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Canadian women to march in America against Trump.


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What the hell is going on with some Canadian women these days. It appears as though some Canadian women are planning on going to some American cities and maybe all the way to Washington, DC and join in a campaign with other Americans too demonstrate against Trump becoming President at his inauguration. There are suppose to also be some demonstrations going on in some Canadian cities. Some Canadian women feel that they have to be heard, and want to make a point that Trump is not fit to be President. Well bully for them. No one will care  as to what these Canadian women will do or say. It will not change anything. Trump will be the President and that is that. They are not going to change Trump and some of the things he has said that may have offended some people. His supporters do not seem to care what he says. They still like him.

And what the hell is it to these Canadian women anyway? Their opinions and points of view will have no bearing on the outcome. They are just trying to involve themselves in another countries affairs which is none of their dam business. There are human rights being committed in many countries all around the world who's leaders have committed a lot of human rights violations against their people but where do we see these same women demonstrating against those leaders.  North Korea and Saudi Arabia are big violators of human rights. We don't see any Canadian women by the dozens or hundreds demonstrating against these dictators and communist bullies. The only time we ever see Canadians demonstrate seems to be when the media says something about someone or some group that they oppose,  and then get some Canadians all worked up, and have them go demonstrate against those people or groups. 

These poor foolish women have been conditioned and brainwashed by the liberal fake and phony media into believing that Trump is the anti-Christ. I thank gawd that these women are not running Canada although we do have one woman in Ontario and one woman in Alberta who are pretty good at messing up the economy and everything that is decent and moral and who certainly know how to blow taxpayer's tax dollars. This demonstration will just be a waste of time but don't try to tell these women this? They are way to liberal minded and with liberals they are very hard to convince that what they are doing is wrong. Common sense and logic does not exist in the minds of liberals. But bigotry and intolerance certainly does. These women need to get over the election, and stop listening to the lame duck fake stream media who has them all worked up over nothing. The media is making fools of these women and no doubt some men also. 

Source: A small local Vancouver newspaper. I think that Bush/Cheney will like to read this one. 

Edited by taxme
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10 hours ago, taxme said:

 Source: A small local Vancouver newspaper. I think that Bush/Cheney will like to read this one. 


Not surprising at all....they caught a woman in New York (Canadian illegal alien for decades) allegedly voting in U.S. elections.   Canadians seem to be very invested in U.S. politics in general, and in Clinton/Trump particularly during the 2016 campaign.   I guess it really matters to them....for reasons only they know.

Trump dominates Canadian media, and will continue to do so.

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19 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

You are quite right. They should simply bug his hotel room and hack his email, and then use the evidence they gather to make him their puppet.


19 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

You are quite right. They should simply bug his hotel room and hack his email, and then use the evidence they gather to make him their puppet.

Trump is too smart for them. He will never become anybody's puppet unlike just about every other politician who needs some kind of backing to get into politics. It's not cheap to get into politics these days. Anything that the liberal/democrats try to get on Trump will never go anywhere. All they keep doing is just keep shooting themselves in the foot, and yet they appear to enjoy the pain. Trump won, the Hillary losers lost.  Get over it.  

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21 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Not surprising at all....they caught a woman in New York (Canadian illegal alien for decades) allegedly voting in U.S. elections.   Canadians seem to be very invested in U.S. politics in general, and in Clinton/Trump particularly during the 2016 campaign.   I guess it really matters to them....for reasons only they know.

Trump dominates Canadian media, and will continue to do so.

Why an American election seems to have been big on Canadians minds is most likely because of the Canadian media.The media got the Canadian public all worked up. They kept butting in and voicing their concerns and opinions about something that was none of their business. Nothing else exciting happening in Canada to talk about I guess. But for some Canadian women to go bonkers over who becomes President is beyond me. And for these women to go so far as to go to some American cities to demonstrate against Trump just shows sheer stupidity. No one really cares now. The election is over, and it is time to put the election behind them, and live with Trump as President. Hillary and Obama are gone. Live with it for gawds sake. And we have to wonder as to how many illegals like that Canadian woman were able to vote for Hillary and get away with it all these years?    

