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Joe "Trojan Horse" Biden

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

De Nile is in Egypt. It's close, but not that close.

Also, did you just collude with Russia or are you saying that Trump just made Putin to do his dirty work for him, so that Trump could take the credit? Do you really think Trump's that much of a genius? Calm down man...

No, Putin and Erdogan tricked Trump into pulling out and then divided the place between them.

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Speaking of Joe Biden...

This one came out today:


Joe Biden‘s campaign promised Monday to rip up U.S. President Donald Trump’s approvals for the Keystone XL pipeline if the former vice-president succeeds in taking over the White House next year.


And there's another reason I'd vote Trump if I could.

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19 hours ago, Argus said:

No, Putin and Erdogan tricked Trump into pulling out and then divided the place between them.

But even if that were true (which it isn't, of course) By the time Turkey and the Russia/Iran/Syria coalition started fighting with each other over leftovers from what Trump and the YPG left after chasing ISIS out of Raqqa, Iraq and Syria were ISIS free.

Trump's campaign promise was delivered. So I don't understand where you think you've made a point. Even if your claims were true. Which they aren't, of course. Good for a chuckle though. Thanks.

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19 hours ago, Tdot said:

Totally correct here, I can't disagree.  Especially when you said they won't dare look for the many good things Trump has done because they may start to think for themselves for a change and see that Trump is the man of the hour.

btw thank @Infidel Dog for that cool vid!

I believe that there is a real battle going on in America today between Donald Trump and the deep state globalist elite like Gates to vaccine hell, Soros and Kissenger to name but a few of those Zionist globalist bankster scumbags. Trump has become their enemy #1 as he has been exposing their deep state plans for we the people and who is trying to take those scum bags down. Trump has hurt their bottom line a lot, and Trump has now exposed their power and the deep state and they are now starting to show us all just how much power that they have over we the people.

This plandemic exercise hoax is just the start of their battle against Trump. They must try to destroy Trump's economy and destroy Trump himself before the next election because if they cannot put him out of commission by the next election then they will be in big time trouble after the next election. They could easily lose all that they have attained over the pats two centuries as the globalist banksters who have always been behind wars, poverty and hunger in the world. They truly do want to be seen to the world as the chosen ones. The chosen ones will try to make it appear as though they have all the answers to the world's problems even though they themselves have been responsible and behind all the world's problems for centuries now. Go figure, eh? 

Joe Biden is the fool that they have chosen to be the next leader and President of America. But he will never be the real President at all. Biden will just be another one of the elite globalists puppet on a string useless politician who will do the bidding for them just like our own Canadian puppet on a string politicians and the Canadian media who have been doing all the bidding for the globalist elite in Canada. if Trump should go down in the next election, and there is plenty of time left to try and bring Trump down, then this plandemic exercise hoax will be nothing compared to what will come after that. Our way of life as we know it today will be gone. The scum that gave the world communism have now left Russia, and are now living among us here in America and Canada, and they have plans for you and me and thee out there. Believe it or not. Just my own personal opinion of course. Works for me.  What think you?  ;)

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

They must try to destroy Trump's economy and destroy Trump himself before the next election because if they cannot put him out of commission by the next election then they will be in big time trouble after the next election

Bingo! This is exactly what I've been saying all along. This has been the Dem's and China's plan, since December-January. The history of the USA verifies that the nation always reelects a President who had a robust economy like Trump had.

I also can appreciate your scholarship about who left Russia and is living among us here in North America now.

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

I believe that there is a real battle going on in America today between Donald Trump and the deep state globalist elite like....

What makes you think that Trump is not part of that deep state globalist elite? Trump should lead the way and have all his companies switch to products made in the good ol USA. He should switch to American labour as well instead of migrant non documented foreigners! Not sure, but should one not give up the companies before becoming POTUS? Carter had to give up his peanut farm because the powers that be, thought he would be compromised by Cuba.

