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7 hours ago, Argus said:

FOX has spent the last several days telling people about the election fraud the evil Democrats are trying to engineer in Florida, basically trying to make Americans hate each other.

Trying to make Americans hate each other? Honestly, you think that's their motivation? Did you make that up yourself or are you repeating something that you heard somewhere else? It's utterly ridiculous.


The blathering asshole Republican politicians are going on FOX repeatedly to declare fraud but with no evidence.

The evidence of fraud can't be found without proper access to monitor vote-counting procedures. I'm referring to monitoring which the Republicans are legally allowed to do, and for which their access was illegally denied, and then rightfully restored by court injunctions. That right there should be enough evidence for you to stop making brash, ridiculous accusations and switch to a more contemplative tone.


The Republican governor has monitors in with the people doing the recounts and they have reported nothing.

They do now, but like I said earlier, they were illegally denied access at the beginning of this process. By a person who was found guilty of illegally destroying ballots in the last federal election no less. And in the early, secretive hours of that process the votes for the Dems were coming in at a rate of 3 - 1 over the Republicans. Also, ballots which were deemed irregular were being replaced with corrected versions at the polling station by the team of 2016 fraudsters.


But FOX breathlessly reports every error made as criminal fraud (unless made in their favor).

For the last TWO YEARS STRAIGHT CNN made headline news about "Russian Collusion" that never even got the slightest bit of evidence despite 2 years of FBI investigations. They've shown video of people like Nancy Pelosi saying that Trump referred to immigrants as "animals", without making the obvious correction that he just called MS-13 animals (correctly). They let on that Trump is the only President who was ever in power when children were separated from their families at the border. They act like the US just became divided under Trump, they try to ignore the fact that the US was experiencing widespread rioting and looting for the last two years of Obama's presidency. CNN was part of the crowd seeking to normalize hatred of the police. Now you're upset that Fox is suspicious of vote counters who were just found guilty of voter fraud 2 years ago. That''s brilliant Argus.


I wonder if FOX isn't actually attempting to get Americans so furious at each other it provokes violence so they have more breathless news to drive ratings.

I wonder if you saw much on TV about Michael Brown, the "Gentle Giant" whose violent crime wasn't allowed to be shown on CNN because it detracted from the righteous fury behind the rioting and looting which was driving up ratings? Or why CNN only ever showed a photo of Trayvon as a 12 year old, when he was actually just under 6' tall and weighed 160 lbs?

Fox is covering the news because that's what they do, and they're noticing improprieties that CNN is conveniently "missing". So who's doing actual news and who's just spewing ridiculous accusations?


Certainly we can see the impact on the weak minded, like some of the idiots on this site.

Given your track record for being blatantly wrong (you believed the girl who said that she went to 10 gang-rape parties lol), and making foolish accusations like the ones quoted in this post, I can only assume that you're talking about yourself.

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19 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Your swearing isn't cool or scary, it's just lowering the level of discussion here.

2) A straw man is the intention mischaracterization or fabrication of a debate opponent's argument to make it appear silly, and/or so that you can defeat it with an argument that makes more sense. Case in point: 

That's the epitome of a straw man argument. I said "The fact that hate speech against Jews in Canada and the US is legal (thanks Justa Traitor) has no doubt contributed to this disgusting incident taking place."

That was an intentionally false and misleading representation of what I said.

You also said this in the same thread: 

Again, not true at all. I said that he refused to comment on the actual Al Quds day speech. I was correct. He didn't voluntarily comment, and when he was asked to comment on that speech he did not. Instead he made a general comment about the Libs condemning all hate speech and he neglected to even say that the speech in question fell under the general category of "hate speech". 

3) I wasn't crazy to assume that you were a CNN junkie because your talking points mirror theirs. You might get them from MSNBC, Huffington Post, AJ+ etc, but it's the same BS. You also defended CNN by dressing up their talking points to make them seem rational:

That's not the case at all. They were referring to "Trump's anti-Semitism" as being a leading cause of the attack in Pittsburgh. That's nothing like "he's adding fuel" to an overheated political climate.


