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Compensating Khadr

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20 minutes ago, Omni said:

The "terrorist" was illegally tortured and then jailed in Gitmo for ten years. Our legal system was able to correct that, although it them awhile.

That terrorist still belongs in a US military prison until hostilities by Al Quaeda end. His entire family and himself are Al Quaeda supporters. They support terrorism.

They all belong in a US military prison as hostile combatants. See I can play the tune the other way. You want to play him as a victim of torture I will call him exactly what he is an unrepentant clear and present danger and terrorist.

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15 minutes ago, jacee said:

It's a war crime.

No under the Geneva convention the US Marines could hold Kadr and his whole stunking rotten family indefinitely in a military prison.

What Kadr did was terrorism, that is a war crime. What the US did was arrest a war criminal and detain him as best they could under the circumstances because the UN and the world does not have the integrity to create terrorism treatment laws and that is because half the member nations of the UN are terrorist supporters. I doubt in yiur selective world you get that. In your world only the US or Canada are evil if they don't accommodate terrorists. Get it clear, Kadr should have had his citizenship stripped when he went overseas. He  denounced his Canadian citizenship many times. Now its a convenient  patsy for him and his family.

They are all a bunch of two faced whores. They pissed on Canada stating how we were a joke calling for violence to overthrow all the West and now these two faced scum have the audacity to use Canadian citizenship. The mother who pisses continuously on Canada has zero problems quoting the Charter and collecting welfare while living in a 5 bed-room house getting free dental and medical care. So does his entire family. Throw them all out. Send them back to Egypt where they came from. Stop using Canada as a pasty and dupe for terrorist activities.

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15 minutes ago, Rue said:

No under the Geneva convention the US Marines could hold Kadr and his whole stunking rotten family indefinitely in a military prison.

What Kadr did was terrorism, that is a war crime. What the US did was arrest a war criminal and detain him as best they could under the circumstances because the UN and the world does not have the integrity to create terrorism treatment laws and that is because half the member nations of the UN are terrorist supporters. I doubt in yiur selective world you get that. In your world only the US or Canada are evil if they don't accommodate terrorists. Get it clear, Kadr should have had his citizenship stripped when he went overseas. He  denounced his Canadian citizenship many times. Now its a convenient  patsy for him and his family.

They are all a bunch of two faced whores. They pissed on Canada stating how we were a joke calling for violence to overthrow all the West and now these two faced scum have the audacity to use Canadian citizenship. The mother who pisses continuously on Canada has zero problems quoting the Charter and collecting welfare while living in a 5 bed-room house getting free dental and medical care. So does his entire family. Throw them all out. Send them back to Egypt where they came from. Stop using Canada as a pasty and dupe for terrorist activities.

You're replying to something I didn't say.

Go back and read.

Who denounced his citizenship? 

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48 minutes ago, Rue said:

That terrorist still belongs in a US military prison until hostilities by Al Quaeda end. His entire family and himself are Al Quaeda supporters. They support terrorism.

They all belong in a US military prison as hostile combatants. See I can play the tune the other way. You want to play him as a victim of torture I will call him exactly what he is an unrepentant clear and present danger and terrorist.

And of course the people who understand and are tasked to uphold the law, namely the courts, totally disagree with you.

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25 minutes ago, Omni said:

And of course the people who understand and are tasked to uphold the law, namely the courts, totally disagree with you.

I and others understand the law that is why we disagree with it. Zip over your head. The fact someone disagrees with a law does not mean they do not understand it.

Save the righteous tone. There have been plenty of ill conceived laws that have had to be changed.

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53 minutes ago, jacee said:

You're replying to something I didn't say.

Go back and read.

Who denounced his citizenship? 

I responded directly to what you said. Maybe you need to go back and read. Here's a hint. The person you deny was a medic was most certainly a medic on the day he was fatally injured. The entire Kadr family denounced their Canadian citizenship. Yah you didn't know. Who you?

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1 minute ago, Rue said:

There have been plenty of ill conceived laws that have had to be changed

Luckily the ones that were broken here have been, and will in all likelihood remain, longstanding. And of course you are free to disagree with them all you want.

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

The Khadr family is an inspiration to all the would be jihadists pouring into Canada thanks to Trudeau.

Build IEDs....kill Americans....get rich !