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Why an American election seems to have been big on Canadians minds is most likely because of the Canadian media.The media got the Canadian public all worked up. They kept butting in and voicing their concerns and opinions about something that was none of their business....


For political "activists", there just isn't much action in Canada.   Canadian politics is boring as hell, and Canadian media use American content to fill in the vacuum for politics and many other areas.   "Canadians for Hillary" political groups were prominent in 2008 as well.   Organizing via social media has never been easier.

Canadians have injected themselves into U.S. politics for a very long time....going back to the Civil War.

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Taxme don't hold your breath. I think you will be disappointed in Trump. He's no white supremacist.

There are not just women but men as well in Canada who are influenced by the media and its anti-Trump bias.

Why you notice only women is I suppose a selective process known only to you.

As to my American imperialist operative in Canada, Mr. Bush-Chaney, I thought Trump handled himself pretty good today with his press conference. If he keeps that up oh my God people will like him not just in the US but Canada.

All kidding aside say what you want about the man he goes heads on with the dirt and doesn't hide from it that is for sure.

He looked pretty transparent today flicking off the cow poo thrown at him yesterday.

I think the people who would like to have seen Trump fall this week have to be disappointed. Hell he even apologized to the press and isolated CNN. Tell me this guy doesn't know how to play p.r. Under-estimating him is a big mistake. He may be crude as hell but he aint playing to lose..

People should with due respect because it is there right not to, in my opinion calm down a bit and give him a chance.

Man you watch him and Obama a day a part on t.v. and its like two different universes in the US. Its fascinating.

In Canada you can't find any difference in the leaders like these two.

Our wannabee Trump waiting to run for the Conservative Party may find it not as easy.

Trump is a braggart. He swaggers. Canadians in general are modest and don't carry the Yank  swag in politics. We still go with the stiff upper lip and toned down approach. Closest we have to a guy who swaggers right now is Justin Trudeau and he is more of a poser-he poses-he can't brag because he has no record so he poses. Huge difference. One is about preening for the cameras like Justin, one is snarling at the cameras like Donald. Trump could care less if people like him,  Trudeau is begging for approval each second of the day.

Very interesting differences. 


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39 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Canadian women have been going to the U.S. for all kinds of things...since forever.   Some actually thought that Clinton would win and they wanted to be in on the great vagina celebration....but it was not to be.

You mean Hilary?  Come on. If anyone had balls it was her.

On a more serious  note this thread is bogus. Why is it a friggin deal if some people hate Trump and they are women or men? What does their gender have to do with it?

This just in-I have a penis and I hate Justin Trudeau. Come on this thread is ridiculous.

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33 minutes ago, Rue said:

You mean Hilary?  Come on. If anyone had balls it was her.

On a more serious  note this thread is bogus. Why is it a friggin deal if some people hate Trump and they are women or men? What does their gender have to do with it?

This just in-I have a penis and I hate Justin Trudeau. Come on this thread is ridiculous.

All of the articles i read, specifically stated that it was groups of women - I don't make the news!

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1 hour ago, cybercoma said:

Of all the things discussed on the forum THIS has you mortified. Okaaay.

It does.  First off, It may be good entertainment, but FFS people, he's not our president.  WhoTF are these people to go to a foreign country and protest their democratically elected president.  The arrogance is staggering.  Secondly, an act like this pretty much justifies all 48,000 posts from BC 2004.  Maybe Canadians are as obsessed as he says!

Edited by Hal 9000
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10 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


For political "activists", there just isn't much action in Canada.   Canadian politics is boring as hell, and Canadian media use American content to fill in the vacuum for politics and many other areas.   "Canadians for Hillary" political groups were prominent in 2008 as well.   Organizing via social media has never been easier.

Canadians have injected themselves into U.S. politics for a very long time....going back to the Civil War.

