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Is it time for a election to be called?


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22 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

An election during the NAFTA talks would have a negative effect on the solidarity of Canada's position and would therefore weaken us in the eyes of the POTUS. Another consideration is what if the fixed date falls during the transition of the Head of State? The fixed date situation has already caused the screw up in Saskatchewan.


Section 4 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifies 5 years as the maximum life of a Parliament, period, no exceptions.

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32 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Serious question: Has a Government ever won an election based mainly on the timing? I acknowledge they try but it doesn't usually work out for them. Voters seem to have a mind of their own.

We had elections called by sitting governments in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011. Why do you think they were called?

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41 minutes ago, Argus said:

The Liberals won based on timing when they voted the brief government of Joe Clark out after 9 months. They were in their infancy and the Liberals made a huge fuss over a proposed gas tax which they claimed would destroy the economy. They voted no confidence, and were returned to power in an election largely over that tax.

Then they promptly implemented that same tax themselves.


But that was not a choice of the government. It was collusion between the Grits and the Socialist Credit.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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23 minutes ago, Wilber said:

We had elections called by sitting governments in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011. Why do you think they were called?

Did it affect the outcome of the election in the government's favour, or was it other factors such as a dud leader of the opposition Party?

Edited by Queenmandy85
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On 8/31/2018 at 11:51 AM, -TSS- said:

Turkeys voting for early Christmas? I dont think so. Besides, I thought in Canada you changed the law so that parliamentary terms are almost always fixed. Perhaps I have misunderstood something.

There is nothing to misunderstand here. Everything in Canada is "fixed" by and for the politicians. Politicians can do what they want to do. If politicians want something changed then they just do it. Canadians will just shrug their shoulders anyway and say O well what can you do. It's no wonder politicians can so easily make fools out of Canadians because it is so easy to do. They know that they the sheeple will not say anything, and if by chance a few do, well they will just wait it out, and ignore them until they eventually give up and go away. The politicians have it all sown up as to how to treat the taxpayer's with total contempt. Canadians worry more about what Trump says and does here than worry about what is going on in their own country, and Trump is not even their president. Go and try to figure that one out. I cannot. :wacko:   But ya, let's bring on an election now, and let us see if we can get rid of this prime mistake of ours. Works for me. 

Edited by taxme
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On 8/31/2018 at 1:11 PM, PIK said:

Something I never understood, being we could have minority governments.

Canadians appear to get themselves always into trouble because of allowing any political party to have a majority. A minority government would probably be good for Canada and Canadians because then the politicians could not get away with screwing around with the taxpayer's tax dollars anymore and pushing their programs and agendas that Canadians do not want or need or never asked for. Just saying.  

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On 9/1/2018 at 9:41 AM, -1=e^ipi said:

One election every 4 years is too infrequent. We should have 1 election every 3 years like Australia.

Why have elections at all in Canada anymore. All we seem to get are more Trudeau's all the time. There must be something better that we can come up with that would make life much easier for the taxpayer's in Canada, eh? One thing that I would like to see happen in Canada though is to have the right to Citizen Initiated Referendums and the Right to Recall like they have in Switzerland. that would pretty much take the power away from politicians who only know how to screw things up and give the power back to we the people. 

Of course for that to happen it would take every Canadian to demand that this gets implemented. This would be one way of where the people would have the power given back to them and for them to be able to get the say on issues like immigration and take that power away from the politicians who have been screwing up our immigration system for several decades now.

C'mon people think about this concept and let's demand it from our politicians who always show that they only have contempt for we the people. We all should know by now that there will never be one politician who will ever ask for this because they like and enjoy playing dictators and ruling over all of our lives.

Anyone here in favor of Citizen Initiated Referendums and the right to Recall to be implemented in Canada?  Yes/no in favor? 

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On 9/1/2018 at 7:41 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

One election every 4 years is too infrequent. We should have 1 election every 3 years like Australia.

Even those 3-year term elections aren't fixed-term. On top of that there is a similar system at the state-level too. So, the Aussies are made to vote all the time. It creates voter-apathy but they have an answer to that problem too: Voting is compulsory.

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52 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Taxme, you seem to believe your views are shared by the vast electorate residing in the centre.

I believe that my views are not shared by most people here anyway, especially you. I guess talking common sense and logic does not work around here all that well and that I should refrain from doing so. I should just go along with liberal emotional and foolish politically correct talk then, eh? Sorry, but that is not going to work for me. I am a real and true no nonsense conservative radical. I call it as I see it. The vast left, right and center electorate should be more concerned about what their politicians are doing to them and with their tax dollars every day. I think that the vast majority of Canadians are liberal and socialist and some even communist. None appear to be for more freedom less government and less taxes. It's like they want more of what they are being fed every day by their dear leaders. 