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23 hours ago, Tdot said:

Bingo! This is exactly what I've been saying all along. This has been the Dem's and China's plan, since December-January. The history of the USA verifies that the nation always reelects a President who had a robust economy like Trump had.

I also can appreciate your scholarship about who left Russia and is living among us here in North America now.

The plot by the deep state globalists to takeover the world is now in progress, thanks to Trump, who has put them in panic mode and has now made their miserable and useless lives more miserable and terrifying for them now. They could lose it all if Trump wins the next election. Gates to hell, Soros and China are all in bed together, and they will never practice social distance (engineering)like they want all of us to have to do. What's good for them is not good for you and me. The elite have always played that game of do as I say, but not as I do. 

Yup, the same globalist communist gang appears to have now pretty much left Russia, maybe thanks to Putin, and are now living among us here in North America, and they have big plans for us all now. It will be either Trump that wins the next election or they win the next election. If old forgetful Biden wins the election, we are pretty much all phu-kd. Just saying. ;)


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20 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

What makes you think that Trump is not part of that deep state globalist elite? Trump should lead the way and have all his companies switch to products made in the good ol USA. He should switch to American labour as well instead of migrant non documented foreigners! Not sure, but should one not give up the companies before becoming POTUS? Carter had to give up his peanut farm because the powers that be, thought he would be compromised by Cuba.

What makes you think that Trump is a part of the deep state? Trump has been fighting the deep state from the first day he became the President. The deep state has been relentless in trying to bring him down with endless impeachments and end his presidency for almost four years now. I cannot see how anyone can believe that Trump is apart of the deep state. 

Can you show me as to what or how many companies Trump has in other countries? How do you know that Trump has not done some of that already and moved some of his companies and businesses back to America?

I am not up on all of Trump' companies and what and who he is hiring? Apparently by law, and from my understanding,  no one company or business is allowed to hire and have undocumented workers working for that company. There are penalties and fines for doing just that. Has Trump been fined for hiring undocumented workers and defying that law?

As far as I know, when one becomes the POTUS one has to make sure that their businesses will not conflict with their job as POTUS. As far as I know, Trump does not have any companies or businesses in China or North Korea, so he cannot be compromised like Carter may have been able to be compromised by Cuba.

Look, if your hero is Biden, well good for you, but my hero is Trump until you or anyone here can prove to me that he is in with and is part of the deep state. Biden has been involved in more conflicts of interest and bribery's while he was the VP of America. Take his son Hunter for instance? Need I say more about Biden's conflict of interest son? Biden is one hell of a deep state operative. America will never be great under Biden as POTUS. Only Trump can save America from deep state operatives like Biden and Hillary. Sadly, Trump is having a tough time and a job on his hands to try and get rid of the deep state as there are so many people that have been placed in the government by the deep state who are now trying to bring down Trump. Just saying. ;)

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17 hours ago, taxme said:

What makes you think that Trump is a part of the deep state? Trump has been fighting the deep state from the first day he became the President. The deep state has been relentless in trying to bring him down with endless impeachments and end his presidency for almost four years now. I cannot see how anyone can believe that Trump is apart of the deep state. 

Can you show me as to what or how many companies Trump has in other countries? How do you know that Trump has not done some of that already and moved some of his companies and businesses back to America?

I am not up on all of Trump' companies and what and who he is hiring? Apparently by law, and from my understanding,  no one company or business is allowed to hire and have undocumented workers working for that company. There are penalties and fines for doing just that. Has Trump been fined for hiring undocumented workers and defying that law?

As far as I know, when one becomes the POTUS one has to make sure that their businesses will not conflict with their job as POTUS. As far as I know, Trump does not have any companies or businesses in China or North Korea, so he cannot be compromised like Carter may have been able to be compromised by Cuba.

