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Justin Trudeau the Worst PM Since Pierre Trudeau?

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Justin Trudeau just can't get any respect in India...he is just another tourist taking selfies.



Indian journalists haven’t been too kind to Trudeau either, with many criticizing his politics and praising what has been seen as Modi taking a tough stance. “Trudeau’s India trip is a total disaster—and he has himself to blame,” wrote one prominent journalist in a piece for the Washington Post. “Must appreciate Modi Gov’ts firmness. Trudeau’s vote-bank politics has ruined Canada’s India relationship,” tweeted another, implying Trudeau’s policies have pandered to Canada’s Sikh population.

But India’s frosty reaction to Trudeau is especially interesting when compared to the warmer welcome it gave to another North American visitor this week. Donald Trump Jr., the son of the U.S. President, was also on a whirlwind trip across the country promoting a series of Trump-branded luxury buildings, while also planning to deliver a foreign policy speech at a business conference—to a largely exultant reception. Some observers wonder if the Trump Jr.-Trudeau juxtaposition is telling of the signals the world’s largest democracy wants to send out to the world about where its priorities lie.



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India has not only exposed Justin Trudeau, but also Liberal Party identity politics back home in Canada:



Though Canadians of Indian heritage are estimated to comprise no more than 4% of the Canadian population, and Indo-Canadians of Sikh heritage about half that, Sikhs are extraordinarily well-represented in Canadian government, a fact easily attributable to the outsize role they play in Canadian party politics — even in communities where their numbers are not extraordinarily high. Trudeau’s current cabinet includes four Sikh ministers, more, he once boasted, than could be found at the cabinet level in India.

Justin Trudeau's India troubles are rooted in Canadian minority politics


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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3 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

India has not only exposed Justin Trudeau, but also Liberal Party identity politics back home in Canada:


I guess you are groping for whatever you think will take the focus off Trump's endless turmoil. He's trying to hide his bald spot though, that should inspire you.

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the worst Canadian prime minister is actually a Tie....Mr. .Mulroney put us and in big time in Debt and filled his pocket with cash..He managed only to get caught once.  Mr Harper put us in debt 150 billion...Spent all of Canada's gold reserves. .....he gave the corporate sector a 60 billion dollar tax cut..... per  year.... for almost 10 years....spent the 16 billion Mr. Chretien  left him on the table....he destroyed the 450 billion of trade surplus per year that Jean Chretien left him....it was in the red when Harper ..the Man who lies right to your face ...got kicked out of office....now if you add those 10 years of destroying our trade surplus with the U.S...Mr  Steven (PUTINE} Harper took over 2 trillion Dollars out of our economy...let me explain what 2 trillion Dollars is....if you were to stack 1000 dollar bills.....if you stacked them on your desk..one foot of 1000 dollars bills == 1 million Dollars..if you stack these 1000 dollars bills up the bottom floor of the CN TOWER..those 1000 dollar bills would amount to 1 Billion dollars..... but if you stack 1000 dollar bills to 1 trillion!!!!!!  the stack would be only 64 miles high!!!!! or over 100 kilometers . Poor Mr. chretien who wrote the debt down every year he was in office...it took him 2years to wrestle the debt from mulroney down...and it took Pierre Poutine 2 years to get the debt sky rocketing again. poor Mr. Chretien got roasted for giving Money to the Quebec media.....was that 20 million...Mr.pierre poutine lost ..was it ......2 or 3 billion...... lost it? LOL  ..no investigation..nothing.....how can you lose 2 or 3 billion Dollars? I  guess there was no inquiry... Is it that because the conservative M.P.'s wouldn't empty their pockets? 

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11 minutes ago, SirEric said:

the worst Canadian prime minister is actually a Tie....Mr. .Mulroney put us and in big time in Debt and filled his pocket with cash..He managed only to get caught once.  Mr Harper put us in debt 150 billion..

You have no cite to back up your claims. That's okay if there was a coherent position in them, but this seems like more of a spitting mad rant against Conservatives without much thought behind it.

