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Canada's new proposed gun laws.

Army Guy

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24 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. 
I've always said that if you need an ak-47 type of gun to defend your home you should start looking for a new neighborhood. 
Chances are whatever gun you come up with, so will the criminals, if not worse than yours.  

There was 1500 wpns originally listed since then the RCMP have added hundreds more, Including pellet and air soft rifles that look like military wpns, along with some bolt actions rifles, single shot shotguns, shit ton of semi auto hunting rifles that don't look like anything military. ALL of these were purchased legally, compensation is not going to be what has been invested, never is. 

You can not defend your home with a firearm, with out huge consequences, if you kill or injure anyone you will be arrested for murder or attempted murder, locked up, have all your rifles seized without compensation, and have to prove to a judge that you had NO other choice but to kill or maim the victims, yes i said victims,  as they have more rights than you do. .... 

Same goes for any weapon really be it a knife, base ball bat, kitchen knife what ever  kill someone expect to spend some time in jail, while your new best friend is out and about if you did not kill him....  as is your family

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19 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:



There are still hundreds of available munitions.  If you're a hunter or skeet shooter any one of those can suffice.  

I've only fired a gun thrice (my uncles six shooter) and I bet I could bag a deer with very little training with most of those.  

This is just the start, the RCMP can add any fire arm they want to, when they want to, and not payout anything, take airsoft / some paintball guns for instance it fires a BB, or paintball but because it looks like a military style weapons' they made it illegal, because it scares people.. not because it makes Canadians safer, the kids buy them because they look military . In Canada there are thousands upon thousands of kids who have paid out good money for these guns.

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10 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

There was 1500 wpns originally listed since then the RCMP have added hundreds more, Including pellet and air soft rifles that look like military wpns, along with some bolt actions rifles, single shot shotguns, shit ton of semi auto hunting rifles that don't look like anything military. ALL of these were purchased legally, compensation is not going to be what has been invested, never is. 

You can not defend your home with a firearm, with out huge consequences, if you kill or injure anyone you will be arrested for murder or attempted murder, locked up, have all your rifles seized without compensation, and have to prove to a judge that you had NO other choice but to kill or maim the victims, yes i said victims,  as they have more rights than you do. .... 

Same goes for any weapon really be it a knife, base ball bat, kitchen knife what ever  kill someone expect to spend some time in jail, while your new best friend is out and about if you did not kill him....  as is your family

I'll admit the gun laws on defending yourself here are a bit patronizing (basically they imply that if you have an intruder in your home call 911 and hide under the bed)

but there are exceptions: 



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10 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

I'll admit the gun laws on defending yourself here are a bit patronizing (basically they imply that if you have an intruder in your home call 911 and hide under the bed)

but there are exceptions: 



Yes there are exceptions as i stated before but they all come at a cost, arrested, and legal fees, and confiscation of his firearm.

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you have to watch this to the very end. it discusses bill C 21, being discussed in this topic, and now hear this bill C-22, while Justin is banning guns C-22 is designed to reduce minimum sentences for fire arms offences the ones that are mentioned in C-21... keeping Canadians safer. 

C-21 In Your Face - YouTube

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:


Changing the social factors that lead young men into gangs would to a lot more to eliminate gang-related gun violence than 'taking their guns away'.  The Border is ----> just over there, and guns come across pretty easily.  

Sadly, addressing social factors that would actually help isn't permitted by the right; after all, people who are poor and/or non-white must pay for their sins.



You mean spend billions of dollars and create a welfare state where working people pay for every possible necessity of life plus all imaginable recreation and entertainment facilities for people that won't stay in school, get an education, and a job?

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6 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:


Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. 
I've always said that if you need an ak-47 type of gun to defend your home you should start looking for a new neighborhood. 
Chances are whatever gun you come up with, so will the criminals, if not worse than yours.  

Oddly, in that liberal propaganda poster, there's no picture of the airsoft rifles or shotguns they also banned.

Also, mentioning that a few of these were once used in a shooting is a nonsensical justification. Where is the picture of that van that incel nut job used to kill ten people in Toronto a couple of years back? Shouldn't we be banning that type of van?

