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Do You Believe the Coronavirus Might Be an Orchestrated Globalist Takeover?

Guest ProudConservative

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Guest ProudConservative
On 5/1/2020 at 6:07 AM, Michael Hardner said:

Scientists have already said that it wasn't created in a lab.  China is hurting from this too, and risk planners couldn't have predicted a result so no such program would have been approved.

I hope that your PPC picks up on this conspiracy theory though.  They need new material: Max is tweeting about going back to the gold standard!:lol:

Does this seem that far-fetched to you?


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On April 26, 2020 at 5:48 AM, Michael Hardner said:

 doesn't mean you should label me... 

On April 26, 2020 at 4:26 AM, Michael Hardner said:

Too bad you couldn't articulate without needing to insult me


My account is, proof, that you and other narcissists here do like to go around labeling new members. You did it to me.

So yes, you deserve to be labeled here/you deserve to be insulted, yes you deserve to absorb the same nonsense that you dish out here lol. Stop whining. 

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On April 25, 2020 at 11:13 PM, ProudConservative said:

I'm starting to wonder if our politicians have the best interest at heart.

... I'm starting to wonder if this virus is being used to enslave the entire planet.

...why hasn't Canada retooled hundreds of factory's to make Personal Protective Equipment, so people can get back to work, and we can reopen the economy?

:) @ how your vision is NOT blurry, pal!

The Globalist leaders need North America to remain shut down yes it must remain closed in order for this great robust 2017-2020 GOP Repub economy of North America, to fail. Yes because a great Economy usually guarantees reelection. Therefore the current Wuhan Virus' dead economy is now the USA Dem's/Justin Trudeau's/and the Globalist's shot at tricking voters into defeating President Trump in November. In hopes to get the USA/Canada back onto the course which the Obama Admin had set the West upon.

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 Time for people to use facts and be free thinkers, my point again is when has any government ever had the best interest of the people in mind? They say it was not created in a lab but was being studied in the lab from where it was some how released and we will never know the truth because paperwork is already destroyed . The Chinese government is 100% to blame and by this I mean the Ruling monsters that could care less about their people . Anyone who thinks otherwise has their hats on too tight.

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On 5/9/2020 at 7:11 AM, Michael Hardner said:

No.  I think all wealthy people will be doing the same thing.  

Gee, who would have thought that if we give ALL of our productive work to China and one day something goes sideways when we are running massive government, personal and corporate debt that the people smart and ambitious enough to do the work that we are too important to do would come in with OUR (former) cash and buy up distress sales?

And we are trying to blame CHINA!?!?!?!

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6 hours ago, cannuck said:

Gee, who would have thought that if we give ALL of our productive work to China and one day something goes sideways when we are running massive government, personal and corporate debt that the people smart and ambitious enough to do the work that we are too important to do would come in with OUR (former) cash and buy up distress sales?

And we are trying to blame CHINA!?!?!?!

Many western corporations were more than happy to move production to China with the accommodations that were made for the corps. Slave labour, lax environmental laws allowed those corps to make massive amounts of money. Many of those are now looking for government handouts because China's production really came to a halt. Yep time to rethink this whole globalization idea.

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7 hours ago, cannuck said:

Gee, who would have thought that if we give ALL of our productive work to China and one day something goes sideways when we are running massive government, personal and corporate debt that the people smart and ambitious enough to do the work that we are too important to do would come in with OUR (former) cash and buy up distress sales?

And we are trying to blame CHINA!?!?!?!

Your summary of how trade works sounds like a zero sum game.  It's not as simple as saying that we 'gave' them the work.  If there's an easier way to get something of course we will do it.  It also happens that our economy benefits from goods being cheaper, as well as having a trade partner with money to buy our exports and invest in Canada.

Canadian and American companies are taking advantage of the situation also.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Your summary of how trade works sounds like a zero sum game.  It's not as simple as saying that we 'gave' them the work.  If there's an easier way to get something of course we will do it.  It also happens that our economy benefits from goods being cheaper, as well as having a trade partner with money to buy our exports and invest in Canada.

Canadian and American companies are taking advantage of the situation also.

I have been involved with and promoted the idea of using trade instead of diplomacy or military alliances to dismantle communism and socialism for many decades.  I also had offices in China throughout the '90s and into this millennium.  I can assure readers that China has not had "slave labour" since the ascendance of Deng and the Four Pillars of Modern Reform.  What I have learned, though, is exactly what the Chinese version of business and culture is, and going back 25 years, cautioned by complacent and greedy American friends that China would steam roller them dead flat if they weren't cautious about setting controllable barriers to market entry.  I was laughed at - a LOT.  Nobody's laughing now.

