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The Great Immigration Debate

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2 hours ago, Bonam said:

2) Yes and yes, this should be done. You can't keep the retirement age the same even as life expectancy continues to increase. People are living on average for decades after retirement, whereas when retirement were first brought in, life expectancy was less than the retirement age! Medical advances will continue to raise life expectancy, likely to 100+ years in the next few decades. Will people soon be spending half their lives retired? It's not sustainable. Retirement age must be indexed to a fixed fraction of life expectancy.

Or maybe liberals can stop sticking their nose in your own business?

Why do I need government in those fields where I can do on my own?

I can't fund police alone and I can't pay for roads alone, but I can fund my own pension. If I can't, then there is the oldest way to do it - have kids (it was long before pension was invented). If you are so stupid that you don't want to fund your pension by putting aside some money and you don't want to bring up kids, then why I have to pay for your f///n retirement?

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53 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

Nice quotes. I'll read the articles later on and will send you some statistics on the Canada's demographics, but I guess you know the facts yourself. Because the facts are the same everywhere. Population is aging. Pension systems are under enormous pressure, because there are not enough working adults to keep it afloat. So, there are two options:

1) import workers who will pay pensions to elderly people

2) cut down on CPP and OAS

Immigration will do little to alleviate an aging population. Want more quotes? Maybe if we focused only on immigrants who were teenagers, or at least, in their early twenties, it would help more. But the average age of immigrants is a lot older than that. Heck, Trudeau just doubled the number of immigrant senior citizens  allowed to enter every year. You think that's gonna help?  And the numbers of immigrants would have to triple or quadruple or more before they could hope to  offset our population deficit. A much smarter move would be to encourage people here to have more kids. 

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17 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

For not very smart people, I repeat. If you earn more than $3500 ANNUALY you have to pay contributions to CPP, therefore you send money to retired "Canadians" who think you are parasite. lol

I'm curious. Do you have *any* friends? Because your attitude here is not making you any.

Given progressive taxation, the lower 30% of income earners pay no income taxes, or get them refunded. The lower 50% of income earners pay very little more than that. In fact, the lower 50% of income earners is responsible for paying only about 4% of income taxes. 

On the negative side of the balance sheet, the government has to pay for their health care, their kids educations and health care, as well as various other benefits like child benefits. This can get very expensive. The child benefits alone can be tens of thousands of dollars if a family has three or four children. So a family whose main breadwinner is not making a lot is costing the treasury a LOT of money. That money has to be paid by people like me, who DO pay income tax. And lots of it.

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20 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

Please, don't take it to heart, I'm just trying to improve my English writing. Sorry.

While you're improving your English, look up words like "attitude', and consider how yours might irritate and annoy those reading your posts. Taunting and sneering at people might be enjoyable in the short term, but will only cause everyone to dislike you.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Immigration will do little to alleviate an aging population. Want more quotes? Maybe if we focused only on immigrants who were teenagers, or at least, in their early twenties, it would help more. But the average age of immigrants is a lot older than that. Heck, Trudeau just doubled the number of immigrant senior citizens  allowed to enter every year. You think that's gonna help?  And the numbers of immigrants would have to triple or quadruple or more before they could hope to  offset our population deficit. A much smarter move would be to encourage people here to have more kids. 

Your knowledge about the Canadian immigration system is vast, but let me clearify the question.

There is such system which is called Express Entry.

You create your account there and get points for your skills, experience, AGE etc.

Each month some number of applications with THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF POINTS are drawn from the pool.

Not sufficient points? Sorrrrrrry!!!

You will be shocked with their stupidity. They forgot to ask you. Such a good idea!!! lol


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7 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

Another "expert".

A little bit about YOUR pension system. As an immigrant I feel obliged to explain it to you.

Employees and employers contribute allmost 10% to CPP from your earnings up to the threshold.

Then CPP pays retirement pension to the current recipients from these money, that YOU contributed.

So, far CPP does not require inflow of money from outside. Though in such countries like, for example, UK, government has to add money to the pension fund, because inflow of contributions is less than outflow of pensions. The same fate awaits the CPP. Sorry, it's science called demographics.

