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Not explicitly.

Actually, I clearly have referred to the "brown man" as crazy in this thread. I think anyone reading my posts would also agree that, within context, I think anyone with anti-semitic ideas is a bigot.

So, no, I have no problem criticizing a "brown man."

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Equality is protected under the Constitution. So, unfortunately, is religious freedom.

That said, I find it strange that this is the place where conservatives draw the line when it comes to women's rights. Things like wage parity and even sexual assault aren't a big deal, but this.

Translation: Here are the goalposts, watch me instantly try to shift them to entirely avoid an uncomfortable topic.

Hint: the topic is not religious freedom, equality , the Constitituion, wage parity or sexual assault.

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Translation: Here are the goalposts, watch me instantly try to shift them to entirely avoid an uncomfortable topic.

Hint: the topic is not religious freedom, equality , the Constitituion, wage parity or sexual assault.

In other words, it's a topic for baselessly bashing Trudeau. Edited by Smallc
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I am not talking about the "brown man" because I do not think he is all that relevant here.

Would Trudeau go to an institution run by a white supremacist?

Yes, I know he holds repugnant ideas - ideas that I disagree with and I am sure Trudeau disagrees with too.

Why did he not say so? Why did a guy who is so feminist he appoints them to his cabinet even if they're not the most competent deliberately go to a mosque where women are discriminated against? Why would he not instead, if he wanted to build bridges with the Muslim community, go to another mosque to celebrate this holiday?

He was saying that Canadians and Muslims share many values etc etc

He could have done that at a mosque where they actually DID share more of our values.

Stick to the statement where Trudeau states: It is on days like today that we are reminded of the values that bring all Canadians together – those of peace, empathy, family, and friendship.[/size]

Why stick to that part of the statement? He also said:

“Diversity is a source of strength, not just a source of weakness, and as I look at this beautiful room — sisters upstairs — everyone here, (I see) the diversity we have just within this mosque, within the Islamic community, within the Muslim community in Canada.”

This sounds very much like he's speaking in approval of the mosque even while acknowledging that the women are sent upstairs. He's talking about how diversity is a source of strength while speaking of the mosque's segregation, which certainly implies to me that he's accepting that they are different, and doesn't have a problem with them segregating the females. He said nothing critical of their segregation policy whatsoever.

Edited by Argus
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In other words, it's a topic for baselely bashing Trudeau.

How is it baseless to criticize a man who has made equality between men and women one of the cornerstones of his government when he deliberately chooses to go to a mosque which has the opposite policy and doesn't have the balls to say one single word critical of them?

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Again, I think you are conveniently reading into this visit whatever makes Trudeau look bad.

Why should Trudeau not go to a Mosque like this?

Should he pretend they don't exist?

Or should he go in with his mouth a blazing about it being "deplorable?"

Or should he go in as he did - bringing strong women at his side while also carefully respecting religious freedom?

If your goal is to celebrate similar values I know which option I would pick.

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Again, I think you are conveniently reading into this visit whatever makes Trudeau look bad.

Why should Trudeau not go to a Mosque like this?

Should he pretend they don't exist?

Or should he go in with his mouth a blazing about it being "deplorable?"

Or should he go in as he did - bringing strong women at his side while also carefully respecting religious freedom?

If your goal is to celebrate similar values I know which option I would pick.

I think it's been mentioned many times what he should have done.

Attend a Mosque that doesn't practice such segregation. We're being told consistently about how a vast majority of Muslims are tolerant and peaceful.

Yet JT goes to a church that treats women like second class citizens and has Anti semitic doctrine. Even mentions the segregation in a positive light. (sisters up top)

Edited by Boges
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Equality is protected under the Constitution. So, unfortunately, is religious freedom.

That said, I find it strange that this is the place where conservatives draw the line when it comes to women's rights. Things like wage parity and even sexual assault aren't a big deal, but this.

What are you on about women's rights?

Your samples sound so petty when you get a look at the big picture!

The whole thing is one big violation of women's rights! These women have no rights! That's the point!

The oppression of these women also includes wage parity (huh, that's a joke when it comes to women being viewed as chattels).......and sex assaults that often gets the woman being blamed and lashed for it!

The OP has a good point. Why is our PM supporting the oppression of Muslim women?

He doesn't care about these women.......he's willing to look the other way.......because they're of a different race, is that it?

Edited by betsy
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So now you are going back to 2015?

You think that Trudeau supports antisemitism based on his support of RIS?

Really? You have anything ... tangible to support this view?

And by this I don't mean Trudeau breathing the same air as people who hold repugnant views.

I mean direct statements from him indicating he is antisemitic.

Yes...wayyyyyyyyyyy back in 2015.

Not to mention, JT has been visiting radical mosques well before being PM.


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There is an underlying bigotry among liberals, no doubt about that.

Even the way they're too quick to apologize for having been born white, or for living in a well-developed country.........

......smacks of superiority, and hypocrisy. The apology has the ring of condescension.

Edited by betsy
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Yea, we know, the liberals are 'good for you', so you don't much care about how they behave. You have zero credibility.

They're also broadly doing what Canadians want. They have basically continued Harper era economic policies, minus a few changes, and are socially where Canadians are more comfortable:


But yes, they're good for me personally. That's not the only reason that I voted for them.

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Well, after watching this video - all five minutes of it, although my French is very rusty - I still have not found what the big deal is:


Yes, I know the sisters are upstairs.

And the female Liberal MP's are standing there in the background like some kind of privileged guests allowed into the mens holy room (or something like that, I'm sure :rolleyes: ) but this comes back to what I stated yesterday: meh, whatever.

Lots of words like "peace" and "blessings" but did not come across anything like "die Jews, DIE!" so still looking for proof of Trudeau's antisemitism.

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