Also no information on what percentage of shootings/murders are commited with weapons on the list. I'm guessing it's something below 1%.

And, I might add, that banning guns owned by thousands of people requires spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy them back, just so the previous owners can take that money and buy other weapons which perform exactly the same but haven't been sexied up with plastic.

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

The idea held by so many conservatives that First Nations should 'just get over it' is remarkable in it's arrogance, especially given how vehemently they demand that their own world never change;

The raw bigotry of liberals who insist on seeing natives as ignorant savages incapable of ever joining civilization never seems to change from generation to generation. Back when MacDonald was trying to get natives educated the Liberals of the time were shouting that the money was a waste of time because 'indians' were animals and would never live among humans. Apparently you feel the same.

The Irish came here from a land of starvation, enduring cramps quarters on long voyages, jammed in like cattle, with many dying along the way or just after arrival. They succeeded. Jews came here from concentration camps and succeeded. Boat people came here from Vietnam. Refugees from a hundred brutal wars came here and succeeded, despite not knowing the language or understanding the culture. But natives? Oh no, they couldn't possibly! After all, their grandparents had to go to boarding school! Waaaah! Waaah! Poor babies! Keep them in the bushes as living museum artifacts for another few centuries say the liberals.




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This whole liberal campaign to ban wpns is all smoking mirrors, read the common sense approach to why the liberal are banning firearms but in the other stroke allowing Canadians to keep them... once again keeping Canadians safe



Matt Gurney: The Liberals' useless 'assault weapons' ban | National Post

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Not being raised in gun culture myself, I initially found the idea of "banning assault rifles" to be kind of a no-brainer.  I mean, why do we allow private ownership of weapons designed to kill large numbers of people?

Turns out it is more complicated than that.  If anyone is interested, hop on youtube and search for 'beau of the fifth column gun control.'  He doesn't have all the answers, but does explain the complications involved in a pretty easy to follow way.  As a result of having watched his videos, I understand why this legislation is a foolish waste of money.

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More liberal bullshit, this time from Bill lying Blair, a Former police chief with no values at all... we've talked about this before on the out right lies the liberals have spread on this topic.... what ever happened to honesty, transparency, it's 2015 baby...all lies, what makes it worst is the left buys into this lock stock and barrel... Are Canadians really this stupid...are they this gullible, how can they support a government that has no morals or values.... where honesty , integrity, transparency have been sacrificed as they no longer matter... we need a change in government when it comes time to vote every conservative needs to get out there and vote,

and while doing that slap your liberal neighbors in the back of the head, hoping to snap them out of their daze, and if that does not work, well i suggest throat punching but my wife said that was a little drastic...even for a liberal... i said drastic times call for drastic measures.... today i'm starting a brand new group, it's going to be slap a lefty today, slap them hard , slap them often, don't let the left's weak minds start to wonder, we will only pay for it tommorrow... so get out there a slap your lefties... slap the stupid right out of them.... send your 9.99 cents to me today and I'll send you the official  slap a lefty t-shirt today... oohh wait we have t-shirts for the left as well , Sorry i voted liberal, and i have been slapped today, please may i have another.

This is Serious, Bill Blair Betrays Canadian Values - YouTube

Edited by Army Guy
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The airsoft thing particularly pisses me off.  These things exist because they were meant for safe play.  They are toys, not weapons in ANY sense of the word.  I first ran afoul of this issue about 10 or so years ago.  I bought an airsoft and the heaviest BBs available in a US city to clear a birds nest from a high voltage switch without turning the power off (and blacking out a third of a major city).  It took thousands of shots to remove the nest, essentially one twig at a time (we had a long time while some equipment was running to re-condition the stuff that had been off line for a year or so).  I just threw it into the tool trailer without a thought.  Was fine until customs decided they wanted to look through the trailer (FULL of tools and equipment).  They told me I could have been charged with illegally importing a firearm - to which I was simply dumbfounded.   We had two terms of so-called conservative government since then, and this kind of sheer stupidity did not go away - so not cutting any slack to either party.

