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Will Canadian Society be Transformed after Covid 19

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25 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Followers are, ultimately, more important than leaders.  Without followers you're just a crackpot mumbling to yourself.

First of all I did not use the word follower as a bad word, any society has followers and leaders and second, I think it goes both ways, some of us followers would be crackpots if it wasn't for people with ideas better than ours. The 2 sides need each other to have a great system. And we have a great system contrary to what these union communists from this topic say.

Edited by Independent1986
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22 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So why not lend people our own money from our own bank and profit from the interest ourselves?

What's the point of having a bank that just gives our opportunity to someone else?

You mean, there is a corporation that shows billions in profits and you don't own any stock in it?  I can't understand why some people (not you, of course) complain about obscene profits but don't by stock.

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16 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You mean, there is a corporation that shows billions in profits and you don't own any stock in it?  I can't understand why some people (not you, of course) complain about obscene profits but don't by stock.

Because they don't have money to buy stock because the same companies don't pay their workers a living wage?

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5 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Exactly right. :)

Exactly, why should you worry. Canada will be forced to sell its wood and water to China at a rate that pleases them. And China is going to need quite a lot, so will use its economic and political influence to pressure Canada, to avoid any legislation which might protect these natural resources from over-exploitation, whether that be

Trees, lumber

Fresh water


Land for crops,

Industrial farming of beef, pork and chicken

Freshwater fish, saltwater fish

Wild animals, Bears gall bladders, whales, seal meat

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On 5/14/2020 at 10:42 AM, scribblet said:

This is from the propaganda arm of the NDP, but I'm sure many liberals will feel the same.   Will, or should this result in a minimum income and if so how will it be paid for.  

I agree there needs to be an overhaul of LTC homes but should they all be nationalized, should private care homes be taken over by gov't, cos we all know how well gov't does in these things.

I do not see how this can happen in the near future as we will be in for higher taxes and yes, severe austerity from the gov't, but will Trudeau reign in the spending as he will have to?



Most Canadians agree the pandemic reveals ‘ugly truths’ about Canada and expect major social reforms focused on ‘health and well-being’

 The next federal election could shape up to be a battle over what the “new normal” in Canadian society should look like after COVID-19.

According to new polling from EKOS, a clear majority of Canadians agree that the pandemic has exposed “ugly truths” about how workers and the elderly have been treated in Canada under the old status quo.

Three-quarters (73%) of Canadians said they now expect a “broad transformation of our society” as a result of the pandemic, with a majority saying they expect to see major social reforms that prioritize “health and well-being.”

 About this "new normal" that we have been hearing so much about lately will probably be around for who knows how long. As far as I am concerned, we are all being set up for something where what we use to do and know as normal will not be that normal anymore. Today, Canada has now become a socialist and communist dream paradise country where those Canadian socialist and communist political clowns now have been given even more power to rule over our soon to be useless and miserable lives. As long as this social distancing(engineering)is allowed to continue on, then life as we did know it will never come back, and be the same, and we will never get back to the old normal. 

The only time that we can get back to normal is when Bill Gates to hell gets to inject the whole world with his vaccination ID vaccine. Why does the whole world have to be vaccinated anyway? What is that all about? Of course, if one has any brains at all it will be all about the hundreds of billions that Gates to hell will be making at the expense of the fools who will end up taking his vaccines into their bodies. Our Canadian health minsters and health officers have now control of Canada in their hands and we must all do as they demand or else. This lock down will do more harm to we the people than what it would have done if we all just left things as was and just went about our business as usual. But, it is too late now. 

Bill Gates Event 201 told us all as to what was coming months before this plandemic started. Netflix even came out with a movie called "Pandemic". Coincidence? No way, eh? :unsure:

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6 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You mean, there is a corporation that shows billions in profits and you don't own any stock in it?  I can't understand why some people (not you, of course) complain about obscene profits but don't by stock.

 A person's genuine intent or motives such as compassion for the poor and/or envy of the rich can be hard to differentiate. I myself look at what people do not what they say to try discern such things. When I was younger I was much more judgemental unforgiving of myself and others. Its hard sometimes not to be judgemental. It often is a reflex response to being fearful or anxious of something...its an attempt to put something threatening in a less threatening place, i.e., somewhere if dan be loathed with good reason.

Your point is WELL taken. Some of us who complain are simply envious.

