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Israel's Discriminatory so-called Justice System


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

That is a silly old left wing canard. Most of the weapons flowing into the third world are coming from the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, etc. Western stuff just costs too much for most.

Bullshit. Let's talk Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen.   ect ect ect. Specifically Iraq where the US left a crap load of gear behind (claiming too much of a cost to bring all the stuff back home) which the insurgents end up taking and using against the US and it's allies. Let's also talk about the Free Syrian Army hosted in Turkey and trained and armed by the USA. That set Iraq back about 5 years on it's own.

We can go back to Afghanistan and how the USA armed Bin Laden to drive out the Soviets. Oh also Fast and Furious, that also was a fantastic idea.  Another brilliant idea was the UK sending special forces met with 'rebels'  in Libya and supplied them with guns, ammo and explosives. 

CBC reported today that our government is getting us into Mali. And the promise is a deadline is set to pull out those military assets exactly in one year. Who is really stupid enough to beleive that?

Now I shall make it very clear as to not cause confusion in the future. I will not deny Russia does arm groups.  But I am also not stupid or ignorant to the point where I'd be so naive to think our governments are any damn better and not doing the same thing.

2 hours ago, Argus said:

At what point in time  since Israel came into being did Israelis NOT run the risk of being killed, either at home or everywhere they went? 

I can go into the forest claim a house, does not mean the bears are gonna accept it as such. It's like the Jews are screwed either way. Stay in Europe, get screwed. Create Israel, get screwed. They are hated everywhere it seems. But yet they seem to be quite the powerful group on the world stage.

2 hours ago, Argus said:

So maybe they should stop fighting and supporting terrorism. Life in the Palestinian territories was a lot better before the intifada started. There was no wall, far fewer security restrictions,  and many found work in Israel. Life was arguably better for them there than in the surrounding Arab states.

So, yesterday, there was no Israel. Today there is, now all of a sudden it's an issue?  Seems life was better before Israel existed. Nah, I am not that fucking stupid to believe that either.

2 hours ago, Argus said:

We seem to have lots of disproportionate sentences in Canada based on different judges and different political motivations behind the laws, not to mention the perpetrator's legal history.  

Oh I agree. Our system is not perfect. However I guess my question still stands. Does slapping a soldier demand more time in jail compared to a solider killing someone else? I am wondering why that seems to be a tough question to answer.

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23 hours ago, Argus said:

True. However, democracies are mostly peaceful places with peaceful neighbours.

They are shooting at people who pose no risk. They are protesting near the wall, without any arms. Yet, they are being killed and maimed by snipers. 


If the Israelis go into Palestinian territory to make arrests they will be shot at, so that's kind of a difficult proposition.

This is absolutely false. 

To start with, your context is wrong, as I responded to above. Second, Israel routinely goes into Palestinian territories and arrests people. I recommend that you educate yourself before you give your opinion.


The Israelis are determined to keep the Palestinians away from their border. That's a justifiable goal given that a number of Israeli border guards have been murdered. Not to mention the number of times Palestinians have managed to sneak into Israel and go on a killing spree.

Again, educate yourself before you give your opinion. Not many people have the patience to sit here and correct the false narrative you share on here.

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If you're interested in the facts Argus, here, I will save you the time:

 Israel is carrying out a murderous assault against protesting Palestinians, with its armed forces killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them, Amnesty International revealed today, based on its latest research, as the “Great March of Return” protests continued in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military has killed 35 Palestinians and injured more than 5,500 others – some with what appear to be deliberately inflicted life-changing injuries – during the weekly Friday protests that began on 30 March.

Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country’s disproportionate response to mass demonstrations along the fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel.

“For four weeks the world has watched in horror as Israeli snipers and other soldiers, in full-protective gear and behind the fence, have attacked Palestinian protesters with live ammunition and tear gas. Despite wide international condemnation, the Israeli army has not reversed its illegal orders to shoot unarmed protesters,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International. 

