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Is Donald Trump the Worst President since Andrew Johnson or James Buchanan?

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Trump is actually doing a good job.  He is being hamstrung by Democrats and obstreperous Rupublicans who are not cooperating.  Trump is fighting the liberal democrats and liberal media who twist everything against him.  California is a stronghold for leftist and liberals.  But read this article on the downhill spiral of California.  They are in BIG trouble there.

Jerry Brown’s California: Devastation, Plunder, Economic Failure


California has about 13,500 state and government employees drawing salaries of over $200,000 a year.

California has 13 million welfare recipients.  They have over 1.4 million formerly government employees drawing overly generous pensions.

Quote When you add up the numbers, there are far more Californians drawing from the government than people working outside the government and paying taxes. According to William Baldwin in Forbes, six states are at risk of going into a downward spiral in the next recession because of this unsustainable ratio of private sector workers to state government workers, and those on welfare or receiving welfare benefits. And in California, this does not take into consideration the millions of illegal aliens, some of whom are also on the dole. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, “nearly one in ten California workers is an undocumented immigrant.”   Unquote

When a recession comes, California will be in serious trouble.  There are now more takers than givers.

A book has been written "California's War Against Donald Trump - Who Wins, Who Loses"  available on Amazon.  The leftist policies are sinking California.


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18 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No...I actually lived through that period of inept Jimmy Carter policies and long gas lines.   Presidents are not elected to whine about the malaise they inherit. The U.S. is still dealing with President Carter's few successes and far greater number of domestic and foreign policy failures.   He makes many others' "10 Worst Presidents" lists, regardless of political bias.

Carter was  a nice guy who never should have been been president as the job overwhelmed him and his naive faith in mankind.

Which you would agree was nothing compared to the much worse oil crisis of 1973?  In fact the oil crisis of 1979 had nothing to do with Carter at all as it was the free market reacting to the Iranian Revolution.  Explain what exactly was so bad about carter.  You see this is what I mean that the Republicans were very good at vilianizing him, so good that you just conclude he is terrible without any facts.  Carter took on washington lobbyist, including the ones in his own party, and he tried to bring transparency to a corrupt institution, you think corrupt democrats are going to like Carter?  Of course not, alot of democrats in congress wanted Reagan to win because they knew he was corrupt and that Reagan wasn't going to be in a position to assert any moral authority.

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15 hours ago, blackbird said:

Trump is actually doing a good job.  He is being hamstrung by Democrats and obstreperous Rupublicans who are not cooperating.  Trump is fighting the liberal democrats and liberal media who twist everything against him.  California is a stronghold for leftist and liberals.  But read this article on the downhill spiral of California.  They are in BIG trouble there.

Jerry Brown’s California: Devastation, Plunder, Economic Failure


California has about 13,500 state and government employees drawing salaries of over $200,000 a year.

California has 13 million welfare recipients.  They have over 1.4 million formerly government employees drawing overly generous pensions.

Quote When you add up the numbers, there are far more Californians drawing from the government than people working outside the government and paying taxes. According to William Baldwin in Forbes, six states are at risk of going into a downward spiral in the next recession because of this unsustainable ratio of private sector workers to state government workers, and those on welfare or receiving welfare benefits. And in California, this does not take into consideration the millions of illegal aliens, some of whom are also on the dole. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, “nearly one in ten California workers is an undocumented immigrant.”   Unquote

When a recession comes, California will be in serious trouble.  There are now more takers than givers.

A book has been written "California's War Against Donald Trump - Who Wins, Who Loses"  available on Amazon.  The leftist policies are sinking California.


Yet all those who will complain about California are the first to run off their from hicktown to try to get a real job.  

California does have real problems, most of them caused by right wing democrats and republicans who realize that  there only hope to get elected is to run as a democrat.  California is a huge state with a huge population.  The worse states for welfare are right wing states where dems have zero chance of election like Mississippi, Tennessee, West Virginia, etc.

Cali does have a disproportionately large amount of people on welfare but that is only because its rules for welfare permit children to collect, even when the parents are ineligible, and it also last longer than most other states and it pays more.


And what is wrong with welfare, I'd prefer a poor person on welfare than robbing my house or raping for food.

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2 minutes ago, H10 said:

Which you would agree was nothing compared to the much worse oil crisis of 1973?  In fact the oil crisis of 1979 had nothing to do with Carter at all


Doesn't matter...Carter was president and everyday Americans were in economic misery. 

There was actually a benchmark called the "Misery Index" and Carter set the record.

Carter paid for this by losing in a record landslide election won by Ronald Reagan.