Edited by Rue
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On 5/14/2020 at 3:06 PM, Hal 9000 said:

Yes, Canada will be transformed - and it really wasn't that hard to do.  I'm sure the gov't was hoping for more deaths, but in Canada, it's really not hard to control the masses.  

The minimum wage will be moved to $15 (at least) and that will be a federal law.  Child tax credit and GST will not go back to the former amounts - meaning that a welfare queen with 3 kids will be living a better life than someone making $30 per hour.  My kids all made the exact same wage 2 months ago, now my one child who isn't working makes more money (a lot more) than her siblings who are working.  I also think that EI will be the same amount no matter how much you worked or how much you made - just like the CERB.  Nothing will go back, we are going full socialism.   

Indeed, it will be full steam ahead with the "new normal" of socialism and communism if we the people allow it to continue on. There can be no doubt about it. If we do not bring back the old normal where we could get together and socialize once again next to one another then the other alternative will be is end up with this social distance nonsense for a very long time yet. All sports of any kind will never come back as we once knew it. It will be our kids and grand kids that will be suffering the most along with family societal breakdowns as what is happening today which the politicians and the media clowns seem to want to ignore. Today, it is the battle between freedom or the battle for socialism and communism. I would prefer the former rather than the latter. No one will win if the latter ever wind and takes hold and control of our lives. Just saying. 

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Hope the lineup at the grocery's not too long...

Boat launch you mean...had the place all to myself.

Dungeness crabs for dinner. The youngest grandkid was a little freaked out but they seem to be over it.

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2 hours ago, Independent1986 said:

And we have a great system contrary to what these union communists from this topic say.

If it's so great why hasn't it been able to respond better that it has?  The evidence of its incapacity is all around you. 

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3 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Because they don't have money to buy stock because the same companies don't pay their workers a living wage?

Clearly they do or they wouldn't be living.

And the solution to being paid poorly is to find a better job.

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Clearly they do or they wouldn't be living.

And the solution to being paid poorly is to find a better job.

So weird; it's as if you think "better jobs" are a dime a dozen, easy for anyone/everyone to get and that poorer paying jobs aren't as important or useful to our economy and lifestyle as those "better jobs".  

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44 minutes ago, dialamah said:

So weird; it's as if you think "better jobs" are a dime a dozen, easy for anyone/everyone to get and that poorer paying jobs aren't as important or useful to our economy and lifestyle as those "better jobs".  

No. Never said that. But that's the way it's worked for generations now. You don't give up and just settle for some shitty job. You keep searching for other ones. And if necessary you try to expand your job skills. My first job was midnight shift self serve gas station. Then after being fired I went on a four man crew in a van that drove around to small businesses and stores after closing to clean their floors and bathrooms and empty trash. It went from four to midnight. Crappy job and paid minimum wage. My next job was busboy. Sometimes worked from 10AM to 3-4AM. Then I got a job as a security guard. Rotating evening/midnight shifts and 12hrs on the weekends. So no, it's not easy finding better jobs. You go with what you can find, try it out and use it to go higher if you can. Data entry almost blew my wrist out, but that let me claim office experience and so on and so on.

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7 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You mean, there is a corporation that shows billions in profits and you don't own any stock in it?  

No I mean the bank I own is giving someone elses bank our money so it can have the privilege of lending it to us and profiting. Why should I have to invest in another bank to enjoy the fruits of the one I already own?

Are you trying to tell me the bank stock you own is the basis of the money your bank lends Canada?

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Are you trying to tell me the bank stock you own is the basis of the money your bank lends Canada?

The stock is the basis for receiving the profits in the form of dividends. If you start saving $20 a month early enough, you would be amazed at how it adds up. Someone once said the most powerful force is compound interest.

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3 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The stock is the basis for receiving the profits in the form of dividends. If you start saving $20 a month early enough, you would be amazed at how it adds up. Someone once said the most powerful force is compound interest.

Like I said why do I need to purchase the right to profit from someone else's bank when I already own the right by birthright?  I know all about compound interest and I'm quite certain I'd make a lot more as a lender.

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23 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

There is a term for that ,  predictive programming.

"Predictive programming" and brainwashing for sure. "Event 201" and the "pandemic' movie was just all coincidence, eh? The fix was in. It's time to destroy Trump and his economy. Believe it or not. :D 

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