Your go-to debate tactic is to misrepresent statements made by other people in order to either discredit or defend them, to help advance your narrative. A discussion with you is like herding cats. Just constantly trying to get back on track.


So you're saying Trudeau bears no responsibility whatsoever for the shooting?

I knew that.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

So you're saying Trudeau bears no responsibility whatsoever for the shooting?

I knew that.


Nuance & subtlety.... meet bag of hammers.

Trudeau is responsible for fostering a climate that’s conducive to serious anti-Semitism. Another way of saying that is he’s helping to create an environment where anti-Semitism can flourish.

If the world’s biggest virtue-signalling PM watches a video showing crap like that happening in his own backyard and has nothing bad to say about it then that opens the door for lots of similar material to be taken seriously. If you catch someone saying things like that and you try to tell them it’s heinous they just come back with “Trudeau doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it and he’s the Prime Minister”.

This isn’t actionable in a court of law because in any one case there are likely to be several other factors which are each individually more pertinent and provable. Eg, “One of the guy’s great uncles was a Nazi”. Boom, done.

Trudeau’s neutrality is obviously rank though. If you can’t see the divisiveness and malice which is going unchecked in this episode then you’re like a German who navel-gazed through the weeks and months leading up to kristallnachte.


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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Nuance & subtlety.... meet bag of hammers.


No need to be self deprecating.

Trudeau is responsible for fostering a climate that’s conducive to serious anti-Semitism.

Only because he's such a wimp and is afraid to get in racists faces.

But this very tenuous connection is still no where near as direct  as what you said in your original post. You seem to understand that we're all stuck in a vicious political climate but as I pointed out in my original response you seem to think right wingers are as innocent as babes when it comes to making that climate worse. Everything you've said and done attempts to put all the responsibility for this climate on anyone and anything that isn't right wing.

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56 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Nuance & subtlety.... meet bag of hammers.

Trudeau is responsible for fostering a climate that’s conducive to serious anti-Semitism. Another way of saying that is he’s helping to create an environment where anti-Semitism can flourish.

If the world’s biggest virtue-signalling PM watches a video showing crap like that happening in his own backyard and has nothing bad to say about it then that opens the door for lots of similar material to be taken seriously. If you catch someone saying things like that and you try to tell them it’s heinous they just come back with “Trudeau doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it and he’s the Prime Minister”.

This isn’t actionable in a court of law because in any one case there are likely to be several other factors which are each individually more pertinent and provable. Eg, “One of the guy’s great uncles was a Nazi”. Boom, done.

Trudeau’s neutrality is obviously rank though. If you can’t see the divisiveness and malice which is going unchecked in this episode then you’re like a German who navel-gazed through the weeks and months leading up to kristallnachte.


Yeah because the average American is concerned about what Trudeau is saying and what he is contributing to antisemitism in the USA.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

No need to be self deprecating.

To be honest, I've put a lot of effort into being polite and responding to your posts with accuracy and fairness while you are just flinging out posts which you know are bogus.


Only because he's such a wimp and is afraid to get in racists faces.


He's still doing it. If he doesn't have the cajones to do his job right that's still reason to vote against him.


But this very tenuous connection is still no where near as direct  as what you said in your original post. You seem to understand that we're all stuck in a vicious political climate but as I pointed out in my original response you seem to think right wingers are as innocent as babes when it comes to making that climate worse. Everything you've said and done attempts to put all the responsibility for this climate on anyone and anything that isn't right wing.

The connection isn't as tenuous as you'd like to think. Trudeau has been extremely quick to pounce on what he interprets as bigotry time and time again. He's making a big show of the fact that he's trying to set the bar at 0/100, which is where it should be. So a lot of people, especially the ones who were dumb enough to vote for him, think his line in the sand draws a very righteous path. But when it comes to anti-Semitism he has now set the bar at about 80%. If you're feeling just a bit anti-Jew you can let it fly now.

Do you think that a call to heap some Palestinians into body bags would have gone unnoticed by Trudeau? 