The lunatics (read: bureaucrats) are now running the assylum.

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Alot of things scare liberals, like conservatives, anyone with a different opinion, not holding the liberal party line, finger guns, toy guns , they loss there minds if shown a gun, or address someone without the proper pro noun, talk about abortion, talk about canceling LBGT week, mandatory minimum jail sentences, giving victims more rights than the criminals, the list is really to big to put on one post.... most liberals / Karen's used to be decent people, not so much any more...

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Remember that Daisy BB gun we had as kids, well the liberals have made it a prohibited wpn... not even sure why, it is level action, and fires BB's maybe some one c an explain the logic behind this, because it is obviously a wpn designed to kill humans in the least amount of time... or was that small birds and paper targets....

This whole thing is getting out of hand. 

Bill C-21 Canada is Going After Your Red Ryder BB Gun - YouTube

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On 2/17/2021 at 2:07 PM, Army Guy said:

Found this on the subject, it is just how New Zealand's gun buy back went... according to the news article not very good, a joke really.

this tidbit surprised me, Justin mentioned that anyone with mental health issues can have their permit suspended and wpns confiscated, unless they have your medical file how are they going to do that. There is only one way, what used to be confidential info, is now available to whom every needs it. Yes every one of our security depts could have access to your medical records. Is this anything to be worried about ? 

Will all this make Canada safer... well New Zealand government can not say with any certainity, what they can tell you is they removed wpns off law abiding citizens...

“That’s because most law-abiding New Zealanders handed in their now-prohibited firearms, but gangs and criminals, those who pose the greatest risk to our safety, did not.”

If you look at how broadly the Dems are accusing white people of racism, systemic racism, terrorism and 'deadly support of the GOP' etc, and then look at the penchant that the US gov't has for identifying personal behaviour as diseases, like alcoholism and drug addiction, you have to wonder how far they are away from identifying being conservative as a disease, or mental illness...

"You voted for Trump, turn in your guns!"

Check out these drooling morons at "psychology today": https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits?page=1


The lightning-fast ascent and political invincibility of Donald Trump has left many experts baffled and wondering, “How did we get here?” Any accurate and sufficient answer to that question must not only focus on Trump himself, but also on his uniquely loyal supporters. Given their extreme devotion and unwavering admiration for their highly unpredictable and often inflammatory leader, some have turned to the field of psychology for scientific explanations based on precise quantitative data and established theoretical frameworks.

 :lol: AKA, "confirmation bias".


While the abject stupidity of the uber-dorks is amusing, it's also scary.

This is an actual attempt to characterize Trump support as a mental health issue. IE, a step on the path to gun control along party affiliations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gun  owners talk to the rest of Canada about what ownership means to them , yes everyday law abiding Canadian citizens with as much rights as the rest of Canadian. This may never be seen by the left, and non gun owners, but hey what is there to lose.

#ItsWhoWeAre - Rob - YouTube

#ItsWhoWeAre - Women - YouTube

#ItsWhoWeAre - Kundall Family - YouTube

#ItsWhoWeAre - Big Country Anti Violence - YouTube



#ItsWhoWeAre - Employees - YouTube

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On 2/19/2021 at 1:05 PM, Army Guy said:

Same goes for any weapon really be it a knife, base ball bat, kitchen knife what ever  kill someone expect to spend some time in jail, while your new best friend is out and about if you did not kill him....  as is your family

The standard greeting to newcomers in our area of Wyoming is to inform them what to do in event of a breakin.  You are told to call or otherwise challenge them.  When they turn to face you, you can now claim to be defending yourself under fear for your life.  Then you put the round between their eyes to make damn sure they are dead.  That saves you the hassle of dealing with lawyers.

We don't get very many breakins in rural Wyoming.

I have no pity for criminals who are injured or killed during crimes.  It is little different from the person who chooses the level of risk in climbing mountains or other extreme sports...except that crime inevitably results in victims.  IF (and boy, that's a big IF) we had any collective brains, we would realize that our first priority should be to protect the victims, not the criminals.   BTW: one thing I would endorse is the freedom from prosecution of victims or their immediate family if they retaliate against their criminal perpetrator(s) up to a comparable level of loss or injury.  Do that, and you would see crime plummet overnight.











