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Indigenous blockade in BC & related protests

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


It is still unclear to me why any of that would have relevance and standing for unceded territory, which was damn sure not originally occupied by subjects of the Crown.

The "aboriginals" are playing a carnival game that they can never win, because the occupiers make all the rules, including composition and precedence of the courts.

Occupiers?   That’s very 200 years ago.  Anyone can work in our court system, Indigenous or non.  It also comes down to this: Americans had a revolution because they felt they were taxed without having a choice in the matter, taxation without representation. I believe that idea also applies in reverse: No representation without at least some taxation.  If you want to have say over your own affairs you have to contribute towards the institutions that manage your society, that build the roads, provide the heating and hydro, etc.  Otherwise you’re at the mercy of what other people decide they’re willing to give you as a form of charity.  Any self-improvement requires investment of self.  Giving more land and money just reaffirms the cycle of dependency.  

Obviously there are exceptions where land grants are fair and appropriate, but again, without taxation of some form, what is the public’s obligation to the people living on these lands?  We need honest conversations about this, but we either avoid them or disagree on the solutions.  The public consensus seems to be to have more tinkering.  That’s why my advice is to either fix what you can with the resources you have on your land or leave the land.  At least no one can take it from you.  As the population grows your portion of it will shrink.  Welcome to the 21st century of high real estate prices and shrinking property.  We all face this.  

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Actually, the Virginia Company started the French and Indian War for the purposes of ethnically cleansing the Ohio valley of the Indians.

The War of Independence was simply the final act when the British Crown denied the American colonists permission to do it.

Because the British wanted to keep the Indians as military allies.

The Kings of Virginia wanted to go West, the British Crown was astride the route.  West at this juncture; was Ohio.

Nobody likes taxes, always a popular rubric for which to rouse rabble, none the less, the larger issue was land speculation.

George Washington commences the war at Jumonville Glen,  28 May 1754. George Washington ends the war at Yorktown, 19 October 1781

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18 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Those settlements are specific to those tribes and BC.  It’s all case by case.  Don’t even compare aboriginals in BC and Alberta to aboriginals in Northern Ontario, who have it far worse, largely related to geography.  BC Indigenous have had the salmon and breadbasket of Canada. It’s a completely different lifestyle.  

We don't use the word "tribes" in Canada.

'Band' for Canada's First Nations.

'Nation' for traditional groups - eg, Mohawk Nation. 

By this error, and your other comments, I surmise that we have two 'USAmericans' - Zeitgeist and BC_2004 - here in this thread, telling Canadians what to do, shilling for the oil boys. 


It's case by case only until criteria for evidence are established by the Supreme Court that can then be applied by governments. 

Your comments are uninformed and malicious, Zeitgeist. People of your ultraconservative and uninformed  opinions - Indigenous people 'should' pull themselves up by their bootstraps - ie by taxation and fossil fuel development -  fail to inform themselves of the Canadian truths, and are usually paid trolls here shilling for the oil boys.

FACT 1: If Canada paid its historic and still outstanding Treaty and Rights debts for land taken illegally ('land claims'), resources extracted but not paid for, Indigenous Nations would not be impoverished.

FACT 2: Canada made treaties in bad faith, not intending to honour them but instead, trying to destroy Indigenous Nations via genocidal tactics to avoid paying those debts.

FACT 3: The Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled that the treaty and Aboriginal rights must be honoured (the debts must be paid, the land returned or compensated, etc.).

FACT 4: Canada is still dealing in bad faith, attempting to extort 'extinguishment' of Aboriginal and treaty rights for $$$. Still illegal, still obvious genocidal tactics. 

FACT 5: USAmericans can butt the f out of our business. The fossil fuel industries can butt the f out of government business: Government belongs to the people, not to the oil boys! 


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16 hours ago, PIK said:

Toronto star. lol



Horn-Miller is Kahnawake Mohawk, and an Oka veteran. She was 14 when the crisis erupted, and she ended it in a blood-drenched shirt — after being bayonetted in the chest by a Canadian soldier during a chaotic melee that concluded the 78-day standoff.

“You want to see the scar?” Horn-Miller says, pulling down her shirt, revealing a jagged line above her left breast. ‘The doctor said if the bayonet had hit a centimetre to the left, or right, I would have been dead.”