There is nothing to discuss about OAS, because it is paid directly from the taxes.

For not very smart people, I repeat. If you earn more than $3500 ANNUALY you have to pay contributions to CPP, therefore you send money to retired "Canadians" who think you are parasite. lol

I'm an immigrant too. Three times immigrant, in fact. 

Making artificial buckets around "CPP" and "OAS" serves no practical purpose, it's all government money, appropriated as taxes from people that are working. Whether you call it a "tax" or a "payroll deduction", it's still the same thing. People that earn $3,500 annually consume far more in government resources than they pay back as taxes, and will receive far more in support in their old age than their meager CPP/OAS contributions will contribute to today's retirees. What matters is net cash flows, not walling off individual buckets of money and forgetting about the rest. 

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22 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

Your knowledge about the Canadian immigration system is vast, but let me clearify the question.

There is such system which is called Express Entry.

You create your account there and get points for your skills, experience, AGE etc.

Each month some number of applications with THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF POINTS are drawn from the pool.

Not sufficient points? Sorrrrrrry!!!

You will be shocked with their stupidity. They forgot to ask you. Such a good idea!!! lol

What would shock me is if, in your posts, you were to start to write like a mature adult.

That you get points for youth is known. But then most immigrants don't come in under such a system anyway. Most immigrants are family sponsored, refugees, or the family of a single 'economic' class immigrant.


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16 hours ago, Argus said:

Heck, Trudeau just doubled the number of immigrant senior citizens  allowed to enter every year. You think that's gonna help?  And the numbers of immigrants would have to triple or quadruple or more before they could hope to  offset our population deficit. A much smarter move would be to encourage people here to have more kids. 

1. what's wrong with senior immigrants? If, for example, I want to take my parents to Canada under the program of family reunion, you will object?

Seniors are not eligible to get CPP and OAS, because they didn't pay contributions to CPP and didn't live in Canada for 20 years to get OAS.

They don't take away the jobs, they don't work, they only spend (their savings, for example).

They are no criminals. In fact they are perfect people from the state perspective.

So, what's wrong with them?

2. I tell you once again, when your boss complains about the lack of qualified employees, tell him to find some chick and make a baby with her and then your boss will get an employee in 30 years or so, if the kid won't live in his basement and tell him to f///k off.

Or if you are unable to comprehend this example, may be you will understand the following one.

You are hungry, but your friend advise you sowing some wheat. Did you get it, genious?

You had to think about babies 30 years ago. Though as I said your proposed mesuares won't help.

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17 hours ago, Argus said:

I'm curious. Do you have *any* friends? Because your attitude here is not making you any.

Given progressive taxation, the lower 30% of income earners pay no income taxes, or get them refunded. The lower 50% of income earners pay very little more than that. In fact, the lower 50% of income earners is responsible for paying only about 4% of income taxes. 

On the negative side of the balance sheet, the government has to pay for their health care, their kids educations and health care, as well as various other benefits like child benefits. This can get very expensive. The child benefits alone can be tens of thousands of dollars if a family has three or four children. So a family whose main breadwinner is not making a lot is costing the treasury a LOT of money. That money has to be paid by people like me, who DO pay income tax. And lots of it.

Again you are trying to compare your forefinger with your ass )))))))))))))))

I was talking about CPP. Did you hear about such thing? No? I know it's not wellfare, it's just some pension....

About your "attitude". Your statements contradict each other. At first you wrote about the need of child support, now you write that it is not needed. Could you clarify, please? lol

All my friends pay taxes. I will pay them the next year. About $10000 of HST and income tax as well. And I will pay contributions to CPP ( about $2500), they will be transfered directly to some retired Canadian. SSSsssorry...

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18 hours ago, Argus said:

While you're improving your English, look up words like "attitude', and consider how yours might irritate and annoy those reading your posts. Taunting and sneering at people might be enjoyable in the short term, but will only cause everyone to dislike you.

I'm not a $100 bill, so that everyone likes me. Ssssssorry...

