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Joe Biden's Quid Pro Quo Exposed in Leaked Emails

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Fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC are scrambling to make the claim that Russians are responsible for the leaked information from Hunter Biden's laptops, but according to America's most reliable and most-watched cable news outlet, Fox News, the source of the leaked emails is a computer repair shop owner who actually did have access to Hunter's emails.

Originally we were being told that Hunter was making $30K/mo at Burisma, now it's said that he was actually making over $80,000/month from Burisma. 

Hunter admitted that he only got the Burisma job because of who his dad is and the video is here. Now there may be proof that Joe Biden made the famous trip to the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor after he was summoned by Burisma's owner.   (actually a board member, my bad, and I can't fix the link)

Keep in mind that Joe Biden used to claim that he was never even aware of Hunter's job at Burisma. Joe was forced to admit that was a lie after a photo of the Bidens with Devon Archer, another Burisma board member, was released. It drastically changes the whole landscape of the quid pro quo allegation against Joe if he was actually asked to come to Ukraine to drop the hammer on the prosecutor.

I didn't even mention China yet....

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Yep, we'll just let this simmer for a few days until it really starts to sink in and the left collectively melts down.  And it serves them right.  The nomination process was orchestrated to make Biden the only centrist candidate, while all of the others were extremists, activists and just not electable.  

Biden was asked about his son's seized laptop and he immediately left the reporters and would say nothing.   That speaks a lot louder than his weak denials about packing the court. 

Payback's a bitch, Biden.  You should have challenged Clinton for the nomination in 2016 when you were fresh off the vice prez gig and had more political capital to spend.  And more brain power.

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11 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Biden was asked about his son's seized laptop and he immediately left the reporters and would say nothing.   That speaks a lot louder than his weak denials about packing the court. 

Apparently Jill Biden was on The View today and they never even asked about Ukraine or China. Not even to make the Russian collusion accusation.

At the next debate Biden seriously needs to answer to the Ukrainian quid pro quo question, for Hunter's millions there, and he has to atone for his lack of action when Antifa and BLM were destroying the country and killing people.

"I wasn't in office" isn't an excuse.

The scuzzy Obamas were anointing the rioters as God's chosen ones while they were out of the Whitehouse. Biden could have spoken up as well. 

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Obama is very intelligent, but his arrogance and pride prevents him from seeing anything beyond what he wants to see.

This scandal, along with the appointment of another conservative judge to SCOTUS and even Trump's beat down of Covid(he was sick for what, 3 days?) is going to deliver a win on election day.  The polls and media are doing the exact same thing they did in 2016; creating an environment in which Trump voters are keeping mum about it until they enter the voting booth. 


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7 minutes ago, sharkman said:

This scandal, along with the appointment of another conservative judge to SCOTUS and even Trump's beat down of Covid(he was sick for what, 3 days?) is going to deliver a win on election day.


I imagine if the Democrats came up with pictures of emails and wouldn't let anyone see or verify the originals, you would accept their veracity without question? 

I also imagine that's a question you would never answer. :lol:

Edited by BubberMiley
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17 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

I imagine if the Democrats came up with pictures of emails and wouldn't let anyone see or verify the originals, you would accept their veracity without question? 

I also imagine that's a question you would never answer. :lol:

For Democrats, that would be considered "A VAST TREASURE TROVE OF INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE!!!!!"

How much evidence did you ever SEE from CNN's whole Russian collusion carnival BubberMiley :blink:  

Did you see a picture of an incriminating email Bubber :unsure:  

Could you pass it on please? The rest of North America missed it :lol:

Just remember that during the whole Russian collusion investigation, whatever 'evidence' the Dems/FBI 'had', no one was ever allowed to see it :ph34r: Not even the chairman of the intel committee or the AG.

In fairness to the Dems, part of the reason they didn't share their valuable evidence is because they lied about the fact that they even had any B)

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Doesn't this Hunter Biden laptop story just magnify how awful the mainstream media is? They gave constant coverage of the whole fake Trump/Russia collusion story for years without any verifiable evidence to back it up. No real evidence after years of scrutiny!

