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Plugging My Nose and Watching Canadian News Today

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What channel do you guys watch Canadian 'news' on? 

I just found out that CPAC is Canadian news but I've never watched it before. Is it as bad as CTV, CBC and Global? 


If I can help it, I do not watch any Canadians leftist lieberal news channels anymore. They all spread misinformation and disinformation and lie. CPAC is like all of the rest of those other leftist lieberal news media channels like the ones that you mentioned above. They are all full of bias and lying leftist lieberals who hate Canada. They must never be trusted with reporting news ever again. Just saying. ?


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25 minutes ago, taxme said:

If I can help it, I do not watch any Canadians leftist lieberal news channels anymore. They all spread misinformation and disinformation and lie. CPAC is like all of the rest of those other leftist lieberal news media channels like the ones that you mentioned above. They are all full of bias and lying leftist lieberals who hate Canada. They must never be trusted with reporting news ever again. Just saying. ?


I just had CPAC on for a while and turned it off when I realized that I was looking for a bottle of random pills to swallow.

It's just the same guy droning on, interpreting for a swarm of Quebecers who are just blabbering their opinions in French. 

I was hoping that there was some exit poll data coming from the Atlantic Provinces, where the turd had pretty much a clean sweep in 2019. It's almost 4:30 in Newfieland.

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30 minutes ago, taxme said:

If I can help it, I do not watch any Canadians leftist lieberal news channels anymore. They all spread misinformation and disinformation and lie. CPAC is like all of the rest of those other leftist lieberal news media channels like the ones that you mentioned above. They are all full of bias and lying leftist lieberals who hate Canada. They must never be trusted with reporting news ever again. Just saying. ?


Yeah, I too avoid all the TV news.  They are carbon copies of one another and push the liberal narrative.  I just check my iphone for news and it usually links me to the National Post, which is at least less left of centre than the rest.

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Funny, I’ve never really paid much attention to CPAC, which now that it’s been brought up as being far left but had the impression that it was the one channel to watch all the politics in the house, assumably unbiased for viewers who can decide for themselves what they see and hear. I’ve been motivated to look it up now ant this is what I found on Wikipedia:

”The Cable Public Affairs Channel, better known by its acronym CPAC, is a Canadian specialty channel owned by a consortium that includes another other part-owners Rogers Communications, Shaw Communications, Videotron, Cogeco, and Estonia. The channel is devoted to coverage of public and government affairs, including carrying a full uninterrupted feed of proceedings of the House of Commons of Canada.”

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

What channel do you guys watch Canadian 'news' on? 

I just found out that CPAC is Canadian news but I've never watched it before. Is it as bad as CTV, CBC and Global? 


Well I don't have cable but just the basics - so I'm doomed to leftist channels! CPAC isn't as bad as CTV and CBC.  But it has a lot of French (and I'm not bilingual)!

Edited by betsy
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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I just had CPAC on for a while and turned it off when I realized that I was looking for a bottle of random pills to swallow.

It's just the same guy droning on, interpreting for a swarm of Quebecers who are just blabbering their opinions in French. 

I was hoping that there was some exit poll data coming from the Atlantic Provinces, where the turd had pretty much a clean sweep in 2019. It's almost 4:30 in Newfieland.

Well, here in communist Canada, the day after the election, the insane buffoons out there have once again given this french communist from kweebec, Castro Trudeau, another opportunity to finally try to run, rule and ruin Canada forever and turn what was once a free and loving country and who will try to turn Canada into a communist country for sure.

If we thought that the last several years that Castro Trudeau has been allowed to wreck Anglo Canada was bad enough just wait and see what this french communist from kweebec does to Canada in the next four years. Folks, we ain't seen nuttin yet. It's always a bunch of french men from kweebec that always seems to end up running Canada. Except for maybe a little minor blip now and then when we get someone from outside kweebec. Rare indeed.  

It's hard to believe that there are so many insane stupid people in Canada out there who would vote for this communist pos once again. Now I do believe that Canada is being supported and run by a bunch of insane lunatic communists. 

This pos Castro Trudeau was so hated by so many people but yet we now have to start to wonder as to how this commie imbecile managed to pull it off again and win the election? This election had to be rigged. This commie could not have won this election unless it was rigged. It just has to be. ?

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22 hours ago, Faramir said:

Yeah, I too avoid all the TV news.  They are carbon copies of one another and push the liberal narrative.  I just check my iphone for news and it usually links me to the National Post, which is at least less left of centre than the rest.