Re: the "right wing", I've freely admitted that Trump's name-calling is bringing down the level of political discourse to a new low. He's also too quick to run his mouth, he leaves a lot of room for the press to play with his words and twist them into something they're not, just like Maxime Bernier did with his notorious 5-part tweet. But Trump is 100% free and clear of anti-Semitism charges. It was utterly ridiculous and repugnant for CNN and Dems to try to make that connection just to score political points in the most heinous manner possible. That's far lower than anything Trump did, and unfortunately that says a lot.


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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Yeah because the average American is concerned about what Trudeau is saying and what he is contributing to antisemitism in the USA.

To be honest a lot of people in the States adore Trudeau. He's known to be a virtue-signaller down there and fact that he's cozy with serious anti-Semitism no doubt makes the rounds down there. The anti-Semite community would be well aware of it, but the real support there comes from Obama. 

Obama & the black caucus chilling with Farrakhan, B Clinton sharing the stage with him, those things are outrageous props for the anti-Semite crowd. Both of those things are fairly recent too (the Obama photo is old but was just recently released), their place on the timeline with the Pittsburgh shooting shouldn't go unnoticed.

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

To be honest a lot of people in the States adore Trudeau. He's known to be a virtue-signaller down there and fact that he's cozy with serious anti-Semitism no doubt makes the rounds down there. The anti-Semite community would be well aware of it, but the real support there comes from Obama

Obama & the black caucus chilling with Farrakhan, B Clinton sharing the stage with him, those things are outrageous props for the anti-Semite crowd. Both of those things are fairly recent too (the Obama photo is old but was just recently released), their place on the timeline with the Pittsburgh shooting shouldn't go unnoticed.

So I bet you Obama is more of the influencer here than pussy Trudeau,

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump is 100% free and clear of anti-Semitism charges

Along with numerous minor incidents:

* 2015  told the Republican Jewish Coalition “I’m a negotiator like you folks” and said the would not support him “because I don’t want your money”

* 2016 tweets out a meme showing Hillary inside a Star of David saying she was the "most corrupt candidate ever"

* 2016 add referring to "global special interests" and those who "control the levers of power" while displaying pictures excusively of Jewish financial figures

* 2017 did not mentioned Jews in a statement honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day

* 2017 refused to use the term anti-Semitism or to specifically condemn it when asked about rising levels in America during a press conference in Isreal

* 2017 Charlottesville "there are very fine people" on the side that was chanting "the Jews will not replace us" ... later apologized, but has been quoted as saying the apology was the biggest mistake he's ever made 

* 2017 his son Eric Trump dismissed an author as just trying to make a few "extra shekels"

* 2018 did not mention anti-Semitism in remarks until hours after after the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue. 

* 2018 numerous tweets claiming a Jew (Soros) is funding the Mexican invasion, paying for protesters against Kavanaugh

* 2018 His other son, Donald Junior, retweeted a claim Soros was "a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews"

Not a conviction perhaps, but an abundance of circumstantial evidence.

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

To be honest, I've put a lot of effort into being polite and responding to your posts with accuracy and fairness while you are just flinging out posts which you know are bogus.


Your OP was full of shit and you've gone nowhere but downhill since.

And AFAIC it's more impolite to wag your stupid ideology around like a pair of balls hanging from a bumper hitch. Stop doing that and you'll get more respect.

That goes for the rest of you dingbats too.

That's what really has created the shitty political climate we're all stuck in.

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5 hours ago, TTM said:

Along with numerous minor incidents:

* 2015  told the Republican Jewish Coalition “I’m a negotiator like you folks” and said the would not support him “because I don’t want your money”

* 2016 tweets out a meme showing Hillary inside a Star of David saying she was the "most corrupt candidate ever"

* 2016 add referring to "global special interests" and those who "control the levers of power" while displaying pictures excusively of Jewish financial figures

* 2017 did not mentioned Jews in a statement honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day

* 2017 refused to use the term anti-Semitism or to specifically condemn it when asked about rising levels in America during a press conference in Isreal

* 2017 Charlottesville "there are very fine people" on the side that was chanting "the Jews will not replace us" ... later apologized, but has been quoted as saying the apology was the biggest mistake he's ever made 

* 2017 his son Eric Trump dismissed an author as just trying to make a few "extra shekels"

* 2018 did not mention anti-Semitism in remarks until hours after after the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue. 