The Canadian media is so boring that they have to keep reporting over and over again about the Russian hacking. Report it a couple of times and then drop it. But the Canadian media won't let up. I guess what they are trying to do is stir up the pot for those who still would like to have a war with Russia, and get Canadians to root for it. 

There can be action in Canada in regards to politics but the Canadian media will only pick and choose what it will be. There are plenty of patriotic Canadians that could stir up a lot of political crap, but unfortunately for them they are not allowed to be heard from. They are censored like they do it in Saudi Arabia, North Korea and China. 

It's interesting about Trump and how my three grandchildren are all against Trump. I asked them as to where did they get this dislike for Trump but they would not say. Either they got it from their parents or in school. I did not pursue it any further.  I would not be surprised if they got this hatred for Trump from school. Our school system is so loaded with anti-conservative liberal/socialists that it would not surprise me if that were the case. Aw well. 

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4 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

This is absolutely shameful!  I'm mortified that Canadian women are actually considering doing this.  Uggg!

On the bright side, the US will see an influx (however small) of Canadian money being spent in their country.

That is what happens when men gave women the right to vote, and enter politics. Silly men. Now we have a bunch of feminist men running around with man purses on their shoulders, and trying to pretend that they are women in men's skin. At losing approx. 35% on my Canadian dollar, I doubt that I will be going to the States all that often.  

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9 hours ago, Rue said:

Taxme don't hold your breath. I think you will be disappointed in Trump. He's no white supremacist.

There are not just women but men as well in Canada who are influenced by the media and its anti-Trump bias.

Why you notice only women is I suppose a selective process known only to you.

As to my American imperialist operative in Canada, Mr. Bush-Chaney, I thought Trump handled himself pretty good today with his press conference. If he keeps that up oh my God people will like him not just in the US but Canada.

All kidding aside say what you want about the man he goes heads on with the dirt and doesn't hide from it that is for sure.

He looked pretty transparent today flicking off the cow poo thrown at him yesterday.

I think the people who would like to have seen Trump fall this week have to be disappointed. Hell he even apologized to the press and isolated CNN. Tell me this guy doesn't know how to play p.r. Under-estimating him is a big mistake. He may be crude as hell but he aint playing to lose..

People should with due respect because it is there right not to, in my opinion calm down a bit and give him a chance.

Man you watch him and Obama a day a part on t.v. and its like two different universes in the US. Its fascinating.

In Canada you can't find any difference in the leaders like these two.

Our wannabee Trump waiting to run for the Conservative Party may find it not as easy.

Trump is a braggart. He swaggers. Canadians in general are modest and don't carry the Yank  swag in politics. We still go with the stiff upper lip and toned down approach. Closest we have to a guy who swaggers right now is Justin Trudeau and he is more of a poser-he poses-he can't brag because he has no record so he poses. Huge difference. One is about preening for the cameras like Justin, one is snarling at the cameras like Donald. Trump could care less if people like him,  Trudeau is begging for approval each second of the day.

Very interesting differences. 


Hey rue, are you calling me a white supremacist? And if so, explain why? 

The story line was about women off and running to demonstrate against Trump. No men mentioned in the story although I am pretty sure that some Hillary loving men will be there too demonstrate, and hopefully none will be carrying a man purse around their shoulders. 

I am with Trump all the way. All the politicians in Canada put together could never match up too a single Trump. No comparison. I find that our politicians are to whimpy, politically correct and too multicultural for my liking. I cannot think of any politician that we have ever had in Canada that was anywhere close to a Trump. 

I enjoyed watching Trump pretty much telling the reporter from CNN to go fly a kite. Now where did we ever see a Canadian politician tell a reporter to basically go fly a kite in Canada. Canada needs a Trump like politician who will put the Canadian liberal media party in their place. 

Is there a wannabee Trump somewhere in Canada? It's for sure that if he/she is there and comes forward the media party will attack and try to crucify him/her relentlessly. There will never be allowed another Trump to come to power after Trump in North America. The elite globalist will just have to wait for now until the next American election eight years from now where they hope that they can get a Hillary/Obama kind of person to run for President. There should be no more Trump's after the Donald. 

