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Fake News Canada


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1 year before the next federal election and there's another massive bribe coming from the Trudeau government to our nation's broadcasters.


If you recall, one of the first things that he did after becoming PM was pay off the CBC for their unrelenting, toxic, 3-yr coverage of the $90K duffygate nothingburger. That was a $695M windfall from the libs to the CBC that came from our pockets. 


Now, 1 week after Unifors (Canadian Media Workers Union) has pledged to be "the resistance" to our Conservative party our government is giving a $600M "media bailout" to companies that will be selected by an "independent committee". It seems like us taxpayers are once again on the hook for Liberal campaigning. 

This is fascism, plain and simple. The government is buying control of the media with our money. If Trump did this there's no doubt that leftists would see right through it, but I doubt that any leftists here will even care. 


Re: Unifors:


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The accusation of fascism was serious, so here's another example of Trudeau's fascism, although it has nothing to do with the media:


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On 11/24/2018 at 1:28 PM, eyeball said:

Can we count on media outlets like LifeSite and the Toronto Sun to eschew applying for a piece of the action?

Time will tell I guess.

I can tell you this for sure that The Rebel and Ezra Levant will not be taking any bribes from this corrupt prime mistake of Canada. Ezra will not be taking any bribes from this pro Pravda liberal government. This is why alternative media is so important to have. This is where Scheer should be banging his fists on the table and shouting out loud about this act of communism and the theft of taxpayer's tax dollars. With the media dying in this country the media will do anything to survive. They will take this offer of bribery money and run with it and will be doing what they have been already doing for decades and will be doing even more now? They will be attacking conservatism because they are being paid to do so now. The cries of racism, and anti gay, and anti Muslim will be leveled against anyone especially conservatives who would dare to question or challenge the taboo and sacred cow called political correctness. 

The leftist liberal media in this country appear to have now become nothing more than a bunch of communist traitors and a bunch of lap dogs too we the people of Canada and all for a few pieces of silver. They can never be trusted anymore. They will now be lying and spreading the bull chit every day against we the conservative people of Canada. All those tax dollars could have been better spent on Canada and for Canadians that really need help rather than given to a bunch of useless gang of nothings in the leftist liberal media. 

Sadly, in this country, there is no conservative newspapers in Canada anymore. They have been all but wiped out by our non freedom loving leftist liberal and conservative party's who have always stuck together to give the shaft to we the people. Hey, what's 600 million here and six hundred million there. Who cares, eh. To the liberals, it's only money, eh? :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/26/2018 at 12:11 AM, taxme said:

Hey, what's 600 million here and six hundred million there. Who cares, eh. To the liberals, it's only money, eh? :(

Correction, it's only "taxpayer" money.

The money that Trudeau has salted away in foreign trust funds isn't going anywhere, and his toady friends will be raking that $1.3 Billion worth of taxpayer money in. 

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We are now learning that Trudeau’s Liberal regime  had awarded the Toronto Star a sole source contract to pay the Star journo’s to “cover” Parliamentary Committee meetings.   Cos you know – only the Star is capable of reporting on Trudeau. (read spreading propaganda) Thank goodness this source contract was blocked by the ombudsman.


A federal agency yesterday cancelled a $355,950 sole-sourced contract to pay Torstar Corporation reporters to attend public meetings. Authorities claimed only the Toronto Star was “capable”. The cancellation followed a formal complaint by Blacklock’s to Procurement Ombudsman Alexander Jeglic.

 The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in an October 25 notice Subscription-Based Parliamentary Monitoring Services said it hired a digital news website iPolitics to attend two committees, Commons finance and Senate banking. Torstar Corporation bought iPolitics a month before the notice for $1.4 million, then laid off five iPolitics staff including reporters.

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On 12/5/2018 at 11:03 AM, WestCanMan said:

Correction, it's only "taxpayer" money.

The money that Trudeau has salted away in foreign trust funds isn't going anywhere, and his toady friends will be raking that $1.3 Billion worth of taxpayer money in. 

Indeed, it is only taxpayer's tax dollars so who cares. If king trudeau and his princess needs more tax dollars to blow than no problem at all we can find the money needed to kiss goodbye somewhere at taxpayer's expense. When are we ever going to see the day when taxpayer's start to really give a chit about how their tax dollars are being wasted. The taxpayers are the ones tat have to go to work everyday to make ends meet and pay taxes for the enjoyment of working for a living while our stupid and irresponsible dear leaders take their tax dollars and blow them on the rest of the world and now on this useless leftist liberal media that will always be the enemy and fight against the we the taxpayer.