I watch FOX NEWS pretty much all of the time and they have shown me many times that all of the MSM American news media outlets always parrot the same words. They all copy off one another. if one leftist liberal network says the word conspiracy all the rest will say the word conspiracy. Polly want a cracker. LOL.

Every night on FOX NEWS there is a guy called Gutfeld who has a talk show and is the host of that talk show that is now the #1 late night talk show in America beating out all of the rest of those late night leftist liberal pro democratic talk shows like lefty liberals Kimmel and Corbett have. Not too many people watch those buffoons anymore. ?

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23 hours ago, Brad said:

Funny, I’ve never really paid much attention to CPAC, which now that it’s been brought up as being far left but had the impression that it was the one channel to watch all the politics in the house, assumably unbiased for viewers who can decide for themselves what they see and hear. I’ve been motivated to look it up now ant this is what I found on Wikipedia:

”The Cable Public Affairs Channel, better known by its acronym CPAC, is a Canadian specialty channel owned by a consortium that includes another other part-owners Rogers Communications, Shaw Communications, Videotron, Cogeco, and Estonia. The channel is devoted to coverage of public and government affairs, including carrying a full uninterrupted feed of proceedings of the House of Commons of Canada.”

Well, as you can see all those outfits that you mentioned above that you said are part owners of CPAC are all just a bunch of leftist liberal promoting outfits. CPAC's job is to try and promote the leftist liberal side of the news. They are very bias and do not want to have anything to do with anything conservative at all. News outlets like CTV/CBC/Globull are all pro leftist liberal news stations. They must never be watched or listened to anymore. They all lie. ? 

Edited by taxme
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I have watched a bit of CPAC over the last couple of weeks. It seemed to me they concentrated mostly on the GTA and Quebec but that's not unexpected in this country. I do not watch CBC, CTV or Global News and I got sick of the Ottawa Citizen and the now similar Sun chain. I get news stories from The Post Millennial and Candace Malcolm that you are unlikely to see from the usual big names in the business. Rebel News too although I'm not a subscriber.

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36 minutes ago, taxme said:

I watch FOX NEWS pretty much all of the time and they have shown me many times that all of the MSM American news media outlets always parrot the same words. They all copy off one another. if one leftist liberal network says the word conspiracy all the rest will say the word conspiracy. Polly want a cracker. LOL.

Every night on FOX NEWS there is a guy called Gutfeld who has a talk show and is the host of that talk show that is now the #1 late night talk show in America beating out all of the rest of those late night leftist liberal pro democratic talk shows like lefty liberals Kimmel and Corbett have. Not too many people watch those buffoons anymore. ?

FOX NEWS  is the worse  bias of any major news channel on the left or right lol... not even creditable .

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4 minutes ago, EastCanada90 said:

FOX NEWS  is the worse  bias of any major news channel on the left or right lol... not even creditable .

In what way is FOX NEWS the worse than any of the other major leftist liberal news networks in America? Come on, spit it out, oh bias anti FOX NEWS easterner person. ?

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

In what way is FOX NEWS the worse than any of the other major leftist liberal news networks in America? Come on, spit it out, oh bias anti FOX NEWS easterner person. ?

Lol they get caught spinning lies   all the time to help the republicans.  if you seriously get all your news from Fox news that is worrying lol.

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28 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I have watched a bit of CPAC over the last couple of weeks. It seemed to me they concentrated mostly on the GTA and Quebec but that's not unexpected in this country. I do not watch CBC, CTV or Global News and I got sick of the Ottawa Citizen and the now similar Sun chain. I get news stories from The Post Millennial and Candace Malcolm that you are unlikely to see from the usual big names in the business. Rebel News too although I'm not a subscriber.

I am a subscriber to Rebel news. At least with Rebel news, I am and do get the other side of the story that the leftist liberal media does not want me to read or listen or know about. Those mentioned above have all become the fascist censors of and for Canada. If one is into leftist liberal brainwashing and propaganda bull chit then those news outlets mentioned above are for them. Those leftist liberal media outfits will feed them all the bull chit that they can handle and want fed to them. CPAC is for lefty losers. ?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Well, here in communist Canada, the day after the election, the insane buffoons out there have once again given this french communist from kweebec, Castro Trudeau, another opportunity to finally try to run, rule and ruin Canada forever and turn what was once a free and loving country and who will try to turn Canada into a communist country for sure.