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18 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The GG cannot enact or propose legislation. The GG can annul parliament in the rare instance it turns on the electorate.  The Queen is largely a figurehead.  Our GG is our head of state.  We could vote to no longer have a Queen or King, but we won’t because we like her and many parts of Canada are very loyalist.  Fine by me. 

It isn't just about loyalism. It's about law.

Disentangling from 'the Crown' would be a very long and very expensive process, and would require a complete revamp of our governance to provide new protections for democracy - checks and balances on the powers of government, to deter them from corruption.

I'm not a loyalist, but I'm ok with current status for those reasons.

The Queen still involves herself directly in some matters of legal significance - esp. the Queen's Treaties and Royal Proclamations with Indigenous Nations: They have a direct line of communication with her via GG, and without going through the PM or parliament, because Indigenous Nations are not 'Subjects' of the Crown (like we are), but (equal) Allies of the Crown.

For example, the silver Covenant Chain is a complex peace and friendship treaty first established between the Mohawks (Haudenosaunee Confederacy) and the monarchy in 1710, as allies and equals. It is periodically renewed or "polished", typically by a royal visit and a gift of silver. In 2010, the  Queen requested a visit with the Mohawks at the Royal Chapel of the Mohawks (near Belleville) and "polished" the Covenant Chain agreement with a gift of silver bells engraved "Covenant Chain 1710-2010". Some MP's attended this celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Covenant Chain, but PM Harper chose not to attend. LOL  Major media did not report on this event in the Royal Visit, only the Belleville Intelligencer did and it's no longer online. 

The Queen is more than just a figurehead. She takes responsibility for her legal agreements, and asserts her influence as needed ... did an 'end run' on Harper at the request of the Haudenosaunee. LOL

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22 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Make no mistake, while I would decline an unlawful order without hesitation, if the order is lawful, signed by Elizabeth Windsor, I would execute those orders, cold blooded, to include against women and/or children, where they are de facto combatants, and/or as collateral damage where they are being employed as human shields, holding your babies up as human shields, is a war crime, which does not enjoy the protection of the laws of armed conflict.

It's all about Elizabeth Windsor, where the Mohawks invoke the British Crown, they enjoy its protection. Where they operate outside the bounds of international law and the laws of armed conflict, the Crown is no longer bound to protect them.

The Mohawks and other Indigenous Nations do not act outside of law.

Canada does.

14 year old Waneek Horn was only leaving the OKA site as ordered by the military, walking past soldiers as ordered. 

You are not only "cold blooded", but failing to verify facts before commenting outrageously, failing to verify the lawfulness of orders or actions. "Meh I got other shit to do" is not good enough.

Your uninformed and violent rantings are disgusting. 

The behaviour of that murderous Canadian soldier was disgusting.

The criminal silence of other soldiers present was disgusting.

Clearly, there is no honour or respect for the law among members of the Canadian Armed Forces who would brutalize children of the Queen's Mohawk allies, and then cover it up.

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17 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


It is still unclear to me why any of that would have relevance and standing for unceded territory, which was damn sure not originally occupied by subjects of the Crown.

The "aboriginals" are playing a carnival game that they can never win, because the occupiers make all the rules, including composition and precedence of the courts.

Fortunately, "the occupiers" (ie, elected politicians of the governments of Canada and the provinces) do not make all the rules: No legislation can override Constitutional rights, which include Aboriginal and Treaty rights. The Supreme Court can strike such legislation down, and has done so, including elements of the 'Indian' Act.

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6 hours ago, jacee said:

We don't use the word "tribes" in Canada.

'Band' for Canada's First Nations.

'Nation' for traditional groups - eg, Mohawk Nation. 

It's case by case only until criteria for evidence are established by the Supreme Court that can then be applied by governments. 

By this error, and your other comments, I surmise that we have two 'USAmericans' - Zeitgeist and BC_2004 - here in this thread, telling Canadians what to do, shilling for the oil boys. 


Your comments are uninformed and malicious, Zeitgeist. People of your ultraconservative and uninformed  opinions - Indigenous people 'should' pull themselves up by their bootstraps - ie by taxation and fossil fuel development -  fail to inform themselves of the Canadian truths, and are usually paid trolls here shilling for the oil boys.

FACT 1: If Canada paid its historic and still outstanding Treaty and Rights debts for land taken illegally ('land claims'), resources extracted but not paid for, Indigenous Nations would not be impoverished.

