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22 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

One thing is for sure...when this fails....and it must...there will be Hell to pay for those that assisted China in doing this. That includes folks that merely played along with their plans.

Not covered in MSM for obvious reasons, but apparently there has already been 2 deaths of children within minutes of the vaccinations.  One in Moose Jaw (parents posted on social media) and one in Ontario (I can't confirm).

Anyways, I hope their deaths and all the other children all over the world who will die from the jabs (even though they had a 0% chance of dying from covid) make Boges and Dialamah feel so much safer.  You got your wish - children are sacrificing their lives for you.

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:

One thing is for sure...when this fails....and it must...there will be Hell to pay for those that assisted China in doing this. That includes folks that merely played along with their plans.

You mean like the ones that minimize the threat and told people not to get vaccinated? 

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49 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Not covered in MSM for obvious reasons, but apparently there has already been 2 deaths of children within minutes of the vaccinations.  One in Moose Jaw (parents posted on social media) and one in Ontario (I can't confirm).

Anyways, I hope their deaths and all the other children all over the world who will die from the jabs (even though they had a 0% chance of dying from covid) make Boges and Dialamah feel so much safer.  You got your wish - children are sacrificing their lives for you.

Why don't you cite the Moose Jay example then? 

Edited by Boges
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1 minute ago, Boges said:

Then maybe they should use a drug that's actually proven to work. 

It has been proven to work.

Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 134 studies (c19ivermectin.com)

Are you unable to follow what's going on?

Ivermectin has been proven to work. Look at Japan, look at India. Look at all the countries with no money for vaccines who are using it.  Look at the studies and the real-life successes.  There is a reason why front-line doctors and scientists are fighting for this.  They are fighting for YOU. 

Because it works, Big Pharma has submarined it, even going so far as to destroy millions of doses of it.  They didn't do this for safety reasons, as Ivermectin already has a safe track record.  They did it because they couldn't have gotten the EUA for their vaccines and made billions of dollars.  Get it?  They are fighting for money.  Not for YOU. If you think Big Pharma is at all interested in public health and safety, you're delusional.  They have a proven track record of not giving a damn about public health and safety, as evidenced by the billion dollar lawsuits they have incurred.

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

They are fighting for money.  Not for YOU. If you think Big Pharma is at all interested in public health and safety, you're delusional.  

That's Tin Foil Hat Shit right there. 

Your rejection of consensus information has moved you into the realm where you'll only accept fringe information as reliable. It's the same delusion that leads people to believe the Earth is Flat. 

I'm sure a URL called https://c19ivermectin.com/ has objective analysis. 

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16 minutes ago, Boges said:

Why don't you cite the Moose Jay example then? 

I told you why.  It's on social media, and will never be covered by the mainstream media.  You won't believe anything that's not put out by Glo-bull, so the information you take in, is extremely limited.

If you care to look, though, there have been 34 deaths of children from the vaccinations registered in VAERS, so far.  Normally less than 5 deaths would have a vaccine pulled from the market.  Reminder that this is not child deaths in Canada or Europe - check VigiAccess for Europe.  Given that only 1% of deaths are reported to VAERS, it's highly likely that many more children have died from the vax than we know.

I hope you feel safer so that these children's deaths are not in vain.

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Just now, Goddess said:

I told you why.  It's on social media, and will never be covered by the mainstream media.  You won't believe anything that's not put out by Glo-bull, so the information you take in, is extremely limited.

You can link to the account. You did with that Mountain Biker that said his life got ruined by the vaccine. 


If you care to look, though, there have been 34 deaths of children from the vaccinations registered in VAERS, so far.  Normally less than 5 deaths would have a vaccine pulled from the market.  Reminder that this is not child deaths in Canada or Europe - check VigiAccess for Europe.  Given that only 1% of deaths are reported to VAERS, it's highly likely that many more children have died from the vax than we know.

Stop using VAERS as a reliable source. It's been co-opted by the AntiVax community. 

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

That's Tin Foil Hat Shit right there. 

I'm sure a URL called https://c19ivermectin.com/ has objective analysis. 

Where would you suggest frontline doctors and scientists post their reports, findings and studies?  

Or is it that you dont' care what frontline doctors are finding successful, as you want vaccine ONLY.  Nothing else.

This is what I don't understand with you people and Big Pharma - why scuttle something that's working?  I get it with them - they dont' want anything that will interfere with their billions in profits.  but why are you doing it?  It's not for safety, because Ivermectin has a proven safety record for 65 years. So why are you so against it?

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19 minutes ago, Boges said:

I'm sure a URL called https://c19ivermectin.com/ has objective analysis. 

Here, Boges - they invite you at the bottom of that article that lists all the studies, to correct them:


Please send us corrections, updates, or comments. 

Feel free to show them how all those countries are wrong for using Ivermectin.

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

I even showed you a source from Ontario showing actual investigated figures on Vaccine reactions you ignored. 

I have no power to allow or disallow use of Ivermectin for treating covid.

You should really go on that website and show them all your proofs - they invite you to do so.

