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The case for a mandatory tracking app

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

If you are fine with using a tracking app then go for it.   Make it voluntary and there will be much more compliance, supporting the actual tracking goal.

Force people ("mandatory") and there will be far more pushback.

Just about the only sensible thing I've read here. Why force it on people? That's not necessary, and not what conservative right-wing types believe in. Besides the damn phone can already track you if they need to, for legal purposes but then they might need a court order. So until you get a court order, ain't no government chivatto-approved phone app going on my phone.

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2 hours ago, Rue said:

Your are a racist troll. You troll. You engage in insults to get attention. You are a troll and you use different names on this forum and you fool no one. You are a racist for your repeated attempts to incite people to engage you in racist taunts. 

The more you respond to me the more you prove and expose your trolling. You haven't a clue or  debate the issues of the thread. Run along. The more you respond the more I prove the point I am sure others now see. 

TRANSLATION: my name is Rue and I am a troll, I made sure everybody saw it too from the first day you registered to this website. Go back, and check. Look at your first posts here, when you were kind and cordial to people ---I started up nonsense with you. I stalked you. That's right. The two fruitcakes @Michael Hardner and @Argus who just ran here to like my post, also fear your veracious posts. Yes. So they too, are angry that you control their emotions like you have controlled my emotions since the day you joined this website.  But now, I must pretend that you are the problem ---when in fact, it is me who stalks your account and call you offensive names and troll your account, for many weeks now. Yes I am the one going around the website for weeks now making PSAs specifically about you as I now whine/cry if you dare reply to them. LOL. YES, I AM A LUNATIC, so I go around trying to get my teammates to be against you because I am really the only one who ruins this great website.  Plus I hate when you destroy me, on the issues, so now I just use the strawman argument as my main bible ---exactly like someone else alluded to earlier about me.

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37 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Just about the only sensible thing I've read here. Why force it on people? That's not necessary, and not what conservative right-wing types believe in. Besides the damn phone can already track you

Like I said the app could use telecom phone location tracing to tell how many phones without tracing apps on are in your vicinity to help assess the risk of entering a building. We just need to know how many phones there are not who's carrying them. The app will just have one more data stream to use. 

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Just now, eyeball said:

Like I said the app could use telecom phone location tracing to tell how many phones without tracing apps on are in your vicinity to help assess the risk of entering a building. We just need to know how many phones there are not who's carrying them. The app will just have one more data stream to use. 

And like I said, I think you need a court order to do that.

But like I never said but am gonna now- go right the eff and make your little app. And me, and lots of landlubbers like mesobe will just leave our phone at home when we go out somewhere.

IE useless. stupid idea. waste of discussion. next

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

And like I said, I think you need a court order to do that.

But like I never said but am gonna now- go right the eff and make your little app. And me, and lots of landlubbers like mesobe will just leave our phone at home when we go out somewhere.

IE useless. stupid idea. waste of discussion. next

Fine.  Like I said to Moonlight Graham keep everyone the fuck at home and wait for the vaccine.

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Cell tower metadata is already being used for social distancing scorecards (e.g. Unacast), and it is not intrusive or mandatory, just a by-product of the technology and geo-location.   Playing the opposite of Pokemon Go with Covid-19 infected positives wouldn't have much appeal without prizes or cash incentives.



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21 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Fine.  Like I said to Moonlight Graham keep everyone the **** at home and wait for the vaccine.

Please. I know you're scared. Maybe you should be, I don't know you. If you have a serious condition you'd best stay the eff home. But then you should be doing that to avoid any other significant health complications as well. If you don't, then you're just a dim-witted little bitch.

I am not here to judge those who are crapping in their britches over the coronavirus. All I ask is that you people leave me alone, don't attack me just because it appears I have not befilthed myself similarly.

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7 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Please. I know you're scared. Maybe you should be, I don't know you. If you have a serious condition you'd best stay the eff home. But then you should be doing that to avoid any other significant health complications as well. If you don't, then you're just a dim-witted little bitch.

I am not here to judge those who are crapping in their britches over the coronavirus. All I ask is that you people leave me alone, don't attack me just because it appears I have not befilthed myself similarly.

That's like saying it's okay if all those other people don't drink and drive, but you should be able to.  Your own health is not the main reason you aren't allowed to drink and drive.

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14 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

That's like saying it's okay if all those other people don't drink and drive, but you should be able to.  Your own health is not the main reason you aren't allowed to drink and drive.

Except I don't drink and drive. Let's just say, I transport cadavers for a living. It's an essential service. And for me, business is booming lately.

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14 hours ago, bcsapper said:

I'll get them to buy me a phone.

Paying taxes is mandatory.  I don't like those either, but it is for the best. 

