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The Mainstream Media

Cum Laude

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Why is MSM so vapid and content to just sell tabloid level sleaze? Well, sex sells. It’s what the people want to read(or listen to or watch I suppose). Most don’t want to read in-depth stories of the big issues of the day that truly impact us. Way too boring. Much more exciting to read about who did what with whom in Hollywood. And so we fiddle while Rome burns. Keeps us from asking any thorny questions though, so the powers that be are just fine with that.

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Do you not have opposition parties which are opposing anything tried to be done by government ? We have three and its soo funny most of the time. Even if govt says that the sun rises from the east, they are trying to prove its false and the sun actually rises from the West ^_^ we are reading these funny idiotic things all day long in our msm. 

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok, well.  You have asked a question - a question with an obvious answer - and you have even answered it yourself.  Thank you for the discussion.  

MLW is still a place where you can ask questions though.

Often the responses here, as you often prove, aren't worth a nickel, so I chose to chat with myself. But I digress.....

However, I was thinking on this subject after your post. It dawned on me the Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al are no longer news networks; they are simply political commentary networks.

Even that characterization is generous, as the commentary offered is incredible predictable and lacks any real insight. I know exactly how Fox views the proposed tax cuts: they are big enough, they don’t help your boss who you must view as your master. CNN: “Trump sucks!,” and that’s about it. How the talking heads on that channel haven’t killed themselves from the incessant chatting on one subject for two years is the real story. MSNBC: well, it’s a punch line for progressive hand-wringing and identity politics. Canada's CBC is an embarrassment. CTV - not much better.

I have to turn to the wires themselves for news. The AP gives facts, BBC, though obviously left-leaning, at least provides substantive stories.

No society can long continue like this; representative government of any sort requires, if not an educated populace, at least an informed one. The America of today cannot be characterized as that.



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1 hour ago, Cum Laude said:

...However, I was thinking on this subject after your post. It dawned on me the Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al are no longer news networks; they are simply political commentary networks.


News has been democratized and normalized as just more content competing for viewers and clicks.   Broadcast and cable news is becoming obsolete because the mechanics of collecting, writing, and distributing news has changed forever with technology and consumer behaviour.   The legacy national network evening news format is hopelessly redundant and stale by the time it is "broadcasted", something that also is being re-defined.   Their cable based brethren face the same music.

Why listen to or read news that is massaged and produced by middle-persons with their own agendas, when there is now direct access to the principals and sources on the ground ?  


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Infotainment has been around for a while and has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades. In my experience it really started with the Gulf War 1, which was the first to broadcast a war live on TV. Media sales went through the roof, as did subscriptions for cable TV service. Most people are hungry for information but at the end of the day, come home tired from a long days work, thinking on the job, you don't have a lot of mental energy left for doing critical analysis, let alone creativity. Therefore such small, tasty morsels of information coupled with a sense of drama become an attractive snack. We don't want to think about the details, just snacks please.

It actually points to a problem- where the integrity of msm is questionable, people turn to other, even less reputable outlets. 

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15 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

...It actually points to a problem- where the integrity of msm is questionable, people turn to other, even less reputable outlets. 


MSM didn't have to worry about such things when then had a monopoly on "news", but technology changed all that, and even helped to prove that Dan Rather and his 60 Minutes II producer were liars.

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On 11/11/2017 at 8:17 PM, Cum Laude said:

Often the responses here, as you often prove, aren't worth a nickel, so I chose to chat with myself. But I digress.....

However, I was thinking on this subject after your post. It dawned on me the Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al are no longer news networks; they are simply political commentary networks.

Even that characterization is generous, as the commentary offered is incredible predictable and lacks any real insight. I know exactly how Fox views the proposed tax cuts: they are big enough, they don’t help your boss who you must view as your master. CNN: “Trump sucks!,” and that’s about it. How the talking heads on that channel haven’t killed themselves from the incessant chatting on one subject for two years is the real story. MSNBC: well, it’s a punch line for progressive hand-wringing and identity politics. Canada's CBC is an embarrassment. CTV - not much better.

I have to turn to the wires themselves for news. The AP gives facts, BBC, though obviously left-leaning, at least provides substantive stories.

No society can long continue like this; representative government of any sort requires, if not an educated populace, at least an informed one. The America of today cannot be characterized as that.



