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Terrorist Attack in Pittsburgh

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56 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, which religion are you referring too?

Maybe you ought to go about learning and reading and educating yourself a little more before you give silly ass looking comments like that above. Christians and Jews alike know that The Jews were responsible for Christ's death. it's a well know fact which you cannot deny. Hey, I did not write the bible but it is there written in the bible. But I am pretty sure today that the new bibles coming out will have omitted this well known fact so as to appear politically correct. Just saying. 

Christ was a Jew. 

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How would one attempt to eradicate anti-semitism?  But I am confused by this line ...


"Sadly, anti-Semitic attitudes are also present in our own times. As I have often repeated, a Christian cannot be an anti-Semite. We share the same roots," Francis said, stressing the importance of inter-faith dialogue.

Was this person who shot up the synagogue a Christian?

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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

So can you tell me why you engaged in personal attacks in this thread? Not sure how to address this without Charles deleting my posts without warning.  And I notice you have some sense of ivility in your posts since the warning.

Hate speech is not legal in Canada and I would say Trudeau is not making it acceptable. But this is not about Trudeau or Canada.

It is about Canada in that you challenged what I said earlier about hate mongering against Jews coming primarily from the left in Canada and the US.

Its a fact that Republicans and PCs neither support nor condone anti-Semitism and it’s a fact that Libs/Dems are in tight with people and groups who are openly anti-Semitic. The whole genesis of this thread was the blatant hypocrisy of lefties accusing Trump and Republicans of anti-Semitism. They hang out with anti-semites, they refuse to condemn vicious anti-Semitism, and then when there’s an attack on Jews all of a sudden they’re branding people as haters who did nothing hateful just to score points. They had their chance to stand up against actual anti-Semitism. They did nothing. They literally need to be the ones answering for their actions over the past few years.

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8 hours ago, Boges said:

You'd think with all those open borders Democrats want, they'd have done it when they were in power. And under the GOP there'd be a wall by now. 

Seems the GOP are the ones that can't keep illegals out. 

The Dems morphed into the party of open borders when Trump closed off immigration to the countries with ridiculously high numbers of terrorists. 

Clinton and Obama both talked about closing off the border, but that was when they thought it would get them votes. Now they’re trying to become the party of immigrants and minorities.

The Republicans are the party of all Americans of every stripe, and people with an iq over 80 know that.


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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It is about Canada in that you challenged what I said earlier about hate mongering against Jews coming primarily from the left in Canada and the US.

That is not how you really framed it. You blamed Justin Trudeau directly, and tried to make a direct link between JT and the person who shot up the synagogue. So your initial argument failed right from the start.

Also still waiting for you to show me where Eyeball or I made anti-semetic comments. I can give you till Jan 1 2019 if you need more time.


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3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

That is not how you really framed it. You blamed Justin Trudeau directly, and tried to make a direct link between JT and the person who shot up the synagogue. So your initial argument failed right from the start.

Also still waiting for you to show me where Eyeball or I made anti-semetic comments. I can give you till Jan 1 2019 if you need more time.


Your reading comprehension sucks.

I said “the fact that hate speech against Jews in Canada and the US  is legal (thanks Justa Traitor) has no doubt contributed....” (I should have said that “they made it acceptable” as well)

Did you prove somewhere that all the hate speech against Jews didn’t contribute to this shooting?

It’s a big deal when world leaders in virtue signalling like Obama and Trudeau support hate speech against Jews in their various ways. Trudeau by not condemning a call for genocide against them, Obama by cozying up to North America’s foremost Jew hater and never speaking out against him.

Lib msm is bending over backwards to label Trump as a Jew hater and it’s an absurd notion from the get-go. It’s extremely easy and pertinent to make a solid connection between Trudeau or Obama or Bill Clinton and anti-Semitism but they don’t go there AT ALL.

It should be really easy for you to understand all this, or you could try to discredit it in some way, but you’re unable to do either. Instead you devour obvious garbage that CNN throws out there and ignore credible information to the contrary. If CNN tells you that Trump hates all white people tomorrow you will gobble it up like a bulldog eating warm barf because that’s what you do.

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20 hours ago, taxme said:

You have been caught and now you must live with that. :D

Now let's see. I reproduced your words and specifically those that show you tell people you follow the opinions of David Duke the former Grand Wizard of the KKKt and the forum should all learn from him and you  now what.... deny you are a KKK supporter? Lol. Go it.

You also stated and I quote: "And I stand by everything I said above."