Now with Hunter's laptop and all the incriminating emails on it popping up....the mainstream media and the tech giants refuse to cover the story and are actively censoring the information. If the media were truly objective and fair this would/should be a huge story....but it's not. It's pathetic,it's sad,it's scary too.

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2 hours ago, Shady said:

Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop are being confirmed.  It doesn’t matter though.  Biden could rape Tara Reade on the corner of 5th avenue and the Biden cult wouldn’t care.

They haven't being confirmed at all. You are being misled by your alt-right blogs again. Why are you so gullible, over and over again? I'm beginning to think you spread misinformation on purpose.

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17 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Why are you so gullible, over and over again? I'm beginning to think you spread misinformation on purpose.

I almost died laughing when I saw this.

You were sucked in by Russian collusion, Ukrainian collusion, Dr Ford, BLM, Antifa and every other bogus story that CNN vomited out without any evidence whatsoever.

The photo of the email shown right there is FAR MORE EVIDENCE THAN YOU'VE EVER ACTUALLY SEEN of Russian collusion and that was a 3 yr-investigation that you SWORE by.

You're the last person on earth who should be accusing other people of spreading misinformation on purpose.

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The emails are all verified & authenticated by the House Intel Committee, they are also independently verified by a credible witness.

The only possible thing that leftists could say now, to make that case that the emails aren't legit, is that 1) the witness isn't anonymous, and 2) the source isn't one of Hillary's trusted Russian informants. The Dems and their sycophant horde are really particular about where to get their trusted information from. 

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Now the Dems are calling info about Hunter Biden "a smear campaign" lol. Yeah it's "a big smear campaign with a lot of actual evidence". Unlike Russian collusion, which was a big smear campaign with no evidence.

"One of Joe's sons already died in the military, now they're attacking his other son! :o"

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Phoney “emails” on a “hard drive” that Republican operatives claim to have but won’t allow anyone to examine in person .....only letting people see screenshots   

What about the fake email scandal from the last election, wasn’t Trump going to throw Hillary in jail for that?  It’s been 4 years. What happened was it all bullshit or is your Dear Leader too incompetent to get the job done?  Seems it could only be one or the other  

Meanwhile in the real world the real Russia investigation had some actual results  



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12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Phoney “emails” on a “hard drive” that Republican operatives claim to have but won’t allow anyone to examine in person .....only letting people see screenshots   

What about the fake email scandal from the last election, wasn’t Trump going to throw Hillary in jail for that?  It’s been 4 years. What happened was it all bullshit or is your Dear Leader too incompetent to get the job done?  Seems it could only be one or the other  

Meanwhile in the real world the real Russia investigation had some actual results  




Can you name which one of those people was found guilty of anything to do with Russian collusion? 

There's absolutely zero evidence anywhere that Trump colluded with Russia.

There's actually zero evidence that any of his associates colluded with Russia. 

What you just put there isn't proof of collusion, it's like the FBI wall of shame. They arrested those people and got them put in jail for things that had absolutely nothing to do with Russian collusion, and then they offered them reduced sentencing for fake testimony about Russian collusion. The FBI has known since Jan of 2017 that Trump didn't collude with Russia. 

Like I said Beaver, name one single person who is in jail for somehow colluding with Russia..........

Cue the crickets.....

One last thing - The only person in the world who is actually proven to be guilty of any crime related to Russian collusion is Kevin Clinesemith - the FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering Russian collusion evidence which he provided to the FISA court in order to renew warrants to spy on Trump, long after the FBI already knew that the whole thing was a farce.

Dude, the entire rest of the world knows that Russian collusion was entirely a farce, dredged up by Hillary when she colluded with Russians for a false dossier.

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11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Phoney “emails” on a “hard drive” that Republican operatives claim to have but won’t allow anyone to examine in person .....only letting people see screenshots   

Those "screenshots" alone are far more evidence than anyone has ever seen of Russian collusion. 