I have found many alternative news websites that pretty much tell it like it is. Too bad that most people here view them as just a racist or fake news websites. If they took the time to really read and think as to what is being said they would see that what is being told is not fake news. At least FOX goes after real liars and crooks like the Clinton's and Obama where the rest seem to only want to do is constantly go after Trump. They never stop trying to come up with some bull chit about Trump all the time and most people believe what they say when they have been proven to be liars. Those people are just a waste of time because they lack what is called common sense and logic and prefer to live on emotionalism and foolish talk, and let the fake and lying media do the thinking for them. They are a dime a million. My sister-in-law hates Trump because the media pretty much has brainwashed her into hating Trump. 

CBC is a joke as they to can only bitch about Trump every chance they get. They act like Trump is the President of Canada and Trump's opinions are the CBC's business to report on. Why didn't Harper dumped that left wing liberal outfit is beyond me. The CBC would probably be alright if they were not a news station. And why do Canadians need to pay to have a private news website like the CBC report the news that is costing the taxpayer a billion tax dollars every year and who competes with other private news outfits that are quite capable of reporting the news without taxpayer subsidies? Canadians will never be properly informed about anything as long as they refuse to listen to the alternative media. My opinion and belief. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:33 PM, Cum Laude said:

Why is MSM so vapid and content to just sell tabloid level sleaze? Well, sex sells. It’s what the people want to read(or listen to or watch I suppose).

We were watching a show on buying new homes the other day, when the prospective buyers went horse riding in the surf. My companion remarked that the girls in bikinis who were holding the horses and letting them mount would have been a lot more interesting to watch and there should be a lot more shows featuring girls in bikinis.

So why aren't there? I'm willing to be they'd be popular.

On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:33 PM, Cum Laude said:

Most don’t want to read in-depth stories of the big issues of the day that truly impact us. Way too boring.

Not... quite. I would say that more and more people have come to feel a distance between them and politics, trusting none of the politicians or parties and not believing their vote means anything anyway. If that's how you feel what is your motivation for reading in-depths stories involving political decisions? Let's stick with bikini girls. Suppose you're a nineteen year old cutie and there's a show on TV about the hottest new styles in sexy bikinis. Are you gonna watch? Quite possibly. Suppose you're obese instead. Why would you waste your time? That show is not for you. It will just make you feel left out, resentful and angry. A lot of people feel left out, resentful and angry about politics.

On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:33 PM, Cum Laude said:

Much more exciting to read about who did what with whom in Hollywood. And so we fiddle while Rome burns. Keeps us from asking any thorny questions though, so the powers that be are just fine with that.

Simple stories that briefly entertain a jaded public. They don't matter, of course, but they're less irritating than reading stories about a moronic president or a shallow prime minister.

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 1:16 AM, bush_cheney2004 said:

News has been democratized and normalized as just more content competing for viewers and clicks.   Broadcast and cable news is becoming obsolete because the mechanics of collecting, writing, and distributing news has changed forever with technology and consumer behaviour.  

News used to be seen as separate from entertainment. It was something the networks felt as an obligation and responsibility, not something to profit over. They took pride in their news coverage. I think that changed when they stopped thinking of the News department as a loss leader and began to think of how to profit it, how to sell ads for higher rates, how to attract more eyeballs with juicier stories, and briefer ones in case anyone is bored.

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On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 6:33 PM, taxme said:

I have found many alternative news websites that pretty much tell it like it is. Too bad that most people here view them as just a racist or fake news websites. If they took the time to really read and think as to what is being said they would see that what is being told is not fake news.

Your view that you are uniquely capable of seeing through to the truth of these idiotic web sites is typical of conspiracy theorists. The fact is we've all seen these stories and laughed them off as absurd and ridiculous. Your web sites don't tell it as it is, but as you want it to be. They have no standards of truth whatsoever and only exist to push their moronic perspective out there and hope as many suckers as possible absorb and believe it.

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On 12/9/2017 at 2:18 PM, Argus said:

Your view that you are uniquely capable of seeing through to the truth of these idiotic web sites is typical of conspiracy theorists. The fact is we've all seen these stories and laughed them off as absurd and ridiculous. Your web sites don't tell it as it is, but as you want it to be. They have no standards of truth whatsoever and only exist to push their moronic perspective out there and hope as many suckers as possible absorb and believe it.

Well, you do not appear to see through the bull chit of those idiotic liberal left wing websites that you appear to watch and waste your time watching and believing. I have found that FOX news works well for me. They do not sound like a bunch of conspiracy theorists or liars like the idiots that you listen to do. There have been many incidents where so-called news networks like CNN have staged events to report false news stories that have been shown and proven later to be a bunch of liberal fake news lies. The likes of outfits like CNN and CBC have no idea as to how to go about telling the truth. Touche. :D

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26 minutes ago, Omni said:

I suspect Faux news works well for you because it is entertainment, not news, even Roger Ailes admits that.