Then do just that. You might also want to heed your own words above.

However this thread is not about you. Its about discussing what motivates people to kill others in houses of worship and think you do well in demonstrating the thought processes that lead to extremist ideologies and hatred as the above words demonstrate-and that remains the only point-your opinions, not you as a person.





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29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Your reading comprehension sucks.

A lot of what I post sucks.


I said “the fact that hate speech against Jews in Canada and the US  is legal (thanks Justa Traitor) has no doubt contributed....” (I should have said that “they made it acceptable” as well)

But see there is the direct link to Trudeau you are attempting to make.


Did you prove somewhere that all the hate speech against Jews didn’t contribute to this shooting?

Can you prove that all hate speech everywhere towards Jews DID contribute with absolute certainty to the shooting? Did anyone on this forum influence the shooter?


It’s a big deal when world leaders in virtue signalling like Obama and Trudeau support hate speech against Jews in their various ways. Trudeau by not condemning a call for genocide against them, Obama by cozying up to North America’s foremost Jew hater and never speaking out against him.

Maybe you can get me some direct quotes from Obama, Trudeau  and their hate speech towards Jews.  Now don't make the stupid mistake others have here and equate criticism of Israel as anti-semetic talk. That's a tactic that no longer works here. Actually never has, it only makes people that have weak arguments as stupid.


Lib msm is bending over backwards to label Trump as a Jew hater and it’s an absurd notion from the get-go. It’s extremely easy and pertinent to make a solid connection between Trudeau or Obama or Bill Clinton and anti-Semitism but they don’t go there AT ALL.

Oh please tell me again you are not trying to make a direct link between the shooter and Trudeau, you say you are not, but holy crap if you ain't trying your hardest.


It should be really easy for you to understand all this, or you could try to discredit it in some way, but you’re unable to do either. Instead you devour obvious garbage that CNN throws out there and ignore credible information to the contrary. If CNN tells you that Trump hates all white people tomorrow you will gobble it up like a bulldog eating warm barf because that’s what you do.

 Nothing but stupid projections on your part.

Also still waiting for you to show where eyeball or I made anti-semetic comments. Oh right, I gave you a couple months to parse through the site for that. However I know with 100% certainty you will not spend the time even trying to find those posts.

Edited by GostHacked
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20 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Your reading comprehension sucks.

I said “the fact that hate speech against Jews in Canada and the US  is legal (thanks Justa Traitor) has no doubt contributed....” (I should have said that “they made it acceptable” as well)

Did you prove somewhere that all the hate speech against Jews didn’t contribute to this shooting?

It’s a big deal when world leaders in virtue signalling like Obama and Trudeau support hate speech against Jews in their various ways. Trudeau by not condemning a call for genocide against them, Obama by cozying up to North America’s foremost Jew hater and never speaking out against him.

Lib msm is bending over backwards to label Trump as a Jew hater and it’s an absurd notion from the get-go. It’s extremely easy and pertinent to make a solid connection between Trudeau or Obama or Bill Clinton and anti-Semitism but they don’t go there AT ALL.

It should be really easy for you to understand all this, or you could try to discredit it in some way, but you’re unable to do either. Instead you devour obvious garbage that CNN throws out there and ignore credible information to the contrary. If CNN tells you that Trump hates all white people tomorrow you will gobble it up like a bulldog eating warm barf because that’s what you do.

Must agree and support your words. Trump engages in very hateful rhetoric that for me is very much like Hitler and Mussolini in style if not substance at times, it is absurd to call him a Jew hater.  On one level he probably does,, on another level h e does not. People like him in one sense hate everyone sooner or later. They have a twisted narcissistic personality disorder that makes them believe anyone who disagrees with them as the enemy. It would be fascinating to do a comprehensive psychiatric diagnosis on him and see who he actually hates. For all we know he doesn't hate immigrants at all personally but is a sociopath who throws the first available vulnerable group under the bus.

isn't it interesting he married two immigrants and has a daughter who converted to Judaism.  Its interesting for sure.  If he was as much of a bigot as some think I don't think he would have shook that dictator of Korea's hand as he did and suck up to him like that. Certainly he is a complex study of conflicts acted out through his mouth.

The moment Trudeau entered extremist Mosques during election time to pander for votes and appointed a Muslim extremist terrorist supporter as his Middle East advisor he signalled where his bread was buttered. He signalled Muslims in Canada  that he will suck up to the extremists in their community believing they will produce more votes for him.

