Infidel Dog Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 I think if you heard my point you'd have better luck coming up with a relevant reply to it. Here, I'll make it simple. Quote
Infidel Dog Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 The Black and White of Systematic Racism Quote If you’re going to champion a cause, have the good grace or basic intelligence to push one that is not so easily undermined by reality... like “systemic racism.” At last check, we’re more than 50 years removed from “colored-only” anything; television commercials would have us believe that inter-racial couples are the rule today; and, diversity/inclusion is a lucrative industry and that’s on top of affirmative action. In short, there has never been a better time to be black in America. Until a few months ago, there was never a better time to be black and employed in America. Then came the death of George Floyd, which was universally condemned. That point cannot be repeated often enough. No one supported the officer whose name won’t be mentioned here. In the ensuing outcry over Floyd’s death, however, many more black men were killed, by the people doing the protesting. These further black deaths have largely gone ignored because they cannot be squared with claim of systemic racism -- they cannot be rationalized at all. Forget the concept of “all lives matter;” it’s apparent that not even all black lives matter. Unless a cop is involved and facts don’t matter then, either. Not only is ‘systemic racism’ grossly inaccurate, so is the claim that law enforcement officers seek out and target black citizens. No one told Tony Timpa that being white carried special privileges when he encountered cops. Or Daniel Shaver. In fact, the Shaver case was so egregious even the Atlantic couldn’t ignore it and to publication’s credit, it also noticed the elephant in the living room: “The case hasn’t attracted the higher degree of attention from the press, the public, or policing-reform activists, partly because…. the cop and the dead man were both white, rendering the killing less controversial than one possibly animated by racism.” Less controversial... A cute euphemism for “not politically expedient.’ As for the underlying claim of disparate treatment of minorities by law enforcement, a study from Michigan State published last year reports that the mythology of racist cops does not match the reality. It doesn’t even come close. If anything, black citizens are more likely to be shot by cops who are black, and if there is a causal link, it’s the volume of violent crime that occurs in any jurisdiction. Simply put, more crime usually equals more shootings. And yet, the talking point of ‘systemic racism’ has taken hold like a prairie fire that refuses to be doused by any volume of contrary facts or evidence. At the same time, a combination of self-flagellation and self-congratulations is emanating from white leftists eager to atone, or give the appearance of atoning, for their lack of melanin while also getting their woke on, as if there is a contest to see who can preen the loudest. It’s what a friend of mine terms “pathological altruism,” the paternalistic conceit of the left that is built on the belief that black people can only advance and succeed when guided by the benevolent hand of progressive America. This mindset not only ignores the blacks who do just fine without these would-be masters, it parades the helped group as mascots to be forever reminded that their lives are only possible due to the tireless effort of their white benefactors. It is an overlay of weapons-grade condescension atop the stench of rank bigotry. Because what else can it be but bigotry when the pathological altruist essentially says “you’re nothing without me” to the minority individual while claiming “they’re as good as anyone else” to the rest of us. For an ever-so-brief moment, there was something on which we all agreed: the cops in Minneapolis were in the wrong. Unity, of course, is offensive to many in the political and pundit class, so the cohesion had to be ripped asunder and few things create division as effectively as race. Was that even a factor here? Maybe, but given the number of complaints against this officer, it is plausible that color doesn’t even register with him, that he is a sociopath with a badge and gun, and woe unto the person who falls within his crosshairs. Which speaks to an actual problem, that of far too many law enforcement agencies protecting officers who do not deserve it... Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook More at link. 1 Quote
Infidel Dog Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 So Justin was out there at a protest ignoring social distancing guidelines, because apparently it was more important to get in a photo op. Somebody in the crowd shouted out to him "Go Home Blackface! Go home!" Quote
-TSS- Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 It seems people are treating the coronavirus as something which has passed away or at least not something too serious to stop people from going to virtue signalling protests. Hopefully such complacency won't bite them in the ass. If this American incident had happened in March then people wouldn't have dared to gather in large groups of protests. Back in March people were genuinely frightened of the virus. 1 Quote
Shady Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 Eliminating police killings would have almost zero impact on black society and its ills. Quote
WestCanMan Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said: I think if you heard my point you'd have better luck coming up with a relevant reply to it. Here, I'll make it simple. True enough. You could even substitute sexual harassment or scandals for racism and it's still true. As long as I live I don't think I'll see anything more hypocritical than Hillary calling Trump a misogynist, or Dems saying that Trump needs to be investigated for Ukrainian collusion but "Biden doesn't need to be investigated for Ukrainian collusion because we already vetted him ourselves". Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth.