Look, if your hero is Biden, well good for you, but my hero is Trump until you or anyone here can prove to me that he is in with and is part of the deep state. Biden has been involved in more conflicts of interest and bribery's while he was the VP of America. Take his son Hunter for instance? Need I say more about Biden's conflict of interest son? Biden is one hell of a deep state operative. America will never be great under Biden as POTUS. Only Trump can save America from deep state operatives like Biden and Hillary. Sadly, Trump is having a tough time and a job on his hands to try and get rid of the deep state as there are so many people that have been placed in the government by the deep state who are now trying to bring down Trump. Just saying. ;)

You don't get to be POTUS without the deep state approval.


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I don't want to read this entire thread, but the line of succession in the US is already set. Should the VP die, then the Speaker of the House becomes POTUS. That's why they sit behind the POTUS during State-of-the-Unions. 

Not sure why this is a debatable. 

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4 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

You don't get to be POTUS without the deep state approval.


Trump became the President because Trump did not have to rely on deep state money or approval like the rest of the other Presidents had to do before him. Trump did it all with his own money. And if Trump is beholden to the deep state, why than does th American lying and fake media attack Trump all the time? And Trump does not even get paid to be the POTUS like Obama and Bush and Clinton did.

This is a war going on between Trump and the deep state. Believe me when I say that if I ever found out that Trump was a part of the deep state, I would drop him in a flash. Now Biden on the other hand is a deep state lackey. The deep state will use Biden to help them with their continuation of their crimes against the American people. ;)

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8 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

You don't get to be POTUS without the deep state approval.


That's not true.

Remember now, Hillary won the popular vote yes so the deep state's smokeNmirrors worked perfectly. But the Founding Fathers knew this was coming some day, so they guarded against it; Super Delegates. Yes, they are allowed (in some states) to go to the electoral college and vote against their own districts' voters choice for President during election night. It's brilliant..

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10 hours ago, Boges said:

I don't want to read this entire thread, but the line of succession in the US is already set. Should the VP die, then the Speaker of the House becomes POTUS. That's why they sit behind the POTUS during State-of-the-Unions. 

Not sure why this is a debatable. 

Quick summary - the Prez can appoint anyone as VP if his VP resigns or vacates the position for whatever reason. They don’t have to have been elected anywhere. The House and and Senate  just need to approve it. 

Biden won’t last 4 years, that much is certain. 

There is a clear lane for the power behind the Dems’ throne to get an unelected American in the WH. Only the VP stands in the way if they can win control of the Senate. They can easily find a VP who agrees to step aside. 

Its no stretch to say that an unelected American could be Prez by 2022. 


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Biden's suggestion that 'you ain't black" (note the way an educated man stoops to an imitation of 'blackspeak' is something you hear among the woke brigades. Everyone is supposed to be in their identity box, and every identity box is supposed to act the same way. He's not the first to use that idea that if you don't conform to your box you don't belong. The woke brigades have been using it for a few years now. If you're a black conservative 'you ain't black'. If you're gay, but don't 'act gay' and have beliefs that don't conform, such as being conservative, then you aren't gay, even if you do sleep with men. If you're a feminist and don't believe in the whole nonsense of transgender rights then you're not a feminist. If you're Muslim but campaign against the injustices and violence of its extremes then you're an "Islamophobe". His stooping to its use shows he's been spending far too much time with the left wing of his party.

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On 5/21/2020 at 10:06 PM, WestCanMan said:

Quick summary - the Prez can appoint anyone as VP if his VP resigns or vacates the position for whatever reason. They don’t have to have been elected anywhere. The House and and Senate  just need to approve it. 
Biden won’t last 4 years, that much is certain. 

A lot of people said the same of John McCain. Which was why his selection of that idiot Sarah Palin turned so many people off. It was a desperate reachout to the Republican party's right/evangelical base. Now Biden has promised to appoint a woman as his VP, which is the same sort of thing, an appeal to his party's Left/feminist base. Here's hoping he doesn't make the same mistake McCain did, as his daughter said the other day.

The hosts of The View spent Friday morning giving Joe Biden some advice as he starts his search for what he has promised will be a female running mate. Meghan McCain had just one big warning: Don’t make the same mistake her father made in 2008.