It is only true that cheap Chinese (or any other imported goods) are good for SOME within our economy, and only for a short period of time.  While China is quite capable of producing top quality products (if you have ridden in a big bizjet lately, much of it might well have been made near Shanghai) not understanding the Chinese belief that NOTHING should stand in the way of reaching whatever personal, familial, corporate or national goal - thus if as an importer if you don't have your own QA/QC (and even engineering) DIRECTLY on hand and in control, product specifications are going to drift...and that can be a LOT.   The ultimate control SHOULD have been at the border and ports where if a product can not be demonstrated and INDEPENDENTLY certified to meet our health, safety and contracted quality standards, they simply should not get in.

The garbage that we get now at the consumer and industrial level can cost far, far more to our economy than the immediate rush of profit the original importers made.  Remember about 20 years ago when airplanes started falling out of the sky because of counterfeit parts?   Even the FAA and AF1 were found to have some installed on their own planes.  That was because a LOT of Chinese figured out in a hurry they could make a "X" size bolt for hardware stores for $0.01, or they could make it look and measure exactly like an AN fastener, and provide all of the correct (but forged) documentation and get $1.00 for the same thing.  In a country with a contextual language what I say or write today can mean something very different tomorrow if I (or you, etc. who are bound by much more definitive language rules and contract enforcement) am not there to stop the drift.\

It is exactly the bullshit that "our economy benefits" from cheap imports that puts us in the mess we have today.   If we sold on the product to another country, or if the cheap crap had a lifespan longer than a flashbulb, it would set the stage to BE ABLE to benefit, but instead of shifting our capital and skills to higher value added production, we got drunk on the "information age" koolaid and simply stopped working and gave our economy over to Wall Street to speculate with.  Those are not zero sum strategies, they are "end-of-the-era-of-productivity" and wealth creation guarantees.  Now that Wuhan Virus is exposing the weaknesses in our supply chains, we MIGHT learn to fix the f-ups, but experience has shown that won't happen.  BTW: one of the FEW voices (albeit not a very articulate one) that speaks up to check Chinese bahaviour is one DJT .

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The country China has many wealthy people and companies that will invest in Canada.

As they have in the rest of the world.  What many of those companies have come to understand is that they are predatory investors - not competitors happy to work within the marketplace but driven and heavily capitalized to conquer and dominate - by ANY means needed.  Now, not ever Chinese incursion is successful.  We have watched AVIC and now KOMAC (Chinese state owned aviation industry giants) take over virtually ALL aircraft diesel engine development and production in North America - and most of the world.  There are other players who now own the largest genav engine OEM replacement parts business and others who have had a run a Beechcraft, took over Mooney, own Diamond, own Cirrus (largest manufacturer in the world of certificated general aviation piston singles)   https://china-aerospace.blog/2018/10/17/overview-of-chinese-investments-in-the-western-aviation-industry/.  Of those, Mooney recently suspended production because the smaller Chinese player just didn't understand the genav market well enough.

This is one of the LEAST affected economic segments of Chinese interest.  Think of Huawei dong all of our G5 network and consider that there is not a hope in HELL that it will not be used to mine every bit of data on that network for Chinese interests - commercial, economic, political, diplomatic and military.

Don;t missunderstand me: to survive (never mind prosper) in the future, we NEED to be engaged with China in both economic and diplomatic relations, but to simply bend over and pass them a jar of vaseline is irresponsible and idiotic.  Canada will be the last to stand up to them as our national character is marked by a distinct lack of balls (take a quick look at what passes for political leadership these days and you can see what I mean).

Edited by cannuck
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11 hours ago, sillywalker said:

Time for people to use facts and be free thinkers, my point again is when has any government ever had the best interest of the people in mind?

I have to call you on that. You are slandering a large number of fine people. It is the citizen's responsibility to participate in the democratic process. I don't know how many MP's or candidates you know but in my experience, most MP's that I have met are there to serve. I've worked for six Progressive Conservative candidates including cabinet ministers. I worked on two leadership campaigns for former Prime Minister Joe Clark, the only guy to ever beat a Trudeau. I know cabinet ministers from the Liberal Party and the NDP, including a former Premier. They all had the best interest of the Nation in mind.

To borrow a page from my friend Taxme's book, how many MP's do you know and what leads you to believe they do not have the interests of the nation in mind?

PS.: Globalism is trade. Without trade, your standard of living will drop precipitously.

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I have to call you on that. You are slandering a large number of fine people. It is the citizen's responsibility to participate in the democratic process. I don't know how many MP's or candidates you know but in my experience, most MP's that I have met are there to serve. I've worked for six Progressive Conservative candidates including cabinet ministers. I worked on two leadership campaigns for former Prime Minister Joe Clark, the only guy to ever beat a Trudeau. I know cabinet ministers from the Liberal Party and the NDP, including a former Premier. They all had the best interest of the Nation in mind.

