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While you all might enjoy living the lie re: Jan 6th...the rest of us have about had enough of this particular version of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

But do keep carrying-on like crazed monkeys...it's not like everybody is watching or sumthin'....

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If President Trump was a dictator...let's see, he was elected in 2016 and defeated in 2020. Not much of a dictator.


3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If President Trump was a dictator...let's see, he was elected in 2016 and defeated in 2020. Not much of a dictator.

Maybe you should read that again , never suggested at all that he was a dictator in office bright boy, his attack on the capital was to make him a dictator , my friend that was more then clear in my statement. You comment is gibberish meaningless and already explained.

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3 minutes ago, jbander1A said:

They get their information from the biggest liar in the history of politics in this country and the party itself draws on the weakest minds among us because they are so easily controlled. There really isn't anything more to add to this then that.

It's says more about his followers than anything else. They seem blind to the hypocrisy, graft, lies, narcissism and authoritarianism that went with the idiot. The riots proved it beyond doubt.

Now they want to reinstate the lump to rectify the problems he caused. 

America now has a blight on its history forever thanks to trump and the idiots who got sucked into him. But the irony is how they call democrats  fascist and Marxists etc.  Its You pure ignorance on their part.  Brain dead red necks. 

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36 minutes ago, Colin Norris said:

I'll explain it again for the slow learners. 

The attempted over throw of  democracy at the capitol. Don't belch the rubbish it was a peaceful protest etc.  Had it succeeded, what was the point of the election? 

The likes of you who hate democrats and probably want them banned from voting, agree with the rubbish he is still carrying on with. 

You know exactly what happened so cut the rubbish posts as a pathetic defence. Think before you post questions you know the answers to. 

I'm not fully understanding this 'overthrowing of democracy' thing. They must have had some kind of plan right?  Or is it even possible for a bunch of unarmed protesters to overthrow the US government? Maybe you could suggest a plausible sequence of events for such a thing to take place? Or was it just a protest that got out of control and turned into a riot that a lapse in security forces was unable to deal with? Maybe Pelosi and Mayor Bowser should have taken Trump up on his offer to send in the national guard to act as security a few days before?  What do you think, eh?

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1 hour ago, Colin Norris said:

I'll explain it again for the slow learners. 

The attempted over throw of  democracy at the capitol. Don't belch the rubbish it was a peaceful protest etc.  Had it succeeded, what was the point of the election? 

The likes of you who hate democrats and probably want them banned from voting, agree with the rubbish he is still carrying on with. 

You know exactly what happened so cut the rubbish posts as a pathetic defence. Think before you post questions you know the answers to. 

I do know what happened. I watched it. A bunch of angry Trump supporters, a sprinkling of FBI to push in the desired direction, a cop with a hair trigger, and Chewbaka-guy. If you think they were going to take over the government, you need treatment. 

BTW...one of the glaring differences between today's angry libbie and a real conservative, is I would never entertain the idea of refusing an American citizen the right to vote.

I see the notion has occured to you though...

Edited by Nationalist
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1 hour ago, jbander1A said:

They get their information from the biggest liar in the history of politics in this country and the party itself draws on the weakest minds among us because they are so easily controlled. There really isn't anything more to add to this then that.

There's a bit of truth in what you say, namely that democracy is freedom. However, to suggest Trump wanted to get rid of it is idiotic.

I would also point out that there is a growing socialist presence in the Democratic party. Socialism is not freedom.

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3 hours ago, suds said:

I'm not fully understanding this 'overthrowing of democracy' thing. They must have had some kind of plan right?  Or is it even possible for a bunch of unarmed protesters to overthrow the US government? Maybe you could suggest a plausible sequence of events for such a thing to take place? Or was it just a protest that got out of control and turned into a riot that a lapse in security forces was unable to deal with? Maybe Pelosi and Mayor Bowser should have taken Trump up on his offer to send in the national guard to act as security a few days before?  What do you think, eh?

Don't play your childish games by denying what happened and the reasons behind it. 

Maybe trump should have asked them to not smash the place. Maybe he should have requested they stop instead of waiting 3 hours. 

