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Anarchy in Seattle

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Big nothing? Who are you to say what people have in their hearts?

2. See how there's people waling around with AR-15's?

3. It wouldn't be a big nothing if in your neighbourhood, I'll wager...

1. I mean maybe there's not much newsworthy going on here.  It has nothing to do with what is in peoples' hearts.
2. No, I didn't see anything like that in the original post.
3. No - and the answer is that it's NOT a big nothing if there are armed protestors.  I was against that idea when the Michigan hicks invaded the legislature to demand haircuts and I am against it here.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Defund a big nothing? Riots, looting, calling for police to be shut down or funding levels cut, even in Toronto no less, for an incident thousands of miles away in another country, where guns proliferate.

Yeah, 's a big nothing here folks. Look over there, there's a bad man! Bad man!  :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Can I ask you to just go back and edit your original posts if you want to add something ?  Thanks.
Yes it's not a big nothing - I took it back when I got additional information, easy peasy.  Thanks for educating me.

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6 hours ago, -TSS- said:

The authorities are being very patient; instead of cutting off water and electricity to CHAZ they wait that the citizens of the New country get bored. Or hungry. 

Really? They haven't cut off the water and electricity yet?

Well, that's a head scratcher.

This institutionalized commie cuckery that's been inculcated into the minds of university kids going on to be bureaucrats and public officials is just baffling. Why do we tolerate it?

At least turn the fricken water and electricity off, dummies. If there's a way to cut cable and wifi, do that. Cut the cord to civilization. Show them what their green dream, rainbow red in the head coalition, Utopia actually looks like. Put a wall up on the other side of theirs and when they want to come out throw them in the paddy wagon.



Edited by Infidel Dog
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9 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

1.This institutionalized commie cuckery that's been inculcated into the minds of university kids going on to be bureaucrats and public officials is just baffling.
2. Why do we tolerate it?
3. Put a wall up on the other side of theirs and when they want to come out throw them in the paddy wagon.



1. "Cuckery" isn't a thing.  Whatever you are complaining about, it sounds to me like liberalism. 
2. Why tolerate it ?  I think proper fascists would jail and arrest opposing views.  Certainly a lot of campus types would do that to you for opposing them.  Sounds like you agree with their methods, but not their message.
3. The cuckery wagon

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1. Cuck is a word that has been redefined from its classic definition which is a shortening of the word 'cuckold' and refers to weak individuals who will allow their wives to be unfaithful out of weakness. Cuckery is my personal addition to the lexicon (should I TM it?). It refers to the trend of socially subjugating the weak-minded.

Hey...this is handy. Somebody gave me the pictorial definition above.


2. Arresting criminals is fascist now, is it?

3. I want to see Cuck-wagon races at the Calgary Stampede. :)

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12 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said:

It doesn't seem that bad.

Oh the horror! People dancing to music, painting art, exchanging goods, and having a good time. Clearly we must send in the military to stop it! *sarcasm*


Already this tiny Socialist utopia is asking for goods from the "outside world" because as history has taught us,Socialism has to leech off of the capitalist system in one way or another to meet it's needs. They have that sense of entitlement common to that mindset. Brainwashing is alive and well.

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There's a fascinating one HERE on how the anarcho-communists of BLM get financed by celebrities, the corporates and Soros style money managers through NGOs. It isn't just the sneaky redistribution of tax money acquired through a capitalist system that finances them.

There's a noteworthy angle in the article on the hypocrisy necessary from celebrities and corporates to be bucking up.


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Abolish Police, Make College Free: Seattle’s ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ Issues List Of Demands


After just over 48 hours, the “Seattle Autonomous Zone” or “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)” has a reported food shortage, an allegedly overbearing warlord, and a 30-point list of demands for Seattle lawmakers, which include defunding and abolishing the police, emptying prisons, funding a fully socialist healthcare system, and making college free for Seattle residents.

