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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

Never said we could eliminate it. It'll become endemic. I was saying that we could "get back to normal". 

There is no getting back to normal.  Because there will always be covid/coronaviruses.  It won't be allowed.


5 minutes ago, Boges said:

You see case counts in Ontario jumping up to 1000 today

Yay!  More people with natural immunity.

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Just now, Goddess said:

It won't be allowed.

I will say that if governments recognized natural immunity and allowed the antibody testing, they would see that not 100% of people need to be vaxxed and we COULD get back to normal.

But governments will never allow that, nor will people like you.  Natural immunity is free so no government is going to allow it.  And it also can't be seen, so people like you will never allow it.

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I will say that if governments recognized natural immunity and allowed the antibody testing, they would see that not 100% of people need to be vaxxed and we COULD get back to normal.

But governments will never allow that, nor will people like you.  Natural immunity is free so no government is going to allow it.  And it also can't be seen, so people like you will never allow it.

It wouldn't matter if Anti-Vaxxers didn't lie about the risks of the vaccine. 

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12 minutes ago, Boges said:

It wouldn't matter if Anti-Vaxxers didn't lie about the risks of the vaccine. 

I'm on 2 different discussion boards for people who have been injured or had a loved one die from the vaccine.

I think it's truly evil that you believe they are all liars.

When all this is finally dealt with, I would hope you would feel bad about your comments.  But I doubt you will.

Not everyone wants jabs every 4 months for the rest of their lives.

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18 minutes ago, Boges said:

BUT we all get to choose our facts these days. 

I think it comes down to who you gonna believe?

You choose the docs and scientists who are being paid by Big Pharma.

I choose the ones without bias, those with no horse in the race.  Like the scientist who invented mRNA vaccines.  And the scientist who invented the PCR tests.  And the front-line doctors, who are all losing their licenses for early treating of covid, instead of just waiting around for people to die.

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It is backwards. We are injecting first, doing safety studies later.

The cost-benefit analysis for children is non-existent; it is 1 to 2 lives per 1,000,000 assuming the vaccine is safe. But the vaccine isn’t safe. It has already killed at least one child who died after getting myocarditis already and that story was censored by social media. More importantly, the chance of permanent disability is quite high. Consider the case of 12-year old Maddie de Garay who is now permanently paralyzed, cannot walk and must eat via a feeding tube. She was part of the Pfizer clinical trial for 12-15 year olds which reported her result as “abdominal pain.” This trial had only 2,200 participants. This suggests that the rate of disability even for kids could be as high as 1 in 2,000. We don’t know since another trial wasn’t done. So that means the vaccine has the potential to disable 500 previously healthy kids for every life saved. Is it worth it, especially when safer alternatives are available? Shouldn’t we do a larger trial to find out the true number before we do a mass rollout to kids? Of course we should. But we aren’t. We are doing everything backwards, experimenting first, and looking at the data after the experiment. This is the biggest unregulated unaccountable medical experiment in the history of mankind.

Censorship keeps these events from public view. Facebook has removed groups of over 200,000 people discussing vaccine side effects. If the vaccine was safe, that group would have nothing to talk about and there would be no reason to remove it.

Vaccines that kill less than 25 people are pulled from the market.  These have not been, after killing far more people than 25.  Why not?  For children - 4 deaths is the threshold for banning a vaccine.

It is now well established in the peer reviewed literature that the spike protein is toxic. The vaccines cause the spike protein to be manufactured for up to 48 hours in all parts of the body including the brain thanks to the efficient delivery mechanism of the lipid nanoparticles and PEG. The spike proteins produced in these cells do not remain anchored as designed; they also break off the cell and become “free spike” which is even more dangerous since it can circulate in the blood. The net result is inflammation and micro-clotting inside all organs (including the brain) throughout the body as well as temporary opening of the blood brain barrier (which explains the severe migraine headaches). This explains the wide range of neurological symptoms after injection. The mechanism of action is confirmed by the adverse event reports. The VAERS database shows that over 6,000 people have possible vaccine-related deaths as well as over 300,000 SARs that are consistent with the mechanism of action. If we remove 500 “background deaths” in the VAERS system each year, we are left with over 5,500 “excess deaths” that are coincident with the vaccine rollout. The safety signals have been flashing “red” since January in VAERS, but nobody was paying attention (except for a few users on Twitter who were being ignored). This is a HUGE number of excess deaths and SARs. So the question for the CDC is “OK, if the vaccine did not kill these people, then what did?”