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Not my words but I agree fully with them...
I don’t know how many people realize they are saying this but it sounds like a weird robot person when you regurgitate this phrase.
“The phrase “I believe in science” may be one of the most ridiculous things a person can say in this age of information. Let me explain:
What this statement has come to mean is: “I believe in the current scientific consensus.” or “I trust the scientific results in this study posted right below” it also implies that “anyone who disagrees with me is anti-science, and I have no reason to listen to them”.  Not often do we realize that a person can find scientific evidence to back up any belief they have about the world.
There was once a scientific consensus that smoking was good for you. Not just benign… but a healthy life choice.
Science once told us it would be a good idea to spray DDT directly on the skin of people - including children.
Science told us Vioxx (a drug for arthritis) was safe and it ended up causing 140,000 heart attacks and killing about 50,000 people.
Why do I bring up these instances? To show that, unless science is your religion, science is not meant to be a belief system. Science is meant to be a process. The minute you “believe” in science is the minute you give away your critical thinking skills because a study tells you how to think. True scientists do not “believe” in scientific results so much as they believe in the process. They have the understanding that science is always changing. We will never “arrive” to a place and time where we know all there is to know. As a science major in college I learned that doing science often leaves us with more questions than answers.
Science is meant to be questioned, not blindly believed in. In the words of Richard Feynman,
“I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
The final issue I have with this statement is that most science has been bought by our capitalistic and reductionist culture. We only study the things that can make us money and only those with money can fund the science that they “believe” in. We study what a drug or supplement does to one part of our body without looking at how it affects the whole person long term.
An example of this would be how there is a lack of science on the physiological, normal birth process because midwives don’t have the money to fund it. But when you’re trying to sell pitocin, fetal monitors and epidurals to hospitals suddenly there’s a lot of science to be done. There isn’t much research being done on the effects of a solid community surrounding a newly postpartum mother, but there's endless research on the drugs we can give for postpartum depression.
“Science is too delicate for market forces to govern. It turns scientists into salesman” - Bret Weinstein
Science is a tool that helps us understand the world. Science is not a religion. Science is not a weapon to use against people who don’t agree with you.
If you read an article that cites a study, tells you how to think, and then asks no questions, take it with a grain of salt. If it seems to have everything about this subject figured out, move on. Filter any scientific result through your own personal devil's advocate. What does your gut tell you intuitively? How does it compare to the biological norm? How does it compare to what you know to be true in the world? And, for the love of all that is holy, when someone else has a different scientific opinion - engage in a conversation instead of a debate.”
~Victoria Miner - Science Major
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Science is currently influx. I can be trans-sexual and this is now an accepted science which confers all the rights and privileges as a 'biological-sexual', so by the same token and logic, the trans-vaccinated are real vaccinated and should be issued QR Codes. There is a government facility dedicated to these new rights and freedoms with 100's of people on the payroll who need to quash those difficult problems like who touches who in the bedroom and what rights are specifically afforded to them for that.

According to Theodore Kim an associate professor of computer science at Yale, Math is racist. Anyone using math related inventions must also be counted as racist, therefore vaccines are racist.  Universities have entire wings devoted to writing and approving these theories, these people are not paid through donations.

Sputnik and SinoVac use traditional delivery methods for vaccines, have less efficacy [but not much less] and less adverse reactions but they are not recognized in the West as 'vaccines' and if you've been jabbed with them you are listed as UN-vaccinated and called an anti-vaxxer.  Follow the money trail.

'TrUsT The ScieNcE!!!'

 As a medical professional who worked in a prominent but 'mothballed' medical facility, I would implore you to question where the science comes from. I can tell you that you do not know where your tax dollars are being spent. If most people in Canada knew what the government was doing behind the scenes there would be a revolution that would make WW2 look like a protest. I don't mind saying this now that the wife and I have left the country. The same people asking you to trust the science are 're-purposing' your money for 'government expenses', all in the name of ScIeNcE  of course. Ontario alone has more than 12 of these facilities [those are the only ones I'm aware of].  You guys are going to trust the science right up until the government invents a new reason to take your tax dollars. 


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Both South Africa and the UK have seen Hockey Stick spikes in Omicron cases without an appreciable spike in deaths and/or hospitalizations.

Germany, on the other hand has not seen a spike in cases due to Omicron but is seeing a sustained period of increased Death and infection that can only be explained by persistent Delta going back to early November. 

Omicron supplanting Delta should be a good thing. 

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On 10/26/2020 at 8:01 PM, OftenWrong said:

So people who are 28 dont get their cancer diagnosis and treatment, put on hold, based on the presumption it may overwhelm our hospitals. Who has the right to chose that, for them? And all because of a “what if” scenario.

I say that choice is simply not acceptable.

We see the same pattern now, the serious cases are in the old age facilities. So why didnt we, from March until now, take more drastic action to protect said 90 year olds?

Wouldnt it make sense to take 1 billion dollars and use it to build a number of safe facilities to protect the vulnerable, keeping the rest of society open?  Do you remember the Chinese building that 10,000 room hospital?

Apparently not deemed a worthwhile investment by our government. They are just old people after all, gonna die anyway.

So lets count them, and use it to justify why businesses and shops and schools should close.

Oh, but liquor store open. 

I tell you what,

<expletive deleted>


It's worth looking back and revisiting what happened, because we are literally assailed with new information every day, to the point it's hard to get a complete picture.

Surges in terminal disease, surges in drug use and suicide, and psychological illnesses. There is a crushing demand for mental health counselling, yet what has the government done to help with that? Why are thousands of people going untreated and suffering, yet we have provinces sending money to fight Bill 21 in Quebec, or something. This is what the political leaders of this country love to spend time and money on.


The incompetents who lead us are making noises like they are going to ease things back to normal now. Whether that be a good thing or not I leave up to you to decide.

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