of us. 

(If you don't believe that covid is seasonal, look at the graphs of covid infections and deaths. They go up in winter, they flatten out in summer. That was the case back in 2020 when there were no pseudovaxxes and also in 2021. 2022 will be the same.) 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah, it absolutely does. Look at the totals from the first picture and the second picture in my earlier post. The 2x and 3x vaxed deaths (combined) went up by more than 3 times as much as the unvaxed in that time frame. There were twice as many deaths among the 3x jabbed in that period. 

You didn't "explain" anything, you were just wrong a bunch of times.

If you look at the entire time frame of that graph you'll notice that it goes back to the very first day that anyone was ever vaccinated in Canada. IE, a time when zero Canadians even had a single dose. IE, a time when there were 38M unvaxed Canadians and zero people who even had a first dose.

That was also right in the middle of flu season.

That was the time of year when elderly Canadians traditionally die from the flu.

Of course the unvaxxed got off to a roaring head start in the death count when all 38M Canadians were unvaxed for the vast majority of a flu season and there weren't even any 1xers let alone 2xers. Grab a brain. You should never look at any graphs anywhere without thinking very critically about exactly what you're looking at. 

Back to the graphs themselves..... There wasn't a significant number of 2xers until mid-summer, a time when almost no one dies of the flu in Canada. Winter of 2021/22 was the first exposure of a significant number of vaxxed people to flu season. We just came out of that winter. It was the second flu season for the unvaxed, although this time there are less of us. 

(If you don't believe that covid is seasonal, look at the graphs of covid infections and deaths. They go up in winter, they flatten out in summer. That was the case back in 2020 when there were no pseudovaxxes and also in 2021. 2022 will be the same.) 

Yes, it's going up, new variants come around, and vaccines wear off. All of this you should know.

As for the rest of your little numerology innumeracy, the VERY charts you showed me show that about 10% of the population accounts for about 70% of the deaths. SHOWING THAT VACCINES WORK you thick idiot.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That right there is classic fear/hate-mongering. Your lies and disinformation are getting to the point now where you're using them in an attempt to justify violence. 

When people here question whether or not our country's Naziesque manifestations are really sinister or if it's just coincidence that we are in lock step with Hitler's trajectory, I like to think that we're just gonna get to a certain point and then lose steam, but your post is the first evidence I've seen that we actually might be headed down that same path.

Just out of curiosity, did you ever get to the point where you called Andrew Cuomo a killer, for sending infected people back into care homes and preventing them from being tested first? Because that actually was murder - it's the exact same thing as sending someone with smallpox into a maternity ward in a country that's never seen smallpox. 

Yes, if all of that is true, he is a killer. But tiny tiny potatoes compared to anti-vaxxers. you know? The cowards who think NOT killing people is what makes someone hitler?

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14 hours ago, Oksanna said:

Yes, it's going up, new variants come around, and vaccines wear off. All of this you should know.

As for the rest of your little numerology innumeracy, the VERY charts you showed me show that about 10% of the population accounts for about 70% of the deaths. SHOWING THAT VACCINES WORK you thick idiot.

O M G. 

The timetable for that chart is right at the top. Dec 14 2020 (2020, like, not last Dec but the Dec before. 1.5 years ago. The exact date on which the first unimportant Canadians started getting the vax).

Dec 14, 2020 is when that started. Get it? Dec 14, 2020. Keep that date in your head for a minute while you look at the next paragraph.

On Dec 14 2020 we were right in the middle of flu season with Delta variant and there were Z E R O double vaxed Canadians and Z E R O triple vaxed Canadians for that entire time. 38M Cnadians were unvaxed, and virtually no one had the single + waiting period until mid-Feb.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? ONE WHOLE FLU SEASON WITH 38M UNVAXXED CANADIANS AND Z E R O DBL- AND TRIPLE-VAXXED CANADIANS. The unvaxxed deaths were probably at 5,000 by the end of May 2021, and there still wasn't even a chance for any double-vaxxed people to get covid yet. 

The chart has an entire flu season where the whole country was unvaxxed. Covid was still fairly new in 2020. That means that it was still a novel virus. Pretty much everyone here was exposed to covid between Jan 2020 and July 2021. Its "novel virus" status is gone now. Natural immunity exists within a lot of our population. 

The data set intentionally starts off on that date so that really stupid people will misinterpret it and think to themselves "Wow, most of the country is vaxed but most of the deaths are among the unvaxed."

If the Chart started off in Sept of 2021 it would look entirely different. If the Chart started off on Dec 14 2021 then you'd see that 3x as many fully-protected people died of covid in the last 4 months. And that's pretty bad for the vax, because there weren't any triple-vaxxed yet on Dec 14 2021. That's when the first people started getting the booster. 


So, I doubt if you really understand this yet, because I already explained it to you many times, but just realize that most people do understand that chart now. 

Therefor you should probably stop name-calling and acting like I'm the idiot when you're the one who's completely clueless about what those charts actually show. 

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