WestCanMan Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 1 hour ago, Shady said: Eliminating police killings would have almost zero impact on black society and its ills. I personally don't like stats that divide people up by race at all, but I understand that you're just countering leftist "stats" regarding police misuse of force. The one racial divide that I personally hate is "xx.x% of blacks voted for_______ and xx.x% of white suburban housewives voted for ___________." I don't know how they get that info, don't they have secret ballots in the US? (We all know how flawed their polling is, their accuracy certainly isn't down to 1/10th of a percent.) I also don't I don't know how predicting who blacks/whites are going to vote for is any less racist than saying stupid things like black people like fried chicken. IMO it's worse, because it's like saying that "Black people are so stupid that they believe everything they see on CNN." There's a ton of pressure on black people to vote Dem, and a lot of it comes from the more divisive racists in the Dem party. In my honest opinion, the Dems really rely on racism to get votes, and they do their utmost to keep racist division alive to that extent. Making "black" and "white" stats is a big part of that. Using racial epithets instead of saying black and white would be a more accurate representation of the issue. One last thing that I'll say about these stats that's I'm going to guess is misleading is that a lot of these "blacks" are pretty close to half-white. Maybe even more than 50% in some instances. It's weird to shove all of those stats onto one race and not the other. Is this like a DNA stat, or a brown paper bag stat, or a what colour was their primary caregiver stat? No matter what, it's sick imo. I just hate these stats. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth.
Infidel Dog Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 I'd never seen the video of Daniel Shaver being assassinated by police. I saw the link in the article above though, so I clicked it. Remember how they were claiming Michael Brown was begging for his life with his hands up in St. Louis, "Please don't shoot!" Remember that? Then it turned out that was a lie. He was actually rushing the cop hoping to get his gun. But would you like to see a case where that isn't a lie? Daniel Shaver actually was on his knees with his hands above his head begging police not to shoot him. Then they did shoot him. Except Daniel was white, so no race riots like there was in Ferguson for Big Mike the "person of color." Here's the link to the Daniel Shaver gets shot by police video: Quote
WestCanMan Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said: So Justin was out there at a protest ignoring social distancing guidelines, because apparently it was more important to get in a photo op. Somebody in the crowd shouted out to him "Go Home Blackface! Go home!" The little chickenshit can't have a Democracy in a nice socially-distanced parliament because of covid, but he can go out in a massive crowd like that to protest against "Canadian racism". Makes perfect sense. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth.