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On 10/9/2017 at 7:56 PM, H10 said:

I thought Franklin Pierce was widely acknowledged as the worse president mainly because he bowed down to sedeistionis  terrorist who wanted to destroy America and set the background for whimping out to the confederates early on, allowing them to amass weapons and power to set the stage for a future civil war.  But Trump will probably rank as the worse president of the 20th and 21st century mainly because he is a grossly ineffective leader.  Never mind the policies and rhetoric, Trump's best asset is conning naive poor and ignorant bigoted white voters that he is as racist as they are so they should vote for him.  He is quiet bad at politics, I mean he struggled against Hilary Clinton who is widely perceived as the worse candidate the democrats have run in a really long time.  That being said, Trump is a bad president because he degrades the office but more importantly he is ineffective, ineffective with his own party, ineffective at pushing through any of his agenda, ineffective at turning any of his ideas into laws, ineffective at working across the aisle or building political alliances, ineffective even within his own administration, he is constantly firing his own members of staff and cabinet.

He makes threats, but the countries he is threatening do not even take him seriously so he has substantially degraded the office of the presidency, not even talking about all the lies.  Prior to Trump there was just fears that North Korea could one day hit America, hypothetically with a nuclear weapon, under Trump its not a fear, you have the leader of North Korea threatening to do that.

TTrump has managed to undo the Iran deal, and he is basically going to turn America into a failed state.


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On 10/9/2017 at 10:56 PM, H10 said:

Trump has managed to undo the Iran deal, and he is basically going to turn America into a failed state.

He now wants to make himself into a true dictator with true (ie. not independent) state-run media:

Trump blasts 'Disgusting' Free Press

With Senator Corker's revelations from the past weekend, there's no more pretending this is a normal president, or that he's playing n-dimensional chess.  Democracy burped, and elected a mistake.  It happens.  Hopefully, the long-term damage will be mitigated by a small group of brave, intelligent people who understand and defend the great institutions they work for.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Democracy burped, and elected a mistake.  It happens.  Hopefully, the long-term damage will be mitigated by a small group of brave, intelligent people who understand and defend the great institutions they work for.

Its not that simple, Trump is not a cause but an effect, - he's a symptom, of the long-term damage that's been done to America's most important institution, its electoral system.

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Just now, eyeball said:

Its not that simple, Trump is not a cause but an effect, - he's a symptom, of the long-term damage that's been done to America's most important institution, its electoral system.

I think he's a symptom of people thinking they know more than they do.  They will either start electing smart people (again) or possible go the other way and elect sports team mascots and that giant talking Kool Aid pitcher guy.

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47 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Its not that simple, Trump is not a cause but an effect, - he's a symptom, of the long-term damage that's been done to America's most important institution, its electoral system.

The gerrymandering system within the EC along with the no holds barred financial support concludes that the Koch Bros. and such will continue to control the electoral system. Trump is a puppet and I wouldn't doubt he's unaware of that. Why bother even placing ballot boxes it obviously just wastes peoples time.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I think he's a symptom of people thinking they know more than they do.  They will either start electing smart people (again) or possible go the other way and elect sports team mascots and that giant talking Kool Aid pitcher guy.

Trump is not perfect but he is an improvement over the past presidents that did nothing about a number of serious problems.  As far as I know Trump is the only one who advocated building a wall.  The wall is badly needed.  There are perhaps 11 million undocumented migrants in the U.S.  A large number of those are criminals who commit crimes in the U.S.  Some have murdered Americans.  There are also major drug smuggling operations going on constantly with billions of dollars worth of cocaine and other drugs being smuggled across the border from central and South America.  A wall probably won't stop it but it might slow it down somewhat.  These drugs are being sold all over the U.S. and in Canada, and destroying the lives of millions of people.  Obama basically did nothing about the crime and drugs.  In fact the opponents of Trump made many cities "sanctuary cities", compounding the problem and making it harder to get rid of criminals.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Trump is not perfect but he is an improvement over the past presidents that did nothing about a number of serious problems.  As far as I know Trump is the only one who advocated building a wall.  The wall is badly needed.  There are perhaps 11 million undocumented migrants in the U.S.  A large number of those are criminals who commit crimes in the U.S.  Some have murdered Americans.  There are also major drug smuggling operations going on constantly with billions of dollars worth of cocaine and other drugs being smuggled across the border from central and South America.  A wall probably won't stop it but it might slow it down somewhat.  These drugs are being sold all over the U.S. and in Canada, and destroying the lives of millions of people.  Obama basically did nothing about the crime and drugs.  In fact the opponents of Trump made many cities "sanctuary cities", compounding the problem and making it harder to get rid of criminals.