* 2018 numerous tweets claiming a Jew (Soros) is funding the Mexican invasion, paying for protesters against Kavanaugh

* 2018 His other son, Donald Junior, retweeted a claim Soros was "a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews"

Not a conviction perhaps, but an abundance of circumstantial evidence.

I don’t think there’s much to some of those. Especially the ones about Soros. Just because Soros is a Jew doesn’t mean that hating him makes Trump anti-Semitic. I hate Trudeau and he’s a white Canadian, he abides by the laws, he dislikes racism for the most part, we’re close to the same age...

Soros definitely isnya person to trust if he grew up turning in Jews. I get that he was powerless, since he was a kid at the time, but it’s part of his upbringing to betray people. 

Id need more context with the rest of those items. Not because of you, but because Trump smears are rampant and for the most part, inaccurate. 

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Your OP was full of shit and you've gone nowhere but downhill since.

And AFAIC it's more impolite to wag your stupid ideology around like a pair of balls hanging from a bumper hitch. Stop doing that and you'll get more respect.

That goes for the rest of you dingbats too.

That's what really has created the shitty political climate we're all stuck in.

Do you honestly feel like people respect you or your opinions eyeball? Do they like your baseless accusations, your ad hominem and straw man arguments? Honestly you need to do some thinking when you read a post, not just try every trick in the book to discredit it, no matter how lame. 

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you honestly feel like people respect you or your opinions eyeball? Do they like your baseless accusations, your ad hominem and straw man arguments? Honestly you need to do some thinking when you read a post, not just try every trick in the book to discredit it, no matter how lame. 


Picture him like I do...as Captain Quint...only with less amusing tales  of the sea.

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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you honestly feel like people respect you or your opinions eyeball? 

Not your useless ilk, no. Not in the least. I can't remember a time when they could do little more than make nasty comparisons to Mao, Stalin and other henious bastards. I still get a laugh out of the notion that Hitler was a Lefty. After about 10 or 12 years of that I had enough and started throwing it back in your faces. You don't like it? Good.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Not your useless ilk, no. Not in the least. I can't remember a time when they could do little more than make nasty comparisons to Mao, Stalin and other henious bastards. I still get a laugh out of the notion that Hitler was a Lefty. After about 10 or 12 years of that I had enough and started throwing it back in your faces. You don't like it? Good.

So who do you think does appreciate your opinions? Literally 75% of what you say is untrue, so what kind of people listen to you? I can't even imagine what a conversation would be like with two people just re-inventing history so that they could bitch about things that never really happened.



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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I don’t think there’s much to some of those. Especially the ones about Soros. Just because Soros is a Jew doesn’t mean that hating him makes Trump anti-Semitic. I hate Trudeau and he’s a white Canadian, he abides by the laws, he dislikes racism for the most part, we’re close to the same age...

Soros definitely isnya person to trust if he grew up turning in Jews. I get that he was powerless, since he was a kid at the time, but it’s part of his upbringing to betray people. 

Id need more context with the rest of those items. Not because of you, but because Trump smears are rampant and for the most part, inaccurate. 

I'm sure it is a coincidence that the boogeyman behind multiple false right wing conspiracy theories about a rich financier secretly manipulating world events just happens to be a Jew...

The nazi thing again is a right wing smear started by Glenn Beck as part of a number of accusations by him designed to paint this particular Jew as an evil puppet master

Both of the above are false accusations that fit Soros into long established anti-semetic stereotypes 

You can dismiss any single event in my previous post, but taken together they represent a pretty consistent pattern of behavior.

