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"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

5 minutes ago, SirEric said:

get someone to help you read that chart...it shows how much and who put us into debt.....he used to give  students a grant...and also loan to go to school...

I've already posted cites from the CBC and Huffington pointing out where the debt came from and it came from Trudeau. That you refuse to even pay them the slightest attention just shows what a fanatic Liberal devotee you are.

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"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

34 minutes ago, Argus said:

A pretty clear lie.

awwww you act like a child....told you tin head,,,I am independent....anything but conservatives...they are the same as republicans...Identical I will even vote NDP If the voting is close to a minority government...because I now the NDP WILL DO WHATS RIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT JUST MAKE THEIR FRIENDS GAUGING RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like Mr.poutine and BAY Street

2 hours ago, SirEric said:

your link is the same as the chart I posted...only you can compare them all ...whats your point

You proved my point! You don't know the difference between DEBT (which is the chart you posted) and DEFICITS (which is the interactive chart that I posted). The two links are NOT the same.

Do you need me to help you out further or do you want to use your Google skills to look up the definitions for each of those?

6 minutes ago, SirEric said:

what planet are you from?........Canada's debt is the total of the deficit per year since 1867........get someone to explain this for you...Hint!!!!!!!..its actually in the first question  https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2008/10/25/a_guide_to_debts_deficits_and_surpluses.html

LMFAO! You used your Google skills to actually have some one explain this to you. Do you get it now? Debt does not equal Deficit but rather deficits add to the debt. So your moronic comment that only Conservatives have added to the debt is easily disproven by looking at the vast number of years that Liberals ran deficit years.  Although I am getting the sense that you already know this and are really just here to troll...

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your spun!!!!!! hehehehe... its still all conservative debt!!!! genius.....651 BILLION OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT...and not counting the money they pocketed.....the senators did well.....and not including taking military helicopters to entertain your camping quests or jets to hockey games or wiping out our trade surplus with the U.S THAT IN ITSELF IS MORE THAN TWICE THE AMOUNT OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT!....WHAT DID THEY DO FOR INFRASTRUCTURE?.....OH YA.....AN ARENA NEAR HUNTSVILLE

8 minutes ago, SirEric said:

your spun!!!!!! hehehehe... its still all conservative debt!!!! genius.....651 BILLION OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT...and not counting the money they pocketed.....the senators did well.....and not including taking military helicopters to entertain your camping quests or jets to hockey games or wiping out our trade surplus with the U.S THAT IN ITSELF IS MORE THAN TWICE THE AMOUNT OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT!....WHAT DID THEY DO FOR INFRASTRUCTURE?.....OH YA.....AN ARENA NEAR HUNTSVILLE

Let me guess....some right wing leaning guy fired you from your entry level job about 30 years ago and you've never forgotten. So now you go on to fight the good fight of revenge but instead of using fact and other objective things like numbers, you choose to use illiterate ramblings and incoherent jabs to try and get your frustrations out.  No matter how much you babble on, it will not erase the fact that Trudeau Sr added ~140 billion to the debt in his time. Even your beloved Cretien added ~40 billion to the debt by the time he was done. The only leader in recent history to NOT add to the debt was Paul Martin who was only in for two years.  THEY ALL ADD TO THE DEBT INCLUDING YOUR BELOVED LIBERALS!!! 

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14 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

Let me guess....some right wing leaning guy fired you from your entry level job about 30 years ago and you've never forgotten. So now you go on to fight the good fight of revenge but instead of using fact and other objective things like numbers, you choose to use illiterate ramblings and incoherent jabs to try and get your frustrations out.  No matter how much you babble on, it will not erase the fact that Trudeau Sr added ~140 billion to the debt in his time. Even your beloved Cretien added ~40 billion to the debt by the time he was done. The only leader in recent history to NOT add to the debt was Paul Martin who was only in for two years.  THEY ALL ADD TO THE DEBT INCLUDING YOUR BELOVED LIBERALS!!! 

Somehow you seemed to have ignored the 150 billion your beloved Harper added. You thought you might get away with that did ya?


Pierre poutine Harper never got invited anywhere....not even to the white house...Justin Trudeau gets invited not long after his defeat of Pierre poutine..not by Obama or Bush ..BECAUSE OF HIM WE LOST OUR SEAT ON THE SECURITY COUNSIL OF THE United Nations. He had the personality of a chewed piece of gum.. The G7  and G20 Cant get enough of JUSTIN TRUDEAU

6 minutes ago, Omni said:

Somehow you seemed to have ignored the 150 billion your beloved Harper added. You thought you might get away with that did ya?

