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Trump and Canada

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There's this big white elephant in the room - another contrasting stance from Trump and Canada.


Mainstream media didn't talk about this!



B.C. construction school reverses policy banning Israeli students

Jan 31, 2017





Trump is very much pro-Israel........ while Canada is anti-Semites.

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6 hours ago, betsy said:

Trump is very much pro-Israel........ while Canada is anti-Semites.

Sorry but a 'school' with 6 instructors and 1 administrator hardly qualifies as a representative sample of Canada. The President of the United States however is supposed to represent all of America.


b.t.w. At least the school was grown up enough to review and reverse its bad decision, the same cannot be said of Trump.

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13 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Sorry but a 'school' with 6 instructors and 1 administrator hardly qualifies as a representative sample of Canada. The President of the United States however is supposed to represent all of America.


b.t.w. At least the school was grown up enough to review and reverse its bad decision, the same cannot be said of Trump.

Quite timely, isn't it?

How can they wag a finger at Trump when they're doing the same thing they accuse him of? :lol::lol:


Btw, there are two other universities schools in Ontario that's being sued, too.  Banning Israeli students!





Canadian university accused of ‘banning’ Jewish students

Suit filed in Ontario seeks legal review, damages for alleged discrimination, starting when the student government endorsed BDS in January

On August 3, Hasbara Fellowships Canada filed a formal complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, where it accused the student and faculty associations of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and Durham College of discriminating against Jewish students and Israel, following the banning of Hasbara Fellowships Canada from participating in a student association-sponsored “Social Justice Week” five months ago.



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4 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

 Why do you suppose Trump "All Lives Mattered" the Holocaust last week?

Oh so now you trivialize the word holocaust. Brilliant response.

Which six million Jews were murdered last week?

Your comments are deliberately ignorant and meant to trivialize the holocaust.

It is precisely that kind of reasoning that inflames and incites hatred.


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Oh boy.....I remember Trump saying, "HILLARY wants to be another ANGELA MERKEL!"


Is he ever in for a big shock! 

Until that blasted tweet......he never thought he'd have ANGELO MERKEL for his neighbor!  :lol: Hahahahahaha



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34 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Sorry but a 'school' with 6 instructors and 1 administrator hardly qualifies as a representative sample of Canada. The President of the United States however is supposed to represent all of America.


b.t.w. At least the school was grown up enough to review and reverse its bad decision, the same cannot be said of Trump.

We agree on this issue. For me, the US had and has the power to limit visas and entry of ANYONE. It always has. NOTHING substantive actually changed. If he was intending in certain countries to restrict the issuing of visas temporarily that's all he had to say.

The manner in which it was announced by Trump was to make it clear by his very words, he was banning MUSLIMS simply because they were MUSLIM.. Temporarily suspending visas from certain countries of origin was always there. Its always been the prerogative of customs officers. However  to out and out ban, that is to say take away the discretion to vet and review ALL Muslims and simply ban them only because they are MUSLIM is fundamentally wrong in law and ethics because it does not distinguish innocent from guilty Muslim and if the criteria is solely based on religion it will be held to be unconstitutional in the US. Trump bloody well knows that. Its why his yes men scurried to do damage control and say, its not a Muslim ban its a citizen ban. Ooops you should have thought of that before Trump called it in his own words a MUSLIM ban boys.

If Trump believes border security needs to be  improved and he has to put in visa restrictions from people coming from certain points of irgin so what? All governments have done that and continue to do that. Security screening constantly is changed as are visa limits.

There was no need for the announcement at all. Trump by holding up his little binder and using the words MUSLIM BAN,  was engaging in an unnecessary but quite  deliberate political exercise to show the people who voted him in that he will treat ALL incoming Muslims as suspects. The majority of Americans agree with him by the way liked his posturing..that's what the polls are showing

I contend that creating chaos at the borders as he has now done gives terrorists a prime opportunity to now engage in attacks against Americans and have all the angry Liberals now turn around and blame Trump for such terrorist acts. Trump has turned ALL Muslims into victims with his words, and in so doing has made himself the ultimate scapegoat for terrorism against Americans now and the transferring of  moral culpability from terrorists to him because of his poor communications. That's why I disagree with that he did. The US now will be blamed for attacks against it by its own people saying-well had we not been so unfair to Muslims they would not attack us.

in one episode of posturing and pandering he's provided terrorists a pretext to avoid blame and believe me after the next terror attack this forum will be flooded with people blaming Trump and Trump supporters, etc.

That all said, I believe all countries have an obligation to vet for terrorists and to profile and limit visas from known conflict zones as p art of those ever changing improvements and improving of security. Its a constantly changing process that adapts to world events. What I argue is the criteria has to be more than simply because one is Muslim you ban them and no one knows that better than the very people in charge of immigration in the US..

I think in days to come however  the ban against all Muslims as we hear being thrown about now by Trump himself will calm down and evolve into what it probably was only meant to be, a review and upgrading of screening measures for all incoming people but in the interim has cause and will cause needless anger and reaction.