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More Lies, someone has to ask this question at what point to we as citizens draw the line in the sand , and stop trusting what our government is telling us, how gullible are we as Canadians. Apparently we are very gullible.  I know there are lots of people who are scared of guns and what they can do, and a lot of this has to do with our governments message to everyone over and over....most if not all are lies.... refuted by experts including law enforcement , but some how not the majority of media But if our current government can out right lie to it's citizens with out repercussions what is the next target for there crazy policies.... the next target may be something you have or enjoy. what is stopping them, perhaps a liberal can answer that question. Because it's left leaning citizens don't give a shit , this is not in their talking points... and yet some 25 % of liberals are gun owners... 

Why does this work, it's simple, we are blindly following every word our government is telling us... it is gospel, no one cares to fact check any MP... and in the following video you'll see it is not a requirement to have any facts or figures in parliament during debates or discussions, you can make it up as you go.... , they can say what ever they like it's call parliamentary privilege, same as in the senate, or committee..

 Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 6/7 - Our System is Broken - YouTube

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On 3/17/2021 at 6:07 AM, cannuck said:

one thing I would endorse is the freedom from prosecution of victims or their immediate family if they retaliate against their criminal perpetrator(s) up to a comparable level of loss or injury.  Do that, and you would see crime plummet overnight.

Nope, you would not.  Criminals assume they're gonna get away with it.  They aren't doing a cost-benefit analysis of their actions beforehand, or the potential lawsuits they could bring if they were injured while committing a crime.  The potential reward is virtually always a bigger factor than the potential consequences.  Many criminals have difficulty even imagining consequences, given the predominant age group and gender, intellectual functioning, and/or drug use.  And of course, some just don't care.  



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2 hours ago, dialamah said:

Criminals assume they're going to get away with it.  They aren't doing a cost-benefit analysis of their actions beforehand, or the potential lawsuits they could bring if they were injured while committing a crime.  The potential reward is virtually always a bigger factor than the potential consequences.  Many criminals have difficulty even imagining consequences . . . .   



My friends in Idaho and Nevada aren't bothered by home invasions or car-jacking . . . . I wonder why.

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

Nope, you would not.  Criminals assume they're gonna get away with it.  They aren't doing a cost-benefit analysis of their actions beforehand, or the potential lawsuits they could bring if they were injured while committing a crime.  The potential reward is virtually always a bigger factor than the potential consequences.  Many criminals have difficulty even imagining consequences, given the predominant age group and gender, intellectual functioning, and/or drug use.  And of course, some just don't care.  

I understand what and why you are saying this, but in a strange co-incidence I happen to have had a very good look at criminal life two times in my years.  What I have come to understand is that there are about 3 kinds of people incarcerated: those who didn't realize they were doing something criminal, those who are happy to be inside and away from bad influence and those who are genuinely criminal minds that are spending their time there to become better criminals and make broader associations.   What they have taught me (vicariously, I might add) is that there is really one thing they respect - violence worse than they perpetrate.  One of my very good friends went from being an armed robber to being an advocate for people running afoul of the law.  He was eventually hired by some blue chip do-gooder agency as their token and was on call 24x7 to sort out people's problems.  He would intervene in physical confrontations or court appearance and anything in between.  He actually straightened a LOT of people out, but it all started with him being about twice anyone else's size and strength and could terminate altercations by brute force - for which they respected him greatly.  Trying to reason with them (as you clearly point out is NOT really possible on a reasonable level) simply gets you nowhere.  He eventually opened a string of residences (sort of like halfway houses) and was even approached to try to open private jails in Canada - mostly because of his extreme success in handling and getting some stability from "hard case" clients. 

From my time in Wyoming, where EVEYRONE is armed and vigilante justice is constantly there - we simply don't have much in the line of crime going on.  It's not quite as it is portrayed in Yellowstone with bodies flying left and right - but if you were to try to push a criminal wave through the area - it would be.


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