“The time for symbolic statements of condemnation is now over. The international community must act concretely and stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel. A failure to do so will continue to fuel serious human rights abuses against thousands of men, women and children suffering the consequences of life under Israel’s cruel blockade of Gaza. These people are merely protesting their unbearable conditions and demanding the right to return to their homes and towns in what is now Israel.”  

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21 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

Wow! Israel has the capability to wipe out the Palestinians any time they would choose to do so. Instead, Israel legally employs about 50,000 Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories. It's estimated that a further 25-30,000 work illegally. Now turn it around - if the roles were reversed, Hamas would not think twice of completely obliterating Israel - or at least all the Jews.


19 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Battle the armed resistance and avoid civilian casualties by any means necessary. When Israelis shoot randoml;y into civilians or drop bombs over populated areas where the coward terrorists are hiding behind women and children it causes innocent deaths and many of  them include women and children. Can you detend that? Fight them on a one to one basis even though it will be higher casualties n Israelis but that is what should distinguish a democracy from a dictatorship?. Good from evil?. Netanyahu and Assad? If they both do the same that is killing innocent civilians then they are not different

Israel likes to let the Americans do their fighting for them. Why don't the Israelis go in and take on and take out those terrorists in hand to hand combat who are hiding behind women and children instead of bombing them both to pieces? maybe because they are just plain cowards. The reason is that Israel could careless about bombing innocent women and children. Women and children are just collateral damage. Israel is a Zionist bully nation bombing the hell out of people who really cannot fight back. I don't have any money bet on either of the Jews or the Palestinians but in this case I can see that the playing field is certainly not even here. If one has bombs and the other has only rocks well it is not hard to figure out that the ones throwing the rocks will always end up losing. Israel would not exist if it were not for Americans. The Arabs would have finished Israel off decades ago. They have the numbers to do so. 

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3 hours ago, marcus said:

If you're interested in the facts Argus, here, I will save you the time:

 Israel is carrying out a murderous assault against protesting Palestinians, with its armed forces killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them, Amnesty International revealed today, based on its latest research, as the “Great March of Return” protests continued in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military has killed 35 Palestinians and injured more than 5,500 others – some with what appear to be deliberately inflicted life-changing injuries – during the weekly Friday protests that began on 30 March.

Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country’s disproportionate response to mass demonstrations along the fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel.

“For four weeks the world has watched in horror as Israeli snipers and other soldiers, in full-protective gear and behind the fence, have attacked Palestinian protesters with live ammunition and tear gas. Despite wide international condemnation, the Israeli army has not reversed its illegal orders to shoot unarmed protesters,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International. 

“The time for symbolic statements of condemnation is now over. The international community must act concretely and stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel. A failure to do so will continue to fuel serious human rights abuses against thousands of men, women and children suffering the consequences of life under Israel’s cruel blockade of Gaza. These people are merely protesting their unbearable conditions and demanding the right to return to their homes and towns in what is now Israel.”  

The Israelis are nothing more than a bunch of Zionist bullies and murderers. They could careless about international condemnation. They like to give the rest of the world the finger. And they get away with what they do because America has Israels back. Matter of fact the Israelis own America as Ariel Sharon once said in the Knesset. The American people need to wake up and realize that they are also a part of the problem. Stop supporting Israel and the killings will stop and peace could finally be achieved. It is the pro Zionist Israelis in the government that keep the hype up and brainwash it's own people into believing that the Palestinians is the problem, and not Israel. 

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19 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Bullshit. Let's talk Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen.   ect ect ect. Specifically Iraq where the US left a crap load of gear behind (claiming too much of a cost to bring all the stuff back home) which the insurgents end up taking and using against the US and it's allies. Let's also talk about the Free Syrian Army hosted in Turkey and trained and armed by the USA. That set Iraq back about 5 years on it's own.

We can go back to Afghanistan and how the USA armed Bin Laden to drive out the Soviets. Oh also Fast and Furious, that also was a fantastic idea.  Another brilliant idea was the UK sending special forces met with 'rebels'  in Libya and supplied them with guns, ammo and explosives. 