Bloody sad indeed. Now they want to steal and blow more tax dollars on their pet project called global climate nonsense. The earth needs carbon in the air to survive and our politicians and the media and the environ"mental"ists want to stop that carbon. How stupid can they be? A stupid question to ask I know. :D

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On 12/6/2018 at 8:30 AM, scribblet said:

We are now learning that Trudeau’s Liberal regime  had awarded the Toronto Star a sole source contract to pay the Star journo’s to “cover” Parliamentary Committee meetings.   Cos you know – only the Star is capable of reporting on Trudeau. (read spreading propaganda) Thank goodness this source contract was blocked by the ombudsman.


A federal agency yesterday cancelled a $355,950 sole-sourced contract to pay Torstar Corporation reporters to attend public meetings. Authorities claimed only the Toronto Star was “capable”. The cancellation followed a formal complaint by Blacklock’s to Procurement Ombudsman Alexander Jeglic.

 The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in an October 25 notice Subscription-Based Parliamentary Monitoring Services said it hired a digital news website iPolitics to attend two committees, Commons finance and Senate banking. Torstar Corporation bought iPolitics a month before the notice for $1.4 million, then laid off five iPolitics staff including reporters.

Don't you just love our crooked politics and politicians in Canada? The leftist liberal media sure are there alright and they are there to help our dear leaders to continue to shaft we the people and help hide and keep us uninformed about what our dear leaders are doing with our tax dollars.  It only has been going on for several decades now. O the joy of it all.  LOL. 

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I don't see a lot about this story in the mainstream media.I think it's a terrible idea and I've told my MP as much. I pointed out to him that the Trudeau Liberals already get mostly favourable coverage from most media outlets and there is no need whatsoever to bribe them. Why pay for something that you already get for free? He replied by saying how hard hit the news industry has been in Canada but that doesn't wash with me. Trudeau is tripping over himself to help the mostly friendly media,but doing next to nothing for Canada's oil and gas industry. It shows where his priorities lie.

It's safe to say that nobody remotely conservative will get a dime of this bribe money of course. Anyone in the news business with an ounce of integrity should flat out refuse the money.Trudeau is pathetic...….

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

1) I don't see a lot about this story in the mainstream media.

2) It's safe to say that nobody remotely conservative will get a dime of this bribe money of course. 

1) That sentence usually precedes a crazy conspiracy theory... but not in this case.

2) No.  Paul Godfrey, The National Post and The Sun will get this money and they are licking their chops.  Will they criticize Trudeau less ?  I hope not but it may be the case.


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If anyone truly believes that this bailout will not in any way influence the media they are truly naïve. Journalists belong to Unifor,and just like all other unions in Canada,they are very left-leaning and oppose all conservative thought.


The news industry has been going through some very big changes of the years and some in that business have been slow or altogether unsuccessful in changing with the times.My household used to get the Ottawa Citizen daily but I felt their news coverage was subpar. I then bought the Sun daily for many years but felt it wasn't worth the cost for the  brief amount of time it took to read it. I can easily get my news from other sources without newspapers stacking up.


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On 12/14/2018 at 8:11 AM, Selivan said:

Canada is a "fake USA"

every American thinks a Canadian is a village jerk
This country is alive as long as America allows it

Let's face facts.  The US national sport is baseball, Canada's is hockey.  If the US really wants its ass kicked it could try to invade. 

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On 12/5/2018 at 12:03 PM, WestCanMan said:

Correction, it's only "taxpayer" money.

The money that Trudeau has salted away in foreign trust funds isn't going anywhere, and his toady friends will be raking that $1.3 Billion worth of taxpayer money in. 

I would like to see a link to any proof regarding foreign trust funds.  I googled it and could not find any.  And I am not talking about the Bronfman scandal. 

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4 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

Let's face facts.  The US national sport is baseball, Canada's is hockey.  If the US really wants its ass kicked it could try to invade.  

You will be surprised, but ice hockey is an invention of the Indians before the 17th century, on the border between the territories of Britain and France .... This territory is now called "America" and "Canada" .....
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Real Hockey was invented in Scandinavia in the 13th century.
In those days, they played with the ball and had a big field.
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America is a mob of losers. :lol:
As it is known from History, in the middle of the 20th century, it was the Scandinavian Hoekkey that was polar ....
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Americans have always lost ...
Therefore, They created modern Hockey in the 60s to hide their shame.

