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Would it be possible to have a conversation regarding the toleration of pussy grabbing presidents and pedophile protecting popes?

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Just now, Yzermandius19 said:

If you think the country will be torn apart if free speech is allowed, it's no wonder your views are so crazy.


Aw, c'mon...lots of groups dislike free speech.

Islam...the Nazis...Communists...etc.

All we are sayin' is give peace a chance...lol.

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51 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Not the same thing, imo.  Campaigning against slavery or Nazis is a different concept than claiming "everybody in the South is a slave-owning A-hole and should be punished" or "All Germans are Nazis and so we must get rid of all Germans".   I'm interested in denying evil, but I cannot support a broad brush approach that assumes every individual in a given group is guilty.  Else I'm no different than the poster who boasted about confronting two hijab-wearing women, and encouraged others to do the same - including ripping hijabs from their head.

I will let you walk up to the S.S. division to pull the good troops out before bombing the rest. 

Given they all fly the same flag and wear the same uniform, have fun trying to separate the good from the evil.

You might enjoy what this intelligent woman says about trying to find the evil ones within the good people when the good people fly the same evil flag.





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3 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

True, but only those with a poor moral sense will. The same applies to Christianity. Both religions have vile satanic gods.




The Pro-Islamic Left...like the poster who I replied to...like to portray Islam as a skin colour/race so that they can scream racism when one disagrees with Islam's barbaric tenants. 

Edited by DogOnPorch
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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:


The Pro-Islamic Left...like the poster who I replied to...like to portray Islam as a skin colour/race so that they can scream racism when one disagrees with Islam's barbaric tenants. 

Bigots see themselves reflected in others even when the other is not a bigot.

I have a problem with the term, Pro-Islamic Left.

All Muslims I know of, mind you there are about 70 denominations and I do not know them all, but I am mostly left leaning, and am definitely not pro-Islam. If peaceful, I would not be against as I am now, but they are not and I have to blame their vile ideology.

If there are left leaning Muslims, then they have rejected Sharia law and that rather negates their correctness if they call themselves Islamists or perhaps even Muslims.

If you mean left leaning like this Mosque, then yes, I support those as they seem to have intelligently and morally thrown Sharia law out the window..




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29 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

Bigots see themselves reflected in others even when the other is not a bigot.

I have a problem with the term, Pro-Islamic Left.



I'm referring to left-wing non-Muslims who view Islam as a useful ally in their war against the ideologies of the right...such as freedom of speech and anti-censorship. Two example concepts that the left seeks to undermine if not eliminate altogether.

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


I'm referring to left-wing non-Muslims who view Islam as a useful ally in their war against the ideologies of the right...such as freedom of speech and anti-censorship. Two example concepts that the left seeks to undermine if not eliminate altogether.

We do not see the left and right the same way then.

A quick definition is that the left is the liberal/free minded and the right are the more fundamental/non-free thinking conservative types. 

Which side do you think is pushing for the legislation that this link speaks of?


Further. For fun, do you see what this shows as right joining right or right joining left?




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24 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You seem to be advocating for violence against individuals - or did I misunderstand ?

No. I did, in the sense that Hitler and his minions should be if they are acting out as they did in WWII and against slave owners who would ruin the laws and reputation of a country by not following the law.



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5 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

We do not see the left and right the same way then.

A quick definition is that the left is the liberal/free minded and the right are the more fundamental/non-free thinking conservative types. 

Which side do you think is pushing for the legislation that this link speaks of?


Further. For fun, do you see what this shows as right joining right or right joining left?





No matter your traditional interpretation of Left vs Right, it is the Political Left that seeks to eliminate free speech and censor opinions they find...errr...problematic...

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:

No matter your traditional interpretation of Left vs Right, it is the Political Left that seeks to eliminate free speech and censor opinions they find...errr...problematic...

Repetition of your wrong position is nothing compared to the evidence I showed for mine.

Believe whatever you fancy. That is easy when you have nothing to show and can't refute your interlocutors.



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6 hours ago, French Patriot said:

We do not see the left and right the same way then.

A quick definition is that the left is the liberal/free minded and the right are the more fundamental/non-free thinking conservative types. 

Which side do you think is pushing for the legislation that this link speaks of?