"Touche", You still haven't figured out that word eh? 

The words that you speak with are totally alien to me. They never make any sense. So, what planet are you from? 

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32 minutes ago, Omni said:

You still haven't figured out that word eh? 

TWO words: fair and balanced.

It means:

People who love fighting over identity, like pro-wrestling, and conspiracy stuff.

Politics involves listening and trying to understand other people, not barking at the liberals on TV like a dog....

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

The words that you speak with are totally alien to me. They never make any sense. So, what planet are you from? 

"Faux" is a French word meaning "phony or fake" and so it suits as an alternate to "Fox". "Touche" is something you say to an opponent when they have scored a point. Any thing else I can clear up for you?

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6 minutes ago, Omni said:

"Faux" is a French word meaning "phony or fake" and so it suits as an alternate to "Fox". "Touche" is something you say to an opponent when they have scored a point. Any thing else I can clear up for you?

The station that I watch is called and ti is spelled FOX news not Faux news. That is what the mainstream Faux liberal media is "fake and phony". Touche can also mean I got you back. With the English language many words can have many different meanings. The word touche is no different. Anything else I can help you clear up?  

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Just now, taxme said:

The station that I watch is called and ti is spelled FOX news not Faux news. That is what the mainstream Faux liberal media is "fake and phony". Touche can also mean I got you back. With the English language many words can have many different meanings. The word touche is no different. Anything else I can help you clear up?  

Correct, the proper name is spelled FOX, a lot of what they deliver is Faux. See how that works?

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5 minutes ago, Omni said:

Correct, the proper name is spelled FOX, a lot of what they deliver is Faux. See how that works?

It's time for you to go have a pee, and then go to bed. You appear tired. Goodnight. I hope you have some pleasant dreams about Trump and Moore. :D

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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:48 PM, taxme said:

Well, you do not appear to see through the bull chit of those idiotic liberal left wing websites that you appear to watch and waste your time watching and believing.

Which is why I can't stand the Liberals or NDP? I get my news from a number of respectable sites, some of which have different perspectives on the same story, and this enables me to get a reasonably good idea of what's going on.


I have found that FOX news works well for me.

Yes, FOX will never challenge your world view and will constantly reassure you that you're right. They will slant the news (much more than the CBC, which is really saying something) and simply not tell you about things they don't want you to know. Sometimes I marvel at how they manage to find the one single economist, say, who will claim the new Republican tax cuts will spur the economy, or the one lawyer who will claim Trump's people broke no laws (like that idiot judge Jeanine who wants half the Justice department arrested). If you believe in conspiracies FOX will sooth you without ever actually confirming them. If you hate government, well, the only stories FOX will tell you are the ones where government screws up. If you think public health care is a communist conspiracy FOX will be sure to tell you how horrible things are in Canada.

What it won't  do is give you the other side of an argument.



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3 hours ago, Argus said:

Which is why I can't stand the Liberals or NDP? I get my news from a number of respectable sites, some of which have different perspectives on the same story, and this enables me to get a reasonably good idea of what's going on.

Yes, FOX will never challenge your world view and will constantly reassure you that you're right. They will slant the news (much more than the CBC, which is really saying something) and simply not tell you about things they don't want you to know. Sometimes I marvel at how they manage to find the one single economist, say, who will claim the new Republican tax cuts will spur the economy, or the one lawyer who will claim Trump's people broke no laws (like that idiot judge Jeanine who wants half the Justice department arrested). If you believe in conspiracies FOX will sooth you without ever actually confirming them. If you hate government, well, the only stories FOX will tell you are the ones where government screws up. If you think public health care is a communist conspiracy FOX will be sure to tell you how horrible things are in Canada.

What it won't  do is give you the other side of an argument.



So, I take it that you don't like or watch FOX news then? Gee, that is to bad. You might learn something about politics if you did. And as if the liberals and dumbocrats have never paid off some climate scientist or economist to tell lies, eh? I don't believe that you have ever tried to get the other side of the story. The one thing I will have to admit here though is that neither will say anything negative about Israel. Maybe both are on the zionists pay roll.  Hey, you never know.

Maybe what Canada needs is a FOX news station in which they can expose and take on the liberal media establishment and let Canadians get the other side of the story for a change rather than only your side of the story. The Sun News Network was doing just that until the liberal controlled CRTC was able to get them off the air. Yes dearie, conspiracies do exist. In Canada we are only allowed to get one side of the story and I will bet that you are quite happy about that, eh? 

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