Don't try to justify the violence by suggesting it's the left's fault. Your pathetic. 

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4 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

While you all might enjoy living the lie re: Jan 6th...the rest of us have about had enough of this particular version of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

But do keep carrying-on like crazed monkeys...it's not like everybody is watching or sumthin'....

It's no lie.  

Would you say that if there was proof democrats were responsible? Why are you protecting these violent red neck ratbags? Why are you supporting trump who orchestrated the whole thing? How can you support a disgusting threat to democracy, play it down as if it didn't happen then support the reinstatement of the idiot who caused it? 

Have you taken leave of  your senses for political reasons? Common sense isn't that common amongst republicans. 

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3 hours ago, ironstone said:

There's a bit of truth in what you say, namely that democracy is freedom. However, to suggest Trump wanted to get rid of it is idiotic.

I would also point out that there is a growing socialist presence in the Democratic party. Socialism is not freedom.

Comedy, there isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill a thimble , what a hoot. The only way the ignorant can make it so is by defining what it means themselves, problem is that there already is a definition and that definitions says theirs is stupid. You have no clue ace, you don't know what you are talking about with your bullshit made up definition.

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3 hours ago, ironstone said:

There's a bit of truth in what you say, namely that democracy is freedom. However, to suggest Trump wanted to get rid of it is idiotic.

I would also point out that there is a growing socialist presence in the Democratic party. Socialism is not freedom.

The rights hate party realizes that it no longer can survive in a democracy so they will do anything to stay in power and that include murder and making Trump a dictator for life. It's simple they are the enemy of democracy and they have sold out their country.

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37 minutes ago, Colin Norris said:

It's no lie.  

Would you say that if there was proof democrats were responsible? Why are you protecting these violent red neck ratbags? Why are you supporting trump who orchestrated the whole thing? How can you support a disgusting threat to democracy, play it down as if it didn't happen then support the reinstatement of the idiot who caused it? 

Have you taken leave of  your senses for political reasons? Common sense isn't that common amongst republicans. 

The why to all of them is explained by the fact that they are willing to sell out this country to stay in power. They are unintelligent bottom feeders who will kill to stay in power. Just watch.

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7 hours ago, ironstone said:

There's a bit of truth in what you say, namely that democracy is freedom. However, to suggest Trump wanted to get rid of it is idiotic.

I would also point out that there is a growing socialist presence in the Democratic party. Socialism is not freedom.

If he didn't, what reason did he orchestrate the riots for? Im Not the idiot son. Any person who supports or defends those riots should be in prison for terrorism or treason and that includes you. 

Name one person who has gone towards socialism in the Democrat politicians. I know you can't because it's your only pathetic defence because you hate democrats. The same for the marxist/fascist labels you have them. Clearly you don't understand the meaning of the words. 

That aside, every modern western society was established on socialism and you use socialist facilities every day but don't know it. 

A democracy is based on using taxpayers funds for public facilities. If you want to interpret that as some clandestine communist takeover, you know nothing. 

Why do you support republicans other than you think the democrats are communist? 

What personal  gain have you ever got that can be directly attributed to them or their policies? 

Do you think they are the party of gun nuts and godbotherers? 

What's your view on the restricted the sale of assault type guns to idiots? 

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12 hours ago, Colin Norris said:

If he didn't, what reason did he orchestrate the riots for? Im Not the idiot son. Any person who supports or defends those riots should be in prison for terrorism or treason and that includes you. 

Name one person who has gone towards socialism in the Democrat politicians. I know you can't because it's your only pathetic defence because you hate democrats. The same for the marxist/fascist labels you have them. Clearly you don't understand the meaning of the words. 

That aside, every modern western society was established on socialism and you use socialist facilities every day but don't know it. 

A democracy is based on using taxpayers funds for public facilities. If you want to interpret that as some clandestine communist takeover, you know nothing. 

Why do you support republicans other than you think the democrats are communist? 

What personal  gain have you ever got that can be directly attributed to them or their policies? 

Do you think they are the party of gun nuts and godbotherers? 

What's your view on the restricted the sale of assault type guns to idiots? 

Where is the proof that Trump orchestrated these riots?