Further. For fun, do you see what this shows as right joining right or right joining left?




That's not the left anymore, the left thinks left-leaning liberals are white supremacists, they support Islam and hate on Christianity. Many of left-leaning liberals are moving to the right these days, because the far left wants to censor everyone they disagree with. Not all those on the right are fundamental/non-free thinking types, plenty of free thinkers on the right, more than on the left these days. Used to be the right wanted to censor people they disagreed with more than the left, but now the shoe is on the other foot, and the left are more anti-free speech than the right ever was back when they were calling to censor music they didn't like.

Clearly you view the left-right divide through an anti-religious filter, and think that is the main distinction between the two, but that is not the case. Plenty of free thinking atheists on the right, don't let any lefties tell you there isn't. More libertarians on the right than on the left these days, mostly because the far left doesn't want the support of left libertarians, and see them as no different from far-right extremists.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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12 hours ago, French Patriot said:

I will let you walk up to the S.S. division to pull the good troops out before bombing the rest. 

Given they all fly the same flag and wear the same uniform, have fun trying to separate the good from the evil.

Who said anything about "SS Troops"?   I said this:  "Campaigning against slavery or Nazis is a different concept than claiming "everybody in the South is a slave-owning A-hole and should be punished" or "All Germans are Nazis and so we must get rid of all Germans", in response to your "would you not be all in for encouraging hurting the Germans and U S south when the gains were so important and the injustice so great?"


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14 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

That's not the left anymore, the left thinks left-leaning liberals are white supremacists, they support Islam and hate on Christianity. Many of left-leaning liberals are moving to the right these days, because the far left wants to censor everyone they disagree with. Not all those on the right are fundamental/non-free thinking types, plenty of free thinkers on the right, more than on the left these days. Used to be the right wanted to censor people they disagreed with more than the left, but now the shoe is on the other foot, and the left are more anti-free speech than the right ever was back when they were calling to censor music they didn't like.

Clearly you view the left-right divide through an anti-religious filter, and think that is the main distinction between the two, but that is not the case. Plenty of free thinking atheists on the right, don't let any lefties tell you there isn't. More libertarians on the right than on the left these days, mostly because the far left doesn't want the support of left libertarians, and see them as no different from far-right extremists.

I have nothing good to say about your weird views.



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13 hours ago, dialamah said:

Who said anything about "SS Troops"?   I said this:  "Campaigning against slavery or Nazis is a different concept than claiming "everybody in the South is a slave-owning A-hole and should be punished" or "All Germans are Nazis and so we must get rid of all Germans", in response to your "would you not be all in for encouraging hurting the Germans and U S south when the gains were so important and the injustice so great?"


Apologies. I used an analogy but a poor one that went right over your head. My bad.

The point was that when a group of good and bad people fly the same flag or religious emblem, you cannot separate the good from the bad.

I also gave you that link that I thought would explain further. I guess I blew the whole answer.

The majority in the South, even if they were anti-slavery, made no difference as the minority was basically leading them.







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17 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

That's not the left anymore, the left thinks left-leaning liberals are white supremacists, they support Islam and hate on Christianity.

I assume here that you meant those speaking out against the U.N. blasphemy resolution.

Seems to me that just recently, Trump supported white supremacy and was chastised for it. The left does not support Islam any more than they support Christianity, world wide, although the U.S. does favor Christianity over other religions. That should not surprise anyone given their unofficial religious test for all it's politicians.

That aside, Christianity and Islam are born from the same DNA and are both quite vile and immoral slave wanting ideologies. 

The rest of what you put is not backed up by anything I have ever seen or heard or is to open ended and general for me to bother with as it would all just be opinion against opinion without any real facts.




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29 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

I assume here that you meant those speaking out against the U.N. blasphemy resolution.

Seems to me that just recently, Trump supported white supremacy and was chastised for it. The left does not support Islam any more than they support Christianity, world wide, although the U.S. does favor Christianity over other religions. That should not surprise anyone given their unofficial religious test for all it's politicians.

That aside, Christianity and Islam are born from the same DNA and are both quite vile and immoral slave wanting ideologies. 