Nope. Never once ignored that or tried to hide it. I even supplied the link showing the various deficits by each leader....did you miss that too?  Please try to keep up to the conversation will ya? Your pal Eric made the claim that all only conservatives have added to the debt which was just preposterous and was the point being argued.

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@Accountability Now   140 billion of Pierre Trudeau is paid off...by mister Chretien...the whole of our Canadian debt if from the Conservative Republicans....It took Jean Cretien to almost 3 years to stop the Mulroney bleeding......once he did that..he brought our defit down every year.....it took Pierre Poutine Harp 2 1/2 years to get the debt running up to start his bleeding....and leaves it to Justin Trudeau to try and stop that bleeding again....Don't worry he is and is going to get our trade surplus back in the black...Trump is only around for 2 more years,,,maybe!!!!!! Do I have to give you that chart again so someone will show you what it means?

1 minute ago, SirEric said:

@Accountability Now   140 billion of Pierre Trudeau is paid off...by mister Chretien...

Are you that daft? Do you know how to add or do I have to hold your hand on that? If you add up every year that Chrétien had surpluses, it would come up to about 60 billion! How on earth do you think he paid off 140 billion of debt with 60 billion??

Oh wait...it gets better. It would be great if Cretien only had surpluses however his first three years he ran massive deficits that added up to 100 billion. So as I stated earlier, his net contribution to the debt was 40 billion. 

You’re really struggling here. Might want to retreat and figure what other Harper bashing therapy works for you

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I believe there is only one Prime Minister in history to be handed a $11 billion dollar surplus on a golden platter and squander it away in a couple of years and give us a $56 billion deficit. I don't recall his name of the top of my head, anyone care to help me?


Mr POCKETS Mulroney gave us a deficit three time the Size of Pierre Trudeau...POCKETS Mulroney also gave us the gift of GST...it is not what Canadians wanted or needed for chritmas!!!!! Not Happy with taking us to the biggest debt in Canadian History....Prime Minister Chretien and Prime Minister Martin were writing down the debt  for 12 years...you can add more as Pierre Poutine Harper enjoyed Martins work and it took him 2 1/2 years to get the diving deficit back to bleeding....and you shouldn't punish Mr Chretien for the massive deficits Pockets Mulroney was creating..some years were close to 60 billion in Deficits...........almost the same as Pierre Poutine Harper giving a 60 billion tax cut to the Banks and corporate sector...such a nice gift to us!!!!!! Mr, Pockets Mulroney not only spent every  cent we didn't have...he needed MORE...love ya GST

13 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

I believe there is only one Prime Minister in history to be handed a $11 billion dollar surplus on a golden platter and squander it away in a couple of years and give us a $56 billion deficit. I don't recall his name of the top of my head, anyone care to help me?

@ Impact        That would be Prime minister Pierre Poutine Harper..only it was 14.6 billion...then a deficit of  56 Billion...and a corp tax cut of 60 billion...no wonder our highways are Dangerous


@Accountability Now   hehehehehe....you don't quite understand do you...let me refresh you on how policy works...we still have to pay for those policies Mr. Pocket Mulroney imposed on us...did I not tell you ...you cant snap your fingers and correct such bad policies that gouge our country...and Justin Trudeau has to put of with Pierre Poutines Bleeding... It is just till he fixes it...hehehehehehehe   But I must admit that following through on that policy that the Republic Conservatives spent so much money on a different way to pay the government employes. it should of been a policy Justin Trudeau  should of scraped when he first got elected

8 hours ago, SirEric said:

@Accountability Now   hehehehehe....you don't quite understand do you...let me refresh you on how policy works...we still have to pay for those policies Mr. Pocket Mulroney imposed on us..

Do you mean the policy of GST which Jean Chretien strongly campaigned to get rid of once he got in. What? We still have GST? Why that dastardly devil! Of course your comment is true but unfortunately works against you as the only one saddled with poor policies was Mulrooney who had to deal with Trudeau Senoir's missteps. There was little to no debt before he came into office and then introduced a slew of deficit ridden policy that took us in that direction. 


8 hours ago, SirEric said:

.and Justin Trudeau has to put of with Pierre Poutines Bleeding... It is just till he fixes it...

bleeding? He was handed a balanced budget when he took office. You really don't understand numbers do you? And by fixing it you mean consecutive deficits for the foreseeable future? That is fixing it?? :lol:



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7 hours ago, SirEric said:

Man...do I love when a poster that I am debating (well more like I'm toying with) actually posts something that contradicts his whole argument. I am guessing that you googled conservative and deficits, then found this article and read the title only thinking you found your savior! Am i right? Am I right??? Lol  Perhaps you actually want to read what the article says....you know like the parts where it says: 



Prime Minister Harper’s record is one of competent, effective, and conservative governance. He limited the scope and ambition of the national government consistent with his view of federalism and the role of the state relative to the individual and civil society. ‎ He reoriented federal support programs to give families more choice over their child care decisions and personal savings, resisted calls for “national strategies” and centralized bureaucracy to address every perceived social and economic problem. He cut taxes – including sales taxes and corporate taxes – and brought federal revenues as a share of GDP to their lowest level in fifty years. And he controlled public spending‎. Federal spending grew, on average, by 0.2 percent per year since 2011. The budget is balanced. And Canada’s debt-to-GDP ratio is significantly lower than all other G7 countries. Polls near the end of the campaign indicated broad support for his economic and fiscal record.