Argus Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 On 5/31/2020 at 9:33 AM, Michael Hardner said: I would like to take us back to the era of centre-right and centre-left academics soothing everyone via panel shows on black and white television, smoking cigarettes and wearing tweed. It's definitely my kind of thing. Conservatives aren't allowed on such panels. Witness Stockwell Day. 1 Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Argus Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 On 6/5/2020 at 4:45 AM, Infidel Dog said: Rioters Vandalized 16 Statues And Memorials In Boston Common, Including One Dedicated To African-American Soldiers Who Fought In Civil War It's a part of the cultural marxism being taught in every university, indoctrinating every young mind, that you must attack your nation's traditions, discredit them, sweep them away. Because only then can you bring about the new utopia, the new, changed, theoretically (but never) improved regime. We see this in Canada, as well, with the Left doing such a determined work on Canada's founders, and on Canada's history and traditions. They use this to weaken its base and help cause it to fall. The racism angle is basically a part of the same cause, setting a society against itself. In the English world that means basically imbuing every white person with original sin, an original sin which can only be expiated by a grovelling admission of guilt and total submission to the new woke culture, to admitting everything your people have done is uniquely evil, and you bear that guilt from down the generations (white privilage!). Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Argus Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 19 hours ago, -TSS- said: It's an extremely interesting phenomenon how quickly and easily mass-psychosis spreads through the population when the circumstances are right. I'm sure there must be a lot of university-studies on the subject. In fact, so many university programs are devoted to inducing that mass-psychosis. As the Jesuits used to say "Give me a boy for 7 years and I will give you a man", meaning they will guide and work them into the proper Jesuit way of thinking. Well, we now have a school system focused on Jean Jacques Rousseau's belief in the imperative importance of the self above all else, with 'child centred learning' and graduate them into universities where rigid left wing orthodoxy reigns and no contrary views are acceptable. We should not be surprised when they emerge without the necessary critical thinking skills to resist this sort of thing. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Argus Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said: So Justin was out there at a protest ignoring social distancing guidelines, because apparently it was more important to get in a photo op. Somebody in the crowd shouted out to him "Go Home Blackface! Go home!" This kneeling business has a strong religious element to it. As people like Jonathan Haidt, Douglas Murray and David Starkey have all observed. As Chesterton said you don't replace a belief in religion with nothing. You replace it with a belief in anything. And the new woke religion is composed of angry zealots who are the new Dominican inquisition, always seeking out heretics and blasphemers to burn. The cowardly go along with them lest they be targeted, kneel and parrot whatever they're told to parrot. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Infidel Dog Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 1 hour ago, Argus said: It's a part of the cultural marxism being taught in every university, indoctrinating every young mind, that you must attack your nation's traditions, discredit them, sweep them away. Ever seen tbhis one? Quote
Rue Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 (edited) You guys are something else. Marxist ass..its the exact same indoctrination you all went through and are showing on this forum. Your conditioning to get you to the head space you are now at is as totalitarian and problematic as anything you think you see in others. Marxist? People haven't read a book...any book in years. What you see is herd mentality the same thing you have when you need to come on forums and agree with one another. Herd mentality. Its what we humans do. Whether its a thought virus or a physical one its spread the same way. Its spread by people who want to share the same anger at the same object of anger in this case leftists, blacks, whatever your hate of the day object is. This behaviour is in all of us. Everyone of us can turn into one of these angry violent protesters. It does not excuse it. It does though mean simply reacting to it like its only Marxist indoctrinated students who do it is bullshit. I can guarantee every last one of you has engaged in it. Marxist? Oh bull shit. The cell phone and internet has turned us all into sheep abandoning any attempt at critical analysis and choosing instead to engage in pat, simplistic, black and white stereotyping of others. Turn off your damn cell phones. Next time you line up for a Tim Horton's or cheer a hockey team or other sports team welcome. You think you are so different? Good friggin Gawd. Commies! Let me tell you something if it was actual commies they would be far more organized and deadly. Go ask Indeed or someone who survived them. Commies don't run around on streets. They goose step in unison and come in nice little black cars late at night or track you on the streets invisibly watching for you to so much as sneeze from your right nostril. Commies my ass. Westerners. Westerners like us no different than you or I brought up on the doctrine of consumer materialism the doctrine of measuring human value based on the amount of property it can accumulate that it can then sell to make money. Its people who are angry they feel they do not have enough money. Pure, simple and it aint got sweet phack all to do with Marxism, it has to do with people wanting to be rich like other people they see and not being able to. Its about self loathing because of years of being told their value is low or non existent. Its about others just like them who to try compensate and increase their value, try put down the value of others. Its about fat men telling other fat men they are fat. Edited June 6, 2020 by Rue 3 Quote I come to you to hell.