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17 hours ago, Bonam said:

I'm an immigrant too. Three times immigrant, in fact. 

Making artificial buckets around "CPP" and "OAS" serves no practical purpose, it's all government money, appropriated as taxes from people that are working. Whether you call it a "tax" or a "payroll deduction", it's still the same thing. People that earn $3,500 annually consume far more in government resources than they pay back as taxes, and will receive far more in support in their old age than their meager CPP/OAS contributions will contribute to today's retirees. What matters is net cash flows, not walling off individual buckets of money and forgetting about the rest. 

I'm stupid. Ssssorry...

I didn't get the implicite meaning of your words. Could you express your thoughts a little bit clearly?

What did you want to say? That CPP contributions of immigrants are not used to pay pension to the retired Canadians? I thought it's a fact. May be it's a some sort of conspiracy? )))))))))))))

About calculations of usefullness for society.

Let's suppose we have an immigrant who earns, let's say, $10000 annualy. Fantastic, but let's imagine. So, he still has to pay contributions to CPP, but he won't pay income tax, because he is below the personal credit amount (about $11000). Also, that guy visited GP this year and the government was charged for it , suppose, $1000. So, what?

It's like mixing the purchase of a car with the amount that the insurance company paid you for the accident. Whaaaaoot?

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17 hours ago, Argus said:

That you get points for youth is known. But then most immigrants don't come in under such a system anyway. Most immigrants are family sponsored, refugees, or the family of a single 'economic' class immigrant.


But who gives a f///k in the era of trump, right?

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As I remember starting THIS year you get additional points if you have a relative in Canada (brother, sister) It doesn't mean that you will get PR, it means that you'll get more points.

Family sponsored - it is when you bring your parents or your children to Canada. In this case, you don't participate in the Express Entry, of course. Why? Answer yourself, I'm tired explaining. I believe in your ability to figure out the case of children and elderly.

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As I understood, you will keep silence about the services that illegal immigrant can get for free in Canada.

So, I should start revealation myself. lol

I must confess of using free services which were paid by Ontario. Though I'm not illegal immigrant, but those guys can use them too.

1. midwifes services. My second son was born in Canada with assistence of midwifes. If you decide to give birth at home, it will be free of charge complitely. We decided to pay for a single ward in hospital ($2200 one day stay). I felt like a thief, so, I called the office and asked them how I can reimburse them their expenses. They told me that I can only donate money to the particular midwife, not to the organization. I didn't want to do that, because I wasn't satisfied with her services. So, let's think that I owe money to the city, I guess.

Why do they do this? I think I should explain to the local very smart people.

There are two options:

1. pay for the birth services and get a new citizen

2. not pay, and get a corpse of a new citizen inside of the illegal mother (no one cares about the mother, of course, she won't get anything for free)

I think it's obvious.

2. daycare. There is a free of charge daycare in the local church. You can't leave your child unattended there, but still. It's just a room with toys where local mamas come to in order to play with children. As I got it, the church gets some money from government to do that.

I think you won't question why they do this?

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17 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

Nice quotes. I'll read the articles later on and will send you some statistics on the Canada's demographics, but I guess you know the facts yourself. Because the facts are the same everywhere. Population is aging. Pension systems are under enormous pressure, because there are not enough working adults to keep it afloat. So, there are two options:

1) import workers who will pay pensions to elderly people

2) cut down on CPP and OAS

In my time several decades ago there was no massive immigration going on like it is today. When Canada's population was running around 20 - 25 million people there was no real problem with unemployment or burdens no our medical and social services. With over 400,000 legal and illegal immigrants immigrating to Canada every year this can only create more problems by adding to the high unemployment list and taxing our medical and social services. There are just too many legal and illegal refugees on top of the other 300,000 - 400,000 thousand new immigrants being allowed into the country where tens of thousands of them will never find a job and may end up remaining on welfare for the rest of their life.

We have an immigration problem sunny boy and why do politicians persist in flooding this country with more and more new immigrants is beyond ridiculous. And with more new immigrants coming in, and after they have gained citizenship,  the first thing on their minds is to try and get their whole family here. It's endless especially with those coming from the third world. They all have huge families. 