Bernie Sanders.<<<Appointed as an economic advisor by one Joe Biden. Another hint, if he refers to himself as a democratic socialist, he's probably a socialist. He also has many followers in the Democratic part in case you haven't noticed.

I'm not American and therefore don't vote in the US(maybe I could if I was down there illegally though). In politics no party is perfect and I as a cynic always say "vote for the best of the worst". I think the GOP isn't anywhere nearly as awful as the current Democratic party. Many Americans may be experiencing buyers remorse with Biden as that shows up in his dismal approval ratings.

Personal gain? I think the economy was stronger under Trump, lifting up everyone. Progressives usually have a "me first" attitude.

The GOP is much more aligned with the constitution than the Dems are now. A big YES for the second amendment! And the first amendment as well, something that's not in favor with the Dems. Godbotherers??? I wonder if you would dare belittle any other faith that way.

I don't want just anyone to be able to buy guns. Criminal background check, sure. Safety courses and responsible ownership, sure. No associations with terrorist groups like Antifa etc.

Should it be legal to buy an AR-15? Yes  when the conditions are met. 

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35 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Where is the proof that Trump orchestrated these riots?

You can live in denial forever but you obviously you haven't been accepting the facts. 

Bernie Sanders.<<<Appointed as an economic advisor by one Joe Biden. Another hint, if he refers to himself as a democratic socialist, he's probably a socialist. He also has many followers in the Democratic part in case you haven't noticed.

So socialist tendencies are not allowed under you tight wing regime. Why not? Because you hate it? Under that rule 81 million must be socialist after the election. 


35 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I'm not American and therefore don't vote in the US(maybe I could if I was down there illegally though). In politics no party is perfect and I as a cynic always say "vote for the best of the worst". I think the GOP isn't anywhere nearly as awful as the current Democratic party. Many Americans may be experiencing buyers remorse with Biden as that shows up in his dismal approval ratings.

The shape of the economy and his unemployment figures are brilliant but you deliberately avoid mentioning that. Don't belch you ignorant partisanship. 

Personal gain? I think the economy was stronger under Trump, lifting up everyone. Progressives usually have a "me first" attitude.

And trump didn't have a me first attitude??? Don't make me vomit. Again, check the figures before you tell lies about Biden's economy. 

The GOP is much more aligned with the constitution than the Dems are now. A big YES for the second amendment! And the first amendment as well, something that's not in favor with the Dems.

The dems have NEVER tried to act on the 2nd and as for suppressing free speech, you gave to be kidding.  

Godbotherers??? I wonder if you would dare belittle any other faith that way.

I hate all religions for the same reasons. Everyone of them has no evidence whatsoever that any God has ever existed. If you are a Jesus junkie and believe that, you are delusional at best. I strongly suspect being a eighties which would explain your inability to see logic. 

I don't want just anyone to be able to buy guns. Criminal background check, sure. Safety courses and responsible ownership, sure. No associations with terrorist groups like Antifa etc.

The Republican supported gun nuts are the ones who didn't want background checks etc. The reason being if they included mental assessment it would wipe out nearly all the gun owners. They are egotistical testosterone filled cowboys reliving the wild west days. 

Should it be legal to buy an AR-15? Yes  when the conditions are met. 

Why should it be legal when not one person has the use for one? Because the 2nd says you can? That's exactly my point. 

Everytime you reply I get another swing at you. Have another go. 


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4 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Hunters, target shooting, gun ranges, self defense.

Most gun owners are responsible, not all, but most. If the wild west analogy is to be used, how about Democratic run Chicago?

Get the statistics on how many use them for target shooting etc.  As for self defence, don't make me laugh. 

The concentration if guns in any city has nothing to do with politics. That's a very poor excuse. Most of it is attached to poverty and drugs so cut the smear on democrats for it. You're a liar. 

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On 1/4/2022 at 2:11 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

I'm told Patriots believe the US is a Republic, not a Democracy. My brief experience with the Democratic Underground forum tells me there is little difference between republicans and democrats. They both hate free speech although the rightwing nuts have more tolerance.

No, they don't, and they cannot handle losing elections either.

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