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Paid Protesters!

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23 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

It wouldn't take too many paid protesters to start a fight...or outright riot, just a couple idiots who may be a little unstable.  The left is so volatile right now, they just need a small spark.  

Those paid protester thugs should be forced to take an IQ test to see if they are all there because there has to be something wrong with these idiots, and the way that they keep carrying on. What these fools are and always keep doing is showing us all that there really does appear to be signs of them having some kind of mental illness. Just saying. 

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On 8/28/2017 at 4:46 AM, betsy said:

You don't know?  :lol: 


Oh gee.....the unite-the-right protesters are outnumbered!  Unite-the-right is just a fringe, see the number of protesters compared to the anti-protesters!  In fact, that's been pointed out by CTV and CBC about the rallies in BC!


You don't know the desired effect from that????  Think about it. 

One effect is that unite-the-right simply didn't show up in some locations....who can blame them, when they could see the writings on the wall!  Of course, people who don't want any trouble would just walk away.

And they say that in Canada we are allowed and have the protection of the Charter of Rights to protest and assemble in peace, and have a right to freedom of speech. But yet our politicians, the media, and the police don't seem to feel as though anyone on the right have a right to any form of freedom of speech. They are not only attacked by thugs but ignored and attacked by politicians, media and the police. Why is anyone on the right always treated by politicians, he media, and the police as the criminals all the time? There is something wrong with this picture alright. 

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On 8/28/2017 at 4:21 AM, Michael Hardner said:

I have no doubt of the disunity happening right now, or the disapproval of this new style of presidency.  So it's not surprising that there would be protestors, as there have been in Canada and the US when these groups march.

Do these peaceful nationalists not have the right to their right to freedom of speech and assembly without some terrorist groups coming out and trying to shut them down? The police immediately should be stepping in and going after the ones who are trying to cause all kinds of chaos and havoc and to try shut down the peaceful demonstration. But instead the police prefer to go after the ones that are just there to peacefully speak their minds. It should be evident by now that you despise Trump and nationalists and appear to be on the side of those thugs who are the real fascists and who are behind all the chaos and havoc. Trump is not the enemy. Personally, I believe it is you and that ilk that you appear to support who is/are  the enemy. Just saying. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

1. Do these peaceful nationalists not have the right to their right to freedom of speech and assembly without some terrorist groups coming out and trying to shut them down?

2. The police immediately should be stepping in and going after the ones who are trying to cause all kinds of chaos and havoc and to try shut down the peaceful demonstration.

3. But instead the police prefer to go after the ones that are just there to peacefully speak their minds.

4. It should be evident by now that you despise Trump and nationalists and appear to be on the side of those thugs who are the real fascists and who are behind all the chaos and havoc.

5. Trump is not the enemy.

6. Personally, I believe it is you and that ilk that you appear to support who is/are  the enemy. Just saying. 

1. Yes

2. Yes, I think they have done that.

3. I don't think I have heard that from objective sources.  I saw a guy pull a gun out and shoot it, but he was antiantifa I think.

4. Untrue.

5. Well, no he's not ... devoid of context I would agree.  But not everyone you criticize or oppose should be called "the enemy".  That's binary thinking... at best.

6. Ok, you say I'm the enemy ?  Well, good to know.  What does it mean ?


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Those paid protester thugs should be forced  

This accusation that protestors are paid  hasn't been proven, and until proven is complete horse-shit from the usual horses.  "Should be forced" ?  What happened to freedom of speech ?  Well hey ....

Edited by Michael Hardner
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2 hours ago, taxme said:

And they say that in Canada we are allowed and have the protection of the Charter of Rights to protest and assemble in peace, and have a right to freedom of speech. But yet our politicians, the media, and the police don't seem to feel as though anyone on the right have a right to any form of freedom of speech.  

Yeah, you just said those you opposed you should be forced to take a test.  Just when you drift into a rational argument on this thread, you start figuratively pulling people out of the protest and into a figurative black van.  Please frame your arguments as though words mean things because you are all over the map.  Thanks.