His pandering to the refugee crisis fools no one. As he poses as a welcoming mat for illegal Nigerians his Immigration Ministry as I speak circulates a refugee decision from Immigration and Refugee Board Membr Lois Figg on its site telling Board Members to follow it and reject Nigerian refugee applicants. He plays to his audience posing as open in his speeches while excluding in invisible policies the public is not aware of unless they look.

Trudeau is a  cynic manipulating ethnic groups as bad as I have seen.  Sure all politicians have done it, but never with such blatant two faced posing.

He sheds tears for aboriginals and then in a meeting with them talks down to them like children scolding them for thinking he would listen to more than ten minutes. What a joke

Tell you what. The alienation and madness across the world, I don't blame it on Trump or Trudeau no, but they sureas hell  play their part in mirroring the values of the day.

There is a pendelum that has swung from Nazi era to the extreme opposite of the Nazi era that jas turned into a kind of  Stalinism which is  just as bad. On either end there has been totalitarianism. The Me Too Movement now uses all the same tactics  when hunting for sex abusers as McCarthy once did when hunting for Commies

The target changes but the same primal rage in gangs running after the target with torches remains the same.

Frankenstein mutates in shape but he's always on the run.





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18 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The Dems morphed into the party of open borders when Trump closed off immigration to the countries with ridiculously high numbers of terrorists. 

Clinton and Obama both talked about closing off the border, but that was when they thought it would get them votes. Now they’re trying to become the party of immigrants and minorities.

The Republicans are the party of all Americans of every stripe, and people with an iq over 80 know that.


I am not sure the Democrats  chose to become anything let alone the party of immigrants. It would appear that they have been set up and turned into that because by Trump grabbing the extreme anti immigrant position it forces them into that appearance if they say anything to the contrary of Trump's extreme statements.

I think calling Democrats the party of immigrants is a false label by Trump. Any politician has immigrants in their constituency. They can't afford to look intolerant for that reason alone and they know it. The ones that sound tough usually believe they have insufficient no's of minorities to lose their elections. That might be a dangerous thing to assume this mid term round. We shall see how mobilized the extreme haters and liberal do gooders are, they might make a difference. Still its the mushy middle who no one understands who are always the wild card.

If that mush middle has grown tired of Trump it will show. If they are too apathetic and feel their vote makes no difference, it will show as well. Low turn outs favour the incumbents.

Its a shame American politicians  do not discuss guns, the environment, education, the economy. Instead they've allowed themselves to be hijacked and  reduced  to listening to Trump screaming over a caravan of imagined invaders that must be destroyed. What a way to appeal for votes. Quite sad what the US has been reduced to by Trump and his dialogue of narcissistic fractured syntax and delusional self promotion.

Trump hasn't only managed to label all Democrats as pro immigrant sympathizers but any Republican who disagrees with him as a dirty no good loser as well.

When Ryan ran away from confronting Trump he showed his cowardice. The only Republican still fighting Trump in public right now is Mitt Romney who will win as Senator in Utah easily. People wrote Romney off in the Republican Party due to his Mormonism. It alienated the Christian evangelical wing of the party who were a powerful force at the time he ran. In retrospect he has to look a hell of a lot better than Trump. Hell any Republican candidate would other than Ted Cruz.

The Republican party is truly fractured. It limps along in paralysis fearing a confrontation with Trump. Its the same fear that enabled Trump to grab the leadership of their party in the first place. Nothing Trump enunciates is very Republican. In fact he is quite the opposite. Trump believes in the cult of power, Republicans might have had a bit of that with Reagan but not as much. Other than John F. Kennedy, American Presidents since the 60's have been very bland, plain spoken. Clinton and Carter as well as Bush Jr did the folksy routine but Obama since Kennedy was the only genuine orator and even he toned down in his speeches depending on the audience.

Trump is the first screamer hater. Nixon was a hater but did it passively and not out in the open. LBJ bullied and screamed but behind closed doors.

Trump is this loud eruption of methane gas from his buttocks that won't stop. He could fuel the planet for centuries if someone harnessed all that gas,


Edited by Rue
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On 11/5/2018 at 8:09 AM, WestCanMan said:

Trudeau’s actions made hate speech ok. Peachy keen. Alllllllright. No big d. Get it? 

How ironic that you have your tongue up a guys ass that you admire most for saying what he means and meaning what he says.  You should take a cue or perhaps you did and your OP was the best you could do.


Semantics? You’re busy defending calls for genocide and you’re trying to get me on semantics? Get a grip..