Personally, I don't think that Canadians give a dam about Canadian politics anyway. Look who they just put in as PM for Canada. They are just to interested in themselves and what is good for them, not the country. The zionist elite will make sure that no Trump like politician will ever become the PM for Canada. That is a given. 

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4 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Canadian women have been going to the U.S. for all kinds of things...since forever.   Some actually thought that Clinton would win and they wanted to be in on the great vagina celebration....but it was not to be.

So sad that they were disappointed, eh? Well, I know that here in BC women by the tens of thousands every year go across the border to go shopping at some American clothing store. What would they do without American clothing stores?  Hey, they then will be forced to have to buy Canadian. Yikes. :D 

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

You mean Hilary?  Come on. If anyone had balls it was her.

On a more serious  note this thread is bogus. Why is it a friggin deal if some people hate Trump and they are women or men? What does their gender have to do with it?

This just in-I have a penis and I hate Justin Trudeau. Come on this thread is ridiculous.

No, This thread is too show just how ridiculous some Canadian women and men can be. 

What is the point of these silly women having demonstrations in Canada? Do they think that they can somehow going to be able to change things? Ridiculous people indeed. 

Some women should just stay out of politics, and stop trying to pretend that they are experts when it comes to politics. Women make great wives and great mothers just as nature intended it to be. Leave the dirty world of politics to men.  

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3 hours ago, kimmy said:

Hopefully the Canadian women heading for Washington will keep their lady-parts well protected.


Especially if Billy Clinton is still hanging around Washington. Women have to watch out for their lady parts with him around.   

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9 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

It does.  First off....

Your explanation is irrelevant because don't you think it's a bit...melodramatic....to be mortified by this of all things? We've got all kinds of posts on here of innocent people being butchered and abused, lack of help for those suffering, people whose lives have been irreversibly destroyed by war.....but this of all things mortifies you.

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9 hours ago, taxme said:

Hey rue, are you calling me a white supremacist? And if so, explain why? 

The story line was about women off and running to demonstrate against Trump. No men mentioned in the story although I am pretty sure that some Hillary loving men will be there too demonstrate, and hopefully none will be carrying a man purse around their shoulders. 

I am with Trump all the way. All the politicians in Canada put together could never match up too a single Trump. No comparison. I find that our politicians are to whimpy, politically correct and too multicultural for my liking. I cannot think of any politician that we have ever had in Canada that was anywhere close to a Trump. 

I enjoyed watching Trump pretty much telling the reporter from CNN to go fly a kite. Now where did we ever see a Canadian politician tell a reporter to basically go fly a kite in Canada. Canada needs a Trump like politician who will put the Canadian liberal media party in their place. 

Is there a wannabee Trump somewhere in Canada? It's for sure that if he/she is there and comes forward the media party will attack and try to crucify him/her relentlessly. There will never be allowed another Trump to come to power after Trump in North America. The elite globalist will just have to wait for now until the next American election eight years from now where they hope that they can get a Hillary/Obama kind of person to run for President. There should be no more Trump's after the Donald. 

Personally, I don't think that Canadians give a dam about Canadian politics anyway. Look who they just put in as PM for Canada. They are just to interested in themselves and what is good for them, not the country. The zionist elite will make sure that no Trump like politician will ever become the PM for Canada. That is a given. 

In regards to your first sentence, yes and based on your past posts on this forum. I also think given your comments on this thread reflect a selective process about women and Jews But hey I am a Zionist and you know we have lots of women in the IDF and Golda Meir had more balls then any of our men so what do I know. I

I agree with your fourth sentence.

In regards to your first sentence in paragraph 5, yah their are  wannabee Trumps in Canada. One is running for the Tories called Kellie Leach (appropriate last name) and the other is waiting in the wings and trying to use his reality show and posings as a millionaire to pose himself as the next messiah of Canada and intends to come in at the last second at the Tory leadership convention posing himself as the cure for Justin Trudeauitis and there is a thread about him.