To borrow a page from my friend Taxme's book, how many MP's do you know and what leads you to believe they do not have the interests of the nation in mind?

PS.: Globalism is trade. Without trade, your standard of living will drop precipitously.

I have a similar political background to yourself, but with a bit of international involvement thrown in.   I can agree on the intent of most candidates and elected officials, but I can also tell you that once they get welcomed into the back rooms, the harsh reality of WHO actually runs things comes forward.  Since many were something else before being Minster of something or another, few actually know diddly squat about much of anything, and their bureaucrats know that and snow them endlessly.  "Yes Minister" is a lot closer to the truth than we would like to believe.  I watched on of my closest friends (who's campaigns I managed) get his first cabinet appointment, sit down the the senior staff who told him "We will now show you how the department runs" - to which he replied: it has been a long campaign and I think I will send a month or so with my friends and families to recover before we have this meeting".   After we left, they bureaucrats were ecstatic, proclaiming how easy it was going to be to keep the new Minister where they want him.   A month later, same meeting.  When they gave the same line, he said: " No, I am going to tell YOU how this department is going to run.  While you have been busy scheming and plotting your next move, I have been to every office of this department in the province, and NOW we will go forward with the facts".  That was a very rare Minister indeed, and when the back room guys figured out he couldn't be bought or coerced, his influence on the overall direction of that government wained - but his department ran like a well oiled machine and made national headlines for its innovative approach to problems.   I have also enjoyed time with Sir Roger Douglas - one of the few living persons who managed to take an entire national economy back from the brink of collapse by using his own discipline (economist - but a recognized rogue one).  From him, I learned that you can't reason a political system into reform in good times, but when things go sideways (as they are now) THAT is the time you can have everyone's ear IF you know WTF you are doing.  He did (and I believe to this day does moreso than any other economist).  Sadly, Ottawa has no such people in its confines today.

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On 5/9/2020 at 5:55 AM, Tdot said:

My account is, proof, that you and other narcissists here do like to go around labeling new members. You did it to me.

So yes, you deserve to be labeled here/you deserve to be insulted, yes you deserve to absorb the same nonsense that you dish out here lol. Stop whining. 

I am the first to blast ProudConservative and I will therefore defend him for the same reasons. He is unlike you not a troll,  is polite and respectful when he is blasted and genuinely believes in what he writes. You on the other hand are a troll whose sole purpose on this board is to insult and engage in agitation.

Your act is done,

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13 minutes ago, Rue said:

I am the first to blast ProudConservative and I will therefore defend him for the same reasons. He is unlike you not a troll,  is polite and respectful when he is blasted and genuinely believes in what he writes. You on the other hand are a troll whose sole purpose on this board is to insult and engage in agitation.

Your act is done,

TRANSLATION: I am tired of how you login to control my sissified emotions, Tdot! I promised you that as long as I remain only a shell of a, man, that I would have my teammates helping me get you alienated here. I am the Dem's Ashkenazim devil yes so we dislike like you and we feel you should not be allowed to post on this website. That is free speech, in our satanic minds. Why? Because I am the one who ruins this great website, and I am tired of you embarrassing me and my narcissism about it!

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On May 9, 2020 at 3:06 AM, Tdot said:

:) @ how your vision is NOT blurry, pal!

The Globalist leaders need North America to remain shut down yes it must remain closed in order for this great robust 2017-2020 GOP Repub economy of North America, to fail. Yes because a great Economy usually guarantees reelection. Therefore the current Wuhan Virus' dead economy is now the USA Dem's/Justin Trudeau's/and the Globalist's shot at tricking voters into defeating President Trump in November. In hopes to get the USA/Canada back onto the course which the Obama Admin had set the West upon.


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The country China has many wealthy people and companies that will invest in Canada.

"Companies" are simply units of the Chinese government. "People" in China do not invest overseas. They are not allowed.  Any investment is controlled by, owned by and directed by its government. The "wealth"  you talk of in individual hands in China only exists if the government allows it and even then its limited to within China as to lifestyle compared to other Chinese.

The only wealthy people in China are those in the elite upper echelon of its Communist Party who can get the money out into illegal offshore accounts and from what I gather that is impossible and those getting the money out do so because they have enough clout upstairs to be able to get away with it not because its an ordinary course of affairs.

The one exception to what you say is Hong Kong investors given some leeway.

China's idea of investment is not to work with but buy out. True investors share profit. The Chinese model of investment does not share profit, it buys out something to create a monopoly on the production of the product to prevent free competition.

The Chinese model of "investment" is cancerous and parasitical. It was best typified in Star Trek as the Borg.

Chinese investment does not help build a country. Look at Angola Sudan, Mozambique, Iran...all giving 95% of their oil to China. What do those countries have to show for it?


