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Kathleen Wynne WINS 2018 ELECTION. Patrick Brown Accused of Sexually Assaulting Women


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3 hours ago, Argus said:

Fidelli is an ambitious schemer. He's the last guy who should be left in charge. Anyone who would rehire Brown's former aids who stabbed him in the back is someone entirely lacking in moral principles.

Unless fidelli was one of the coup leaders?

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58 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I have not read it yet, will try to if I get a chance. But maybe you misunderstood me as well. I'm not so much moralizing about the internet as I am warning that it can be a powerful weapon to be used against us.

Off topic anyway, if we continue let us do so in your McLuhan threads.

Glad to chat on it anytime.

If you are interested, start with THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE.  Note the spelling mistake.

It gives you the general ideas with cool black and white 60s art.

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1 hour ago, PIK said:

Unless fidelli was one of the coup leaders?

Chris Selley had a piece in the Citizen this morning I wanted to repost just now but the link no longer works. It basically said Fidelli was continuing to work behind the scenes to avoid a leadership contest and cement himself in as leader, and one of the ways to do that was to purge party executives like Dykstra. 

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2 hours ago, PIK said:

What did brown do, beside trying to get a pice and when told no ,he drove her home.

I guess if you're ok with a politician showing his dick (unsolicited) to an 18-year old girl working in his organization then you have the family values required to be a conservative - congratulations.


Edited by Michael Hardner
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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I guess if you're ok with a politician showing his dick (unsolicited) to an 18-year old girl working in his organization then you have the family values required to be a conservative - congratulations.


Was she legal age

did she go to his bedroom willingly

Did she stay after he showed his dick?

Did she file a police report after.

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14 hours ago, Boges said:

The new leader Vic Fideli has gotten rid of much of Brown's team. The former President Rich Dykstra, who lost a nomination to a teenager and has allegation of his own regarding alcohol and women, was turfed. 

The Canadian electorate really only have two political party's to choose from in Canada. It's either vote for a tweedle liberal dee or a tweedle conservative dum. The Canadian swamp always just continues to stay the same. It's no wonder that Trump has not yet visited Canada. There is not a Canadian politician intelligent or smart enough for Trump to want to talk with. Sad. 

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I guess if you're ok with a politician showing his dick (unsolicited) to an 18-year old girl working in his organization then you have the family values required to be a conservative - congratulations.


What a stupid thing to say. Are you suggesting having a problem with an unsolicited dick is excluse to being a Liberal. Some times  you say really stupid things. This is your most stupid.

This has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative and everything to do with sexual moral standards of anyone of any gender or partisan persuasion. Stop trying to turn this into a partisan issue.  Should I know say your values for saying the above are required to be a sanctimonious Liberal holier than thou fart head? 

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22 hours ago, Argus said:

Chris Selley had a piece in the Citizen this morning I wanted to repost just now but the link no longer works. It basically said Fidelli was continuing to work behind the scenes to avoid a leadership contest and cement himself in as leader, and one of the ways to do that was to purge party executives like Dykstra. 

Possible. Very possible.

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4 minutes ago, Rue said:

What a stupid thing to say. Are you suggesting having a problem with an unsolicited dick is exclusive to the values of  being a Liberal? Some times  you say really stupid things. This is your most stupid.

This has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative and everything to do with sexual moral standards of anyone of any gender or partisan persuasion. Stop trying to turn this into a partisan issue.  Should I now say your values for saying the above are required to be a sanctimonious Liberal holier than thou fart head? 


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

1. What a stupid thing to say.

2. Are you suggesting having a problem with an unsolicited dick is excluse to being a Liberal.

3. Some times  you say really stupid things. This is your most stupid.

1. That was a response to a stupid stupid questions: "Whatever did poor Brown do ???"

2. I don't understand this sentence: "Are you suggesting having a problem with an unsolicited dick is excluse to being a Liberal."

3. What did poooooor Broooooown doooooooooooo ? sob sob sob

1 hour ago, Rue said:

This has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative and everything to do with sexual moral standards of anyone of any gender or partisan persuasion. Stop trying to turn this into a partisan issue.  Should I know say your values for saying the above are required to be a sanctimonious Liberal holier than thou fart head? 

I don't think it is a partisan issue.  A moron politician from the past got zapped by his values.  Happens to Liberals too.  Don't join politics if you aren't pure as the driven snow, I guess.  I don't know what to tell you.   

Also it's weird that you keep thinking I'm a Liberal.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Sow me any heterosexual male who denies being sexually attracted to young women and I will show you a lying sack of crap.

That is not the point, it is how you act. I am also attracted to those nice watches that Patek Phillipe has in its store window in Geneva, but I don't smash the glass and take one. Society has developed morals and those who live outside the morals don't deserve to benefit from society.