In regards to your comments about elitist globalism I think Clinton and Trump are both elitists. Let's be clear, to run for the US Presidency you need the kind of money and connections that requires elitist connections.  It's just a fact. I am neutral when it comes to elitists. I don't resent them for being elitist. I don't envy rich, powerful people. With it comes stress and tension. I don't envy that at all. I challenge elitists only if they pretend like Trudeau to understand poor and Middle Class people and patronize us as he does and I don't think Trump could care a hoot about workers his track record shows wherever he has had a project workers have been stiffed their wages.

That said, while I think he is a sleezy car salesman I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt before I wet my pants over him and march in the streets. I also  think his foreign policy might end up better than under the Obama regime Lord knows it couldn't get worse.

Furthermore its an American issue for his people to dal with and only becomes a concern to me when it impacts on Canada negatively. Whether Ms. Hyland is the one to deal with him remains to be seen. I think it was a mistake picking her if they really wanted someone to mesh with him. I think Gen. Leslie was the guy to choose or Grant Garneau .Then again maybe that is my sexist attitude speaking and maybe Trump and Putin having to deal with her is not a bad thing. I think its naïve I think it sets her up for failure.

I think Hyland would make a great Culture Minister. That is where her forte would be as a journalist understanding how globalism is impacting with Canadian culture. That's just my opinion. I also think Bill Blair should be the Solicitor General or in charge of the Security Portfolio and havings someone like Gen. Leslie not in cabinet with his command experience is ridiculous. The guy they put in as Defence Minister is o.k. but he barely can read the sentences he is given without vomiting because he knows better. I don't like seeing a good manlike that hung out to dry.

In regards to your last sentence who are the Zionist elite and what a dumb thing to say. If you are going to make veiled bigoted statements at Jews in Canada stop hiding behind the word Zionist. Spit it out. Lol. Zionist elite. Yah right. Have you looked at who Trudeau's advisor is for the Middle East-he is a rabid little anti-Semite from Mississauga, Ontario. Go find out who Omar Aleghbra is and what he stands for.

Go list the Jewish cabinet Ministers and advisors in Trudeau's office. Hah.

Trudeau makes no secret of his views. . I don't think though he's an anti-Semite or against Israel existing either but he's never supported settlements on the West Bank and he has a naïve Obama view of Muslims. With due fairness to him his pro Muslim sympathies are based on a naïve liberal assumption that he can get into bed with certain Muslims.. I do not disagree he is polite and respectful of Muslims.. They are as Canadian as anyone else and should not be treated rudely or with hatred.. Where I disagree is with certain extremists in the Muslim community he has associated himself with and befriended I think he's naïve and that could be dangerous-but I also think he's surrounded by an apparatus of security that checks and balances his naivite. I would hope so.

All I know is for such a ridiculously naïve person which I think he is, his government got it right on the mission to help Kurds. I may not like him but his government did that right. I also think he's a two face embracing China while spitting at Russia.

I also don't like the fact he hired an Immigration Lawyer as Immigration Minister, not because he's Muslim but because he's necessarily got a conflict of interest and bias in favour of certain positions before he even takes office. I could care less about his skin colour or religion. I object to his selection the same way no Prime Minister has ever appointed an aboriginal as Indian Affairs Minister. Its too much of a conflict and in fact this crass tokenism of hiring a visible minority refugee for this post may set this new Minister up for failure just like sending a woman to deal wi th Putin and Trump may set her up for undeserved ridicule and there may be a better way to deal with perceived intolerance.

I repeat again, there is nothing in this thread about women that can't be said about men. The fact you made it only about women speaks to your selective process. Last time I looked people of both genders hated and liked Trump.

If women getting together in a group frightens you hey what can I say- I know you  probably feel the same way about Muslims and Jews too. Lol.

Just so you know I don't gather in groups. I don't need pack reinforcement,ridiculous chants and hand gestures, funny marching techniques to make me feel strong and dangerous. Also I don't wear black or brown shirts and I think grown men who wear jodphurs look ridiculous unless they play polo.

Have a nice day Taxmoi.






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