Or maybe this:



Canada’s federal government had run budgetary deficits for more than a quarter century to that point. But fiscal profligacy was not the exclusive domain of the federal government. Several provinces followed a similar course of high taxes and large, protracted deficits. Then the country hit a wall. The federal debt-to-GDP ratio hit nearly 70 percent. Federal debt charges as a share of revenue exceeded 30 percent. The Mexican peso crisis of early 1995 brought things to a head culminating in the Wall Street Journal editorial warning that Canada was becoming “an honourary member of the Third World.”

Out of this crisis came reform. Mr. Harper, as an opposition member of Parliament, was a leading voice for fiscal consolidation. But it would be wrong to characterize this moment as a partisan one. Mainstream politicians across the political spectrum understood the urgency and adopted serious programmes of fiscal reform. There was a pervasive consensus that swept across the country. As one think-tank scholar has put it: “The entire political class decided to stop treating this as a matter of political contention and started treating it as a matter of national interest.”

This consensus helped to put the country’s public finances on a solid footing. Total government spending fell from 53 percent of GDP in 1992 to 39 percent in 2007. The federal debt-to-GDP ratio shrank from 68 percent in 1996 to 28 percent in 2009. And the federal tax burden began to fall as successive governments reduced taxes. The result was period of sustained economic growth, job creation, and wage increases.


But this is the part you really should have focused on:



The Liberals were promising, nay campaigning on, a pledge to break the balanced budget consensus. As David Frum has written of the Liberal electoral proposition: “The government he [Mr. Trudeau] leads will repudiate the legacy not only of the incumbent Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, but the neoliberal Liberals of the 1990s.

Liberals abandoned the consensus and sought to re-litigate a debate that been largely absent from mainstream federal politics for twenty years and conservatives, to be frank, were not ready for it. The conservative intellectual case for balanced budgets had atrophied. We lacked the political vocabulary to make the case for prudent government spending and a balanced budget to the Canadian public. Mr. Trudeau’s calls for “investment” seemed more compelling than our musings about “being in the black.” We were unable to persuasively argue for the concrete, real-life utility of not spending more than the government collects. A return to deficit spending, the anti-consensus, won the day.







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9 hours ago, ?Impact said:

I believe there is only one Prime Minister in history to be handed a $11 billion dollar surplus on a golden platter and squander it away in a couple of years and give us a $56 billion deficit. I don't recall his name of the top of my head, anyone care to help me?

Don't tell me you are playing the same game as Eric? Its not going so well for him. I'll help you out though. Have a read and maybe focus on the last line to see why that deficit happened.




The 2008–2009 Canadian parliamentary dispute was a political dispute during the 40th Canadian Parliament. It was triggered by the expressed intention of the opposition parties (who together held a majority of seats in the House of Commons) to defeat the Conservative minority government on a motion of non-confidence six weeks after the federal election on October 14, 2008.

The intention to vote non-confidence arose from the government's fiscal update, tabled on November 27, 2008. It included several contentious provisions that the opposition parties rejected and that the government later withdrew to resolve the crisis. The Liberal Party and New Democratic Party reached an accord to form a minority coalition government. The Bloc Québécois agreed to provide support on confidence votes, thereby enabling the coalition a majority in the Commons. On December 4, 2008, Governor-General Michaëlle Jean (the representative of the Canadian monarch and head of state, Elizabeth II) granted Prime Minister Stephen Harper (the head of government) a prorogation on the condition that parliament reconvene early in the new year; the date was set as January 26, 2009. The first session of the 40th parliament thus ended, delaying a vote of no-confidence.[1]

After prorogation, the Liberals underwent a change in leadership and distanced themselves from the coalition agreement, while the NDP and Bloc remained committed to bring down the government. The Conservative government's budget, unveiled on January 27, 2009, largely met the demands of the Liberals, who agreed to support it with an amendment to the budget motion.[2]



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11 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

No PM Justin Trudeau thread would be complete without this acknowledgement of his foreign relations prowess:

Thought you might like this one too. Very similar but adds a few points. 100 years Justin? Yeesh....

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