CBC reported today that our government is getting us into Mali. And the promise is a deadline is set to pull out those military assets exactly in one year. Who is really stupid enough to beleive that?

Now I shall make it very clear as to not cause confusion in the future. I will not deny Russia does arm groups.  But I am also not stupid or ignorant to the point where I'd be so naive to think our governments are any damn better and not doing the same thing.

I can go into the forest claim a house, does not mean the bears are gonna accept it as such. It's like the Jews are screwed either way. Stay in Europe, get screwed. Create Israel, get screwed. They are hated everywhere it seems. But yet they seem to be quite the powerful group on the world stage.

So, yesterday, there was no Israel. Today there is, now all of a sudden it's an issue?  Seems life was better before Israel existed. Nah, I am not that fucking stupid to believe that either.

Oh I agree. Our system is not perfect. However I guess my question still stands. Does slapping a soldier demand more time in jail compared to a solider killing someone else? I am wondering why that seems to be a tough question to answer.

Our government has just donated 75 million of our Canadian tax dollars in foreign aid to help the Yemen's in their fight with other Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. And on the other hand our Canadian government is selling over hundreds of millions of military equipment and hardware to Saudi Arabia to fight Yemen. ?????????  This is what our puppet on a string politicians do all the time. They are a bunch of globalist Bankster corporate sucks. Politicians like to pretend and show and say to our faces that they care about peace and contentment but behind our backs they do the opposite. Like I have always said. "Government is the problem, and never the solution". They lie all the time to we the people, and we always let them get away with it. With most people it is easier to get all excited over a tree planting ceremony than it is to get pizzed off over what our government says and does in our name. Do Canadians really care about what their governments are doing with their tax dollars? By the looks of things, I guess not. I find that the majority of Canadians like to talk, but do not want to do the walk. Aw well. 

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49 minutes ago, taxme said:


Israel likes to let the Americans do their fighting for them. Why don't the Israelis go in and take on and take out those terrorists in hand to hand combat who are hiding behind women and children instead of bombing them both to pieces? maybe because they are just plain cowards. The reason is that Israel could careless about bombing innocent women and children. Women and children are just collateral damage. Israel is a Zionist bully nation bombing the hell out of people who really cannot fight back. I don't have any money bet on either of the Jews or the Palestinians but in this case I can see that the playing field is certainly not even here. If one has bombs and the other has only rocks well it is not hard to figure out that the ones throwing the rocks will always end up losing. Israel would not exist if it were not for Americans. The Arabs would have finished Israel off decades ago. They have the numbers to do so. 

Yes I agree they are bombing the defenseless out of existance but if it comes to strong enemy then they try to drag in Americans to do the dirty job for them like they drags Americans into iraq war and they tried and still trying to drag Americans into war with Iran and in the latter case even Americans are scared to enter. Israelis clearly are by far stronger. I always used the analogy that if you see a heavy weight boxing champion fighting a weak sick child you got to support the child but the fact remains that Arabs have proven in the past and present that they can be very violent and there will be a massacre if the Arabs wins even for once and that too would include many (Israeli) women and children in millions, so it is something that I cannot support.

I agree that Israel would not have existed if it wasn't for American support of both huge economic and military nature past 70 years but the fact remains that it was Israeli soldiers who won the war and crushed the combined Egyption, Jordanian and Syrian Army in 6 days not Americans even though it was American hardware which help them to win the wars.

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38 minutes ago, taxme said:


The Arabs would have finished Israel off decades ago. They have the numbers to do so. 

You're defeating your own argument - that's precisely why the Israelis fight back - fiercely but with constraint. Well let's see. Those brave Arab nations tried it in 1948, 1967 and 1973 - losing quickly every time. Egypt tried a longer campaign backed by the USSR and contributions from other Arab nations but never got anywhere. Iran is the latest boogeyman in the background using Hamas and Hezbollah as their proxies. Americans provide money but most/all of Israel's military equipment is their own. The Arabs on the other hand, counted heavily on the USSR and Iran for weaponry. Hamas is a terrorist organization who USE women and children as shields and props - it's sickening.

