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There are thousands of these leaks, and sifting through them all will undoubtedly take time.  This thread aims to simplify by putting the damning ones together, as they come out.



The Clinton Campaign makes a contemptuous, bigotted  mockfest against various groups of people!


Clinton campaign mocks Catholics, Southerners, ‘needy Latinos’ in emails

Long before Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world less than a month before Election Day.

The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as “self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson “needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.

The sheer number of insults in the email trove has left the Clinton campaign, along with outside organizations such as the Center for American Progress that were routinely involved in the brutal bad-mouthing, unable or unwilling to respond. Instead, they have blamed the hack on Russia and have refused to even confirm that the emails are genuine, though they also haven’t denied their authenticity.

Hillary Clinton campaign WikiLeaks emails reveal disdain for Catholics, Southerners, 'needy Latinos' - Washington Times

Email exchanges—hacked*from Hillary*campaign chairman*John*Podesta—between Hillary campaign*spokeswoman Jenifer*Palmieri*and*senior fellow at the Center for American*Progress*John*Halpin*from April of 2011*mock conservative media mogul Rupert Murdock*for raising his children Catholic. According to Hillary's inner*circle,*Catholics are phonies, only opting to be public Catholics*because*being an*Evangelical*is*socially*unpalatable, and attracted*to "severely*backwards gender relations."

“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” said*Halpin.
“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they become evangelicals,” Palmieri responded.
“Excellent point,” Halpin replied. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”

Ryan connected the uncovered remarks to the Clinton*campaign's*contempt*for "people of faith in general."*
“If anything, these statements reveal the Clinton campaign’s hostile attitude toward people of faith in general,” said Ryan, in a released statement. “All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president. If Hillary Clinton continues to employ people with biased and bigoted views, it’s clear where her priorities are.”

As noted*by The Washington Times, Hispanics, a*key voting bloc for the Hillary campaign, were also demeaned by Hillary campaign officials:
*"In an August 2015 message to other Clinton aides with the subject line 'Needy Latinos and 1 easy call,'*Mr. Podesta lays out a strategy for getting former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Energy Secretary Federico Pena and other leading Hispanic Democrats on board with Mrs. Clinton’s presidential bid."

Podesta also calls Richardson*“a d—k," though he'd be a*valuable surrogate.

WikiLeaks: Hillary Camp Mocks Catholics, Southerners, 'Needy Latinos' | Daily Wire


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The same tone of bigotry - this one against MUSLIMS -  is reflected on this one too:


Wikileaks emails REVEALS Hillary campaign pushing Muslim Obama narrative!

The email exchange was between John Podesta, Paul Begala, and Hillary pollster GQRR back in January of 2008.

One of the statements on the survey of Obama ‘negative facts’ was this one:

* 7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)’s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world’s most populous Islamic country.

So Hillary thought that Obama growing up around Muslims in an Islamic country was a negative fact?

Wikileaks emails REVEALS Hillary campaign pushing Muslim Obama narrative! - The Right Scoop


For one thing, why would you use his being a Muslim, as an attack on Obama, if you don't think there's anything wrong about being a Muslim?  Obviously, Clinton and her staffs, think very negatively of Muslims!

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On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:

I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.



The Clintonites say this was taken out of context!  They say, "everyday Americans" was simply a slogan.

Yeah.....like the way they'd taken Trump's remark out of context!


Don't forget, she called African-Americans "SUPER PREDATORS,"....and Trump Supporters, "BASKET OF DEPLORABLES." 

They've mocked Christians, Muslims, Latinos, and Southerners.


It sounds more than just a slogan when you start maligning and mocking various groups of people that makes up for EVERYDAY AMERICANS!

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Team Clinton is stuck in a bad place...they can't apologize for their put downs of Catholics, Southerners, Latinos, and other "everyday Americans" because it would confirm the authenticity of the hacked email content. 

On top of that, the Leaks prove that President Clinton was lying about knowledge of the private email server.



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WikiLeaks emails reveal Bill Clinton’s $1M ‘birthday’ present from Qatar


The latest email thread shows an aide discussing conversations with  ambassadors from Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, and Rwanda while in the nation’s capital.