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35 minutes ago, TTM said:

I'm sure it is a coincidence that the boogeyman behind multiple false right wing conspiracy theories about a rich financier secretly manipulating world events just happens to be a Jew...

The nazi thing again is a right wing smear started by Glenn Beck as part of a number of accusations by him designed to paint this particular Jew as an evil puppet master

Both of the above are false accusations that fit Soros into long established anti-semetic stereotypes 

You can dismiss any single event in my previous post, but taken together they represent a pretty consistent pattern of behavior.

Yup, Soros is the new Rothschild when it comes to Jewish bogey men.

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2 hours ago, TTM said:

I'm sure it is a coincidence that the boogeyman behind multiple false right wing conspiracy theories about a rich financier secretly manipulating world events just happens to be a Jew...

The nazi thing again is a right wing smear started by Glenn Beck as part of a number of accusations by him designed to paint this particular Jew as an evil puppet master

Both of the above are false accusations that fit Soros into long established anti-semetic stereotypes 

You can dismiss any single event in my previous post, but taken together they represent a pretty consistent pattern of behavior.

TBH your list has some falsehoods and some stupid BS. 

Pretty much everything that you saw about Charlottesville on CNN was part of a smear campaign. You'd have to be an idiot not to know that even if you didn't bother to do any digging. Eg, Trump said that some people were just there to protest the statue coming down, and it's impossible for that to not be true. He was also correct to say that "both sides engaged in violence" but CNN demanded that Antifa should bear no responsibility for any of the violence, even though they're the ones who showed up without permits. None of that is even debatable. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it not the truth.

Re: the sheckels comment, everyone says sheckels or uses other slang terms for money. Only an iiot would call that anti-Semitism.

Who cares what shape the star was on his ad? It was a solid colour. A star of David shows the lines on the inside of the drawing, like a pentagram. Without those it's just a star.

George Soros is an extremely political, behind-the-scenes guy. Soros skepticism isn't anti-Semitism. What would migrant caravans have to do with sinister Jewish plots? Are they being blamed for trying to sneak muslims into the US so that Americans will learn to hate them, and then they'll nuke all of Israel's enemies? Can you somehow link the caravan to a Jew plot because I don't see one. It's ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

TBH your list has some falsehoods and some stupid BS. 

Pretty much everything that you saw about Charlottesville on CNN was part of a smear campaign. You'd have to be an idiot not to know that even if you didn't bother to do any digging. Eg, Trump said that some people were just there to protest the statue coming down, and it's impossible for that to not be true. He was also correct to say that "both sides engaged in violence" but CNN demanded that Antifa should bear no responsibility for any of the violence, even though they're the ones who showed up without permits. None of that is even debatable. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it not the truth.

They were chanting "the Jews will not replace us".  It is on video.  If you want to morally equate white nationalists and antifascists as Trump appeared to do, that's up to you.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Re: the sheckels comment, everyone says sheckels or uses other slang terms for money. Only an iiot would call that anti-Semitism.

I have never heard anyone use the term shekels in my life other than maybe two times, both in antisemetic contexts. It is not a common phrase (outside of white nationalist circles, where it's really common)

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Who cares what shape the star was on his ad? It was a solid colour. A star of David shows the lines on the inside of the drawing, like a pentagram. Without those it's just a star.

The star of david has a specific shape. Why did they use the recognizable "outline" of a star of David in such a derogatory context? No reason, just another coincidence...

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

George Soros is an extremely political, behind-the-scenes guy. Soros skepticism isn't anti-Semitism. What would migrant caravans have to do with sinister Jewish plots? Are they being blamed for trying to sneak muslims into the US so that Americans will learn to hate them, and then they'll nuke all of Israel's enemies? Can you somehow link the caravan to a Jew plot because I don't see one. It's ridiculous. 

The people who initially turned Soros into the evil puppetmaster caricatures were intentionally using the centuries old antisemitic trope of the "evil jew cabal manipulating world events behind the scenes to their own ends".  The right wing conspiracy theorists as a whole have since taken it and run with it.  

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