Not sure you know what Zionist means. Of course they are Zionists. Any Jew who believes that Israel has a right to their own state is a Zionist. The term is meaningless today. Israel isn't going anywhere. And if you think I'm picking sides, you're wrong. Palestinians deserve their own state but Arab countries and Iran will not let them - because it would legitimize Israel whom they seek to annihilate. As I said, if Arab nations and Iran would accept Israel's right to exist, peace would come.

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3 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes I agree they are bombing the defenseless out f existance but if it comes to strong enemy then they try to drag in Americans to do the task for them like they drags Americans into iraq war and they tried and still trying to drag Americans into war with Iran and in the latter case even Americans are scared. Israelis clearly are by far stronger. I always used the analogy that if you see a heavy weight boxing champion fighting a weak sick child you got to support the child but the fact remains that Arabs have proven in the past and present that they can be very violent and there will be a massacre if the Arabs wins even for once and that too would include many (Israeli) women and children in millions, so it is something that I cannot support.

I agree that Israel would not have existed if it wasn't for American support of both economic and military nature past half century but the fact remains that it was Israeli soldiers who won the war and crushed the combined Egyption, Jordanian and Syrian Army in 6 days even though it was American hardware and support.

With Russia and maybe even China having to back Iran the results will be disastrous for the rest of the world if Zionist Israel can force America into a war with Iran. I don't believe that Trump will allow that to happen. The Israelies won that war with Egypt,Jordan and Syria because of American backing. Without that backing I believe that the Arabs of those countries would have massacred the Jews of Israel. If Israel wants a war with Iran well let them go for it themselves and leave the rest of the world out of it. They like to make it appear as though they are tough and can take on any country and win. I can pretty much guarantee that if the rest of the world stays out of that fight Israel would lose the war with Iran and I think that Israel knows that too. 

I can see the revenge being taken on Israel if they lost a war with Iran. And I believe that the rest of the Arab countries would join in. Hey, you never know. 

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11 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

You're defeating your own argument - that's precisely why the Israelis fight back - fiercely but with constraint. Well let's see. Those brave Arab nations tried it in 1948, 1967 and 1973 - losing quickly every time. Egypt tried a longer campaign backed by the USSR and contributions from other Arab nations but never got anywhere. Iran is the latest boogeyman in the background using Hamas and Hezbollah as their proxies. Americans provide money but most/all of Israel's military equipment is their own. The Arabs on the other hand, counted heavily on the USSR and Iran for weaponry. Hamas is a terrorist organization who USE women and children as shields and props - it's sickening.

Not sure you know what Zionist means. Of course they are Zionists. Any Jew who believes that Israel has a right to their own state is a Zionist. The term is meaningless today. Israel isn't going anywhere. And if you think I'm picking sides, you're wrong. Palestinians deserve their own state but Arab countries and Iran will not let them - because it would legitimize Israel whom they seek to annihilate. As I said, if Arab nations and Iran would accept Israel's right to exist, peace would come.

Only the big one will decide it all. I hope it never happens. I guess then that we must agree to disagree.   :)  

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

With Russia and maybe even China having to back Iran the results will be disastrous for the rest of the world if Zionist Israel can force America into a war with Iran. I don't believe that Trump will allow that to happen. The Israelies won that war with Egypt,Jordan and Syria because of American backing. Without that backing I believe that the Arabs of those countries would have massacred the Jews of Israel. If Israel wants a war with Iran well let them go for it themselves and leave the rest of the world out of it. They like to make it appear as though they are tough and can take on any country and win. I can pretty much guarantee that if the rest of the world stays out of that fight Israel would lose the war with Iran and I think that Israel knows that too. 

I can see the revenge being taken on Israel if they lost a war with Iran. And I believe that the rest of the Arab countries would join in. Hey, you never know. 