Let me tell you something. If you think Britain  telecasts who they are or were  profiling in the past during the IRA days youw ould be dead wrong. You think Israel telecasts how it decides who to screen? You think the British or Israelis broadcast their security measures? You think Israelis only profile Muslims or the British only profiled Irish Catholics? These countries and all countries that have to live with terrorism don't single out and identify groups in public announcements for good reason. They do not want to frighten the public, create chaos, trigger a cover for terrorist attacks or hate crimes. Before Trump shoots off at the mouth can he please shut up and listen to his immigration specialists. Let them do their job!

Now someone said to me yesterday this is all a massive smoke screen-someone is doing something else and just using this loud noise from the Muslim ban which is not really a total ban anyways,  to distract people from something else going on. Well that is an interesting theory but I tend to think this one is just Trump signalling his voters he said he would do it and did it and no thought was given to his policy and its fly by the seat of your pants and the actual people who have to make the regulations and vetting procedures now have to scramble in the vacuum to come up with something. I do not believe reactive management to poorly thought out pronouncements makes good government.

Reuters News-February 1, 2017 -New York City


Ms. Celine Dion on her return from a trip to Montreal on her way to Las Vegas was detained by US Customs officials for 7 hours at Trudeau International Airport. Border Security Official, Bubba Blutarski stated, "well Ms. Dion is known to use a sun tanning salon. She was very dark and as you know she has a big nose. So when we saw her we had to engage in new and improved screening measures to make sure she was not you know....an...uh...uh...um....Armenian, yah that's it, Armenian....yah yah Armenian...". Ms. Dion has stated: " Mon dieu I tried to explain I am not Armenian and thank God my good friend Kim Kardashian intervened. Also Wayne Newton called and said he was part aboriginal but I am not sure that helped. All is well I will see you in Vegas. La la la la la."





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39 minutes ago, betsy said:

Btw, there are two other universities schools in Ontario that's being sued, too.  Banning Israeli students!

You are digging in the trenches and throwing out any crap you can find. The schools in Ontario are banning a group (Hasbara Fellowships Canada) from participating in an event, that is not banning Jewish students, not even close in any far fetch imagination.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Oh so now you trivialize the word holocaust. Brilliant response.


You are misunderstanding the question. I will address it to you. Do you have an opinion about their position that they would not mention Jews when talking about Holocaust awareness day because, as Reince Preibus said, "everybody suffered in the Holocaust, including Jews"?

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2 hours ago, ?Impact said:

You are digging in the trenches and throwing out any crap you can find. The schools in Ontario are banning a group (Hasbara Fellowships Canada) from participating in an event, that is not banning Jewish students, not even close in any far fetch imagination.


No, Canada's ethno-nationalism is just getting more attention after high profile incidents.   There has always been such discrimination in Canada, and not just for Jews.  

Murders / attacks against First Nations people are so normalized in Canada they  often go unreported.    Getting worse under Justin Trudeau....sunny ways !!

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12 hours ago, ?Impact said:

You are digging in the trenches and throwing out any crap you can find. The schools in Ontario are banning a group (Hasbara Fellowships Canada) from participating in an event, that is not banning Jewish students, not even close in any far fetch imagination.

Banning is.....banning!


When you target to ban a group (yes, these are Israeli students)........yes, that's discriminatory.  That's being divisive!  If there is any question about the divisiveness they're promoting - just look what they're banning these Israelis for!

It's hypocritically sanctimonious of progressives to be wagging their fingers over what they say is "racism".....when it allows the same thing to happen to a certain group!  Face it, anti-Semitism runs deep in this land.


At least Trump does it for national security, and it's temporary. 


The lying media - along with the lying pundits, and the lying progressives - had dropped the the key-word, TEMPORARY!  They're customizing their narrative for an alternative fact they're trying to push:   Trump is racist!


Indeed, the election of Trump has brought  so many things out in the open! 

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It's been reported by CBC and CTV that there will be a meeting between Trudeau and Trump this week.  By the sound of it, it is Trudeau who wants to have this meeting.




Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is preparing to meet as early as this week with U.S. President Donald Trump, a visit intended to underscore the deep economic and security ties between the two countries.


But it also carries substantial political risk.


While the date and location have yet to be confirmed, Canadian sources say the prime minister wants to sit down with Trump as soon as possible to explain the importance of the cross-border trade relationship that's worth more than $660 billion annually and supports millions of American jobs.






It's Thursday now.

Is there a date given yet for this meeting between Trump and Trudeau.....which is supposed to happen sometime this week?



It's not going to happen!




President Donald Trump won’t be coming to Canada for his first face-to-face meeting with Justin Trudeau — nor will that get-together be taking place this week, a source close to the prime minister has confirmed.


Trudeau and Trump have had a few cursory phone conversations since the inauguration and a few displays of contrasting opinions on social media.