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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Biden's suggestion that 'you ain't black" (note the way an educated man stoops to an imitation of 'blackspeak' is something you hear among the woke brigades. Everyone is supposed to be in their identity box, and every identity box is supposed to act the same way. He's not the first to use that idea that if you don't conform to your box you don't belong. The woke brigades have been using it for a few years now. If you're a black conservative 'you ain't black'. If you're gay, but don't 'act gay' and have beliefs that don't conform, such as being conservative, then you aren't gay, even if you do sleep with men. If you're a feminist and don't believe in the whole nonsense of transgender rights then you're not a feminist. If you're Muslim but campaign against the injustices and violence of its extremes then you're an "Islamophobe". His stooping to its use shows he's been spending far too much time with the left wing of his party.

Thank you, for steering clear of that discussion thread with this jaded hallucination you posted here. Biden imitation Blackspeak was aimed at an authentic, ancient, verified subjugation in USA politics which no Islamic nor homosexual nor feminist movements can ever relate to.


You owe our great negro citizenry an, apology, for this harlequinade you posted here.

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On 5/21/2020 at 10:06 PM, WestCanMan said:

Quick summary - the Prez can appoint anyone as VP if his VP resigns or vacates the position for whatever reason. They don’t have to have been elected anywhere. The House and and Senate  just need to approve it. 

Biden won’t last 4 years, that much is certain. 

There is a clear lane for the power behind the Dems’ throne to get an unelected American in the WH. Only the VP stands in the way if they can win control of the Senate. They can easily find a VP who agrees to step aside. 

Its no stretch to say that an unelected American could be Prez by 2022. 

Just like with Trump, the remedy is impeachment and removal. 

It seems clear had Trump not been POTUS, he'd have been indicted in the Micheal Cohen case. But since he's POTUS he got to skate. Had his crimes been deemed too severe congress can impeach and remove him. 

If Biden appoints tries to appoint a different Veep than the one that he got elected with, Impeachment would be the solution. 

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

Just like with Trump, the remedy is impeachment and removal. 

It seems clear had Trump not been POTUS, he'd have been indicted in the Micheal Cohen case. But since he's POTUS he got to skate. Had his crimes been deemed too severe congress can impeach and remove him. 

If Biden appoints tries to appoint a different Veep than the one that he got elected with, Impeachment would be the solution. 

I didn't say that he'd try to appoint a different VP, I said that they can find someone willing to resign from the position after the election. Or appoint someone as running mate that they have enough dirt on so that they can get them impeached themselves.

Did you see how fast they turned on Al Franken? How guilty of perving was he compared to Biden, Trump and Clinton? He was basically innocent. The only person with less evidence against them than Franken was Kavanaugh, and look what he went through.... 

The Dems are like Mean Girls. You can be guilty as hell with plenty of evidence and still be sitting pretty, or they can find a rumour and turn it into a death sentence for your career. I don't doubt that they can ditch a VP within 1 year of Nov 2020. 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't say that he'd try to appoint a different VP, I said that they can find someone willing to resign from the position after the election. Or appoint someone as running mate that they have enough dirt on so that they can get them impeached themselves.

Did you see how fast they turned on Al Franken? How guilty of perving was he compared to Biden, Trump and Clinton? He was basically innocent. The only person with less evidence against them than Franken was Kavanaugh, and look what he went through.... 

The Dems are like Mean Girls. You can be guilty as hell with plenty of evidence and still be sitting pretty, or they can find a rumour and turn it into a death sentence for your career. I don't doubt that they can ditch a VP within 1 year of Nov 2020. 

It doesn't seem this current allegation against Biden is getting much traction. There was a time when any allegation meant you had to go. I think that phase has passed. And people who think any allegation should result in immediate removal from whatever office you have or aspire to are being somewhat marginalized. 

I suspect Biden will select a female Veep candidate. 

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Biden's gaffes are not really funny any more. They are actually sad. An old man is being taken advantage of in a cynical way.

It will be interesting to see do some people really hate Trump even so much that they want to get rid of him if that meant having Biden in his place.

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