Bobolinski was an actual business partner of the Bidens and he did an hour long video, telling the American people directly what the Bidens did. It's not even up for debate whether or not the Bidens were influence peddling. It just hasn't been proven in court yet. 

CNN and their drooling idiot followers got all up in arms about Russia for 3 years (some of them are into year 4 now lol) and they never, in all that time, saw a single shred of evidence proving that Trump somehow colluded with Russia.

The evidence that the Bidens were influence peddling is everywhere, from Biden's boastful confession, to how many times he was caught lying about whether he knew about Hunter's lucrative deals, now there are leaked emails, there are phone call logs, text messages, photos, Hunter's admission that all the boards he sat on was because of his family connection, and their own business partner has laid out all of the evidence in plain sight. 

There's a zero percent chance that the Bidens aren't guilty of influence peddling. Now it's just a matter of figuring out what the Bidens gave up to foreign individuals and possibly even the Chinese government in return for their lucrative returns. It's not like people gave them money for nothing. 

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And there's a lesson the Dems and Progressives in general seem to need to continue learning.

Your underhanded crap can come back to bite you in the ass.

An example would be how Dem Senate leader Harry Reid's "nuclear option" requiring only a simple majority rather than 60% zoomed ACB into the supreme court ahead of the election.

And they've got the possibility of another one like that coming up. Think about this. Suppose Biden wins and the Republicans win the House. Why wouldn't the Republicans impeach what the emails were calling "The Big Guy?"

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Also social media has made a big gamble and they stand to lose big by censoring the "Biden Crime Family" story. 

If the Republicans win big the first thing they're expected to go after in the next term is Social Media's section 230 protection allowing them to censor as a platform rather than be liable to lawsuit as a publisher. 

Google could face more anti trust action as well.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Those "screenshots" alone are far more evidence than anyone has ever seen of Russian collusion. 

Bobolinski was an actual business partner of the Bidens and he did an hour long video, telling the American people directly what the Bidens did. It's not even up for debate whether or not the Bidens were influence peddling. It just hasn't been proven in court yet. 

CNN and their drooling idiot followers got all up in arms about Russia for 3 years (some of them are into year 4 now lol) and they never, in all that time, saw a single shred of evidence proving that Trump somehow colluded with Russia.

The evidence that the Bidens were influence peddling is everywhere, from Biden's boastful confession, to how many times he was caught lying about whether he knew about Hunter's lucrative deals, now there are leaked emails, there are phone call logs, text messages, photos, Hunter's admission that all the boards he sat on was because of his family connection, and their own business partner has laid out all of the evidence in plain sight. 

There's a zero percent chance that the Bidens aren't guilty of influence peddling. Now it's just a matter of figuring out what the Bidens gave up to foreign individuals and possibly even the Chinese government in return for their lucrative returns. It's not like people gave them money for nothing. 

Do you even hear yourself?  

1) So after your first long-winded defence against Trump collusion allegations was “nobody’s been convicted“ then you follow up with a second long-winded rant making Hunter Biden allegations for a crime that nobody’s been convicted of. Does that make sense to you?


2) And your defence of the convicted Trump associates is that they were guilty of totally different (but related) crimes. That’s what passes for decency with Trump supporters these days:  “haha shows what you know I wasn’t convicted of THAT crime I was convicted of a different crime!”   Wow you sure showed us. Go give yourself a medal. 

3) I can make fake screenshots of an email that never happened too. Obviously it’s fake otherwise would let people examine the real thing and not just a pic that they took. 

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56 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Do you even hear yourself?  

1) So after your first long-winded defence against Trump collusion allegations was “nobody’s been convicted“ then you follow up with a second long-winded rant making Hunter Biden allegations for a crime that nobody’s been convicted of. Does that make sense to you?


2) And your defence of the convicted Trump associates is that they were guilty of totally different (but related) crimes. That’s what passes for decency with Trump supporters these days:  “haha shows what you know I wasn’t convicted of THAT crime I was convicted of a different crime!”   Wow you sure showed us. Go give yourself a medal. 