“[Qatar] would like to see WJC ‘for five minutes’ in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC’s birthday in 2011,” an employee at The Clinton Foundationsaid to numerous aides, including Doug Brand. “Qatar would welcome our suggestions for investments in Haiti — particularly on education and health. They have allocated most of their $20 million but are happy to consider projects we suggest. I’m collecting input from CF Haiti team.”


Mr. Podesta’s leaked conversations come on the heels of an ABC News story on special attention Mrs. Clinton’s State Department gave to emails identifying “FOBs” (friends of Bill Clinton), after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.





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It's rigged!  The media is influencing the election!


BIAS ALERT: WikiLeaks exposes media's secret support of Clinton

The ongoing WikiLeaks dump of a top Hillary Clinton lieutenant’s emails is shining a light on the cozy and often improper relationship key members of the press had with the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign.

Advance notice of debate questions, the promise of positive coverage, and even editorial control over stories are among the eyebrow-raising revelations in emails to and from campaign chairman John Podesta.

“We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” a January 2015 memo said of former Politico and current New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

Clinton campaign officials have not denied the authenticity of the emails, but have sought to blame Russia for supplying the hacked correspondence to the hacktivist group WikiLeaks, and have warned that they could be doctored.


The ongoing WikiLeaks dump of a top Hillary Clinton lieutenant’s emails is shining a light on the cozy and often improper relationship key members of the press had with the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign.

Advance notice of debate questions, the promise of positive coverage, and even editorial control over stories are among the eyebrow-raising revelations in emails to and from campaign chairman John Podesta.

“We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” a January 2015 memo said of former Politico and current New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

Clinton campaign officials have not denied the authenticity of the emails, but have sought to blame Russia for supplying the hacked correspondence to the hacktivist group WikiLeaks, and have warned that they could be doctored.


Clinton aide Christina Reynolds is congratulated in a 2008 email for “single handedly” convincing a Washington Post reporter to pursue a story about Cindy McCain, Arizona Sen. John McCain’s wife. Democratic operative Paul Begala wrote back, “This is truly outstanding! Great work!”






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I just saw Face The Nation - and that guy Chuck-something can't be more blatant in ignoring the hard evidence from the Wikileaks as he tried to keep pushing Pence about Trump's sex assault accusations - to which Pence had said, were unsubstantiated.


 Chuck-something replied,"it's substantiated.  There is firsthand account!"  Moron!

Either that or he's blatantly distorting facts!  He must think viewers are all stupid.

First hand account???  By the accuser??  That's not substantiation!

Thousands of emails....wikileaks....dead bodies in Benghazi....that's substantiation!

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1 minute ago, Hal 9000 said:

24 days out and the media is trying to run the clock by simply making Trumps issues seem worse than the Wikileaks documents.  Americans must be really naive to not see this.

That's because Trump's issues are worse to any reasonable observer.

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25 minutes ago, betsy said:

Thousands of emails....wikileaks....dead bodies in Benghazi....that's substantiation!

It was Meet the Press. His name is Chuck Todd. And the accusations were substantiated with times and places and details regarding how they took place. You should make sure you know what substantiation is before you deny something is substantiated.

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Russia has been implicated in hacking of emails to influence the outcome of the election. Here are some reasons why he'd prefer trump to Hillary:

Hillary stands in defiance to Putins  vision of a sphere of influence that includes the former soviet union

She will have a stronger more aggressive stance than Obama ever did  to deter Russia's aggression in Europe and beyond

Clinton wants to impose a no-fly zone in Syria, greatly affecting Russia  

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/15/opinions/putin-clinton-hate-affair-ghitis/index.html







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9 minutes ago, WestCoastRunner said:

Russia has been implicated in hacking of emails to influence the outcome of the election. Here are some reasons why he'd prefer trump to Hillary:

Hillary stands in defiance to Putins  vision of a sphere of influence that includes the former soviet union

She will have a stronger more aggressive stance than Obama ever did  to deter Russia's aggression in Europe and beyond

Clinton wants to impose a no-fly zone in Syria, greatly affecting Russia  

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/15/opinions/putin-clinton-hate-affair-ghitis/index.html








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16 minutes ago, WestCoastRunner said:

What's hogwash?  