Anyway, I asked you as to what you thought about Citizen Initiated referendums and the Right to Recall and you came back with that snide reply. It's no wonder that I have lost all confidence in this country and it's people when I get replies like yours who would prefer to avoid talking about what I suggested to people like you. Imagine me proposing an idea where we the people run the show and not the politicians for a change. Wow. What I nerve I have, eh? LOL. 

So, I can take it that what I suggested above is your answer and that any improvement in your life is not wanted or needed and all is well for you in Canada then, eh? Just asking and wondering.  

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52 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

Even those 3-year term elections aren't fixed-term. On top of that there is a similar system at the state-level too. So, the Aussies are made to vote all the time. It creates voter-apathy but they have an answer to that problem too: Voting is compulsory.

The Charter of Rights or Wrongs will nix that compulsory voting idea pretty fast in the bud here in Canada. It's a sad day for Canada when Canadians can only vote for two liberal party's. One called the liberal party and the other one called the progressive liberal conservative party. Both party's are politically correct in how they will do things and how things will be done in Canada and their leaders will only do what their puppet string masters and special interest groups tell them to do. Unless you are one of those two then you will have no say as to how Canada will run. There is no real conservative party to vote for in Canada anymore. We are stuck voting for either tweedle dee liberal or tweedle dumb liberal. It truly has become a waste of time voting anymore in Canada as those two political party's pretty much have no love for the electorate but plenty of contempt for them. Wake up and admit it like I have done. I am screwed. :(

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4 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

So the answer is no, it did not affect the outcome. (I looked it up?) :rolleyes:

There are only two reasons early elections are called by a sitting government.

1: The government has found a wedge issue or weakness in the opposition that they  can exploit.

2: They think they will be un-electable if they go full term so they might as roll the dice now.

Both reasons are political.

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36 minutes ago, taxme said:

I believe that my views are not shared by most people here anyway, especially you. I guess talking common sense and logic does not work around here all that well and that I should refrain from doing so. I should just go along with liberal emotional and foolish politically correct talk then, eh? Sorry, but that is not going to work for me. I am a real and true no nonsense conservative radical. I call it as I see it. The vast left, right and center electorate should be more concerned about what their politicians are doing to them and with their tax dollars every day. I think that the vast majority of Canadians are liberal and socialist and some even communist. None appear to be for more freedom less government and less taxes. It's like they want more of what they are being fed every day by their dear leaders. 

Anyway, I asked you as to what you thought about Citizen Initiated referendums and the Right to Recall and you came back with that snide reply. It's no wonder that I have lost all confidence in this country and it's people when I get replies like yours who would prefer to avoid talking about what I suggested to people like you. Imagine me proposing an idea where we the people run the show and not the politicians for a change. Wow. What I nerve I have, eh? LOL. 

So, I can take it that what I suggested above is your answer and that any improvement in your life is not wanted or needed and all is well for you in Canada then, eh? Just asking and wondering.  

Sorry, I did not intend my remark to be snide. Much as I disagree with you, I would never want you to not stand up for your views. 

as for Citizen Initiated referendums and the Right to Recall, I don't support referendums. Alberta's experiment with recall ended abruptly when Premier Aberhart was threatened by a recall petition in his own riding.

Please keep up your posts. I always find them stimulating.

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39 minutes ago, taxme said:

The Charter of Rights or Wrongs will nix that compulsory voting idea pretty fast in the bud here in Canada. It's a sad day for Canada when Canadians can only vote for two liberal party's. One called the liberal party and the other one called the progressive liberal conservative party. Both party's are politically correct in how they will do things and how things will be done in Canada and their leaders will only do what their puppet string masters and special interest groups tell them to do. Unless you are one of those two then you will have no say as to how Canada will run. There is no real conservative party to vote for in Canada anymore. We are stuck voting for either tweedle dee liberal or tweedle dumb liberal. It truly has become a waste of time voting anymore in Canada as those two political party's pretty much have no love for the electorate but plenty of contempt for them. Wake up and admit it like I have done. I am screwed. :(

I agree with you wholeheartedly. We in Finland will have elections next April and for the first time in my life I'm thinking of skipping it as it seems such a waste of time as the puppet-masters are not up for election and I'm not interested in voting for the puppets.

However, that is exactly the mindset globalists want to create. Why bother, it's no good, waste of time. The cattle will be easier to control when it meekly accepts its fate.

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7 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

I agree with you wholeheartedly. We in Finland will have elections next April and for the first time in my life I'm thinking of skipping it as it seems such a waste of time as the puppet-masters are not up for election and I'm not interested in voting for the puppets.

However, that is exactly the mindset globalists want to create. Why bother, it's no good, waste of time. The cattle will be easier to control when it meekly accepts its fate.

Slightly off of topic but I am curious about Finland and it's immigration policy. Are you people in Finland having problems with the Muslim population like the Swedish people are having with their Muslim population in Sweden? Just curious. :)

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

Slightly off of topic but I am curious about Finland and it's immigration policy. Are you people in Finland having problems with the Muslim population like the Swedish people are having with their Muslim population in Sweden? Just curious. :)

It is nowhere near as bad as Sweden yet but our politicians who are total puppets of the EU are doing their best to change that in the name of EU-solidarity and burden-sharing.