As to the debt, I quote from that learned person, me, in comparing the damage Trudeau senior and Mulroney did to the debt:

Yes, the interest rates were higher under Trudeau, but only towards the end of his term, and he started his first term with almost no debt and a deficit well under a billion. Mulroney started his first term with all the accumulated debt of the Trudeau years and a massive deficit during a terrible recession and sky high interest rates. The adjusted (for inflation)deficit Trudeau's tenth year in office was ten times the deficit of his first year in office. There was a brief Clark interlude, then four more years of Trudeau. His adjusted deficit was 71.5 billion in his last year vs 4.5 his first. Mulroney's adjusted deficit was actually lower when he left office than when he started. And as a % of GDP Trudeau went from -0.9% to -7.9% while Mulroney went from -8.3% to -5.6%.


Harper, incidentally, went from 0.9% to 0.1%. And you leave out - completely - the fact that he was purring along normally until the greatest recession in decades hit us. You also leave out - completely - that all three opposition parties demanded a massive economic incentive spending program, and that this was a minority parliament. Among the other things you leave out are the fact out trade surplus was due mainly to commodity exports, especially oil, and the price of commodities fell precipitously during Harper's time in office. You can hardly blame him for that, at least not intelligently.

Edited by Argus
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On 2/24/2018 at 6:54 AM, capricorn said:

This photo alone should tell us all as to what is really wrong with Canada today. Canada is now under the control of french Quebec and Pakistan. East Indians and Asians are pretty much buying up all of BC. But who cares, eh?  

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

This photo alone should tell us all as to what is really wrong with Canada today. Canada is now under the control of french Quebec and Pakistan. East Indians and Asians are pretty much buying up all of BC. But who cares, eh?  

full of people that see only skin color, or what someone is wearing. They are not interested in the person, only the superficial.

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44 minutes ago, SirEric said:

the worst Canadian prime minister is actually a Tie....Mr. .Mulroney put us and in big time in Debt and filled his pocket with cash..He managed only to get caught once.  Mr Harper put us in debt 150 billion...Spent all of Canada's gold reserves. .....he gave the corporate sector a 60 billion dollar tax cut..... per  year.... for almost 10 years....spent the 16 billion Mr. Chretien  left him on the table....he destroyed the 450 billion of trade surplus per year that Jean Chretien left him....it was in the red when Harper ..the Man who lies right to your face ...got kicked out of office....now if you add those 10 years of destroying our trade surplus with the U.S...Mr  Steven (PUTINE} Harper took over 2 trillion Dollars out of our economy...let me explain what 2 trillion Dollars is....if you were to stack 1000 dollar bills.....if you stacked them on your desk..one foot of 1000 dollars bills == 1 million Dollars..if you stack these 1000 dollars bills up the bottom floor of the CN TOWER..those 1000 dollar bills would amount to 1 Billion dollars..... but if you stack 1000 dollar bills to 1 trillion!!!!!!  the stack would be only 64 miles high!!!!! or over 100 kilometers . Poor Mr. chretien who wrote the debt down every year he was in office...it took him 2years to wrestle the debt from mulroney down...and it took Pierre Poutine 2 years to get the debt sky rocketing again. poor Mr. Chretien got roasted for giving Money to the Quebec media.....was that 20 million...Mr.pierre poutine lost ..was it ......2 or 3 billion...... lost it? LOL  ..no investigation..nothing.....how can you lose 2 or 3 billion Dollars? I  guess there was no inquiry... Is it that because the conservative M.P.'s wouldn't empty their pockets? 

Don't try and make wonder boy Chretien look like a real conservative. When Chretien left politics he suddenly was a multi millionaire. Just about all politicians are thieves, liars and cheats and could not give a chit about Canada or Canadians. Besides his old man liberal Trudeau is blowing just as much tax dollars as Harper or Bulroney had blown. Try and remember that your money is now their money and you and me and thee will not have a say in how those tax dollars are blown. We are slaves to these politically correct politicians and they like it like that. 