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7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Here's the question: "What did brown do, beside trying to get a pice " ?

Pice ?  

I know. I suggest "ignoring is bliss"... or at least, confine the insult so that you're not pissing off some of the conservative members in good standing here.
This attitude that all conservatives are shit-trolls who need to be put down is how people like Donald Trump or Doug Ford get elected!

Should mention I'm guilty of doing the same sometimes. Just sayin

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6 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

confine the insult so that you're not pissing off some of the conservative members in good standing here.

I said "if".  ONE of the things I admire about true conservatives is that they tend to live by principles.  The new flavour of "everything not liberal justifies the means" is unprincipled.  When exactly did showing your dick to a teenage become a defensible act for a political leader ?  Is condemning immoral acts really that difficult ?  

If you think that making a declaration on Patrick Brown makes you a liberal then you are part of the problem.  If snowflakes are afraid of being called shit-trolls, they should not shit troll.

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

I said "if".  ONE of the things I admire about true conservatives is that they tend to live by principles.  The new flavour of "everything not liberal justifies the means" is unprincipled.  When exactly did showing your dick to a teenage become a defensible act for a political leader ?  Is condemning immoral acts really that difficult ?  

If you think that making a declaration on Patrick Brown makes you a liberal then you are part of the problem.  If snowflakes are afraid of being called shit-trolls, they should not shit troll.

I think the "if" part doesn't give you an out, because "if" he thinks it's ok, that doesn't make him a conservative family man. I am a conservative family man. Anyway, no harm done.

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21 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

This attitude that all conservatives are shit-trolls who need to be put down is how people like Donald Trump or Doug Ford get elected!

No, it is those who support the likes of Donald Trump and Doug Ford and pretend they are conservatives. I am far more a conservative than they will ever hope to be.

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58 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

No, it is those who support the likes of Donald Trump and Doug Ford and pretend they are conservatives. I am far more a conservative than they will ever hope to be.

My comment relates to earlier conversations we had here in which we tried to identify the reason people voted for Trump. There are several reasons of course. What I meant was that it was the disenfrachised conservatives on the right that have felt ignored by their political leaders for many years, disregarded in the media while the left happily engaged on a campaign of political correctness, vilifying any views from right wing conservatives as if they were poison. This group felt it had no voice, not even from conservative leaders. When Trump came along with his attack on political correctness, they heard a voice that was saying at last what they wanted to hear.

Here is one article which related to this:


...what impassioned the core of those who swung the Electoral College balance, it is clear in retrospect, was a sense of being outsiders in their own land. Those alienated voters saw themselves as the bone and sinew of the nation... They had been waiting in line for years for their time to arrive only to see others cut in line ahead of them, what sociologist Arlie Hochschild calls the “deep story” they tell themselves.... Although they live in an echo chamber of self-confirming social messages, they feel themselves voiceless. That is why, in spite of their anger at the global capitalism that made Donald Trump’s fortune, they felt empowered when a man of his super-wealth and media stardom spoke the words they know they are not supposed to say in public themselves...The result was a vote in which anger overrode optimism, a corrosive sense of failure overrode hope, and in which the very impracticality of a Donald Trump presidency proved one of his strongest drawing cards. 

@Michael Hardner what we talked about yesterday... voting based on dissatisfaction and a kind of anarchy

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

My comment relates to earlier conversations we had here in which we tried to identify the reason people voted for Trump. There are several reasons of course. What I meant was that it was the disenfrachised conservatives on the right that have felt ignored by their political leaders for many years, disregarded in the media while the left happily engaged on a campaign of political correctness, vilifying any views from right wing conservatives as if they were poison. This group felt it had no voice, not even from conservative leaders. When Trump ca

The more political parties trumpet identity politics and the championing of this or that special identity group the more those they ignore or accuse feel ignored or even attacked. The Democrats championing Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT*, Muslims, disabled, etc etc, and spent all their time talking about how they will improve their lives and agree with their complaints about how racist white society is harming them the more ordinary white people who aren't doing very well feel unjustly treated, and the more they resent those identity groups seen as given special, favorable treatment over them.

Trump is a lying huckster and he told people what he knew they wanted to hear. And  because of how lousy the media is, and how divided, and how dishonest a lot of the populist media like FOX is, non-politicized people who didn't have the time really look into things believed him. Look how the populist media is now playing up the 'deep state' conspiracy crap, day after day after day telling their viewers breathless stories (with zero evidence) about how their heroic leader is being unjustly treated by the justice department and FBI and anyone else in government who questions him. They're setting it up so that even if Mueller says Trump is guilty of multiple illegalities his base will disbelieve it. What's worse, if we get a democratic controlled congress and they justly impeach him over this you could see extreme violence from his base, who FOX and others continue to portray as on their side and a hero.