Argus Posted June 6, 2020 Report Posted June 6, 2020 42 minutes ago, Rue said: You guys are something else. Marxist ass..its the exact same indoctrination you all went through and are showing on this forum. I don't recall anyone complaining about ideological indoctrination in universities when I was younger. 42 minutes ago, Rue said: . What you see is herd mentality the same thing you have when you need to come on forums and agree with one another. Herd mentality. Its what we humans do. And yet, like the virus, most of us are immune to ordinary rabble rousing, unless we suffer poor immune systems. Our immune systems against rabble rousing from the Left are fairly poor these days given the unanimity of the new orthodoxy at universities and in the media. 42 minutes ago, Rue said: Good friggin Gawd. Commies! Let me tell you something if it was actual commies they would be far more organized and deadly. Go ask Indeed or someone who survived them. Really? You think they were efficient and effective, do you? It seems to me they always had to substitute quantity for quality because of their LACK of efficiency. 42 minutes ago, Rue said: Its people who are angry they feel they do not have enough money. Pure, simple and it aint got sweet phack all to do with Marxism, Like those two ivy league college educated lawyers arrested in New York the other day for trying to firebomb police cars, you mean? Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Michael Hardner Posted June 7, 2020 Report Posted June 7, 2020 18 hours ago, Shady said: Eliminating police killings would have almost zero impact on black society and its ills. Care to source your meme ? Or should I just assume it comes from another Russian troll farm ? Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
Shady Posted June 7, 2020 Report Posted June 7, 2020 3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said: Care to source your meme ? Or should I just assume it comes from another Russian troll farm ? Bringing up Russia perfectly illustrates that fact that you have no real interest in discussion. Troll somebody else. Quote
Michael Hardner Posted June 7, 2020 Report Posted June 7, 2020 53 minutes ago, Shady said: Bringing up Russia perfectly illustrates that fact that you have no real interest in discussion. Troll somebody else. Sorry, you posted a meme generated by an army of trolls. I'm sorry to wake you up to the fact that you are passing on propaganda. You have made great strides in clarity over the recent past, so don't sell yourself short by passing on content created for dummies. Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
WestCanMan Posted June 7, 2020 Report Posted June 7, 2020 18 hours ago, Rue said: You guys are something else. Marxist indoctrination.... "Capitalism is the enemy" "Free ____________ [everything]" "Equality of outcome" "People with money are guilty" Quote my ass..its the exact same indoctrination you all went through and are showing on this forum. Your conditioning to get you to the head space you are now at is as totalitarian and problematic as anything you think you see in others. Marxist? People haven't read a book...any book in years. What you see is herd mentality the same thing you have when you need to come on forums and agree with one another. Herd mentality. Its what we humans do. You don't need a book to become a Marxist. You can watch CNN or CBC. Run some google searches. Thank your trusted news source for this low herd mentality. Stupidity. Gullibility. Leftism. Racism. Quote This behaviour is in all of us. I'll stop here. I see people lying here all the time, and I call them out on it. I call the MSM out on actual, material lies all the time. No one gives a rip. That's why they'll never change. They're stuck in a hole that they're helping to dig. 1 1 Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth.
WestCanMan Posted June 7, 2020 Report Posted June 7, 2020 3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said: don't sell yourself short by passing on content created for dummies. This from a CNN drone. LMAO. How many major stories has CNN gotten right in the last 3 years now MH? Name one. Just one single story. That should be easy, with a 3 yr window to look at, right? Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth.
Michael Hardner Posted June 8, 2020 Report Posted June 8, 2020 NASCAR has chosen to speak up against the murder of George Floyd. Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
Michael Hardner Posted June 8, 2020 Report Posted June 8, 2020 Mitt Romney has chosen to speak up against the murder of George Floyd Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
OftenWrong Posted June 8, 2020 Report Posted June 8, 2020 4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said: Mitt Romney has chosen to speak up against the murder of George Floyd 4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said: NASCAR has chosen to speak up against the murder of George Floyd. Never let an opportunity for political posturing go to waste. Quote
OftenWrong Posted June 8, 2020 Report Posted June 8, 2020 On 6/6/2020 at 12:00 PM, Infidel Dog said: So Justin was out there at a protest ignoring social distancing guidelines, because apparently it was more important to get in a photo op. Somebody in the crowd shouted out to him "Go Home Blackface! Go home!" Possibly the worst PR photo taken of him yet. The hypocrisy of the PM speaks loud and clear. Hope he likes his new nick-name. Quote
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