As recently as in the 1990's it was a very rare sight even in our capital to see black or middle-eastern people. It has all changed since. The Kalergi-plan is in process and Finland has received recently a lot of asylum-seekers from such neighbiuring countries as Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia and especially Iraq. Yes, the border between Finland and those countries must be the longest border in the world as they have arrived in the first safe country.

On a serious note, just as elsewhere in the west, the cultural-marxists are in full charge here as well. The state broadcasting corporation spouts cultural-marxist propaganda all the time and the newspapers do the same. If you tell them they are telling lies you are told that you are a Putinist, which is the new insult to stop any conversation with people who question the globalist agenda.

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1 hour ago, Wilber said:

There are only two reasons early elections are called by a sitting government.

1: The government has found a wedge issue or weakness in the opposition that they  can exploit.

2: They think they will be un-electable if they go full term so they might as roll the dice now.

Both reasons are political.

I agree those are two reasons. I contend it often doesn't work for them. Voters don't always do what the government tells them to. Don't you just love democracy? :D

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

Why have elections at all in Canada anymore. All we seem to get are more Trudeau's all the time. There must be something better that we can come up with that would make life much easier for the taxpayer's in Canada, eh? One thing that I would like to see happen in Canada though is to have the right to Citizen Initiated Referendums and the Right to Recall like they have in Switzerland. that would pretty much take the power away from politicians who only know how to screw things up and give the power back to we the people. 

Of course for that to happen it would take every Canadian to demand that this gets implemented. This would be one way of where the people would have the power given back to them and for them to be able to get the say on issues like immigration and take that power away from the politicians who have been screwing up our immigration system for several decades now.

C'mon people think about this concept and let's demand it from our politicians who always show that they only have contempt for we the people. We all should know by now that there will never be one politician who will ever ask for this because they like and enjoy playing dictators and ruling over all of our lives.

Anyone here in favor of Citizen Initiated Referendums and the right to Recall to be implemented in Canada?  Yes/no in favor? 

100% yes

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2 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I agree with you wholeheartedly. We in Finland will have elections next April and for the first time in my life I'm thinking of skipping it as it seems such a waste of time as the puppet-masters are not up for election and I'm not interested in voting for the puppets.

However, that is exactly the mindset globalists want to create. Why bother, it's no good, waste of time. The cattle will be easier to control when it meekly accepts its fate.

The biggest reason we need none of the above on the ballot, so we can send these pieces of shit a message

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4 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I agree those are two reasons. I contend it often doesn't work for them. Voters don't always do what the government tells them to. Don't you just love democracy? :D

The voters do what the voters do but my point is the only reason parities call early elections is that they think it is in their interest to do so, not in the public's interest.

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15 hours ago, -TSS- said:

On a serious note, just as elsewhere in the west, the cultural-marxists are in full charge here as well. The state broadcasting corporation spouts cultural-marxist propaganda all the time and the newspapers do the same. If you tell them they are telling lies you are told that you are a Putinist, which is the new insult to stop any conversation with people who question the globalist agenda.

I didn't know it was anywhere near this bad in Finland. Other than for the Putin reference, this comment could well pertain to Canada. Over here, those who question the globalist agenda aren't likely to be called Putinists. It's more likely the insults that would be hurled at them would reference Trump. I guess the difference is a matter of proximity.

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19 hours ago, -TSS- said:

It is nowhere near as bad as Sweden yet but our politicians who are total puppets of the EU are doing their best to change that in the name of EU-solidarity and burden-sharing.

As recently as in the 1990's it was a very rare sight even in our capital to see black or middle-eastern people. It has all changed since. The Kalergi-plan is in process and Finland has received recently a lot of asylum-seekers from such neighbiuring countries as Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia and especially Iraq. Yes, the border between Finland and those countries must be the longest border in the world as they have arrived in the first safe country.

On a serious note, just as elsewhere in the west, the cultural-marxists are in full charge here as well. The state broadcasting corporation spouts cultural-marxist propaganda all the time and the newspapers do the same. If you tell them they are telling lies you are told that you are a Putinist, which is the new insult to stop any conversation with people who question the globalist agenda.

In Sweden the refugee migrants are burning cars all over the place. Hundreds of cars are being torched to a crisp. I guess that they must be bored or something. LOL. Welcome to the new world of the refugee migrants. Canada will be next. It is all just a matter of time. They are committing plenty of crimes in Canada already but this leftist liberal cultural marxist Canadian media of ours will not report any of it. But let some white guy shout out some racial slur and the shit hits the fan. Go get him and throw him in the gulag. The Western world is in big trouble if the people in the West continue to take in millions of people who have no interest in assimilating but just taking whatever they can from the people of the West. It's wakey-wakey time. 

Thanks for the reply on this issue. :)

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