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America under President Trump

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

The way you folks kneel down to everyone who fought for civil rights like as if they're gods on their pedestal, is quite pathetic!

I think there are things that are inherently admirable. Lewis enduring physical violence and literally risking his life while campaigning for voting rights. McCain enduring years of torture rather than betray his country.  I think that only a king-sized putz would laugh at those things.

It's entirely possible to attack Lewis's opinion on the issue without laughing at his contribution to the civil rights movement. Even Trump himself didn't go that far.


1 hour ago, betsy said:

UNITE!  Get over it! 

After running the most divisive campaign in history, and continuing to attack his opponents even after winning, who's he to ask for unity?  And what's he doing about it?


1 hour ago, betsy said:

the un-American agenda of trying to delegitimize Trump!

Reminder: Trump spent 8 years trying to deligitimize the President.  He also called for people to march on Washington in armed revolt after Obama won the 2012 election.

Whining that it's "un-American" for people to not rally around him seems pretty funny.


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3 hours ago, betsy said:

That doesn't exempt him from criticisms - after all, he's promoting the very same divisiveness that he's claimed to have fought for!  He's a hypocrite who's using that event to promote the un-American agenda of trying to delegitimize Trump!

First of all, if Trump truly did gain power in part through the actions of a foreign government, then it is far from "un-American" to deligitimize trump... in fact, the patriotic thing to do would be to actually point out the fact that he was put in place through outside interference.

Secondly, I think you don't quite know what the word "Hypocrite" means. Trump was the one who was calling for widespread protests after Obama's victory. And now Trump wants everyone to unite? That is pretty much the dictionary definition of hypocrite. If there was evidence Obama got into power through the influence of North Korea or Iran, and Lewis said "we must unite around Obama" then that would be hypocritical. But that's not what happened.

Never mind bringing up the Christian card!

Why, because you don't know enough about christianity to respond?

You don't know everything about the lives of these two men!

And neither do you.

But we know that Lewis was willing to risk his life in order to fight for civil rights. And we know that Trump made racial slurs and tried to avoid having black people live in his buildings. Those are both proven facts.

Given the fact that I've pointed out facts that show Lewis is an honorable person, and Trump is a racist scuz-bag, and you have done nothing to provide any information to suggest Trump is an honorable individual, I'd say you pretty much lost this argument.

But if we're going to rely on this feud between Trump and Lewis, I'd say Jesus would tell Lewis: 

UNITE!  Get over it! 

I think its pretty reveling, when an atheist like myself has a better idea of what jebus would say, than a supposed self-proclaimed Christian.

Their heroism get tarnished when they do stupid things!

Yes it would be tarnished, if he actually did stupid things. The problem is, what Lewis did may not have been stupid at all.

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4 hours ago, betsy said:


So what!


That doesn't exempt him from criticisms - after all, he's promoting the very same divisiveness that he's claimed to have fought for!  He's a hypocrite who's using that event to promote the un-American agenda of trying to delegitimize Trump!


The way you folks kneel down to everyone who fought for civil rights like as if they're gods on their pedestal, is quite pathetic!




Never mind bringing up the Christian card!  You don't know everything about the lives of these two men!  But if we're going to rely on this feud between Trump and Lewis, I'd say Jesus would tell Lewis: 

UNITE!  Get over it! 



You cannot unite with a racist bigot who has dangerous policies, which Trump has been espousing.  People have been waiting for Trump to change and become a uniter, but he seems to only know how to divide people.  I see trouble ahead for USA.  The dems should obstruct Trump everywhere possible, its pay back time.


And trump is not legitimate, he won an election he admitted was rigged and putin rigged it.



If he says its rigged, he is not legitimate, he is not legitimate.

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24 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

Trump has done nothing worthy of respect.

Well, he did inherit millions of dollars from his father. Isn't that worthy of respect?

And in the long run he may just end up reuniting Americans. Of course, it will probably be a case of uniting Americans against him, after his failed policies cause all sorts of problems with the economy and foreign policy. (He will unite those who hated him during the election with the ones who supported him but found out all his promises were broken.)