In the face of Trump’s Twitter rants and his flurry of executive orders in the past 11 days, Trudeau has deposited some mild, Canadian “excuse me” objections into the Twittersphere — one congratulating women for their participation in anti-Trump marches on the weekend after the inauguration, and another in the midst of travel-ban chaos last weekend.

The latter was more pointed: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.” Trudeau followed up those tweets with photos of him welcoming Syrian refugees a year ago.



Both leaders share a fondness for social media, though I keep thinking of Trudeau more as a Facebook guy — all happy pictures and life updates — and Trump as a practitioner of what Twitter does best: short, staccato bursts of anger and one-sided news releases.


All we really know is that Trump is not coming to meet Trudeau on the prime minister’s home turf. The prime minister has to hope that this is the last advantage he’ll cede to the new president.










Congratulations to the women and men across Canada who came out yesterday to support women's rights. You keep your government inspired.




I didn't know Trudeau also twitted about the women's march!  Go figure!

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

Our PM better shape up.....and quit behaving like a catty, back-stabbing adolescent.


Gee....if Trudeau is a woman, I'd think he's having his pms......... everytime he cattily tweets. :lol:

Making sexist personal attacks on the PM doesn't bolster your argument. But I think Trudeau would be better off not meeting with Trump. He won't be around long anyway and he's too erratic and volatile to reason with and too stupid to explain things to. His diplomacy just yesterday involved threatening to invade Mexico and hanging up on a phone call with Australia in a temper tantrum. Wait six months and there'll be a sane president that Trudeau can have actual serious conversations with.

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37 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Making sexist personal attacks on the PM doesn't bolster your argument. But I think Trudeau would be better off not meeting with Trump. He won't be around long anyway and he's too erratic and volatile to reason with and too stupid to explain things to. His diplomacy just yesterday involved threatening to invade Mexico and hanging up on a phone call with Australia in a temper tantrum. Wait six months and there'll be a sane president that Trudeau can have actual serious conversations with.

Sexism, my foot.  I don't care!

He's being recklessly catty.......and he's a back-stabber.



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Trump blasted Australia.  That's the news.  And this is over a deal that was made by Obama.  Imagine Trudeau lecturing Trump on immigration!  Trump won't just chew him out - he'll probably send him packing! :lol:


CBC says that Canada would probably be talking to Australia, to get advise how to deal with Trump!


I think that's too late now.  Trudeau has already caused some damage.

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President Trump or not, Trudeau wants more from the U.S. than Trump wants from Canada.    Trudeau wants a nasty bitumen pipeline, American military hardware, NATO support for Trudeau's mess in Ukraine, and some continuation of NAFTA.

Trudeau needs Trump far more than Trump needs Trudeau.

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14 minutes ago, betsy said:


Trump blasted Australia.  That's the news.  And this is over a deal that was made by Obama.  Imagine Trudeau lecturing Trump on immigration!  Trump won't just chew him out - he'll probably send him packing! :lol:


CBC says that Canada would probably be talking to Australia, to get advise how to deal with Trump!


I think that's too late now.  Trudeau has already caused some damage.

Trudeau would just have to say he was impressed with the size of he crowd at his inauguration and it would all be good. Trump made a point of bringing that up in his calls with both Australia and Mexico. Why, you ask? Because he's insane. And you supported him.

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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Trudeau would just have to say he was impressed with the size of he crowd at his inauguration and it would all be good. Trump made a point of bringing that up in his calls with both Australia and Mexico.


The size of his crowd = mandate.  That's the context.


If Trudeau says he was impressed with the size of the crowd at his inauguration, Trump will only shoot back: 

Good that you noticed.  YUGE CROWD.  That's why I have to stick to my mandate!  I made these promises. 


I was elected for these promises.


I AM A MAN OF MY WORD........... 


I DO AS I SAY........



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21 minutes ago, betsy said:

I was elected for these promises.


I AM A MAN OF MY WORD........... 


I DO AS I SAY........



Remember, during the election, when Trump promised to renegotiate drug prices with Big Pharma because he was an expert negotiator and he would get a better deal? Probably not, but he's already broken that promise.


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10 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Remember, during the election, when Trump promised to renegotiate drug prices with Big Pharma because he was an expert negotiator and he would get a better deal? Probably not, but he's already broken that promise.


Hahahahaha :lol:

Trump has already fulfilled a lot of his promises in his first week in office! 


Trudeau better stick his nose to his own YUGE problems....before he meddles in other's affairs! 

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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Maybe in dictatorships you get a mandate from the size of the crowd you can get, but in democracies they still like to consider how many votes you get.


:shrug:  We're not talking about dictatorships. 


The USA has always used that system.

  If that system was good for previous presidents....it's good for Trump.  Nothing's changed.

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

The USA has always used that system.

  If that system was good for previous presidents....it's good for Trump.  Nothing's changed.

You're saying presidents have always gotten their mandate from crowd estimates at their inauguration? Really?

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