Russia is no match now against American military and its economy is nowhere close. Israel cannot force Ameriaca into war with Iran but they can deceive them by lying as they are doing it now (as of yesterday Netanyahu claiming falsely that Iran is building nuclear weapons). However, the fact remains that it is for everyone's interest that there is a regime change in Iran preferably by economic and political pressure rather than military. Iran is a powerful country  (likely a future superpower) and its power is increasing daily and it is in everyone's interest that the power to be used for peace and prosperity of the world rather than the opposite.The world does not need another nazi Germany surfacing.


Exactly right without the help of the west the Arabs would have massacred the Jews of Israel and that is exactly why western help for Israel is needed. To prevent a massacre.

They will never be a full scale war between Iran and Israel (there will be small scale proxy wars in Syria and Lebanon) for the same reason that there was never a war between America and Soviets. They both know it will be self destructive for both sides.

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12 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Russia is no match now against American military and its economy is nowhere close. Israel cannot force Ameriaca into war with Iran but they can deceive them by lying as they are doing it now (as of yesterday Netanyahu claiming falsely that Iran is building nuclear weapons). However, the fact remains that it is for everyone's interest that there is a regime change in Iran preferably by economic and political pressure rather than military. Iran is a powerful country  (likely a future superpower) and its power is increasing daily and it is in everyone's interest that the power to be used for peace and prosperity of the world rather than the opposite.The world does not need another nazi Germany surfacing.

Exactly right without the help of the west the Arabs would have massacred the Jews of Israel and that is exactly why western help for Israel is needed. To prevent a massacre.

They will never be a full scale war between Iran and Israel (there will be small scale proxy wars in Syria and Lebanon) for the same reason that there was never a war between America and Soviets. They both know it will be self destructive for both sides.

So, if Russia is no match for American military than why is Trump wanting to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on trying to build up the American military? Apparently, and according to Trump, the democrats pretty much destroyed the American military. That does not sound like America is ready to take on Russia at all. Putin has built up his military, and is still doing so. And Russia economy is doing quite well. We just don't here about it from the MSM. Indeed, Israel will try to get America into a war with Iran by lying alright. Netanyahoo is a big pusher of lies and deceit. Those people are quite good at lying. They have had plenty of centuries to practice the art of lying. There is no need for regime change by starting a war. They are trying that in Syria now where they are trying to blame Assad for using chemical weapons on his people but yet they have not yet really proven that this was really a chemical attack at all. All this anti-Putin, anti-Assad, anti-Iran and anti-Trump stuff going on is just more lies and bull chit being spread by Israel and the Israeli Zionist bankster warmongers in America. Global Research is a great website to get the other side of the story that the MSm does not want to tell us all. 

The only way for Israel to have peace is for Israel to stop stealing more land from the Palestinians. Killing an unarmed wounded man on the ground is not the way to go if one wants peace with it's neighbors. That incident only breeds more contempt and hatred for Israel by the Palestinians. To shoot and kill a wounded man on the ground is an act of of murder. That's it. 

Indeed, their will never be a full scale war between Iran and Israel but Israel appears to be trying to get a war going with Iran and America, sans Israel. The cold war as they called it was all just more propaganda bull chit spread by the lying MSM and the corporate globalist elite propaganda machine that owned the media. There never was any threat of war between Russia and America. Both sides knew that it would be a disaster for both sides and the world if they started lobbing nuclear weapons at each other. Lot's of people wrote plenty of books and made plenty of money from that cold war propaganda nonsense. 

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19 hours ago, marcus said:

If you're interested in the facts Argus, here, I will save you the time:

 Israel is carrying out a murderous assault against protesting Palestinians, with its armed forces killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them, Amnesty International revealed today, based on its latest research, as the “Great March of Return” protests continued in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military has killed 35 Palestinians and injured more than 5,500 others – some with what appear to be deliberately inflicted life-changing injuries – during the weekly Friday protests that began on 30 March.

Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country’s disproportionate response to mass demonstrations along the fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel.

“For four weeks the world has watched in horror as Israeli snipers and other soldiers, in full-protective gear and behind the fence, have attacked Palestinian protesters with live ammunition and tear gas. Despite wide international condemnation, the Israeli army has not reversed its illegal orders to shoot unarmed protesters,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International. 