The group, which took over a four-block radius of Seattle earlier in the week, erecting barriers taken from the Seattle Public Works department, and stationing armed guards at entrances, is being allowed to remain in charge of the CHAZ, which includes an abandoned police precinct, by Seattle authorities.

Although, as the Daily Mail reports, many of the CHAZ’s temporary anarchist residents are enjoying their time in the “autonomous zone,” hosting propaganda-like movie nights and dance contests, a group of activists, claiming to speak for the larger CHAZ, banded together to issue a list of demands to Seattle administrators, titled “the demands of the collective black voices at Free Capitol Hill to the government of Seattle, Washington.”

“We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus,” the demand letter reads. The “apparatus” apparently includes “existing pensions for Seattle Police,” as well as the local prison system.

Lest Seattle residents think they could arm themselves in the absence of law enforcement, the group demands that ‘the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.”

They also demand the federal government open an investigation into police brutality in Seattle, that victims of police brutality receive reparations, that protests be “decriminalized,” that all arrested protesters be released (as well as any prisoner serving time for a marijuana charge), and that the prison system is “dismantled” and replaced with a “restorative justice” program.

All the money “saved” by defunding and disbanding police departments should be directed, of course, into the public school system.

In addition, the protesters have “economic” demands, that include city-wide rent control, full funding for “arts and culture,” “free college for the people of the state of Washington,” and “a decentralized election process to give the citizens of Seattle a greater ability to select candidates for public office such that we are not forced to choose at the poll between equally undesirable options.”

In the “health care” section, they demand “hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients,” and that mental health experts be sent along with police officers on emergency calls.

The demand letter does not specify how police will continue to exist for mental illness calls.

Fox News reports that “it’s not clear how many of the demands — if any — will be met. But local law enforcement and protesters that talked to KOMO News believe there is no current end in sight to the occupation.”


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Can I ask you to just go back and edit your original posts if you want to add something ?  Thanks.
Yes it's not a big nothing - I took it back when I got additional information, easy peasy.  Thanks for educating me.

No, I have no intention of doing that. That's not how this forum works. Ask a question, get a more clear answer. Not revisionism. This is the same as the people who think removing statues makes sense. Erase history, nothing will make sense any more.


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I mean maybe there's not much newsworthy going on here.  It has nothing to do with what is in peoples' hearts.

Sure it does, This is Antifa, aren't they the CNN heroes? They glorified the movement for a while, if I recall.

Shall we ask people who openly carry AR-15's what is in their hearts? No thank you. I can figure that out for myself. There is no need to pretend we are above second-guessing what is quite obvious. Only a fool would think they are standing there for the welcome committee.

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5 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Vodka is preferred, I'll wager...

Currency in the CHAZ:

1 Weed

2 Meth

3 Cheezies

4 New TVs

5 BLMCards & AntifaCards (New credit cards that look like bricks, made out of brick. You insert them into the window of any store. Unlimited credit.)

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18 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Currency in the CHAZ:

1 Weed

2 Meth

3 Cheezies

4 New TVs

5 BLMCards & AntifaCards (New credit cards that look like bricks, made out of brick. You insert them into the window of any store. Unlimited credit.)

Mine was in reference to the Russians being their creditors. Of course these disaffected youth do not want vodka, but their comrades will see to it they get whatever they want.

First step to deal with them, all of them should be photographed and identified using the new facial recognition software. Then put the information in the local police database.

Edited by OftenWrong
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Here is what the future looks like when police are not allowed to do the job of protecting citizens of the state, by the state.


Response times to rapes and other violent crimes in the zone have soared in recent days without a police presence there, according to Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best. She entered the precinct, which is boarded up and hasn’t been looted, on Thursday, telling reporters that she wants things to return to normal.

“If that is your mother, your sister, your cousin, your neighbor’s kid that is being raped, robbed, assaulted, and otherwise victimized, you’re not going to want to have to report that it took the police three times longer to get there to provide services to them.”


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4 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Here is what the future looks like when police are not allowed to do the job of protecting citizens of the state, by the state.