The FDA knew that the biodistribution data on these vaccines would deliver the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs which contain the mRNA) to all parts of the body. But since they thought the spike protein was harmless, this wasn’t a cause for concern. Now that assumption was proven wrong, it should have sent alarm bells ringing. The drug companies should have been required to immediately do toxicology studies in NHPs and the amount of bound spike and free spike should have been measured. Of course, nothing of the sort ever happened because the FDA and CDC are all focused on reducing vaccine hesitancy, not safety.

This is the scientist who invented the mRNA vax:


This UK paper shows that vaxxed people are 2.2X MORE likely to die of one of the variants.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation (publishing.service.gov.uk)

That’s right… getting vaccinated actually increases your chances of dying from COVID if you get it.

The perfect way to combat vaccine hesitancy is to allow a debate between the 2 camps of scientists - the ones paid off by Big Pharma and the ones who are unbiased and still doing the safety studies.  But the bought off docs and scientists refuse, in spite of many invitations to openly discuss these things.

Edited by Goddess
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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

think it's truly evil that you believe they are all liars.

Not liars.  Mistaken.  

X gets a vaccine.  Weeks or months later, they get very sick  or die.  Family/friends attribute that to the vaccine, even if there is no evidence that it was the vaccine.  

The side effects of any vaccine almost always show up with a couple of weeks, not several weeks or months later.

It's the same line of thought that leads people to think that the MMR vaccine causes autism.  Child didn't have autism, gets the vaccine, and some time later is diagnosed with autism.  That's proof enough for them, despite lack of any scientific evidence.

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15 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Weeks or months later, they get very sick  or die. 

Over half of the deaths reported to VAERS were within 72 hours of vaccination.

The majority of adverse reactions have been in less than 1-2 of vaccination.

You don't know this because you refuse to acknowledge vaccine deaths and adverse reactions.

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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Over half of the deaths reported to VAERS were within 72 hours of vaccination.

The majority of adverse reactions have been in less than 1-2 of vaccination.

You don't know this because you refuse to acknowledge vaccine deaths and adverse reactions.

Where did you get your information about VAERS deaths?  Was it directly from VAERS or a source that crunched the numbers for you?

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10 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Over half of the deaths reported to VAERS were within 72 hours of vaccination.

The majority of adverse reactions have been in less than 1-2 of vaccination.

You don't know this because you refuse to acknowledge vaccine deaths and adverse reactions.

When you vaccinate 10s of millions of people with a two-dose vaccine in a fairly short period of time. Most, in the early days, were already vulnerable it's statistically likely that some will die. 

It doesn't mean the vaccine is the cause. 

No one has articulated what causes all these deaths. It can't all be heart conditions and blood clots. 


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5 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Where did you get your information about VAERS deaths?  Was it directly from VAERS or a source that crunched the numbers for you?

Where do you get the basis for saying there is no natural immunity, there are no deaths and there are no adverse reactions?

From actual scientists and doctors or just MSM?  Do you look up and read the scientific papers?

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

It doesn't mean the vaccine is the cause. 

Evaluation of individual VAERS records show the cause of death is consistent with the mechanism of action of the vaccine and have no other explanation, e.g., a healthy 20 year old who dies in his sleep less than 24 hours after vaccination.

What is your explanation for why reporting to VAERS exploded after this vaccine rollout, whereas for the last 3 decades, there was little in there?

All fakes?  All liars?  Hmmmmm?

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8 minutes ago, Boges said:

Most, in the early days, were already vulnerable it's statistically likely that some will die. 


You don't get to use that excuse.  You pooh-poohed that explanation when it was being used to show that the majority of deaths from covid were in the extremely elderly and morbidly obese, amongst other comorbidities.

In fact you shamed people who pointed out this by saying they didn't care about the people who were dying because they were old and ready to die anyways.

So in reverse, you don't' care about the people dying from the vaccine because they were already going to die anyways?  Is that what you're saying?