FACT 2: Canada made treaties in bad faith, not intending to honour them but instead, trying to destroy Indigenous Nations via genocidal tactics to avoid paying those debts.

FACT 3: The Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled that the treaty and Aboriginal rights must be honoured (the debts must be paid, the land returned or compensated, etc.).

FACT 4: Canada is still dealing in bad faith, attempting to extort 'extinguishment' of Aboriginal and treaty rights for $$$. Still illegal, still obvious genocidal tactics. 

FACT 5: USAmericans can butt the f out of our business. The fossil fuel industries can butt the f out of government business: Government belongs to the people, not to the oil boys! 


Okay we’ll stick with bands instead of tribes, though I challenge you to explain the difference. No one is fooled by the way language is sometimes used to manipulate.  

As you probably have read on the provincial thread, Haudenosaunee are not originally from Ontario and were as warring a people as any.  They were resettled in a reserve along the Grand outside of New York State.  Claims of land outside of that area are certainly not affirmed by law or historic record.  I don’t have any issue with legitimate land claims, but they of course require careful scrutiny for the sake of accuracy.  Statutes of limitations are also important.  Families that have settled in an area for a century should not suddenly be accountable to someone claiming ancestry in an area from centuries ago.  

With regard to resources, absolutely Indigenous peoples should take advantage of developing the resources that they have to their own benefit if they so choose.  That’s not the same thing as a pipeline, which is a form of delivery infrastructure.  If we allowed one band to shut down an entire industry that benefits millions and provides funding for Indigenous affairs, that’s hardly in the public interest.  

You can’t have it both ways.  If you want funding without taxation, at least respect that funding must have a source, or else don’t be surprised when the public elects to cut funding.  

Believe it or not I’m Canadian and I support fighting climate change, but we always have to ensure a certain amount of prosperity to pay for all of our priorities, including addressing the terrible conditions on some reserves.  

I’m always wary of one-sided interpretations of history.  It’s all about the injustices of residential schools and the “60’s scoop”, but we all know that for Indigenous peoples in the far north to attend high school they’re probably going to have to leave the reserve and take up residence by the nearest high school in places like Thunder Bay.  Yes there has been racism towards and mistreatment of Indigenous peoples in such places.  We also know that there has been neglect and substance abuse on some reserves.  We need wide and honest perspective.  Do you want a real open and honest conversation about this?  Both sides must be prepared for criticism.  

Education and opportunity are key.  I loved reading Thomas King and also Talaga’s Seven Fallen Feathers about the tragic losses of young students.   

Please recognize that there is a cost to maintaining remote Indigenous communities of around 200 people that can only be reached by plane.  Who is paying for the services, Indigenous or non-Indigenous?  Unless we ask honest questions and provide honest answers there won’t be resolution.  I also don’t believe it’s about giving money to people, though in some situations or temporarily that is what’s needed.  The goal, I believe, for all peoples is self-sustainability.  We work and pay taxes to pay for essential services.  Unfortunately, as there’s little self-generated tax base for some Indigenous peoples, they are beholden to non-Indigenous.  

Think of it this way:  If I’m working hard to raise my family and pay for education and a property mortgage, yet there are others who never had to pay for property, don’t pay taxes, and receive free university education, who is being unfairly treated?

One more thing, know the difference between fact and opinion.  Your "facts" are actually opinions that I think in most people's estimation would seem off the mark.  Genocide is a strong word.  There is some truth to cultural genocide if we're talking about practices like restricting people from speaking their language or beliefs for periods of time in schools, but as is so often the case, context is important.  It's easy to condemn the practices of the past through the lens of today's justice.  In that case most of our ancestors, non-Indigenous and Indigenous, were unjust.  I wouldn't have wanted to be a Huron in the 1640's because of both the French Missionaries and the Iroquois attackers.

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3 hours ago, jacee said:



Horn-Miller is Kahnawake Mohawk, and an Oka veteran. She was 14 when the crisis erupted, and she ended it in a blood-drenched shirt — after being bayonetted in the chest by a Canadian soldier during a chaotic melee that concluded the 78-day standoff.

“You want to see the scar?” Horn-Miller says, pulling down her shirt, revealing a jagged line above her left breast. ‘The doctor said if the bayonet had hit a centimetre to the left, or right, I would have been dead.”

Dudley george did have a gun,that was the biggest scam ever. Should have sent in the bulldozers.