What do you think they will do when they know how often you go to Walmart?  Oh wait, they already do.

This is the kind of attitude the government wants. Compliant non-questioning people that lack critical thinking.

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8 hours ago, Argus said:

You missed my point. You already HAVE a tracking app on your phone. And the government can already track you by your phone easily. Every time you move your phone does an electronic touch and feel kind of thing with network towers. They know where you are, even with NO tracking apps on the phone. Even if your phone is turned off.

Then they do not need to ask me to install an app.

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5 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

This is the kind of attitude the government wants. Compliant non-questioning people that lack critical thinking.

As opposed to paranoid conspiracy theorists who hide under the bed when a jet leaves a contrail?

They're not out to get you.  Sorry, you're just not that important.

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8 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Except I don't drink and drive. Let's just say, I transport cadavers for a living. It's an essential service. And for me, business is booming lately.

As long as you keep your distance, they won't get any worse.

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1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

As opposed to paranoid conspiracy theorists who hide under the bed when a jet leaves a contrail?

They're not out to get you.  Sorry, you're just not that important.

It's not about me or you specifically. It's about controlling all of us everywhere all the time. 

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14 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

It's not about me or you specifically. It's about controlling all of us everywhere all the time. 

What are they going to make you do today?

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1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

As opposed to paranoid conspiracy theorists who hide under the bed when a jet leaves a contrail?

They're not out to get you.  Sorry, you're just not that important.

You have never lived in a police state, been falsely arrested and detained, witnessed how governments have misused their powers on individuals so of course you make such smug comments. You take your bubble of reality as universal to all and as a given. The fact you close your mind to the possibility that  abuse of power by governments has always existed and does not exist,  does not make those of us aware of that possibility paranoid..it could however evidence you call people paranoid because they don't share your limited sense of possibility.

You think having a loaded  gun pointed at your head is safe as long as the person holding the gun is a government agent.  Some of us believe the pointing of the gun at a someone's head is also dangerous even if its held b a government agent because the gun is loaded.

You need to ride the bus with the masses just once BC. Get our perspective on life. You see, if a big fat man works for the government, doesn't mean if he trips and falls on top of you with a sudden stop he is less dangerous. His large girth is the issue. 

That is why they say it aint over until the fat lady gets up and off of you.


Jesse Ventura


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36 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

How does it feel to be in the biggest social experiment we've ever faced?  If anyone thinks these new restrictions will be lifted after the virus, you are only deluding yourself. Many will be here to stay.


I think even if it was not originally intended to have been a social experiment, it is now and as history has shown us, governments do NOT give back what they take when it comes to freedoms so I must sadly agree.



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6 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

...It's not about me or you specifically. It's about controlling all of us everywhere all the time... Compliant non-questioning people that lack critical thinking...This is the kind of attitude the government wants.

I agree, the Dem's GOVT does want exactly that. And we are able to see that you really enjoy giving it to them.

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31 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

How does it feel to be in the biggest social experiment we've ever faced?  If anyone thinks these new restrictions will be lifted after the virus, you are only deluding yourself. Many will be here to stay.


Awful.  I could lose this whole COVID-19 thing anytime you want.  How about you?

Which restrictions now in place will remain in place when unnecessary?  Do you think sporting events will remain closed?  Flights will remain grounded?  Cruise ships docked?  Beaches empty and bars and restaurants closed?

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34 minutes ago, Rue said:

You have never lived in a police state, been falsely arrested and detained, witnessed how governments have misused their powers on individuals so of course you make such smug comments. You take your bubble of reality as universal to all and as a given. The fact you close your mind to the possibility that  abuse of power by governments has always existed and does not exist,  does not make those of us aware of that possibility paranoid..it could however evidence you call people paranoid because they don't share your limited sense of possibility.

You think having a loaded  gun pointed at your head is safe as long as the person holding the gun is a government agent.  Some of us believe the pointing of the gun at a someone's head is also dangerous even if its held b a government agent because the gun is loaded.

You need to ride the bus with the masses just once BC. Get our perspective on life. You see, if a big fat man works for the government, doesn't mean if he trips and falls on top of you with a sudden stop he is less dangerous. His large girth is the issue. 

That is why they say it aint over until the fat lady gets up and off of you.


Jesse Ventura


AHA!  I have been falsely arrested and detained.  It was Murphy who sprayed BCFC on the Chester FC toilet wall all those years ago, not me.  I was just there.  I was arrested nonetheless.  And as he was a juvenile, and I was sixteen, I had to go back to Chester to face trial.  Fined me ten pounds, the bastards. 

They've not had me under surveillance since though, I think.  I guess the Cheshire Constabulary didn't go to the same schools as the Stasi.

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