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On 1/30/2018 at 7:54 PM, OftenWrong said:

I know. I suggest "ignoring is bliss"... or at least, confine the insult so that you're not pissing off some of the conservative members in good standing here.
This attitude that all conservatives are shit-trolls who need to be put down is how people like Donald Trump or Doug Ford get elected!

Should mention I'm guilty of doing the same sometimes. Just sayin

Doug Ford couldn't even beat Tory, who was a life long loser who couldn't win for dog catcher previously.

Donald Trump won because he ran against the worse democratic candidate (from a progressive perspective) in the history of the democratic party.  You take almost any other generic boring democratic and he/she beats Trump.  We seen it even in the reddest conservative states, Trump's deep seed unpopularity causes whoever he endorses to lose, even a senate seat in Alabama that was previously won by Republicans with such a heavy Republican majority 97%, that the democrats couldn't even field a candidate who was willing to go threw the embarrassment of losing to him.  Trump managed to turn a 97% red district into a democratic blue one.


How unpopular was Clinton?

1.  She was so unpopular with African Americans that they chose to stay home and let Trump win reliably blue states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, etc.

2.  She attacked women and protected sexual abusers, losing the women's vote.  She attacked the women who accused Bill of sex assaults, and hid the abusers in her own campaign.

3.  She stole $100 million from Haiti, she was so despised in the Haitian community that when they had the earthquake or hurricane, the liberal media refused to cover it because every group was complaining about Clinton stealing.  This is why Trump went down to Florida's large Haitian community and asked for their vote.   Allowing him to win Florida.

4.  She alienated the democratic labor base by favoring more job destroying trade deals like tpp and opposed a $15 min wage, opposes regulating wall street, opposes expansion of most social programs like medicare for all.


In alienating all of the democrats main supporters, she made herself unelectable.  Because although Trump only has a 30% approval rating, his 30% supporters realy love him.  Hilary's supporters are at best luke warm on average. This is why even Sanders would have been a better candidate, because at least all those poor people could justify taking the day off of work to raise their wage.  clinton deserved to lose, worse campaign ever.

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On 1/31/2018 at 6:44 PM, OftenWrong said:

My comment relates to earlier conversations we had here in which we tried to identify the reason people voted for Trump. There are several reasons of course. What I meant was that it was the disenfrachised conservatives on the right that have felt ignored by their political leaders for many years, disregarded in the media while the left happily engaged on a campaign of political correctness, vilifying any views from right wing conservatives as if they were poison. This group felt it had no voice, not even from conservative leaders. When Trump came along with his attack on political correctness, they heard a voice that was saying at last what they wanted to hear.

Here is one article which related to this:


...what impassioned the core of those who swung the Electoral College balance, it is clear in retrospect, was a sense of being outsiders in their own land. Those alienated voters saw themselves as the bone and sinew of the nation... They had been waiting in line for years for their time to arrive only to see others cut in line ahead of them, what sociologist Arlie Hochschild calls the “deep story” they tell themselves.... Although they live in an echo chamber of self-confirming social messages, they feel themselves voiceless. That is why, in spite of their anger at the global capitalism that made Donald Trump’s fortune, they felt empowered when a man of his super-wealth and media stardom spoke the words they know they are not supposed to say in public themselves...The result was a vote in which anger overrode optimism, a corrosive sense of failure overrode hope, and in which the very impracticality of a Donald Trump presidency proved one of his strongest drawing cards. 

@Michael Hardner what we talked about yesterday... voting based on dissatisfaction and a kind of anarchy

Sorry, that explanation just won't do, Ted Cruz was very far right and he got hammered by Trump.  Bobbie Jindal even tried to play the race card from the right of Trump. Huckabee was very right wing, as was Rand Paul, Carson very right wing, Graham and Scott Walker.  This had nothing to do with far right conservativism feeling alienated.  They had the tea party take over congress, alienated by what and whom?

The views from the racist alt right are poison, that is why 70% of Americans reject them. Most conservatives had abandoned these racist views.  Trump came along with his racism, his white supremacy, his KKK background and German heritage, and they said, this is a fine white supremacist with credentials we can back.

The only difference between Trump and Clinton is Trump says in public what Clinton really believes.  This is the real reason Trump won. Clinton is a racist, the African Americans figured it out, stayed home and let Trump win to punish the democratic party.  African American turnout turns the reddest republican states blue if it is high, and when it is low, it can mean a Republican can win basically every state.  There is a reason Repulbicans have been trying to stop them from voting since the voting rights act became a law.


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