I wonder how many millions the latest "alleged" terrorist in Michigan will get because Canada didn't protect his right to stab Americans.

Its a serious problem. The moral precedent it sets is a disgrace.

Edited by Rue
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1 hour ago, Rue said:

 Here's a hint. The person you deny was a medic was most certainly a medic on the day he was fatally injured.

What makes you think Sgt. Speer was acting as the medic that day? Was it the distinctive markings he was wearing? Y'know Red crosses on white background? Was he acting as a medic by laying down covering fire for his compatriots? What makes you think he was most certainly a medic that day.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

I responded directly to what you said. Maybe you need to go back and read. Here's a hint. The person you deny was a medic was most certainly a medic on the day he was fatally injured. The entire Kadr family denounced their Canadian citizenship. Yah you didn't know. Who you?

1) Betsy suggested "take no prisoners" - ie, kill surviving combatants. I said that's a war crime. (Not sure what you're on about, but it wasn't what I said.)

2) "Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher James Speer (September 9, 1973 – August 6, 2002)[2] was a U.S. Army combat medic and an armed member of[3] a special operations team who was fatally wounded during a skirmish in Afghanistan on July 27, 2002. Speer, who was not wearing a helmet at the time because the mission called for indigenous clothing, suffered a head wound from a grenade and succumbed to his injuries approximately two weeks later." 


Speer was trained as a medic, but he was an armed combatant that day. 

3) No I never heard that the Khadr's denounced citizenship. Neither did wikipedia. Where'd you hear that? Seems silly. They're here. Lol 

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13 hours ago, Omni said:

The "terrorist" was illegally tortured and then jailed in Gitmo for ten years. Our legal system was able to correct that, although it them awhile.

He's their prisoner!  Why did he end up a prisoner in Gitmo?

Whether their method is "illegal" or not.....that's their business.

We shouldn't be intervening for terrorists like Chretien did with his dad - especially when they're also killing our own soldiers! 

Edited by betsy
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10 hours ago, Peter F said:

What makes you think Sgt. Speer was acting as the medic that day? Was it the distinctive markings he was wearing? Y'know Red crosses on white background? Was he acting as a medic by laying down covering fire for his compatriots? What makes you think he was most certainly a medic that day.

Distinctive marking? Are you that clueless? You think a surveillance team puts targets on its back for terrorists to shoot it. With due respect this is not some t.v. show and this is precisely the problem with sofa experts who haven't a clue what combat medics do let alone surveillance teams engaged in anti-terrorist operations.

You also missed the basic point. Kadr was engaging in a crime on Afghani soil. He was illegally in Afghanistan murdering innocent civilians and illegally trying to overthrow a government as part of Al Quaeda a terrorist organization to this day he supports and does not follow any laws of any nation.

Go on look at the person you defend as a cuddly misunderstood child and try make excuses for. What the phack do you think he was doing playing cub scouts?

By the way the government of Canada knowing the widow of Sgt. Speer and another soldier Kadr maimed were planning to get an injunction as to his payment from the government so it could be reviewed in court were thwarted as the Canadian government deliberately and with pre-meditation facilitated Kadr's being able to cash the cheque and claims proof it before the injunction could be placed this morning,

In case you or the other Kadr groupies did not know the wife of the dead Sgt. sued him and won an award against him in a Utah court. Of course that law doesn't matter in the world of selective legal experts  such as Omni- only the ones conducive to this Kadr cluster phack.. So he and you and the whole lot of Kadr sympathizers can continue to applaud this government's compensation of a terrorist and thwarting the legal rights of another person simply because she is American I call it what it is a despicable, cowardly act by Trudeau and his cadre. This is the same Trudeau who cheer leads  shooting a terrorist while in the next breath abuses the laws of his country to thwart the legal rights of an American citizen so he can protect his terrorist kitten.

Tell me you have zero problem with this scum being paid 10 million while the children of the father he killed go the rest of their lives fatherless? Where does your government and you and the rest of you Kadr sympathizers live where your equation of morality is to compensate terrorists? You detach yourselves from this blatant insanity by engaging in fiction Kadr is a cuddly teddy bear who was not responsible for his actions and was tortured. How convenient. How convenient you can throw out those two rationalizations.