ETA: And its already happening. From: http://www.npr.org/2017/01/17/510256862/trump-polls-tweet-favorability-popular

a new ABC News-Washington Post poll shows, with only 40 percent of Americans currently viewing Donald Trump favorably and 54 percent unfavorably. That's the lowest favorability for any incoming president since at least Jimmy Carter... A new CNN/ORC poll bolsters this finding, showing Trump with 44 percent favorability (along with 53 percent unfavorability). (A Pew poll from last month had him at an even lower 37 percent.)
The tweeting itself hasn't endeared Trump to many Americans. A recent Quinnipiac poll found that almost two-thirds of American voters believed that "Trump should close his personal Twitter account."



Edited by segnosaur
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On 1/16/2017 at 6:29 AM, CaliforniaUberAlles said:

John Lewis has still done way more for my country than Donald Trump ever will


On 1/16/2017 at 6:29 AM, CaliforniaUberAlles said:

John Lewis has still done way more for my country than Donald Trump ever will

So, you are one of those people who does not believe in let's all wait and see, uhmm? Give Trump a chance. Trump already gave his opinion of Lewis, and it was not any kind of recognition and compliments for anything that he may have done. At least Donald Trump has created thousands of jobs. How many jobs did Lewis create? Lewis should just pack it in, and do all Americans a favor. 

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1 hour ago, segnosaur said:

Well, he did inherit millions of dollars from his father. Isn't that worthy of respect?

And in the long run he may just end up reuniting Americans. Of course, it will probably be a case of uniting Americans against him, after his failed policies cause all sorts of problems with the economy and foreign policy. (He will unite those who hated him during the election with the ones who supported him but found out all his promises were broken.)

ETA: And its already happening. From: http://www.npr.org/2017/01/17/510256862/trump-polls-tweet-favorability-popular

a new ABC News-Washington Post poll shows, with only 40 percent of Americans currently viewing Donald Trump favorably and 54 percent unfavorably. That's the lowest favorability for any incoming president since at least Jimmy Carter... A new CNN/ORC poll bolsters this finding, showing Trump with 44 percent favorability (along with 53 percent unfavorability). (A Pew poll from last month had him at an even lower 37 percent.)
The tweeting itself hasn't endeared Trump to many Americans. A recent Quinnipiac poll found that almost two-thirds of American voters believed that "Trump should close his personal Twitter account."



Polls? Most of them just post nonsense. Polls had Hillary as going to be President big time. Whoops, there went that poll out the window. And who can really rely and trust a poll taken by ABC or the Washington Post anyway?  Both have a hatred for Trump, and both want to find a poll that will fit their agenda. 

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2 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

In China.

Now that's not fair. Trump has created many jobs in the United states...

His repeated lawsuits and bankruptcies have certainly helped employ many in the legal business.

And even now, people are actually getting paid to fill seats at his inauguration!



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2 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

In China.

America too. In case you did not notice, Trump has several businesses ongoing in America. Trump is a business man, and will have many businesses around the world. He is not the only billionaire in America that just does business in America. They all create jobs in other countries. They go where they can make money just in case you are not aware of this. Geez, people have to give Trump a chance. Let's see what he can do instead of constantly trying to make him look like the devil.  

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2 minutes ago, segnosaur said:

Now that's not fair. Trump has created many jobs in the United states...

His repeated lawsuits and bankruptcies have certainly helped employ many in the legal business.

And even now, people are actually getting paid to fill seats at his inauguration!



It never ends with these liberals and democrats. They are such a bunch of losers, and intolerant bigots.  

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2 hours ago, hernanday said:


You cannot unite with a racist bigot who has dangerous policies, which Trump has been espousing.  People have been waiting for Trump to change and become a uniter, but he seems to only know how to divide people.  I see trouble ahead for USA.  The dems should obstruct Trump everywhere possible, its pay back time.


And trump is not legitimate, he won an election he admitted was rigged and putin rigged it.



If he says its rigged, he is not legitimate, he is not legitimate.

The only people who are trying to divide the country up here are the loser liberals and democrats. You know those people who like to preach tolerance towards others but when they do not like someone they then show and preach intolerance and bigotry towards them.  Pity.    

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2 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

What kind of tolerance are you talking about? The kind of tolerance the GOP showed by rejecting their own god damned healthcare legislation? That kind of tolerance? Members of the GOP have outright stated that they don't care about having a workable government. They don't care if democrats present reasonable legislation that shows compromise. Their entire raison d'etre has been to stop the democrats and especially Obama from making ANY legislation.