Excuse me but I defended a call for genocide? Care to show me where - and I expect a direct quote, not some steaming pile of shit you created along the way.

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Seriously Dog in American politics no one in either party is encouraging illegal migration. The rhetoric making Dems anti immigrant is no more accurate than calling Republicans anti immigrant. Those are extremist generalizations thrust on both sides by the extremist black and white all or nothing rhetoric being thrown out by extremists on both sides.

There are no shortage of racist Democrats and not all Republicans are anti immigrant. This divisive stereotyping is exactly the racist manipulation Hitler and Mussolini engaged in to rally their popularity at gatherings. In the long run it destroys by melt down. Positive visions are not easy It seems for politicians to raise these days. That is the problem.

We need non extremist dialogue that doesn't stereotype what people think. Instead of assuming people's opinions we should be asking what they are.

 Say what you will but there is too much labelling.

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19 minutes ago, Rue said:

Seriously Dog in American politics no one in either party is encouraging illegal migration. The rhetoric making Dems anti immigrant is no more accurate than calling Republicans anti immigrant. Those are extremist generalizations thrust on both sides by the extremist black and white all or nothing rhetoric being thrown out by extremists on both sides.

There are no shortage of racist Democrats and not all Republicans are anti immigrant. This divisive stereotyping is exactly the racist manipulation Hitler and Mussolini engaged in to rally their popularity at gatherings. In the long run it destroys by melt down. Positive visions are not easy It seems for politicians to raise these days. That is the problem.

We need non extremist dialogue that doesn't stereotype what people think. Instead of assuming people's opinions we should be asking what they are.

 Say what you will but there is too much labelling.


Legal: crosses the border using passport and other ID.

Illegal: crosses any ol' where without papers...committing a crime.

You can pretend the later isn't happening in Canada...or the USA. You can also pretend that the Liberal government is stopping "illegals" from just crossing into Canada.

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8 hours ago, Rue said:

I am not sure the Democrats  chose to become anything let alone the party of immigrants. It would appear that they have been set up and turned into that because by Trump grabbing the extreme anti immigrant position it forces them into that appearance if they say anything to the contrary of Trump's extreme statements.

I think calling Democrats the party of immigrants is a false label by Trump. Any politician has immigrants in their constituency. They can't afford to look intolerant for that reason alone and they know it. The ones that sound tough usually believe they have insufficient no's of minorities to lose their elections. That might be a dangerous thing to assume this mid term round. We shall see how mobilized the extreme haters and liberal do gooders are, they might make a difference. Still its the mushy middle who no one understands who are always the wild card.

If that mush middle has grown tired of Trump it will show. If they are too apathetic and feel their vote makes no difference, it will show as well. Low turn outs favour the incumbents.

Its a shame American politicians  do not discuss guns, the environment, education, the economy. Instead they've allowed themselves to be hijacked and  reduced  to listening to Trump screaming over a caravan of imagined invaders that must be destroyed. What a way to appeal for votes. Quite sad what the US has been reduced to by Trump and his dialogue of narcissistic fractured syntax and delusional self promotion.

Trump hasn't only managed to label all Democrats as pro immigrant sympathizers but any Republican who disagrees with him as a dirty no good loser as well.

When Ryan ran away from confronting Trump he showed his cowardice. The only Republican still fighting Trump in public right now is Mitt Romney who will win as Senator in Utah easily. People wrote Romney off in the Republican Party due to his Mormonism. It alienated the Christian evangelical wing of the party who were a powerful force at the time he ran. In retrospect he has to look a hell of a lot better than Trump. Hell any Republican candidate would other than Ted Cruz.

The Republican party is truly fractured. It limps along in paralysis fearing a confrontation with Trump. Its the same fear that enabled Trump to grab the leadership of their party in the first place. Nothing Trump enunciates is very Republican. In fact he is quite the opposite. Trump believes in the cult of power, Republicans might have had a bit of that with Reagan but not as much. Other than John F. Kennedy, American Presidents since the 60's have been very bland, plain spoken. Clinton and Carter as well as Bush Jr did the folksy routine but Obama since Kennedy was the only genuine orator and even he toned down in his speeches depending on the audience.

Trump is the first screamer hater. Nixon was a hater but did it passively and not out in the open. LBJ bullied and screamed but behind closed doors.

Trump is this loud eruption of methane gas from his buttocks that won't stop. He could fuel the planet for centuries if someone harnessed all that gas,


Politics in the US is ugly, no doubt about it. 