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2 hours ago, jacee said:

The Mohawks and other Indigenous Nations do not act outside of law.

Canada does.

14 year old Waneek Horn was only leaving the OKA site as ordered by the military, walking past soldiers as ordered. 

You are not only "cold blooded", but failing to verify facts before commenting outrageously, failing to verify the lawfulness of orders or actions. "Meh I got other shit to do" is not good enough.

Your uninformed and violent rantings are disgusting. 

The behaviour of that murderous Canadian soldier was disgusting.

The criminal silence of other soldiers present was disgusting.

Clearly, there is no honour or respect for the law among members of the Canadian Armed Forces who would brutalize children of the Queen's Mohawk allies, and then cover it up.

I simply took the Queen's Schilling, I was an instrument of policy,  I didn't make policy, and I certainly didn't write the laws of armed conflict.

In terms of cold blooded, compartmentalization is necessary if one is prepared to execute state sanctioned mass murder, otherwise known as war.

In terms of troops being rats in the ranks, nobody likes a rat, don't blade buddy.  

The junior ranks are not bound by any honour, other than to each other, the honour of the Crown is the commissioned officer's responsibility.

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Okay we’ll stick with bands instead of tribes, though I challenge you to explain the difference. No one is fooled by the way language is sometimes used to manipulate.  

Band, not tribe is the term preferred by First Nations people. No other explanation is necessary.

As you probably have read on the provincial thread, Haudenosaunee are not originally from Ontario and were as warring a people as any.  They were resettled in a reserve along the Grand outside of New York State.  Claims of land outside of that area are certainly not affirmed by law or historic record.  I don’t have any issue with legitimate land claims, but they of course require careful scrutiny for the sake of accuracy.  Statutes of limitations are also important.  Families that have settled in an area for a century should not suddenly be accountable to someone claiming ancestry in an area from centuries ago.  


Haudenosaunee peoples have inhabited both sides of the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence river for a millennium, at least. Grand River country was always part of their traditional territory - their beaver hunting ground.

See MAP here:


Only ultra-right white supremacists and greedy governments have continued to try to push that misinterpretation. Your line about "families for century..." is an often heard bit of malicious racist nonsense in Haldimand/Caledonia Grand River country. No one's home is being threatened. It's up to the government to negotiate fairly. 

With regard to resources, absolutely Indigenous peoples should take advantage of developing the resources that they have to their own benefit if they so choose.  That’s not the same thing as a pipeline, which is a form of delivery infrastructure.  If we allowed one band to shut down an entire industry that benefits millions and provides funding for Indigenous affairs, that’s hardly in the public interest.  

You can’t have it both ways.  If you want funding without taxation, at least respect that funding must have a source, or else don’t be surprised when the public elects to cut funding.  

Again, you misinform, I suspect intentionally: The "source of funding" for Indigenous peoples of Canada is their Trust Fund of money - from treaty land sales, leases, logging, mining and other developments - administered by the federal government on their behalf. The public cannot "elect to cut funding". It is a matter of law that precedes Canada, for which Canada assumed responsibility.

Believe it or not I’m Canadian and I support fighting climate change, but we always have to ensure a certain amount of prosperity to pay for all of our priorities, including addressing the terrible conditions on some reserves.  

We can't depend on " prosperity" that destroys the environment any more! 

I’m always wary of one-sided interpretations of history.  It’s all about the injustices of residential schools and the “60’s scoop”, but we all know that for Indigenous peoples in the far north to attend high school they’re probably going to have to leave the reserve and take up residence by the nearest high school in places like Thunder Bay.  Yes there has been racism towards and mistreatment of Indigenous peoples in such places.  We also know that there has been neglect and substance abuse on some reserves.  We need wide and honest perspective.  Do you want a real open and honest conversation about this?  Both sides must be prepared for criticism. 

The only conversation necessary is ... Canada must pay its debts to Indigenous Peoples in full, return unceded land with title, give them a priority say about developments on their traditional territory, a share in revenues, and STOP the overabundance of apprehending their children.

What I've already said addresses the rest of your comments.


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23 minutes ago, jacee said:


What land claims are you shooting for?  If Canada dissolved and nothing remained but the trust fund, how long would that money last?   And on the environmental front, you seem to take a radical environmental stance.  In that case don’t develop any indigenous land or resources and see where that lands Indigenous peoples. .  