Is that the kind of tolerance and cooperation you're looking for?

Maybe he means the type of tolerance that Trump showed Obama when he was elected president... you know, the whole 'Birther' nonsense, and his calls for widespread protests.


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5 hours ago, kimmy said:

I think there are things that are inherently admirable. Lewis enduring physical violence and literally risking his life while campaigning for voting rights. McCain enduring years of torture rather than betray his country.  I think that only a king-sized putz would laugh at those things.

It's entirely possible to attack Lewis's opinion on the issue without laughing at his contribution to the civil rights movement. Even Trump himself didn't go that far.


After running the most divisive campaign in history, and continuing to attack his opponents even after winning, who's he to ask for unity?  And what's he doing about it?


Reminder: Trump spent 8 years trying to deligitimize the President.  He also called for people to march on Washington in armed revolt after Obama won the 2012 election.

Whining that it's "un-American" for people to not rally around him seems pretty funny.



I understand what you're saying - but, I'm talking about the attitude that Lewis is exempt from criticisms!

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3 hours ago, cybercoma said:

Trump has done nothing worthy of respect.


Running for office - and being President, without pay -  is worthy of respect!


:D You've got your eyes shut if you're not seeing everyone in the world is paying attention to Trump!  And he's not even sworn yet.  That, alone, is worthy of respect!

Edited by betsy
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4 minutes ago, betsy said:

I understand what you're saying

Some of us have significant doubts whether you actually do understand.

but, I'm talking about the attitude that Lewis is exempt from criticisms!

Perhaps if Lewis had done somethign worthy of criticism... kicked a puppy, stolen a baby's candy. But so far, all he's done is suggest that perhaps if a leader gets elected through the influence of an outside country, then that leader may not have a mandate. I don't exactly think that's a far-fetched attitude.



Trump has done nothing worthy of respect.

Running for office -


And winning, by 1) benefiting from a fractured Republican primary, 2) benefitting from the influence of Russia and Comey, not to mention years of republican attacks on the Clintons, 3) by running an extremely nasty campaign, full of lies and contradictory promises that managed to fool enough people into voting for him. (It would be like a con man thinking he deserves respect because he bilked many people; most people would not consider that something to respect, regardless of how good he was at it.)

And despite all that, Trump still lost the popular vote.

Trump is like the Forest Gump of politics... not really competent, but manages to find success not through ability or intelligence, but by dumb luck.

and being President, without pay -  is worthy of respect!

Its only worthy of respect that he's doing the job without pay if he's not receiving any side benefits that exceed what his compensation would have been. Since he claims the president is immune from having conflicts of interest, that is questionable.

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Hmmmm....looks like Rep. John Lewis lied about never missing a previous inauguration as congressman:



...Lewis, for his part, also drew criticism (including from Democrats) for his characterization of Trump as someone who isn’t "a legitimate president." Lewis’ stance is not universal among Democrats. While the 40-plus Democrats who are skipping the inauguration is an unusually large number, they amount to a minority of the Democratic caucus in the House.

In his Meet the Press interview, Lewis underlined the importance of his concerns about Trump by saying, "It will be the first (inauguration) that I miss since I've been in Congress. You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right."

Some readers asked us whether this was true. It turns out that it is not.

Lewis didn’t attend President George W. Bush’s inauguration in 2001. Bush prevailed after a weeks-long, controversy-laden recount that ended with a 5-4 Supreme Court decision.



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3 hours ago, taxme said:

The only people who are trying to divide the country up here are the loser liberals and democrats. You know those people who like to preach tolerance towards others but when they do not like someone they then show and preach intolerance and bigotry towards them.  Pity.    

Nope, Trump ran on a campaign of the election was rigged, he was going to mass deport large segments of the population, ban an entire religion, and that if they lost the election to make the nation ungovernable and huge nation wide protest with pitch forks ought occur.  There really is no tolerance for such foolishness. Where do you draw the line on such non-sense?

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11 minutes ago, hernanday said:

Nope, Trump ran on a campaign of the election was rigged, he was going to mass deport large segments of the population, ban an entire religion, and that if they lost the election ....


But it was that campaign rhetoric that helped him get elected.   I didn't vote for Trump, but all illegals should be deported...no exceptions.

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