I think it's a bit of a strawman - nobody is seriously talking about removing help for these kinds of crimes are they ?   

From what little I have read it's along these lines: 

"Christy E. Lopez, a Georgetown Law professor  and co-director of the school’s Innovative Policing Program, wrote that defunding the police is not necessarily something that comes overnight or by just zeroing out a police department's budget."Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities and shifting most of what government does to keep us safe to entities that are better equipped to meet that need," Lopez wrote."

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In many countries toying with the idea of seceding is a serious offence no matter how ridiculous or unrealistic it is. Therefore the American, or perhaps the Washington-state, authorities have shown great restraint with these lunatics.

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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

In many countries toying with the idea of seceding is a serious offence no matter how ridiculous or unrealistic it is. Therefore the American, or perhaps the Washington-state, authorities have shown great restraint with these lunatics.

In many countries.... therefore in the US.... does NOT follow.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I think it's a bit of a strawman - nobody is seriously talking about removing help for these kinds of crimes are they ? 

Let's see, quote provided by the chief of police. You now call her claims "straw man". There is nothing more I can do with you.

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56 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Let's see, quote provided by the chief of police. You now call her claims "straw man". There is nothing more I can do with you.

I'm talking about 'defunding', whatever is meant by that, not the current situation which I already have commented on.  Or by 'the future' did you mean "Seattle in the near future while this is going on" ?  If you meant that, then I misunderstood your prediction for 'the future'.

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On 6/12/2020 at 3:31 PM, -TSS- said:

A couple of days and their utopia has already run out of food. These guys should definitely be allowed to run an entire country. 

Or perhaps not. 

Methinks they did not quite think this 100% of the way through. Or even 50%.  Logistics and supply chains are a thing, and they are gonna see how much life suck without those being in place.

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'm talking about 'defunding', whatever is meant by that, not the current situation which I already have commented on.  Or by 'the future' did you mean "Seattle in the near future while this is going on" ?  If you meant that, then I misunderstood your prediction for 'the future'.

I am all for de-militarizing the police.  Doctors and teachers struggle to get the right equipment for their jobs, and yet the police are kitted out for all out war with expensive gear , armor, firepower and .. tanks.

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20 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

5 BLMCards & AntifaCards (New credit cards that look like bricks, made out of brick. You insert them into the window of any store. Unlimited credit.)

I like the idea, but the brick won't fit in my wallet.  Hmm but like the Fed pumping money into the collapsing system, having these bricks everywhere is also devaluing the currency! And then the good run out.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'm talking about 'defunding', whatever is meant by that, not the current situation which I already have commented on.  Or by 'the future' did you mean "Seattle in the near future while this is going on" ?  If you meant that, then I misunderstood your prediction for 'the future'.

Defunding is the rallying cry of the BLM, and the protesters and rioters. And here in Canada too, even the mayor of Toronto is talking about the idea. Why this event in the US has prompted him to float that concept in Toronto is not clear. And even Greta Thunberg has given her voice of support to the outrage factory, too. She is a multi-talented genius of social engineering.

By future I mean in a time where police service get replaced by nice little old Philipino ladies who do house calls, when the old man is laying a beatin on the old lady, etc.

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23 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Defunding is the rallying cry of the BLM, and the protesters and rioters. And here in Canada too, even the mayor of Toronto is talking about the idea. 

2.  She is a multi-talented genius of social engineering.

3. By future I mean in a time where police service get replaced by nice little old Philipino ladies who do house calls, when the old man is laying a beatin on the old lady, etc.

1. Yes, back to my post - it's not about removing police altogether.

2. Yes, that's a standard tactic - to discredit the opposition.  Easier to do when your opposition is toothless Michigan Hicks storming the legislature demanding hair cuts and sports bars.

3. That's the strawman.  TPS just tweeted that they respond to 30K distress calls a year.  Does that warrant a budget of  $1.22B?  That would be $40K a call if that's the entire rationale for police budgets.

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