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14 minutes ago, Goddess said:


You don't get to use that excuse.  You pooh-poohed that explanation when it was being used to show that the majority of deaths from covid were in the extremely elderly and morbidly obese, amongst other comorbidities.

In fact you shamed people who pointed out this by saying they didn't care about the people who were dying because they were old and ready to die anyways.

So in reverse, you don't' care about the people dying from the vaccine because they were already going to die anyways?  Is that what you're saying?

Did I? 

In fact I was pointing out how low Canada's death rate was in the first year of the pandemic compared to the US. It's a disease that totally preys on Co-morbidities. 

However, earlier this year, before the vaccine was widely available, variants were harming younger people at a far greater rate. 

Especially those in poorer communities, ones that couldn't work from home and couldn't take time off sick and usually lived in congregate setting. But the result is the same, Hospitals fill up and people end up dying because of lack of quality healthcare and not just the virus. This was the 3rd Wave in Ontario and caused the longest lockdown we've seen. 

In the Spring in the Greater Toronto Area every patient that needed an ICU bed had to be taken outside the city to another hospital. Then this fall in Saskatchewan, fuelled mainly by a low vaccine rate, People requiring ICU beds had to be flown to Toronto. 

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23 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Where do you get the basis for saying there is no natural immunity, there are no deaths and there are no adverse reactions?

From actual scientists and doctors or just MSM?  Do you look up and read the scientific papers?

I never said there was no natural immunity, and I never said there are no adverse affects. In my opinion, the question of whether or not vaccine cause death is still unresolved.

Anyway, I asked a polite question and if you can't answer it that just adds to your lack of credibility.

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23 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Evaluation of individual VAERS records show the cause of death is consistent with the mechanism of action of the vaccine and have no other explanation, e.g., a healthy 20 year old who dies in his sleep less than 24 hours after vaccination.

So in the absence of an explanation you, it's the vaccine? Again that's not causation. 



What is your explanation for why reporting to VAERS exploded after this vaccine rollout, whereas for the last 3 decades, there was little in there?

All fakes?  All liars?  Hmmmmm?


Because it was the largest mass vaccination we've every seen. 

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Canadians looking to a Self-reporting Vaccine data-base in the US to form 100% of their opinions of the vaccine should broaden their outlook. 

Here are actual investigations into adverse reactions to the vaccine. 


Now some may think that any serious side-effect isn't worth the risk of COVID. Again no one is being forced to take the vaccine, but Governments and employers are making public health decisions to protect those that prefer COVID to the vaccine. 

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

but only if people don't reject all Public Health advice as a global plot to control humanity. And if you really do believe that, the game's over anyway. They've already won.

You’ll have to take up your concerns with Mr. Trudeau. I have yet to hear your stammering hand-waving argument for what he meant about the “opportunity” for a great reset.

What is the great reset? Most never even heard of it before. Obviously Mr. Trudeau knows, and has been having conversations about it with someone, but not Canadians.

Tells you where we are at as far as he’s concerned- a buncha peons. That remark about the great reset wasn’t meant for us. You just do what you’re told, by the great, visionary leader.

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

Anyway, I asked a polite question and if you can't answer it that just adds to your lack of credibility.

It wasn't polite, you inferred I don't' do my own research.

I know how to read a medical study, I understand a lot of the terminology and I know what to look for and I see the things they "don't" say or omit.  I also look for biases by the authors - for instance, if they are a Pharma shill I take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

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10 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Covid has already proven itself.  

Just this statement alone tells me you do no independent research.

Covid has not proven itself. In the information above, I told you how scientists have found now that the spike protein they are injecting into everyone is TOXIC and how what that means, is this:


The FDA knew that the biodistribution data on these vaccines would deliver the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs which contain the mRNA) to all parts of the body. But since they thought the spike protein was harmless, this wasn’t a cause for concern. Now that assumption was proven wrong, it should have sent alarm bells ringing. The drug companies should have been required to immediately do toxicology studies in NHPs and the amount of bound spike and free spike should have been measured. Of course, nothing of the sort ever happened because the FDA and CDC are all focused on reducing vaccine hesitancy, not safety.

What else don't we know about it?  Cus this was a pretty major blunder and has not been corrected.

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