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Mr Harper made our recession ...all by his himself...when you drain our economy like it did..When he gave the Babks and corparate secter a 60 billion Dollar tax cut...he told them ..don't do anything...don't hire or ceate work with the tax cuts.....just fill conservative re-lection pockets..when we need you.........have you ever seen the infrastructure so bad?.....Don't you remember????????????? .I was working in Sault Ste. Marie building  their new hospital.....before Pierre Poutine Harper took over ......I think there were 7 or 8 hospitals getting built or additions....and that's only in Ontario...... during Mr. Chretien' good reign....and you could buy 70% of the houses in florida at the time for 40,000 Dollars.....the states were in a recession..they were even bulldozing 3 year old houses at the time.....we were going strong here in Canada with Mr Martin handling our Finances.. Then Pierre poutine got in.....even tried to take credit at the G7...for how well our economy was doing.....we were the best economy going and got complimented on it by the G7.......How many billions did he blow at the G7?  putting up arena's...and building rivers for canoes.....hehe....you should get someone to help you on google to find the charts and graphs of debt by Prime Minister...I lived during the trudeau years....one never worried about the price of gas...the cost of a house...electricity...any thing really...you could afford a house on minimum wage..1.65 AN HOUR....My aunt bought a brand new 3 bedroom house..front brick..aluminum siding o the rest. ......paved driveway....for 6,000.00 Dollars....the Pierre Trudeau years were the best time to live in Canada..ask your parents...and you people chastise him over Alberta oil...Alberta was an Ontario welfare case for over a hundred years....similar to Quebec....lol......and then they struck oli..and didn't want to share it...But Pierre made then share it with the rest of Canadians ....that's a good Prime Minister 

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3 minutes ago, SirEric said:

Mr Harper made our recession ...all by his himself...

The recession originated in the US financial crisis and spread throughout the world. To suggest Harper did it is profoundly ignorant of the realities of the world at that time. And once again you are ignoring the fact that world commodity prices fell enormously during Harper's time in office, again due to world demand, and had nothing to do with him. Your position is absurd.

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11 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

full of people that see only skin color, or what someone is wearing. They are not interested in the person, only the superficial.

Given one of them is a terrorist I would think most people ought to be concerned. Though apparently Liberals are not.

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An assessment of Trudeau senior's reign.

Pierre Trudeau took office at a moment when commodity prices were rising worldwide. Good policymakers recognize that commodity prices fall as well as rise. Yet between 1969 and 1979 -- through two majority governments and one minority -- Trudeau tripled federal spending. In 1981-82, Canada plunged into recession, the worst since World War II. Trudeau's already big deficits exploded to a point that Canada's lenders worried about default.

Trudeau's Conservative successor Brian Mulroney balanced Canada's operating budget after 1984. But to squeeze out Trudeau-era inflation, the Bank of Canada had raised real interest rates very high. Mulroney could not keep up with the debt payments. The debt compounded, the deficits grew, the Bank hiked rates again -- and Canada toppled into an even worse recession in 1992


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5 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

full of people that see only skin color, or what someone is wearing. They are not interested in the person, only the superficial.

Skin color will become and make a big difference in the future here in Canada. Caucasians will soon find that out. Between multiculturalism, political correctness, Quebec and massive third world immigration and invasion it is not hard to figure out that in time things will change and will only get worse. Thanks to the Asian invasion housing costs in Canada have skyrocketed especially here in BC. East Indians are buying up BC. They pretty much own all taxi companies, trucking company's, farms, most of Tim Horton's stores in the lower mainland of BC and gawd knows what else they are slowly taking over. But I cannot blame them for this. I blame our politically correct pro multicultural politicians who are selling Canada down the drain with the lie that we need this third world immigration because of our low white birth rate, and to save our pensions, and to keep our social and medicare systems up and running. A big bloody lie. 

I am interested in saving Canada, not the rest of the world. 