Partly because of Trump, and partly because the Obama government was so divisive that they set the table for a guy like Trump to win. 

If the USA wasn’t literally on fire for two years before the election Trump wouldn’t have had a chance imo. 

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9 hours ago, GostHacked said:

A lot of what I post sucks.

But see there is the direct link to Trudeau you are attempting to make.

Can you prove that all hate speech everywhere towards Jews DID contribute with absolute certainty to the shooting? Did anyone on this forum influence the shooter?

Maybe you can get me some direct quotes from Obama, Trudeau  and their hate speech towards Jews.  Now don't make the stupid mistake others have here and equate criticism of Israel as anti-semetic talk. That's a tactic that no longer works here. Actually never has, it only makes people that have weak arguments as stupid.

Oh please tell me again you are not trying to make a direct link between the shooter and Trudeau, you say you are not, but holy crap if you ain't trying your hardest.

 Nothing but stupid projections on your part.

Also still waiting for you to show where eyeball or I made anti-semetic comments. Oh right, I gave you a couple months to parse through the site for that. However I know with 100% certainty you will not spend the time even trying to find those posts.

GH you try really hard to make links that don’t exist, and ignore the elephant in the room. 

Can you spell out for me how Trump is an anti-Semite? I have shown you why Trudeau and Obama are. That’s the point of this thread.

Let me spell this out: when a hateful & bigoted religious leader in Canada sttod on a podium in front of a crowd and a bunch of cameras and called for genocide against Jews OUR PM NEEDED TO STAND UP AND BE AN ACTUAL LEADER!!!! He spent months chasing windmills and calling Canadians racists when he was wrong (hijab hoax for example). On the ONE DAY when there was an actual dragon to slay he was a mouse. He made Jew hatred acceptable, period.

If the Pittsburgh shooter thought he was the only Jew-hater in North America, if anti-Semitic rhetoric wasn’t so prominent that you couldn’t possibly avoid it, he never would have been on this path to begin with. This is a path that was paved by Obama and Trudeau for reasons that I have almost beat to death now. If you refuse to ignore all of this then whatever. Horse + water = thirsty horse. 

Get this -, I’m not saying Trudeau was the sole motivation for the shooting. I never did. You tried to put words in my mouth. My actual, unedited words are still right there on P1 and there’s no mistaking their meaning. I’m still saying that Trudeau is the biggest part of the problem of anti-sematism in Canada and a leader in North America. Obama is now a leader in North America bigtime. The picture of him with Farrakhan is recruiting gold for extreme bigots. Trump’s correlation with anti-Sematism is just more CNN drivel. Chow down pal. I can’t get through to you. 

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13 hours ago, GostHacked said:

F'n perfect definition of IRONY !!!!! I've only been saying that directly to YOU for a few years now.

You make every post about you and that is pathetic. Between you and Taxme you beg for people to pay attention to you. You have been called out and exposed by me in past posts for dialogue that engaged in anti semitic references to Jews and since then you have been in a snit intervening on every thread I respond to trying to draw attention to the fact you think I  victimized you by calling out your extremist dialogue. Now you pose again, patronizing and talking down as if you are a martyr put on a cross by me whose preachings have been scorned.

Get over your Messiah-martyr complex, your sense of victimhood, your constant need to draw threads to you. Deal with the issues. This is my last comment on that matter. If you want to constantly pose as a rejected martyr let someone else deal with your narcissism. Just once resist the urge to make a thread about you and your martyrdom.

The fact that you came on this thread to defend Taxme's words and positions speaks loudly as to your positions and agenda.

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30 minutes ago, Rue said:

You make every post about you and that is pathetic. Between you and Taxme you beg for people to pay attention to you. You have been called out and exposed by me in past posts for dialogue that engaged in anti semitic references to Jews and since then you have been in a snit intervening on every thread I respond to trying to draw attention to the fact you think I  victimized you by calling out your extremist dialogue. Now you pose again, patronizing and talking down as if you are a martyr put on a cross by me whose preachings have been scorned.

Get over your Messiah-martyr complex, your sense of victimhood, your constant need to draw threads to you. Deal with the issues. This is my last comment on that matter. If you want to constantly pose as a rejected martyr let someone else deal with your narcissism. Just once resist the urge to make a thread about you and your martyrdom.

The fact that you came on this thread to defend Taxme's words and positions speaks loudly as to your positions and agenda.