He was a cold blooded terrorist. He's unrepentant. If he had any decency he'd hand over the 10 million to the widow. You think he will do that? Lol.

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Speaking of battlefields - our vets are not being properly helped dealing with PTSD over fighting with these scumbags - and yet, here we are, rewarding their enemy!


How is that for morale, huh?


What a big, big joke!

Edited by betsy
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7 minutes ago, betsy said:

Only if there are witnesses. In the battlefield, anything goes.

Think of the irony of someone claiming its a war crime not to take prisoners. We are dealing with terrorists whose very essence is to urinate on all laws and in particular the Geneva convention and this poster invokes the very laws they are blowing up and urinating on to afford such scum protection. Therein is the ficfion and fantasy, Terorists live in a world of entitlement where they can destroy civilization and spit on all laws, and we have a moral obligation to protect them . Its an absurd belief based on the fantasy such people are brought up on that they are more "civilized" than terrorists and so won't go to their level. The very essence of that assumption is a privileged silver spoon affluent, sheltered, fantasy platform where soft Canadians far from any conflict look at terrorists and patronize them as misunderstood victims who just aren't understood.

Is it any wonder they see no irony in using the same laws terrorists piss on to protect them? They see no conflict or contradiction in that. This is why you have an insipid rich silver spoon boy brought up on Daddy's trust fund making sheltered soft boy comments generalizing that all terrorists are misunderstood victims of lost opportunity as Trudeau depicted them.

Only people brought up in a sheltered privileged environment far from conflict would come up with such fantasy spins. They have no clue what a terrorist is and why they need to be taken out before they can kill or hurt anyone. Not a clue.

The Geneva Convention was a treaty created at a time when armies of countries wore uniforms and engaged in military rules of honour.

Terrorists have no code of honour. None. Zero. The Geneva Convention was never drafted to contemplate their existence let alone apply to them. However in the fantasy world we hold soldiers of nations to one standard and terrorists to another. We allow terrorists to piss and stomp on soldiers while telling soldiers they can't defend themselves because these terrorists are victims.

Look at the lengths of fantasy this thread takes by people trying to pretend and turn Kadr into a cuddly teddy bear who was abused. They throw out the number 15 as if it automatically makes one a child and incapacitated from having any moral responsibility.

Excuse me but on this thread I get it. I get the sheltered world f Canadians. I get how its enabled millions to grow up soft, sheltered, living in a fantasy land and propping terrorists as cuddlyt victims.

I get it.

I tell you what. I have seen things, Haiti, Guatemala, Mexico, West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Argentina, Estonia, some other places I won't mention. I've seen what the world is outside the bubble of the suburbs where these sofa experts wax poetic about Kadr. It aint a nice sight. Its not a world of cuddly terrorists-just violent, primal, out of control, cold blooded, murderers who break every rule of society. I make no apologies saying such people need to have a bullet between the eyes.

I defer to professional soldiers who are asked to deal with them and bring them back alive. I defer to their attempts to contain them.  No one is more grateful to the soldiers. This is why in such discussions I say, the only victims are the families of the soldiers.

Nuff said. 

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What  a cowardly PM we have, one who has quietly paid out the money, Khadar has it now, in his pocket so it circumvents the legal action by the widow.   It's non taxable and was done while Parliament was out so Trudeau did not have to answer to anyone.   Not only that, he's away at the G20 so can't be questioned.  Cowardly piece of you know what. 

Edited by scribblet
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9 hours ago, jacee said:

1) Betsy suggested "take no prisoners" - ie, kill surviving combatants. I said that's a war crime. (Not sure what you're on about, but it wasn't what I said.)

2) "Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher James Speer (September 9, 1973 – August 6, 2002)[2] was a U.S. Army combat medic and an armed member of[3] a special operations team who was fatally wounded during a skirmish in Afghanistan on July 27, 2002. Speer, who was not wearing a helmet at the time because the mission called for indigenous clothing, suffered a head wound from a grenade and succumbed to his injuries approximately two weeks later." 


Speer was trained as a medic, but he was an armed combatant that day. 

3) No I never heard that the Khadr's denounced citizenship. Neither did wikipedia. Where'd you hear that? Seems silly. They're here. Lol 


All medics are soldiers at the same time they are medics. Do you have a point other than a ridiculous attempt to suggest he can't be both at the same time?