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Chretien was rich for a long time...he managed the economy well...he made a good living in politics ...do you remember what his salaries were....lol...Don't Insult Mr Chretien by calling him a conservative....and Argus...did you not add up the chart you linked us to...if you cant...go ask someone to total that up for you.....and your forgetting about the 16 billion cHRETIEN LEFT SITTING ON THE TABLE FOR HIM WHEN PIERRE POUTINE TOOK OFFICE....AND THE 2 OR 3 BILLION HE MYSTERIOUSLY LOST...YOU HAVE TO BE PRETTY STUPID TO LOSE 2 or 3 billion dollars....oh ya...then sold  all of our bullion he dumped so he could try and balance his last budget...and the 2 years it will take  Justin Trudeau to Stop the bleeding from Pierre Poutine's polocies... you know....you cant just take over a government and just change or stop  the polocies the  Idiot left behind

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19 minutes ago, SirEric said:

Mr Harper made our recession ...all by his himself...when you drain our economy like it did..When he gave the Babks and corparate secter a 60 billion Dollar tax cut...he told them ..don't do anything...don't hire or ceate work with the tax cuts.....just fill conservative re-lection pockets..when we need you.........have you ever seen the infrastructure so bad?.....Don't you remember????????????? .I was working in Sault Ste. Marie building  their new hospital.....before Pierre Poutine Harper took over ......I think there were 7 or 8 hospitals getting built or additions....and that's only in Ontario...... during Mr. Chretien' good reign....and you could buy 70% of the houses in florida at the time for 40,000 Dollars.....the states were in a recession..they were even bulldozing 3 year old houses at the time.....we were going strong here in Canada with Mr Martin handling our Finances.. Then Pierre poutine got in.....even tried to take credit at the G7...for how well our economy was doing.....we were the best economy going and got complimented on it by the G7.......How many billions did he blow at the G7?  putting up arena's...and building rivers for canoes.....hehe....you should get someone to help you on google to find the charts and graphs of debt by Prime Minister...I lived during the trudeau years....one never worried about the price of gas...the cost of a house...electricity...any thing really...you could afford a house on minimum wage..1.65 AN HOUR....My aunt bought a brand new 3 bedroom house..front brick..aluminum siding o the rest. ......paved driveway....for 6,000.00 Dollars....the Pierre Trudeau years were the best time to live in Canada..ask your parents...and you people chastise him over Alberta oil...Alberta was an Ontario welfare case for over a hundred years....similar to Quebec....lol......and then they struck oli..and didn't want to share it...But Pierre made then share it with the rest of Canadians ....that's a good Prime Minister 

It is more like old man Trudeau was a bad PM. When he won the election in 1980 is first words out of his mouth were "welcome to the new Canada". Now what did he mean by that? Well, it is very evident and quite obvious to see that he wanted to destroy the WASP and the British influence in Canada. He gave Canada more bilingualism, more multiculturalism, changed our immigration policy in favor of less Caucasian to more non Caucasian's. He increased foreign aid and gave plenty of tax dollars to dictators and communist countries. The bad PM started Canada on the road to becoming a country billions in debt forever, and just about every other politicians since papa Trudeau have done the same. When was the last time you ever heard one politician say that if I get elected I will cut your taxes big time and have a leaner and meaner government? If there was one well he was a liar. The only thing that politicians seem to know is to how to raise taxes and increase government. 

Why should Alberta have to share it's oil? It is their's not Trudeau's. Quebec has always and always will be sucking off the rest of Canada. The only thing that french Quebec ever gave Canada was bilingualism and now a french speaking only province and treated Anglophones as second class citizen's. They brought corruption to Ottawa. Bad Trudeau wrecked this country, not do anything good for it. 

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31 minutes ago, Argus said:

The recession originated in the US financial crisis and spread throughout the world. To suggest Harper did it is profoundly ignorant of the realities of the world at that time. And once again you are ignoring the fact that world commodity prices fell enormously during Harper's time in office, again due to world demand, and had nothing to do with him. Your position is absurd.

you take 60 billion Dollars a year out of the economy...and you tell the corporate not to do anything .....don't do anthing..don't hire..dont create work ...just take the money and wait...but do send us some money for campaining

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