If more immigrants are suppose to be so great for Canada why then are there close to two million Canadians unemployed? Answer that one for me if you can?

By the looks of things there are no jobs out there for all these new immigrants. Just more unemployment and more welfare and not to forget the damage that all these new immigrants will be doing to the environment. One would think that this would be the main issue with the environmentalists movement but it appears not.  

What a silly stupid thing to say that Canada should cut down on OAS and CPP payments. Hey, fyi, I have been paying into those two for all the decades that I have worked and now you want me to have a cut back on what I get just so the rotten government can give more money too new immigrants? Get real will you. This is one of the big problems with many Canadian. They always want to hurt their own people so that they can give more of their tax dollars to a bunch of foreigners instead. Canadians need to start thinking about Canada and Canadians first and too hell with the rest of the world. My opinion and I am sticking with it. No more Mr. Nice Guy for me anymore. Enough already. 

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1 hour ago, ZavHoz said:

As I remember starting THIS year you get additional points if you have a relative in Canada (brother, sister) It doesn't mean that you will get PR, it means that you'll get more points.

Family sponsored - it is when you bring your parents or your children to Canada. In this case, you don't participate in the Express Entry, of course. Why? Answer yourself, I'm tired explaining. I believe in your ability to figure out the case of children and elderly.

Family reunification is a big farce because those elderly parents or grandparents that get here eventually will be able to suck off our medical services plan pretty much for free. If they get sick or need an operation you know dam well the government(taxpayer)will be paying for them to get better at the working taxpayer's expense. They may eventually be entitled to a pension of some kind even though they never paid a nickel in taxes. The time for feeling sorry for refugees needs to come to an end. If countries are having problems with their people because there are just to many of them well I do not want to be forking out any of my taxes to bring them over here and feed, clothe and house them all for free. It may sound mean but I do not care anymore. If those third world countries have a problem with their population well start to do something about it. Feed their people with birth control pills in their food. There, problem solved. There are millions upon millions of refugees out there. There is not enough countries in the world that can absorb that many refugees and survive. Bankruptcy is inevitable for all. Enough already. Tough love is required now. My opinion and I approve of this reply. :D

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38 minutes ago, taxme said:

Family reunification is a big farce because those elderly parents or grandparents that get here eventually will be able to suck off our medical services plan pretty much for free. If they get sick or need an operation you know dam well the government(taxpayer)will be paying for them to get better at the working taxpayer's expense. They may eventually be entitled to a pension of some kind even though they never paid a nickel in taxes. The time for feeling sorry for refugees needs to come to an end. If countries are having problems with their people because there are just to many of them well I do not want to be forking out any of my taxes to bring them over here and feed, clothe and house them all for free. It may sound mean but I do not care anymore. If those third world countries have a problem with their population well start to do something about it. Feed their people with birth control pills in their food. There, problem solved. There are millions upon millions of refugees out there. There is not enough countries in the world that can absorb that many refugees and survive. Bankruptcy is inevitable for all. Enough already. Tough love is required now. My opinion and I approve of this reply. :D

If you had a child and one day the Americans and the Russians started dropping bombs on your country would you try to take your child to a safer place even if it meant another country?

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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Syrians are being bombed mostly by other Syrians.  

So why don't they go to Mexico or China instead ?

I  Know Syrian refugees ..most bombs are American and Russian........however Assad is a killer supported by putin who is supported by trump.

they come to Canada and we welcome them,

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Just now, Jimwd said:

 Know Syrian refugees ..most bombs are American and Russian........however Assad is a killer supported by putin who is supported by trump.


Tough bounce...same Syrians "supported" Assad when Syria was torturing Lebanon.  

Payback is a bitch...even in Syria.

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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Tough bounce...same Syrians "supported" Assad when Syria was torturing Lebanon.  

Payback is a bitch...even in Syria.

Yea 3 veterans a day blow their brains out after your wmd lies in Iraq , paybacks a bitch... that’s every day ...enjoy

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