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

I don't suppose you have any memory of Obama spending years dealing with obstruction from Republicans, constant attacks on his lineage, or the way the Republicans took the country to the brink of shutting down at least twice, that I recall.   Yet somehow, he managed to get things done and violence did not become a huge problem, either from the right or the left.

But now the Republicans are in power and actually hold more power than Obama did, do they not?   Both house and senate, as I recall, a concentration of power that Obama never achieved.  Under the Republicans,  nothing get done, chaos reigns in the White House, their 'leader' threatens to shut down government if he doesn't get his way. Violence  ramps up, starting with Trump's rallies - which he conveniently blames on the left, despite his recorded words egging on his supporters to beat up objectors.   When a right-wing person kills someone, that's the left's fault too, it seems - because they showed up.    This reminds me of the excuses of a man who beats up his wife:  You made me do it, so it's your fault!  

Really bizarre thought processes, that's for sure.  


What's bizarre is you're bringing in policy and other things.  That is not at all what my post is about.

The post is about unifying...and unifying cannot be done by one person when there is extreme radicalization coming from the other side.  There is literally nothing Trump can do that will please the left - nothing!  If the media cut him some slack (yes, why should they - I get it!) over anything, there might be a chance - but they wont.  

Forget that Trump acted sooner than anyone to give Texas disaster status - a decision that might save several lives, he'll get lambasted for not going before the storm, then he is blasted for going too soon afterward.  I haven't seen the news today, so I can't even guess what they are slagging him for right now, but it's likely something inconsequential. 

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15 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

This accusation that protestors are paid  hasn't been proven, and until proven is complete horse-shit from the usual horses.  "Should be forced" ?  What happened to freedom of speech ?  Well hey ....


You think  hiring  AGITATORS is something new?





Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies

People were hired by Democratic strategists to stir up trouble at rallies for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Officials with Democracy Advocates and Americans United for Change stepped down after a video by Project Veritas Action confirmed their political chicanery.

Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.

“The protesters are paid a lot of money by the [Democratic National Committee], and they kept saying, ‘I wonder why those people are here, because they never seem to have much on their mind other than stand up and protest,’” Mr. Trump told a crowd in Colorado Springs. “And yesterday it came out, but it was barely covered by the media. But it’s all over the internet. They were busted.”




Yep.  The freakin' lying mainstream media were mostly silent about this.   If they did cover it, they did so fleetingly.....compared to days of covering any perceived Trump faux pas.  They buried it asap.

They're simply a leftist propaganda machine these days.


We're no longer living in the kind of democracy we knew, folks.  All we have is just an illusion of it.


Ever heard of the frog who sat still in a pot of water, never realized it was being slowly boiled to death?



The boiling frog is a parable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.



We are that frog.  We don't seem to notice or care at all when rights and freedom, are gradually being taken away.

Edited by betsy
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On 8/28/2017 at 4:21 PM, scribblet said:

Not a deflection when it's true.    Over the last two years the left has been far more violent,  I can’t say I’ve seen any right wing protesters trashing and looting their own towns.  The left has responded to the Democrats loss with far spread violence accusing anyone with whom they disagree of racism.  It is they who are posing the threat to democracy. 

And the lying media always calls the alt-right of committing and starting the riots and violence. And like you said, the right never start smashing or breaking things like those antifa communist thugs do. Any lefty liberals here able to explain to us all as to why the left is so violent at every right demonstration they attend? Go ahead, make your day. 

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

This accusation that protestors are paid  hasn't been proven, and until proven is complete horse-shit from the usual horses.  "Should be forced" ?  What happened to freedom of speech ?  Well hey ....

It's not an accusation at all but is a fact. Facts that you refuse to listen too. My gain. Your loss. What happened to freedom of speech you ask? Freedom of speech is under attack because of the left that does not believe in freedom of speech unless it is their version of freedom of speech. 

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Yes

2. Yes, I think they have done that.

3. I don't think I have heard that from objective sources.  I saw a guy pull a gun out and shoot it, but he was antiantifa I think.