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On 2/25/2019 at 11:37 PM, jacee said:

AK-47 was not 'legal' issue at the time. So What? LeMay was targeted. If he had his arm raised, it could only reach his armpit from behind. Yes, there was shooting on both sides. Btw, SQ foolishly used tear gas against the wind. Lol

And later a 14 year old Mohawk girl holding her young sister got a soldier's  bayonet in her chest near her heart. She went on to be an Olympic champion ... for Canada.


Wtf is your point?!

That as long as police officers and soldiers are 'following orders', they do no wrong?  Is that it? B.S.!!! 

Every officer and evey soldier is personally responsible for upholding the Constitutional rights of every person.

They work for ALL of us. They don't get to pick sides.

You miss the point completely, AK -47 was the wpn of chioce by the mohawks , and the mohawks only.....QPP were using American made wpns….Cpl Lemay was shot and killed by a Mohawk warrior end of story....while Cpl Lemay was carrying out his duty as a police officer....So lets not pretend your some kind of police forensic expert, and are able to judge by the point of impact that it was not a mohawk bullet, because thats bullshit....when they were the only people there with AK-47, and nobody cares about tear gas into the wind it is a moot point, meant to distract... Lets not forget the QPP are not trained in this type of operations, they did what they could do, and paid for it in Causalities….

WTF is your point, yes a girl was accidentally stabbed by a bayonet while her sister was being taken down and arrested. it was tragic, funney how nobody is talking about WHY a 4 year old and a 14 year old were there in the first place, and not for a couple of days but for the full 78 days of the siege by our military.....who were there Not there to hand out blankets and teddy bears but to put down an armed resurrection ..Now in case they were confused, or doubted the military resolve , they had tanks , Armoured fighting vehs, helos, F-18 flying above, Self propelled arty, the entire Airborne Regt, and many more soldiers.....There for one reason....Once the government decided they had enough they would order the military to use force to end this , up to and including deadly force.. WTF did you think was going to happen when that day came....It was a miracle that things turned out as well as it did...and thats contributed to the professionalism of our soldiers, and the fact the warriors were scared stiff at the time of the take down....

Lets be clear about a few things Police officers and Soldiers are not responsible to uphold your constitutional rights...they swear allegiance to the Queen, not to the Canadian government or it's people, and in this case the Queen did not intervene, she never has..... they also swear to defend the country from enemies foreign or domestic. in this case Mohawk warriors were declared to be the bad guys....by the Liberals , ya the good old liberals....A couple of other things, we don't work for you....we work for the country of Canada, and it's elected government , and if you find yourself on the wrong end of the law, your going to be put down hard.....You pay the bills and that it....and your right we don't pick sides, the government gets to do that....  

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On 2/26/2019 at 10:52 AM, jacee said:



On 2/26/2019 at 10:52 AM, jacee said:
  On 2/25/2019 at 11:37 PM, jacee said:

Dougie93: link below, and there are other accounts online too.

And later a 14 year old Mohawk girl holding her young sister got a soldier's  bayonet in her chest near her heart. She went on to be an Olympic champion ... for Canada.


And of course, you will not find an 'official' account, an apology, nothing! :(

Bullshit, there are plenty of quotes about this incident , just google that shit...and it was an accident over blown by jaccee for her own use, there's more if you need them.



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On 2/26/2019 at 10:52 AM, jacee said:



On 2/26/2019 at 2:33 PM, jacee said:

Now you are just being ignorant, likely racist and absolutely a disgusting human being.

You have obviously failed to look up or learn anything.

You are just derailing the thread with your ignorant denial.

Give it up, soldier. You know nothing, refuse to learn, and you don't represent the CAF well.

She was a 14 year old Mohawk girl carrying her 4 year old sister, leaving the site at the end of OKA. Smart, sassy, a future Olympian. A Canadian soldier didn't like what she said, and plunged a bayonet into her chest less than an inch from her heart. Sounds like attempted murder to me.

Obviously you don't want to know, so shut your ignorant mouth, Dougie.

Obsolute Bullshit....it was declared an accident, the soldier did not jam his bayonet into her chest, or she would not be with us right now..... in the course of the soldier taking her down to be arrested, she was accidentally stabbed....as he lost control over his wpn....everyone that was there was put down and searched, no exceptions....including women and children....but then again what did you think was going to happen in an armed resurrection….one that had already seen a police officer killed....

your just a bitter and twisted women that has moved from cause to cause, and now you hate the man....spreading bullshit is not going to help your piont.