“The time for symbolic statements of condemnation is now over. The international community must act concretely and stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel. A failure to do so will continue to fuel serious human rights abuses against thousands of men, women and children suffering the consequences of life under Israel’s cruel blockade of Gaza. These people are merely protesting their unbearable conditions and demanding the right to return to their homes and towns in what is now Israel.”  

So back to quoting Amnesty International. Not about Jordanm Morocco, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, Malawi, Central African Republic, Somalia, Sudan, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria,  Kenya, Tanzania, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait,  Yemen, China, Russia, Kazakhistan,  Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Afghanistan, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Indonesia, Philippines, any European country, any country with Muslim sharia law  governments, or any reports on what human rights violations  Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIL, Islamic Jihad, etc., and the PA are engaging in. No mention of the PA's latest comments denying the holocaust.

Who "Marcus" acknowledge that each and every country in the Arab League is violating human rights and  engaging in civil wars and Muslim on Muslim violence? Marcus acknowledge Hezbollah, Hamas and the PA not to mention Syria , Lebanon and Iran  are in an open  declared state of war with Israel?   Who Marcus  acknowledge that Muslims are attacking and  killing Muslims each and every day across the Middle East?  Who Marcus?

Hey now. This is "Marcus", someone who poses as giving the facts and he can't deal with the facts. He ignores most of them and can't accept one simple basic fact, the existence of a Jewish state. Lol

Interesting for someone who wants to lecture on facts an d pose himself as the divine authority on truth that   he  skips out most of the facts and can't acknowledge the most basic of facts. Lol.


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16 hours ago, taxme said:

The Israelis are nothing more than a bunch of Zionist bullies and murderers.

Yes they are poo heads. Everyone of them. Thank you for sharing your brilliant and in depth analysis. Poo heads. That's what they are. Poo heads.

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20 hours ago, marcus said:

They are shooting at people who pose no risk.

They are protesting near the wall, without any arms.

This is absolutely false. 

I recommend that you educate yourself before you give your opinion.

Again, educate yourself before you give your opinion. Not many people have the patience to sit here and correct the false narrative you share on here.

In regards to statements one and two above who are they and what incidents do you refer to.

In regards to your third statement, yes I agree, what you say is false. You make up accusations as you go along with no actual references precisely because you spin, you throw out unreferenced fabrications because you have a script and mandate on this forum and that is to simply throw out words that incite hatred for all Israelis, the existence of Israel and Jews as shown in your use of the word "they".

In regards to your fourth and fifth statement-you evidence this role playing where you pose as a Mullah and you expect your audience to chant back your opinions. As a Mullah, your opinion can't be questioned and everyone but you needs to follow that opinion.

You need to get over yourself.  This forum is not your congregation and you are no Mullah, Imam, divine prophet.

You pose as a purveryor of divine wisdom, fact and truth and you hide your  religion, identity and political agenda?

Yah that's come act posing as being the all knowing educator and you can't even admit your name. cultural, heritage, and what you actually stand for and what your religion has taught you to believe in and say when it comes to Jews.




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There is the theatre that we have been hearing and watching for the past decades by Israeli-apologists and then there is reality. The tide is changing. Information is easier and more accessible. We have a better window into what is happening in many parts of the world, including in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

Here are Israelis speaking out against the occupation of Gaza:



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6 hours ago, Rue said:

Yes they are poo heads. Everyone of them. Thank you for sharing your brilliant and in depth analysis. Poo heads. That's what they are. Poo heads.

I have asked you many times as to why the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world, and think that they are a bunch of poo heads? There must be a reason for that? What or why do you think this may be so? Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again. So? :)

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3 minutes ago, marcus said:

There is the theatre that we have been hearing and watching for the past decades by Israeli-apologists and then there is reality. The tide is changing. Information is easier and more accessible. We have a better window into what is happening in many parts of the world, including in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

Here are Israelis speaking out against the occupation of Gaza:



I am pretty sure that Rue will never reply to this post. To him it is just more anti-semetic nonsense. Just saying. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I have asked you many times as to why the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world, and think that they are a bunch of poo heads? There must be a reason for that? What or why do you think this may be so? Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again. So? :)

Provide your basis for the statement " the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world,".

Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again.



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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I am pretty sure that Rue will never reply to this post. To him it is just more anti-semetic nonsense. Just saying. 

You and Marcus make a lovely couple. Just sayin. Yogi and Boo Boo. Just sayin.   Of course you both show you take turns as to who is on top or bottom on this thread  right? Just sayin.

Here enjoy and you can get to the bottom on this one:












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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I have asked you many times as to why the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world, and think that they are a bunch of poo heads? There must be a reason for that? What or why do you think this may be so? Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again. So? :)

Your assumption Jews are not liked by most of the world is a projection of your mind. You hate Jews and assume the world does as well. You have no proof, none as to your contention Jews are not liked by most of the world. None. Zero basis. You fabricate. You ask me to accept you fabrication as fact to then answer it. Your fabrication and assumption I must accept that fabrication are illogical. They are also idiotic.

That said you've actually been responded to many times on the board as to why you are an anti semite and why you do not like Jews. You provide fractured syntax, disjointed, fragmented, illogical and nonsensical subjective remarks which manifest your hatred of Jews but when you are asked to provide any objective basis for the hatred behind your anti-Semitism you can't provide any showing your hatred as is the case with any hatred is not based on facts but subjective stereotypes and assumptions.

Quite frankly I don't need to speculate or care what your motives are for hating Jews. Whether its because you may have a small penis, a disease, were unable to sell your art to Jews, etc., I don't care. You and your motives are not germaine to this script.

That said the reason people like you who I believe are a small minority in this world hate Jews has been explained many times but you can't grasp the explanations:


What's the matter tax me, too many words.


Just sayin




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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I have asked you many times as to why the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world, and think that they are a bunch of poo heads? There must be a reason for that? What or why do you think this may be so? Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again. So? :)

They are disliked more than Arabs and Muslims? I don't think so.

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19 hours ago, taxme said:

I have asked you many times as to why the Jewish people are not liked by most of the world, and think that they are a bunch of poo heads? There must be a reason for that? What or why do you think this may be so? Easy enough question which I am sure that you will avoid answering again. So? :)

For the same stupid reason Muslims, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, Chinese etc., are or have been disliked throughout history.  It's because brain-dead humans, such as yourself, believe in their own superiority.  Because too many humans require something or someone to 'hate' in order to be feel good about themselves.  When people such as yourself have become extinct, when humans have rid themselves of the 'my tribe is better than your tribe' mentality, that is when global peace and prosperity will finally have a chance.

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23 hours ago, marcus said:

There is the theatre that we have been hearing and watching for the past decades by Israeli-apologists and then there is reality. The tide is changing. Information is easier and more accessible. We have a better window into what is happening in many parts of the world, including in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

Here are Israelis speaking out against the occupation of Gaza:



All you are doing is illustrating the democracy and freedom that exists within Israel. Of course there are Israelis - probably a sizable minority - who are opposed to the settlements. What you perceive as a weakness is in fact, their biggest strength. Trying to negotiate peace with a holocaust denier (Abbas) and a terrorist organization (Hamas) is like dancing on knives. Any strategy will have its detractors. What do you think Hamas would do to Palestinians who wanted to leave Israel alone and stop all the fighting? I can guarantee you that there are multitudes who want an and to the fighting and just be able to raise their families. Where are those voices? Their silence is deafening. 

Edited by Centerpiece
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3 hours ago, dialamah said:

Because too many humans require something or someone to 'hate' in order to be feel good about themselves.  

Well made statement. This is very factual and great statement. Very true. I have noticed that too that most who lack something in their own lives (like some decent looks, a decent body, good jobs,  happy life, a even in a few cases those who may be challenged in some way) then they try to pick on others who may be regarded as weak or defenseless or reserved, especially those who pick on gays or whoever may appear gayish t them. Damn losers in their own lives try to compensate it by making life miserable for others!!!.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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