4. Untrue.

5. Well, no he's not ... devoid of context I would agree.  But not everyone you criticize or oppose should be called "the enemy".  That's binary thinking... at best.

6. Ok, you say I'm the enemy ?  Well, good to know.  What does it mean ?


3. Or antifa. 

4. In my opinion, yes, it is true. 

5. Liberals and democrats and their supporters give me no reason to believe otherwise that they are not the enemy. I have not met a liberal yet that I can honestly say that I liked. 

6. It means that I will expose all that you say that appears to be negative about Trump and the alt right. The left is my enemy because they have not given me any good reason not to consider them my enemy. 

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Yeah, you just said those you opposed you should be forced to take a test.  Just when you drift into a rational argument on this thread, you start figuratively pulling people out of the protest and into a figurative black van.  Please frame your arguments as though words mean things because you are all over the map.  Thanks.

I said all those antifa thugs should take an IQ test. I see nothing wrong with saying that. When they go around creating all kinds of violence and riots one has to believe that there is something wrong with people like that. I thought that just about everything I have said here since I have been here has never been all that rational at all to you? All you ever seem to have done here is call me a Nazi and a Nazi supporter but yet you have never backed up those accusations up. You enjoy going from the rational to irrational most of the time.  It is you that is great at taking everything I say out of context. But hey. 

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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

6. It means that I will expose all that you say that appears to be negative about Trump and the alt right.

7. The left is my enemy because they have not given me any good reason not to consider them my enemy. 

6.  Expose ?  Ha.  I will just put up a link to him talking and that's enough.   He exposes himself when he tries to speak or deal with the majority of people who are smarter than him.  That includes his own party, many of which he's in a baby tantrum with as I write this. :D 
7. Who in their right mind would talk to their enemy and tries to convince them of their values ?   I don't consider my discussion partners "enemies", that is just toxic and inexplicable behaviour.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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1 minute ago, taxme said:

1. I said all those antifa thugs should take an IQ test.

2. All you ever seem to have done here is call me a Nazi and a Nazi supporter but yet you have never backed up those accusations up.  

1. A lot of them are recruited on campus, so I would bet good money that their spelling and grammar aces yours and likely most of the slack-jawed arm wavers in Virginia.  So you are actually against free speech, check.

2. Nice switcheroo.  I ASKED you on your Nazi views, which you still refuse to answer.  There's that famed honest posting style of yours... more truth please....

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Stand down indeed. Works for me if we the people are ever going to learn the truth and get the facts right. 

More freedom of speech in this post -> the leftist media should just stop providing facts that contract the "fear of beige people" crowd.  Freedom... good for one side but not the other.  

Your contempt for liberals is fine, but they need that in non-democratic countries.  I don't want to IQ test protesters and shut down the news.  Even further - I talk to you on here and don't call you an "enemy".  More freedom.... more truth....


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As far as the idea of paid protesters goes, why not?  Why is so unthinkable?  I would surmise that dollar for dollar it would be an extremely good tactic - especially against people who are looked at to be on the fringe or even radical.  If an election, cause or movement means so much to "regular" people that they are willing to riot and cause violence, doesn't it make sense that those same issues are even more important to richer/ more influential people?   I would use this tactic in a heartbeat.  I don't think you could get any more "bang for the buck" than to invest a couple hundreds of thousand of dollars to go out and stir up shit - especially if the media is sympathetic to the cause.

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

When leftwing riots, it seems  there's always looting.....



Indeed there is some racial differences alright. For black people who are always demanding for more jobs, equality and have black lives matter protests they sure still do enjoy a little looting and rioting now and then, and steal whatever they can get their grubby hands on when given the chance. Why do the police always appear to just stand by and watch these morons steal other people's property? One can only imagine what America would look like if they were in the majority rule in America today.  Detroit come to mind?  

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On 8/30/2017 at 1:49 PM, Michael Hardner said:

More freedom of speech in this post -> the leftist media should just stop providing facts that contract the "fear of beige people" crowd.  Freedom... good for one side but not the other.  