3) I can make fake screenshots of an email that never happened too. Obviously it’s fake otherwise would let people examine the real thing and not just a pic that they took. 

1) Do you understand that a 3-yr long witch hunt into Russian collusion is over? It found no evidence? Do you know that you have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. Do you understand that actual evidence of Biden's crime is all over the place? Do you realise that there still hasn't been an investigation into Biden's crimes yet? Does that make sense to you?

2) My defence of the convicted Trump associates is that they were guilty of totally different and completely unrelated crimes, for the most part crimes that largely go unpunished. You have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. Wow you sure showed the whole world something Beaver. You just don't want to know what it is.

3) Could you make several fake videos of Joe Biden denying any knowledge of Hunter's work at Burisma, and then of him subsequently admitting that he was lying? Can you make a fake video of Biden's closest business partner describing in detail for an hour how all the evidence is real, and exactly how the Biden family sold access to the VP for money? Can you get the Senate Intel Committee to verify thousands of emails and text messages? Just remember that after 3 years the Dems couldn't get anyone to verify a singe slightly-incriminating text message from Trump. If they had, they would have claimed total victory.

Obviously Russian collusion was fake otherwise someone would be in jail for actual collusion with Russia. In case you missed this earlier: you have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. I can name some people who were offered reduced sentences for fake testimony against Trump though.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Do you understand that a 3-yr long witch hunt into Russian collusion is over? It found no evidence? Do you know that you have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. Do you understand that actual evidence of Biden's crime is all over the place? Do you realise that there still hasn't been an investigation into Biden's crimes yet? Does that make sense to you?

2) My defence of the convicted Trump associates is that they were guilty of totally different and completely unrelated crimes, for the most part crimes that largely go unpunished. You have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. Wow you sure showed the whole world something Beaver. You just don't want to know what it is.

3) Could you make several fake videos of Joe Biden denying any knowledge of Hunter's work at Burisma, and then of him subsequently admitting that he was lying? Can you make a fake video of Biden's closest business partner describing in detail for an hour how all the evidence is real, and exactly how the Biden family sold access to the VP for money? Can you get the Senate Intel Committee to verify thousands of emails and text messages? Just remember that after 3 years the Dems couldn't get anyone to verify a singe slightly-incriminating text message from Trump. If they had, they would have claimed total victory.

Obviously Russian collusion was fake otherwise someone would be in jail for actual collusion with Russia. In case you missed this earlier: you have still utterly failed to name a single person who was convicted of a collusion-related offence. I can name some people who were offered reduced sentences for fake testimony against Trump though.

Several Trump associates were convicted for crimes directly related to the collusion and no they aren’t crimes that usually go unpunished   The only reason Trump escaped is because he blatantly obstructed the investigation while repeatedly firing attorneys general until he found a lackey willing to say that in his personal opinion the president cant be charged with obstruction while in office.

Just today another associate of both Giuliani and the Kremlin-backed Ukrainian Lev Parnas plead guilty to Fraud  and  is pending trial for campaign finance crimes along with another goon. So many ACTUAL crimes involving Russians and Trumpsters. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

“Evidence” of the Biden fake news scandal is not all over the place and the fact that it’s not getting coverage outside your right wing fake news bubble pretty much proves it’s garbage  

Considering your defence of Trump is based entirely on the fact that he wasn’t convicted, I wonder why you’re so quick to claim allegations against Biden are true considering he also hasn’t been convicted. Sounds mighty hypocritical.  


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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


Tucker Carlson just set the all-time record for the most-watched cable tv news program over the course of a month. 

Still no credible sources reporting on any inaccuracies in that whole period of time. 

The man lies every time he speaks And it’s well documented  but like everything else you simply decide that if they say something you don’t like they’re not credible. 

Well here is Fox News successfully arguing in court that Tucker is full of shit and his audience knows it or ought to know it, therefore he can’t be guilty of defamation   The Trump-appointed judge agreed 


The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "


... "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."


Is that credible enough for you?

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