Americans and Canadians always lose in the hockey of the Russian “Red Machine” ...




Baseball is not an American, but an international sport ..
Different countries have different rules.
What it is?
There are competitions in different countries when you jump and throw ... This sport was best implemented in the USSR ...
Learn the Story!
and read real books, but do not be exposed to Propaganda! Which can be American or Soviet ...

Edited by Selivan
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On 12/15/2018 at 5:05 AM, Michael Hardner said:

You don't like Canada I guess.  As a Canadian, I am glad for the attention.

Love, VJ.

I was born and raised in the USSR, then I have American citizenship and real estate in America. North Carolina, Jacksonville ...
Now I live in Russia, because I do not like America
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
My dear. "a friend from Canada," I don’t need to tell me about "the relationship between Americans and Canadians."
Canadians are so funny ...


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1 hour ago, Selivan said:

1. I was born and raised in the USSR, then I have American citizenship and real estate in America. North Carolina, Jacksonville ...

2. Now I live in Russia, because I do not like America
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
3. Therefore...
My dear. "a friend from Canada," I don’t need to tell me about "the relationship between Americans and Canadians."
Canadians are so funny ...


1. Ok, so you insult Canada but you didn't even like your own country enough to stay?  I don't care but it makes it seem like you're bitter.

2. Oh you're BACK ? Maybe you would have liked fake USA.

3. You don't need to tell you ? You are highly confused.  You have never lived in Canada so why even comment ?  I think that your post accumulates the arrogance of both corrupt superpowers

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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, 

Listen ... How old are you, my boy from Canada?

I'm 52 years old and I know very well ...
1. I have Russian and American citizenship.
2. Canada is America’s Dump
3. Canada was admitted to “G7” when American President John Carter allowed this “ territori  Canada” dump to join this Organization to oppose the USSR
3. Canada is a “dump” for the rabble of nationalists from all countries, especially from the provinces of Russia, called the “ukraina”
4. Want more, "Canadian"?

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44 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

 Maybe you would have liked fake USA. 


I have an education received in the USSR. This Education is the best in the world ...
Therefore, "Canadian", you can shove your thoughts in your ass ... as befits a "village idiot from Canada"


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10 hours ago, Selivan said:

Listen ... How old are you, my boy from Canada?

0. I'm 52 years old and I know very well ...
1. I have Russian and American citizenship.
2. Canada is America’s Dump
3. Canada was admitted to “G7” when American President John Carter allowed this “ territori  Canada” dump to join this Organization to oppose the USSR
3. Canada is a “dump” for the rabble of nationalists from all countries, especially from the provinces of Russia, called the “ukraina”
4. Want more, "Canadian"?

0. I'm older than you.

1. Ok, great... why do you think you know about Canada ?

2. See #1

3. John Carter ?  There was a Jimmy Carter but you're American so maybe you know better :D

3. ?  Why two 3s ?  Is that American numbering or Russian ?  See #1 and #1

4. Not really.

9 hours ago, Selivan said:

5. I have an education received in the USSR. This Education is the best in the world ...
6. Therefore, "Canadian", you can shove your thoughts in your ass ... as befits a "village idiot from Canada"


5.  Ok.

6. Oh yes, your education is quite evident here thanks.

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13 hours ago, Selivan said:

You will be surprised, but ice hockey is an invention of the Indians before the 17th century, on the border between the territories of Britain and France .... This territory is now called "America" and "Canada" .....
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Real Hockey was invented in Scandinavia in the 13th century.
In those days, they played with the ball and had a big field.
-------------------------------------------------- -----



Baseball is not an American, but an international sport ..
Different countries have different rules.
What it is?
There are competitions in different countries when you jump and throw ... This sport was best implemented in the USSR ...
Learn the Story!
and read real books, but do not be exposed to Propaganda! Which can be American or Soviet ...

I've read multiple articles on the origin of ice hockey, and there is little doubt that the modern game originated in Canada.  The fact that other people for time to time booted or passed objects around an icy surface does not mean they invented ice hockey, especially as these informal games never caught on. 

As for Baseball try telling Americans that it is not their national sport.  Mind you, football does attract more fans.   

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