Your contempt for liberals is fine, but they need that in non-democratic countries.  I don't want to IQ test protesters and shut down the news.  Even further - I talk to you on here and don't call you an "enemy".  More freedom.... more truth....


The leftist liberal media should stop feeding everyone so much bull chit all the time, and start telling the real truth for a change. They have been known to create fake news stories and scenes just to make the other side look bad. Reporting the other side of the news is just not their forte. 

You don't need to call me your enemy. I am already your enemy, so to speak. More freedom.....more truth indeed but we won't be getting that anytime soon as long as the fake and phony liberal lying media keep getting away with reporting false news. 

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

They have been known to create fake news stories and scenes just to make the other side look bad. 

Which you also do on here.  Set an example, if you really think 'fake news' is bad - don't spread disinfo and confusion.

12 minutes ago, taxme said:

You don't need to call me your enemy. I am already your enemy, so to speak.  

Very sad.  Your perspective not mine.  If I'm your enemy, then you should take action not just spread disinfo on here.

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On 8/30/2017 at 1:46 PM, Michael Hardner said:

1. A lot of them are recruited on campus, so I would bet good money that their spelling and grammar aces yours and likely most of the slack-jawed arm wavers in Virginia.  So you are actually against free speech, check.

2. Nice switcheroo.  I ASKED you on your Nazi views, which you still refuse to answer.  There's that famed honest posting style of yours... more truth please....

1. Well, if that is what society is getting from those morons recruited on campus, it is no wonder America is in trouble. As we have seen many times now they are nothing more than a bunch of leftist red guard student radicals who would prefer to riot rather than finish their education and go out there and find a job.

So, here we go again. The "spelling and grammar" bull chit has to be thrown in there in the hopes that it will make you appear to look and appear like you are a funny guy. For me you appear to be more of an ignoramous. A more fitting a word for you. But hey, that is just you. Apparently, you were brought up without any manners or how to show respect to  others.  Get lost. 

2. Typical reply from a typical zionist. Don't back up your accusations but run away from them.

3. Ok, here it is. I don't believe all the lies that has been put out by your zionist ilk in Hollywood or on TV about Hitler or Nazism. I believe that there is more to the story than what your tribal clan has been saying about Hitler and Nazism since the end of WW2. Now it is your turn to show me as to where I have said that I am a Nazi and I support Nazism?  Your turn. Show me the beef?

Any erors in my speeling above? If so "paleze points any speeling erors two mee so mee can corrects thems.    

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

1.  ... radicals who would prefer to riot rather than finish their education and go out there and find a job.

No argument here.


4 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, here we go again. The "spelling and grammar" bull chit has to be thrown in there in the hopes that it will make you appear to look and appear like you are a funny guy. For me you appear to be more of an ignoramous. A more fitting a word for you. But hey, that is just you. Apparently, you were brought up without any manners or how to show respect to  others.  Get lost. 

2.  You brought up IQ tests.  Sorry to offend you.  What is that term you use when people are offended by the truth... 'snowflake' is it ?  You set the tone, so live up to it or post elsewhere.


4 minutes ago, taxme said:

2. Typical reply from a typical zionist. Don't back up your accusations but run away from them.

3. I think I'm backing them up as I post here.  And again, you haven't answered the question yet.


4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Any erors in my speeling above? If so "paleze points any speeling erors two mee so mee can corrects thems.    

4. Your browser has a 'speel checker'.  Those little red lines under all the words in your posts means 'correct this'.

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56 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Which you also do on here.  Set an example, if you really think 'fake news' is bad - don't spread disinfo and confusion.

Very sad.  Your perspective not mine.  If I'm your enemy, then you should take action not just spread disinfo on here.

1. CNN creates fake news stories all the time. They have great crisis actors also who help spread their fake news bull chit stories and they try to distort the truth from coming out. It has even been shown to you in many videos shown here for you to watch. But either you are just to lazy or just don't give a chit to bother to watch them because you may learn something and educate yourself for a change on what real news is all about. Chuckle-chuckle. 

2. Any suggestions on what kind of actions I can take? :D

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