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On 2/26/2019 at 3:04 PM, jacee said:

Next time, make sure you tell Lakota warriors that a 14 year old Mohawk girl carrying a younger child "getting a little bit poked by a bayonet, but otherwise going on with their life"

is not important.

And I want to be there to see it! :D

btw .. it wasn't "a little bit".

She almost died.

Bet that soldier was shitting bricks! 

I bet you he was , why would he not, he did not do it intentionally....it was an accident, but that does not fit well with your story does it....perhaps you can explain how the children ended up there in the first place, how grown men and women would see this as an acceptable thing, I mean bringing children to a shoot out....

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On 2/27/2019 at 6:59 PM, Zeitgeist said:

What land claims are you shooting for?  

No idea what you're shooting for here.

If Canada dissolved and nothing remained but the trust fund, how long would that money last?

Ridiculous straw man.

And on the environmental front, you seem to take a radical environmental stance.  In that case don’t develop any indigenous land or resources and see where that lands Indigenous peoples.

Their choice.


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On 2/28/2019 at 5:01 PM, Army Guy said:

You miss the point completely, AK -47 was the wpn of chioce by the mohawks , and the mohawks only.....QPP were using American made wpns….

You can't prove that no SQ officer had one. 

Cpl Lemay was shot and killed by a Mohawk warrior end of story....

Not proven.

and nobody cares about tear gas into the wind it is a moot point, meant to distract...

Yes it was a distraction that did allow cover-up.

WTF is your point, yes a girl was accidentally stabbed by a bayonet while her sister was being taken down and arrested.

No, she 14, was bayoneted by a CAF soldier while carrying her 4 year old sister. 

our military.....who were there Not there to hand out blankets and teddy bears but to put down an armed resurrection ..Now in case they were confused, or doubted the military resolve , they had tanks , Armoured fighting vehs, helos, F-18 flying above, Self propelled arty, the entire Airborne Regt, and many more soldiers.....There for one reason....Once the government decided they had enough they would order the military to use force to end this , up to and including deadly force..

Nonsense. No government that allowed that would ever get reelected. You need to stop obsessing about making war on Canadian soil. NOT going to happen.


Lets be clear about a few things Police officers and Soldiers are not responsible to uphold your constitutional rights...they swear allegiance to the Queen,

And the Queens treaties.

not to the Canadian government or it's people,

We pay your salaries. 

You work for us.

we work for the country of Canada, and it's elected government , and if you find yourself on the wrong end of the law

We pay your salaries.

You work for us.

The Constitution is the highest law.

You uphold it.

Including Charter Rights and Aboriginal Rights.

You need a refresher course.


, your going to be put down hard.....You pay the bills and that it....and your right we don't pick sides, the government gets to do that....  

Politicians do not decide that. Figure out why! 

Every police officer and soldier is accountable to the public for every action that may infringe on a person's rights. When your was is on the line, no politician is going to bail you out. You're on your own.




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On 2/28/2019 at 5:38 PM, Army Guy said:


Obsolute Bullshit....it was declared an accident, the soldier did not jam his bayonet into her chest, or she would not be with us right now..... in the course of the soldier taking her down to be arrested, she was accidentally stabbed....as he lost control over his wpn....everyone that was there was put down and searched, no exceptions....including women and children....but then again what did you think was going to happen in an armed resurrection….one that had already seen a police officer killed....

your just a bitter and twisted women that has moved from cause to cause, and now you hate the man....spreading bullshit is not going to help your piont.

Absolute disgusting conduct.

Take a long walk, soldier.


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On 2/28/2019 at 5:42 PM, Army Guy said:

I bet you he was , why would he not, he did not do it intentionally....it was an accident, but that does not fit well with your story does it....

Do you know him? 

Why wouldn't he identify himself? 

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On 2/28/2019 at 5:46 PM, Dougie93 said:

All part and parcel  of the NDPindian Grievance Farming Litigation Complex self victimization festival.

As an infanteer weapon system, one simply compartmentalizes.  If there is a stand to, stand to.   If no stand to, smoke em if you got em' /shrugs.

Show a little more respect for the people who pay your salary to conduct yourselves impartially and do what Constitutional Law says.

We're the boss of you.