Stop making it about me then.  I only called you out on your hypocrisy notion of ....

14 hours ago, Rue said:

We need non extremist dialogue that doesn't stereotype what people think. Instead of assuming people's opinions we should be asking what they are.

Also came on and defended Eyeball, I may have defended Taxme to an extent, but it's because you came after that person hard. And then a couple pages later you post this bullshit.


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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

GH you try really hard to make links that don’t exist, and ignore the elephant in the room. 

Can you spell out for me how Trump is an anti-Semite? I have shown you why Trudeau and Obama are. That’s the point of this thread.

Trump is not an anti-semite, and I never claimed he was. His high level of support of Israel shows that he is not.  I would not say outright that Obama or Trudeau are anti-semetic, but is it because they are critical of Israel or is it because they slighted Jews in some fashion?   Trudeau would have pissed off more than Jews if that was the case. He is making our nation look bad. I never said Trudeau was going to be a good PM. In fact I did say he was going to be bad in some ways.

9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Let me spell this out: when a hateful & bigoted religious leader in Canada sttod on a podium in front of a crowd and a bunch of cameras and called for genocide against Jews OUR PM NEEDED TO STAND UP AND BE AN ACTUAL LEADER!!!! He spent months chasing windmills and calling Canadians racists when he was wrong (hijab hoax for example). On the ONE DAY when there was an actual dragon to slay he was a mouse. He made Jew hatred acceptable, period.

Hold up there,  can you get me a direct quote on the bolded part? I am not doubting you, but this is the firs time I am hearing of it.

9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If the Pittsburgh shooter thought he was the only Jew-hater in North America, if anti-Semitic rhetoric wasn’t so prominent that you couldn’t possibly avoid it, he never would have been on this path to begin with. This is a path that was paved by Obama and Trudeau for reasons that I have almost beat to death now. If you refuse to ignore all of this then whatever. Horse + water = thirsty horse. 

Right, because a crazy right-winger in the USA is obviously stupid enough to be influenced by Trudeau. A link you are still trying to make which seems to be failing.

9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Get this -, I’m not saying Trudeau was the sole motivation for the shooting. I never did. You tried to put words in my mouth. My actual, unedited words are still right there on P1 and there’s no mistaking their meaning. I’m still saying that Trudeau is the biggest part of the problem of anti-sematism in Canada and a leader in North America. Obama is now a leader in North America bigtime. The picture of him with Farrakhan is recruiting gold for extreme bigots. Trump’s correlation with anti-Sematism is just more CNN drivel. Chow down pal. I can’t get through to you. 

Trudeau is the biggest problem in anti-semitism? Are you really making that statement? I would really like to see examples of that.  Because when you say Trudeau is the biggest problem regarding anti-semitism then you are also attempting to make that a link to this shooter's murderous anti-semetic actions.

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On 11/5/2018 at 2:40 PM, Wilber said:

Christ was a Jew. 

That may be true. But it still does not take away from the fact that his own people turned on him and had him crucified for telling the truth and exposing the money changers. Fact and not fiction. But hey. 

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7 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Stop making it about me then.  I only called you out on your hypocrisy notion of ....

Also came on and defended Eyeball, I may have defended Taxme to an extent, but it's because you came after that person hard. And then a couple pages later you post this bullshit.


1. You made it about you with these words you stated:

"F'n perfect definition of IRONY !!!!! I've only been saying that directly to YOU for a few years now. "

2. Your rationalization that you defend Taxme because I "came after that person hard"  means what? He came on a post about Jews being killed in a synagogue and made the comments he did then denied he has uttered comments on this forum identifying with anti semites and the Grand Wizard of the KKK but also admitting the statements I produced where he did identify with them is true. Your defence of him speaks loudly as to your agenda to defend him because you feel like you he is unfairly called out for his views on Jews.

You constantly redirect conversation to you as a person and then complain when you are called out on the words you write. Instead of denying what you write and what your agenda is admit it and stop denying what you stand for and what you write or the words you initiate to draw the attention to you.

Respond to the thread topic not yourself in your responses. Stop posing as someone who is being a martyr and whose words are being ignored. You are not. I am done on that. I just wanted to clarify your denial of your use of the personal to initiate the last response I gave you. That denial is what you do. As quick as you write something you deny it.

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Just now, taxme said:

That may be true. But it still does not take away from the fact that his own people turned on him and had him crucified for telling the truth and exposing the money changers. Fact and not fiction. But hey. 


Well, one Jew in particular turned on him...

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