The rest of what you put is not backed up by anything I have ever seen or heard or is to open ended and general for me to bother with as it would all just be opinion against opinion without any real facts.




Trump does not support white supremacy. The left supports Islam, you confuse atheists for the left, just because the left has some atheists who hate on all religions. Many leftists support Islam, because they view Islam as being oppressed, while they view Christians as the oppressors, hence all the shouting about Islamophobia, that talk ain't coming from the right, that's the left dude.

Stop projecting your views on the left, you might be a lefty, but that doesn't mean all lefties think like you do, the left loves Islam a hell of a lot more than the right does, open your eyes, and stop viewing the left-right divide as simply pro-religion and anti-religion, that is not what it is.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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On 4/25/2019 at 9:05 AM, French Patriot said:

The point was that when a group of good and bad people fly the same flag or religious emblem, you cannot separate the good from the bad.

Why not?   Christians differ from each other, even though they all follow the Bible and believe in God.   Muslims believe many different things, even though they all follow the Koran and believe in Allah.  Even we on here believe very different things, even though most of us are "Canadian" and fly the same flag.

Soldiers are not "everybody"; I'm ok with killing ISIS soldiers and Nazi soldiers.  I'm not ok with assuming that every Muslim believes as ISIS does, or that every German is (or was) a Nazi.

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

Why not?   Christians differ from each other, even though they all follow the Bible and believe in God.   Muslims believe many different things, even though they all follow the Koran and believe in Allah.  Even we on here believe very different things, even though most of us are "Canadian" and fly the same flag.

Soldiers are not "everybody"; I'm ok with killing ISIS soldiers and Nazi soldiers.  I'm not ok with assuming that every Muslim believes as ISIS does, or that every German is (or was) a Nazi.

You must have liked Trumps reply to the question about the white supremacists and those who they clashed with when that young woman was run over by a supremacist.

There are good people on both sides he said.

All who fly a flag, regardless of your perceptions as to them being good or evil, are supporting evil when the inquisitors or jihadists go out to murder. All Catholics who put coins into the collection plate contribute directly or indirectly to the air fair paid by the church to protect their bastard pedophile. That is the logic I follow and if you do not, your thinking is wrong.

Good people will not fly the flags of a religion that uses inquisitions and jihads or a religion that is homophobic and misogynous.




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16 minutes ago, French Patriot said:


All who fly a flag, regardless of your perceptions as to them being good or evil, are supporting evil when the inquisitors or jihadists go out to murder. All Catholics who put coins into the collection plate contribute directly or indirectly to the air fair paid by the church to protect their bastard pedophile. That is the logic I follow and if you do not, your thinking is wrong.

Assuming you are Canadian and "fly" the Canadian flag, then you are no different than Alexandre Bissonet, Bruce McArthur, any random Canadian rapist or killer.  If you pay Canadian taxes, you are no different than the murderers, rapists, thieves and pedophiles the justice system, supported by your money, regularly misjudges and allows to go free.  That is your "logic", and it is wrong.


Good people will not fly the flags of a religion that uses inquisitions and jihads or a religion that is homophobic and misogynous.

If a Christian in Uganda kills a gay man because "God hates gays", does that mean that a Christian in Canada is "the same" as the killer - even if that Christian gave money that was used to support the killer's Church?   What if the same Church, in Canada, accepts gay people as congregants?  How do you decide that all Christians are responsible for the actions of the worst of them, while ignoring the very real good that Christian organizations do with the support of their members?   I cannot do that, and prefer to focus on the wrongs of the individual instead of lumping them all under a 'flag'.  

The same religions, that are homophobic and misogynistic, whose members sometimes engage in violence or other wrongdoing, also do "good works" - saving lives, carrying out charitable works, striving to make humanity better.  There are two sides and people choose their side, whatever "flag" they are under.

People who actively fight (whether online, on the street or in an army) in support of homophobia, misogyny, jihads, child-marriages, climate change denial etc., are deserving of condemnation, I agree - that is why I can say I condemn the marchers in Charlottsville and ISIS members, pedophilic priests and the leaders who protected them, without condemning all White Christian Americans or all Muslims or all Catholics.   I agree with you that many more people could do more to support humanistic ideologies, but your broad-brushing condemns too many.   

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