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1 hour ago, jacee said:



1 hour ago, jacee said:

You miss the point completely, AK -47 was the wpn of chioce by the mohawks , and the mohawks only.....QPP were using American made wpns….

You can't prove that no SQ officer had one. 

You don't have any idea what your talking about , do some research first then come back and tell me something that we all already know....Goggle what wpns the QPP use and have it's all a matter of public info, next google what type of wpns the Mohawks had......poof within their list are AK-47 Assualt rifles, a Russian assault wpn, Next read the corners report also available on line , and find out what type of round or bullet kill the QPP officer, poof it was an AK-47 round, which takes Russian ammo......the ONLY people that used that ammo was the mohawks...….Your grabbing at straws now, because you don't have a clue what your talking about.... why would a Canadian governmental agency have soviet wpns within their force, when there are much superior American/ Canadian  made wpns available.  

Cpl Lemay was shot and killed by a Mohawk warrior end of story....

Not proven.

No it has been proven , what they don't know is who pulled the trigger....


WTF is your point, yes a girl was accidentally stabbed by a bayonet while her sister was being taken down and arrested.

No, she 14, was bayoneted by a CAF soldier while carrying her 4 year old sister. 

If a Canadian soldier bayoneted anyone they would have died of their wounds, Infanteers are trained to do this by muscle memory, thrust forward, until blade is completely buried in chest, twist rifle to prevent muscles from contracting around blade, rip blade out in one movement....This was declared an accident, it was not done intentional as jaccee wants us to believe...Look at the picture, look at the soldiers face and tell me this is a picture of a kid who intentional ran a bayonet through a14  year old, he is on his knees not standing over his victim with his boot on her chest as he is trained to do. 

our military.....who were there Not there to hand out blankets and teddy bears but to put down an armed resurrection ..Now in case they were confused, or doubted the military resolve , they had tanks , Armoured fighting vehs, helos, F-18 flying above, Self propelled arty, the entire Airborne Regt, and many more soldiers.....There for one reason....Once the government decided they had enough they would order the military to use force to end this , up to and including deadly force..

Nonsense. No government that allowed that would ever get reelected. You need to stop obsessing about making war on Canadian soil. NOT going to happen.

Once again all this did happen, and the government authorized it all, try doing some research , in this case you have no idea what your spewing....

-We pay your salaries. 

-You work for us.

lets get something straight, you pay taxes, I pay taxes, I don't work for myself or you, I'm was employed to do the queens bidding....and if she deems it nessicary to use deadly force on Canadian tax payers that is what is going to happen.....Kind of destroys the old I work for you argument...once again 

"we work for the country of Canada meaning the Queen , and it's elected government , and if you find yourself on the wrong end of the law your tax paying ass is not going to like it....but hey you can always tell them you pay their wages and see if they stop....

We pay your salaries.

You work for us.

The Constitution is the highest law.

You uphold it.

Including Charter Rights and Aboriginal Rights.

You need a refresher course.


Maybe i do need a refresher, i got a question for you, if you believe all that you just wrote above, why is it out government ordered DND to go to OKA , why was  DND used to put down this incident, you don't think the liberals had the legal dept check out all the facts first, you don't think DND also checked out if they could legally accomplish this mission...

Your right the GG is legally in charge of DND on paper ,,,, no questions....But when was the last time that the GG or for that matter the Queen told our elected government NO you can't do that, You can not send DND to OKA , Cyprus, Bosina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, shit lets go all the way back to Boar war if you want....Whos signature is on all those Mission statements, authorizing all those mission , who authorized troop levels, equipment to be used, rules of engagements, everything about all the missions DND takes on...Hold on i know you know this one....Yes it is the PM....you can argue all day long, about who is legally in charge but before any one goes any where the PM has to sign off on it, not the queen, and the GG is a figure head only....


, your going to be put down hard.....You pay the bills and that it....and your right we don't pick sides, the government gets to do that....  

Politicians do not decide that. Figure out why! 

Every police officer and soldier is accountable to the public for every action that may infringe on a person's rights. When your was is on the line, no politician is going to bail you out. You're on your own.


Not sure what your going on about here , but for the most part, our laws and constitution protect all Canadians regardless of skin color and race.....and as far as the politicians not having our backs neither does the majority of Canadian public. This post is a perfect example of that, as you can not wait to spread bullshit about something you know nothing about.

Edited by Army Guy
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