He was a combat medic. What do you think combat medics do? Can you at least find out what a combat medic is before you claim he can't be both. No they do not send combat medics out as ordinary soldiers. They send them out to be with ordinary soldiers who are not medics. Is that so hard to understand? He was looking for signs of life or evidence from dead bodies under a blown up building. Is that hard to understand why his medical training was needed for that and for attending to other soldiers in his unit if they got attacked during their mission?

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35 minutes ago, scribblet said:

What  a cowardly PM we have, one who has quietly paid out the money, Khadar has it now, in his pocket so it circumvents the legal action by the widow.   It's non taxable and was done while Parliament was out so Trudeau did not have to answer to anyone.   Not only that, he's away at the G20 so can't be questioned.  Cowardly piece of you know what. 

He used his powers to thwart an on-going civilian law suit. He deliberately prejudiced one legal party to assist another in an on-going civil law suit. This is a blatant abuse of power and he should resign. :

By the way look at the response from Omi. He equates the US Military Tribunal as a Sharia law Court and remains silent on his beloved Prime Minister using his powers to thwart the law violating the most basic of democratic concepts which is government is not to involve itself in on-going law suits. Hey now will he call Trudeau a Mullah or Imam acting as a Sharia law  dispenser? What do you think?


Who Omni? Omni thinks the US military tribunal in G Bay  was no different then  a Sharia law council which is in effect one Mullah maybe sometimes as many as 3. Yah that tribunal dispensed interpretations of God. Yep those tribunal members were Christian clergy. Sure.

Does Omni get that the US seperates state from its legal system and so its US Supreme Court was able to say the military tribunal had to be shut down because it violated the US constitution by not allowing proper disclosure of evidence to Kadr? Of course not. He thinks its a Sharia law council which never would do such a thing. See we just see what we want to see.

The US Marines asked Kadr be held as a pow. Had that been done he'd have been placed in a military stockade and left there until Al Quaeda agreed to disband terrorist operations against the US and Afghanistan.

Bush-Chaney made the mistake of over-riding the US Marines and trying to create a hybrid-hald military, half civilian type legal system because there was no international law to deal with terrorists.

The issue isn't G Bay, its why should Kadr be compensated. The attempts to suggest he was a child and not having capacity is the same phenomena star crossed lovers suffer from when they send Paul Bernardo and Lukas Magnotta  love letters. This phenomena of turning scum into folklore heroes unfortunately common. Its the result of sheltered soft people brought up in affluence. They equate Kadr with the children of the people he kills and the innocent civilians Kadr believes should suffer from violence.

Kadr to this day in interviews has made it clear he does not think what he did was wrong. He apologized based on a prepared speech to the widow but used couch words that denied any responsibility for his actions and he laughed and smirked through it and then in subsequent interviews said  he couldn't remember what he was doing in Afghanistan. This is someone who says, oh yah I am manipulative, I lie. I lied and said I threw a grenade because I wanted to get out of G Bay and knew if I lied it would g et me out. Yes I am a manipulative liar. But hey, never mind that now, trust me now on everything  else.

Child victim my ass. Every day children die protecting their families form terrorists and refusing to go along with them Do not put Kadr in their company. Do not equate him with the children of soldiers who died trying to prevent Kadr and his family from killing innocent civilians including children.

Trudeau should be held personally accountable for manipulating the release of the funds to prejudice a party during a legal proceeding.

He's a coward. He's a snively coward for doing that.

Edited by Rue
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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

What  a cowardly PM we have, one who has quietly paid out the money, Khadar has it now, in his pocket so it circumvents the legal action by the widow.   It's non taxable and was done while Parliament was out so Trudeau did not have to answer to anyone.   Not only that, he's away at the G20 so can't be questioned.  Cowardly piece of you know what. 

Yet another who knows zilch about how the laws and the courts work. 

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2 hours ago, betsy said:

He's their prisoner!  Why did he end up a prisoner in Gitmo?

Whether their method is "illegal" or not.....that's their business.

We shouldn't be intervening for terrorists like Chretien did with his dad - especially when they're also killing our own soldiers! 

It's not just "their business" when they break international law, and it involves a Canadian citizen. Maybe you should stick with your religious blather and leave law alone.

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