1 minute ago, Tdot said:

TRANSLATION: I am tired of how you login to control my sissified emotions, Tdot! I promised you that as long as I remain only a shell of a, man, that I would have my teammates helping me get you alienated here. I am the Dem's Ashkenazim devil yes so we dislike like you and we feel you should not be allowed to post on this website. That is free speech, in our satanic minds. Why? Because I am the one who ruins this great website, so I am tired of you embarrassing me and my narcissism about it!

As I said Tdot you have exposed yourself and what you reveal speaks for itself. I notice Godzilla suddenly vanished.   Hudson, Boris, whatever.


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17 minutes ago, Rue said:

As I said Tdot you have exposed yourself and what you reveal speaks for itself. I notice Godzilla suddenly vanished.   Hudson, Boris, whatever.

TRANSLATION: As I said you need to stop because I am tired of how you login to control my sissified emotions, Tdot! I promised you that as long as I remain only a shell of a, man, that I would have the hurt-hearted @New World Disorder and my other teammates helping me get you alienated here. And yes we do see that all upstanding MLW.com members are still posting to you, so our dumb strategy does not work ---but I get to post pretending that it is! :)  I am the one who ruins this great website, so I am tired of you embarrassing me and my narcissism about it!

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15 minutes ago, Tdot said:

TRANSLATION: As I said you need to stop because I am tired of how you login to control my sissified emotions, Tdot! I promised you that as long as I remain only a shell of a, man, that I would have the hurt-hearted @New World Disorder and my other teammates helping me get you alienated here. And yes we do see that all upstanding MLW.com members are still posting to you, so our dumb strategy does not work ---but I get to post pretending that it is! :)  I am the one who ruins this great website, so I am tired of you embarrassing me and my narcissism about it!

I am honored that you have considered me a teammate after the many posts telling me how stupid I am.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

China's idea of investment is not to work with but buy out. True investors share profit. The Chinese model of investment does not share profit, it buys out something to create a monopoly on the production of the product to prevent free competition.

The Chinese model of "investment" is cancerous and parasitical. It was best typified in Star Trek as the Borg.

Chinese investment does not help build a country. Look at Angola Sudan, Mozambique, Iran...all giving 95% of their oil to China. What do those countries have to show for it?

What many tell me in Africa is that the Chinese send people from prisons over to work on infrastructure and other projects, then abandon them in country when they have what they want.

Again: I am not anti-Chinese.  I have spent a lot of time and money there and my best friend from China is now my Canadian business partner, and we WILL use Chinese investment, but NOT government money.  It is not true that private FDI is not allowed.   We have many first hand examples of that.  What IS true is that if you want to be a big player within China, you will do exactly what government tells you to do, when, where, how and without question.   BTW: there is a heck of an interesting story how China scooped so much of the R&D and production from GM when they went bankrupt by SAIC advancing GM China enough money to become controlling interest and scooped a lot of everything else from the rest of Asia.

There is a lot to be done WITH China, but you need to go in with eyes wide open and hand firmly on your wallet.

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2 hours ago, cannuck said:

1. As they have in the rest of the world. 
2. What many of those companies have come to understand is that they are predatory investors - not competitors happy to work within the marketplace but driven and heavily capitalized to conquer and dominate - by ANY means needed.   
3. This is one of the LEAST affected economic segments of Chinese interest.  Think of Huawei dong all of our G5 network and consider that there is not a hope in HELL that it will not be used to mine every bit of data on that network for Chinese interests - commercial, economic, political, diplomatic and military.
4. Don;t missunderstand me: to survive (never mind prosper) in the future, we NEED to be engaged with China in both economic and diplomatic relations, but to simply bend over and pass them a jar of vaseline is irresponsible and idiotic. 
5. Canada will be the last to stand up to them as our national character is marked by a distinct lack of balls (take a quick look at what passes for political leadership these days and you can see what I mean).

1. Uhh... right.  Someone asked if Chinese investors buying up distressed assets was unusual and I said " I think all wealthy people will be doing the same thing." and now your response is "as they have in the rest of the world..." which seems like you have answered the original question, ie. "no"
2. Predators with cash in hand.  Ok.  If a Chinese person is the highest bidder on your asset will you sell to someone else ?  
3. Your statement is pretty extreme, but I don't care to argue it.  "Not a hope in hell" ?  Well if it's that obvious we would be scuttling the application already.
4. Yeah, so your anal sex metaphor is - as usual - extreme.  Unless you think 'taking it' means paying top dollar for something.  In any case, we are CANADA.  We have to dodge between superpowers like a dog dodges cars on the freeway, or maybe how an ant does.
5. We need money.  Would you rather have balls or be flat broke ?  Poor choice but I would pick the former.  And tough talk is really a distraction... Harper, McKay, Trudeau they all have the same problem facing them.


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