"The Wall" has to be one of the stupidest ideas Trump has come up with to date, although he keeps coming up with worse, but if Americans want to piss away billions, and years in the courts simply getting permission to pursue such idiocy, then piss away. Who do you think are actually doing the drug smuggling, and who are providing the market for it? Give ya a hint...(Americans). There's hardly a day goes by Trump doesn't contradict himself. He's not only "not perfect", he's a figgin' idiot who could very well be heading into war, and he's not even sure why. Hopefully the grown ups around the WH and the military are keeping a close eye on him.

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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump is doing just fine...he was elected to break everything in Washington. 

Canada has past and present PMs and other minions in the "states" trying to save NAFTA and they have already thrown Mexico under the bus.

They go to Trump...Trump doesn't go to Canada.

"Doing just fine" is he? He's the laughing stock of the planet in case you haven't been paying attention. 

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GM moving more Equinox SUV production to Mexico....striking CAMI workers in Canada are getting exactly what they deserve...unemployment.


A Canadian owned car make has yet to build a final assembly plant in the U.S. or Mexico.

Buh-bye NAFTA...Buh-bye Canada !

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Can it get any more pitiful for Justin Trudeau ?



....Trudeau was looking for reassurance from Trump over the importance of trade with Canada, but instead Trump mused about killing the three-country pact in favour of a bilateral trade agreement with Canada.



The same geniuses that said Trump could never win also said the U.S. would never leave NAFTA.

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3 hours ago, Omni said:

"The Wall" has to be one of the stupidest ideas Trump has come up with to date, although he keeps coming up with worse, but if Americans want to piss away billions, and years in the courts simply getting permission to pursue such idiocy, then piss away. Who do you think are actually doing the drug smuggling, and who are providing the market for it? Give ya a hint...(Americans). There's hardly a day goes by Trump doesn't contradict himself. He's not only "not perfect", he's a figgin' idiot who could very well be heading into war, and he's not even sure why. Hopefully the grown ups around the WH and the military are keeping a close eye on him.

I'm afraid name-calling and adjectives such as "stupidest, piss away, idiocy, figgin idiot" don't cut it.  They don't have any substance.  You'll have to think a little deeper and come up with something more meaningful that can be examined for substance.

If you had ever read or seen any documentaries, the drugs are coming from central and south Americans in the drug producing areas being brought up by latin Americans, then smuggled into the U.S. by various ways.  Billions of dollars worth a year that is harming millions of people in America.   But this seemed to be a low priority for Obama and his predecessors.  Trump is determined to take action although there are a lot of representatives in government dragging their feet.

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30 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Can it get any more pitiful for Justin Trudeau ?



The same geniuses that said Trump could never win also said the U.S. would never leave NAFTA.

I hope Trudeau and the Liberals wake up and face reality.  They don't give me much confidence that they know what they're doing.

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15 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I'm afraid name-calling and adjectives such as "stupidest, piss away, idiocy, figgin idiot" don't cut it.  They don't have any substance.  You'll have to think a little deeper and come up with something more meaningful that can be examined for substance.

If you had ever read or seen any documentaries, the drugs are coming from central and south Americans in the drug producing areas being brought up by latin Americans, then smuggled into the U.S. by various ways.  Billions of dollars worth a year that is harming millions of people in America.   But this seemed to be a low priority for Obama and his predecessors.  Trump is determined to take action although there are a lot of representatives in government dragging their feet.

Who do you think is providing the market for those drugs?

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11 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I hope Trudeau and the Liberals wake up and face reality.  They don't give me much confidence that they know what they're doing.

So you put your confidence in Trump do you? Religiosity has and likely always will be inept.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nobody should be laughing at this point.  We are a few firings away from having Trump running the show without supervision.

Yes indeed and I am certainly not laughing in the real sense of the word. Between "Rocket Man" and "Orange Boy" we could end up with some serious entrails overhead. 

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15 minutes ago, Omni said:

So you put your confidence in Trump do you? Religiosity has and likely always will be inept.

At least Trump sounds like he is going to work for Americans. 

Trudeau and Christia Freeland talked about bringing in aboriginal issues, climate change, and such.  They are out of their league.

 I assume the people doing the actual negotiations for Canada are highly qualified for the job.  So doesn't matter what Trudeau does.


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5 minutes ago, blackbird said:

At least Trump sounds like he is going to work for Americans. 

Trudeau and Christia Freeland talked about bringing in aboriginal issues, climate change, and such.  They are out of their league.

 I assume the people doing the actual negotiations for Canada are highly qualified for the job.  So doesn't matter what Trudeau does.


Trump contradicts himself on an almost day by day basis. You put your faith in such a quack?

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