If we thought that the last several years that Castro Trudeau has been allowed to wreck Anglo Canada was bad enough just wait and see what this french communist from kweebec does to Canada in the next four years. Folks, we ain't seen nuttin yet. It's always a bunch of french men from kweebec that always seems to end up running Canada. Except for maybe a little minor blip now and then when we get someone from outside kweebec. Rare indeed.  

It's hard to believe that there are so many insane stupid people in Canada out there who would vote for this communist pos once again. Now I do believe that Canada is being supported and run by a bunch of insane lunatic communists. 

This pos Castro Trudeau was so hated by so many people but yet we now have to start to wonder as to how this commie imbecile managed to pull it off again and win the election? This election had to be rigged. This commie could not have won this election unless it was rigged. It just has to be. ?

I too really wanted to see that underwear stain out of office.  Hard to believe 28% even like this guy

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I watch FOX NEWS pretty much all of the time and they have shown me many times that all of the MSM American news media outlets always parrot the same words. They all copy off one another. if one leftist liberal network says the word conspiracy all the rest will say the word conspiracy. Polly want a cracker. LOL.

Every night on FOX NEWS there is a guy called Gutfeld who has a talk show and is the host of that talk show that is now the #1 late night talk show in America beating out all of the rest of those late night leftist liberal pro democratic talk shows like lefty liberals Kimmel and Corbett have. Not too many people watch those buffoons anymore. ?

I quit FOX news because they are meandered left and their unfair criticism of Trump.

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5 minutes ago, EastCanada90 said:

Lol they get caught spinning lies   all the time to help the republicans.  if you seriously get all your news from Fox news that is worrying lol.

Is that all that you can come back with is that "they all get caught spinning lies" reply, easterner? Why can't you show me as to where FOX NEWS is supposedly the worse of them all to you than all of the rest? Come on, I am still waiting?

I think that I just caught you trying to spin lies about FOX NEWS. Your hatred and bias is starting to show for FOX NEWS. Gotcha lefty. LOL. 

I do believe that the many leftist liberal lying news media outlets in America like CNN and MSNBC and the many other leftist leaning news outlets in America do lie all the time and the leftist media does help in trying to spread as much bull chit as possible about and against the Republicans to help the democrats to try and make them look good in order to try and save their sorry commie asses. It never works. It's the dumbocrats that always end up looking worse. 

If you are one of those lefty's who listen to the leftist liberal news media outlets in America and Canada all the time then you are someone to worry about. Cuckoo. ?

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Different news organizations put different perspectives on the same stories. I happen to think FOX and the Post Millennial etc do a much better job of it. I accept that there is a leftist point of view on just about everything( usually crazy or misguided?) just as there is a conservative viewpoint.

The CBC isn't entirely bad, Marketplace is a really good show, and then there is....ummm...uhhhh. Well they do have one good show.?

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2 minutes ago, Faramir said:

I too really wanted to see that underwear stain out of office.  Hard to believe 28% even like this guy

The election was rigged. It just has to be because nobody that I have ever spoken to liked that "underwear stain" arse hole at all. They all wanted the commie out. That 28% are a bunch of insane screwballs. They all need to be committed. ?

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Is that all that you can come back with is that "they all get caught spinning lies" reply, easterner? Why can't you show me as to where FOX NEWS is supposedly the worse of them all to you than all of the rest? Come on, I am still waiting?

I think that I just caught you trying to spin lies about FOX NEWS. Your hatred and bias is starting to show for FOX NEWS. Gotcha lefty. LOL. 

I do believe that the many leftist liberal lying news media outlets in America like CNN and MSNBC and the many other leftist leaning news outlets in America do lie all the time and the leftist media does help in trying to spread as much bull chit as possible about and against the Republicans to help the democrats to try and make them look good in order to try and save their sorry commie asses. It never works. It's the dumbocrats that always end up looking worse. 

If you are one of those lefty's who listen to the leftist liberal news media outlets in America and Canada all the time then you are someone to worry about. Cuckoo. ?


lol how many times did they spin /lie for trump? like 1000? please CNN and msnbc  LIE far less for democrats then fox does for  republicans lol..   you are a real far right wing nut i can see lol.

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1 minute ago, EastCanada90 said:


lol how many times did they spin /lie for trump? like 1000? please CNN and msnbc  LIE far less for democrats then fox does for  republicans lol..   you are a real far right wing nut i can see lol.

Nope objectively he is conservative.  The problem is Canada and the US the citizens have moved far left so anything right of Carter is some scary bogeyman.

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