It's hogwash that the Russians are behind email leaks, this stunk from the first whisper campaign.  Why on earth would the dems tell us the Russians are behind it?  Fear, that's why.  And to try to draw that line between Trump and Russia (Putin).  It's so transparent that it's laughable.  The Dems must be laughing their asses off that you people actually bought it.  It's just as likely to be Iran, China, N.Korea, or any other hacking groups.  They've been getting hacked for years, now all of the sudden when the emails show up, they know exactly who is behind it.  It sounds like a scene from "Wag the dog".

It's hogwash that Putin fears anything remotely close to a Hillary presidency, although you'd love the world to be in fear of a woman, wouldn't you?  He'd tell her to pound sand, just like he did with Obama.  How exactly is Clinton going to impose a no-fly zone...or should I say, how is she gonna enforce it?  Are you suggesting that she start a war with Russia for no other reason than overthrowing a despotic gov't who is fighting a rebel terrorist group?  Real smart!   


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The non-partisan U.S. intelligence has identified Russia as being responsible for the leaks. Even Pence admits there is evidence of Russia because he has been briefed. Trump is unprecedented in his unwillingness to believe his own intelligence briefing. Long-standing intelligence officers don't know what to make of it. He's willing to discredit security briefings for political reasons? How much must he be in Putin's pocket for him to do that?

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9 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

The non-partisan U.S. intelligence has identified Russia as being responsible for the leaks. Even Pence admits there is evidence of Russia because he has been briefed. Trump is unprecedented in his unwillingness to believe his own intelligence briefing. Long-standing intelligence officers don't know what to make of it. He's willing to discredit security briefings for political reasons? How much must he be in Putin's pocket for him to do that?

Trump has openly said he doesn't believe what Intelligence agencies say, and that he knows more than the Generals on military policy. Think about what kind of bizarre decisions that's going to lead to with regard to use of military and foreign policies. He'll read something on Brietbart or RT or People magazine and then will base US policy on it.

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33 minutes ago, WestCoastRunner said:

Hal, what is your 'go to' news sources for basing your opinions on?  

Well, I'm glad you asked.  I rely on common sense and a smattering of skepticism of coincidence.  

Hillary brings up the beauty queen and by morning she is all over the TV - The media already had interviews in the can - what a coincidence.  An audio recording shows up days before a debate, AC pounds Trump to say that he's never done what was mentioned in recording, almost immediately women show up to tell their stories (Not strange until you look at timeline and the fact they've already secured lawyers like Gloria Allred), another coincidence or just good luck for Hillary?  I seriously doubt it.  All this while wikileaks is getting buried, actually hidden by the MSM.   

The US Gov't is not gonna tell the public who is hacking them, unless it serves a purpose.  And who better to lay it on than the Russians?  Russia is an adversary in Syria and they've spent months tying Trump to Putin and the Dems are fighting Trump - how convenient.

Sorry, but this is 100% orchestrated.

Oh yeah, as an edit - the women showing up are staggered to not only for dramatic effect, but to make sure that every day, there is a new, but the the same continuing story - better make sure the media doesn't blow their load in one weekend.  


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2 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

Well, I'm glad you asked.  I rely on common sense and a smattering of skepticism of coincidence.  

Hillary brings up the beauty queen and by morning she is all over the TV - The media already had interviews in the can - what a coincidence.  An audio recording shows up days before a debate, AC pounds Trump to say that he's never done what was mentioned in recording, almost immediately women show up to tell their stories (Not strange until you look at timeline and the fact they've already secured lawyers like Gloria Allred), another coincidence or just good luck for Hillary?  I seriously doubt it.  All this while wikileaks is getting buried, actually hidden by the MSM.   

The US Gov't is not gonna tell the public who is hacking them, unless it serves a purpose.  And who better to lay it on than the Russians?  Russia is an adversary in Syria and they've spent months tying Trump to Putin and the Dems are fighting Trump - how convenient.

Sorry, but this is 100% orchestrated.   


Common sense and skepticism?  Brilliant I tell ya!  This says a lot about Trump supporters. 

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28 minutes ago, Argus said:

Trump has openly said he doesn't believe what Intelligence agencies say, and that he knows more than the Generals on military policy. Think about what kind of bizarre decisions that's going to lead to with regard to use of military and foreign policies. He'll read something on Brietbart or RT or People magazine and then will base US policy on it.


Good enough for President Wilson and U.S. entry into Canada's world war...see Zimmerman Telegram.

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