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Native complaints about Canada's 150th

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Living inside large forests with reliable water sources as North American Natives generally did pre-horse, tended to favor hunting & gathering over anything else. This held most "nations" back from developing more advanced skills that could have given European methods a run for their money.

Variloa did the rest. But, Europeans, Asians and Africans got to enjoy Syphilis in return, according to most theories...

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39 minutes ago, Wilber said:

Yes, no open warfare or forced relocations like south of the border.

You obviously don't know about residential schools where children were forcibly removed from their homes. What would you have thought of the Canadian government doing that to your family, your children, telling them that you were worthless parents, that your culture was worthless, beating your kids, sexually abusing them, telling them they couldn't speak their languages, ... . 


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2 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

What does that have to do with ignoring land treaties?

If the treaties are inviolate then we should only do strictly what the treaties said, and no more. That means no electricity, housing or anything else not covered by the treaties.

And we don't ignore treaties. The disagreement is mostly over the interpretation. A lot of the natives say that, basically, their ancestors 'thought' the treaties meant other than what was written, and want them redone in line with what they say their ancestors say they thought they meant. Of course, since they had no written language we pretty much have to take their word for what their ancestors said they thought the contracts meant.

Edited by Argus
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1 hour ago, herples said:

Since we are talking about Canada the British were the ones involved.

You can't say they were particularly nasty without the context of what was 'bad' at that time.

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Just now, herples said:

Doesn't matter we are not talking about everyone. 

No, we're talking about history. Everyone was, by modern standards, horrible to everyone else. That pretty much included the natives, too, who had no reluctance to wage wars on each other before ever hearing about White people.

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3 minutes ago, Argus said:

No, we're talking about history. Everyone was, by modern standards, horrible to everyone else. That pretty much included the natives, too, who had no reluctance to wage wars on each other before ever hearing about White people.

Doesn't matter stick to the topic at hand which is the Native complaints about Canada. History of Canada involves mostly the British which I am talking about not everyone else. 

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19 hours ago, dre said:

I dont disagree. But what we did was negotiate treaties and we should honor them. 

"To the victors goes the spoils". That is how things have been working out for centuries. Europeans won, the Indians lost. Short, sweet, and simple.  

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3 hours ago, Argus said:

No, we're talking about history. Everyone was, by modern standards, horrible to everyone else. That pretty much included the natives, too, who had no reluctance to wage wars on each other before ever hearing about White people.

The old hypocrisy, "when certain folks do bad things they must be held to account because we have our rule of law society but when whitey does bad things, we have truth and reconciliation".

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18 hours ago, dre said:

Louis CK had some good standup comedy about this...  Europeans showed up here thinking it was India. They were like "Is this India? Are you Indians?" The native were like "No no, this is a different place, its not India". The Europeans were like "Meh..... fuck it. Your'e Indians anyways!", and kept using that term for 200 hundred years. ROFLMAO.  I think its more about garden variety retardation more than its about racism.



It's just another anti-white video, and all I see from it is more attacks against one of the greatest races on earth. Despite some of the bad things that the Caucasian race has done to other races in the past we have done more to elevate the rest of the other races to a higher standard of living than they could ever have dreamed of. There has not been that many videos ever made of what the Caucasian race has done that was great for humanity. It's all bad news only. This guy is just another one of those bleeding heart guilt ridden white liberals who hates being white. He would not be living his life today as he does if it were not for his Caucasian race.

He has been brainwashed for decades now and believes all the lies about how bad white people are/were. He is not funny at all. He is a disgrace to his own race. What this loser should be putting out in a video is all the wonders and inventions that were created by the Caucasian people. But him being oh so politically correct, it is more fashionable today to mock and attack white folk rather than praise them. This fool talks like it is only white people that have caused rapes and murders and pillage all over the world. It's as if all other races were a bunch of darlings and sweethearts who would never do such a thing too any other people or race on earth.

Well, I have news for him. White people are not the only people on earth that have hurt other people on earth. Every race on earth has. Deplorable video.   


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3 hours ago, herples said:

Doesn't matter stick to the topic at hand which is the Native complaints about Canada. History of Canada involves mostly the British which I am talking about not everyone else. 

I guess that you have never heard of the old saying ?to the victors, goes the spoils" now have you? Yes, there may have been some misdeeds that were committed against the Indians in Canada but today they are far better off than what they were 200 - three hundred years ago where all they appeared to do for fun is go out and look for someone from another tribe, and go kill them. At least the British put a stop to that practice. The Indians have been given hundreds of millions of tax dollars to help them get out or their rut, and all the British and European peoples get is more whining and crying and bitching about how hard they are being done by. If they are not happy then give me my portion of the tax dollars that was given to them. There may be enough in there to make me a millionaire. Come to think of it I want that money back now with interest.  :D

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26 minutes ago, hot enough said:

The old hypocrisy, "when certain folks do bad things they must be held to account because we have our rule of law society but when whitey does bad things, we have truth and reconciliation".

Yup, the same old bull chit. Blame it on old whitey. This crap never seems to end. With all the bad things that white people were suppose to have done to all the other non-white races from around the world why do they all still want to always live among the white people? I think that I know why? Do you? 

Edited by taxme
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21 hours ago, dre said:

Not just that, but our treaties are voluntary contracts signed by two parties. If the government of Canada refused to honor its contracts, then it would have a hard time negotiating new contracts with the rest of the world. A lot of the nations we do business with think that honoring these types of deals with aboriginal people is pretty important... It would be a signal to the world that the government of Canada cannot be trusted.

Materially changed conditions, under general contract law, is a ground for a court to void a contract. Or for a party to disregard a contract and challenge the contra-party to the contract to take him, her or it to court.

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Yup, the same old bull chit. Blame it on old whitey. This crap never seems to end. With all the bad things that white people were suppose to have done to all the other non-white races from around the world why do they all still want to always live among the white people? I think that I know why? Do you? 

Yup, "keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer". 

A person has to be a complete fool to pretend that anyone but white men, in a macro sense, have preyed on dark skinned people. The US and Canada both had policies of genocide in place to deal with Aboriginals. Hitler was so enamored by the US system that he modeled his Jewish Final Solution on the US genocide.

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8 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

What scenario are we supposed to prop up in terms of where the FN"s people would be without the arrival of Europeans?   

You don't have to prop up anything. Any peoples who have not had to suffer over a century of genocide would obviously be much better off. 

Let's do just a couple of generations of genocide to the Hal 9000 family and see how they like it, how they will turn out.

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1 minute ago, hot enough said:

What a foolish, stunningly ignorant [unknowing] comment!

Rubbish. If I was a native kid with an Ithing slowly finding out what the world is like from some mosquito ridden hell hole I have no hope of escaping I might consider offing myself too.

But you keep them there if it makes you feel good. Bloody disgusting, I find it. 

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9 minutes ago, hot enough said:

You don't have to prop up anything. Any peoples who have not had to suffer over a century of genocide would obviously be much better off. 

Let's do just a couple of generations of genocide to the Hal 9000 family and see how they like it, how they will turn out.

Do you honestly think North America was gonna remain unsettled?  If it wasn't the British, it woulda been the Spanish, French, Vikings, Russians, Mexicans...whoever.  It was always gonna happen.

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