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Israeli War Crimes

Big Guy

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I responded a few days ago to taxme by asserting that I don't support the "Patriot" philosophy as it is a form of Nationalism. Michael felt it should be removed but archived if I wanted to use it in separate threads as it was long and diverged into multiple ideas that could be whole different threads of their own.

But basically, I was explaining how reflective Nationalism doesn't solve another's Nationalism. So "White Supremacy" isn't a solution to "Jewish Supremacy" if this is the perceived threat [whether true or not]. It's like feeding trolls by trolling. It just escalates.

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Israel continues to treat Palestinians as inferior humans. Now the right wing Zionists, led by a Rabbi, encourage paramedics to “take their time” in treating Palestinians, allowing them to die of their wounds.


Physicians for Human Rights in Israel, a medical watchdog group, found that wounded Palestinians had been left untreated for as long as two hours. In some cases, medical teams are suspected of failing to tend to the injuries of suspected attackers as revenge, in the expectation that they will die from their wounds.

How can Canada continue to associate with such a rogue nation?

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Congratulations to the Israeli court system to refusing to bend to the right wing extremists in government to absolve a murderer.

An Israeli court has convicted an Israeli man of kidnapping and killing 16-year-old Palestinian Mohammed Abu Khdeir after it rejected the defendant's defence team plea of insanity.


The court ruled on Tuesday that Yosef Haim Ben David, 33, was sane and in control of his actions when he and accomplices kidnapped and murdered Abu Khdeir on July 2, 2014.

Ben David was initially convicted last November of murder, kidnapping for the purpose of murder, and assault, but the court postponed the conviction until a psychological evaluation of Ben David was conducted after he claimed insanity. By rejecting the insanity plea, the court decided that Zionist extremism is not an insanity but a conscious political position.

Abu Khdeir was walking to his home in the Shuafat neighbourhood of East Jerusalem when he was kidnapped and forced into a car and taken to a Jerusalem forest where he was beaten and burned alive.

I hope the Israeli judicial system will continue to be the conscience of the Zionist government.

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Congratulations to the Israeli court system to refusing to bend to the right wing extremists in government to absolve a murderer.

An Israeli court has convicted an Israeli man of kidnapping and killing 16-year-old Palestinian Mohammed Abu Khdeir after it rejected the defendant's defence team plea of insanity.

Who do you think charged him and his accomplices? Who do you think charged an Israeli soldier today with shooting a wounded Palestinian?

I wait with anticipation for the first time a Palestinian will be convicted in a Palestinian court of murdering an Israeli, and given a similarly heavy sentence, rather than cheered and congratulated and called a hero.

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Who do you think charged him and his accomplices? Who do you think charged an Israeli soldier today with shooting a wounded Palestinian?

I wait with anticipation for the first time a Palestinian will be convicted in a Palestinian court of murdering an Israeli, and given a similarly heavy sentence, rather than cheered and congratulated and called a hero.

The Palestinians don't have the ability to even HAVE a normal government to even set up appropriate courts or other good infrastructure DUE to Israel's capacity to keep them scattered and isolated. So there is not comparison. The Israelis are doing what we might think of when we brush our teeth: you can't actually destroy all the bacteria but the process of brushing keeps the bacteria from organizing long enough to do concentrated damage. But this is precisely what shows Israel as in the wrong here....they are treating the Palestinians like bacteria!

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Scott Mayer keeps referring to a doctrine of Jewish supremacy. None exists in either the religion or in the ideology of Zionism. He fabricates this.

I have asked repeatedly from him for for a doctrine from Zionism or the Jewish religion either one that states Jews are superior.

He can't provide one document.

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From Wikipedia,

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut], translit. Tziyonut, after Zion) is a nationalist and political movement of Jews andJewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel(roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land).[1][2] Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in central and eastern Europe as a national revival movement, in reaction to anti-Semitic and exclusionary nationalist movements in Europe.[3][4] Soon after this most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.[5][6][7]

(See the footnotes from there for those sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism)

Also, from there,

There are examples of anti-Zionists using accusations, slanders, imagery and tactics previously associated with antisemites.


On the other hand, anti-Zionist writers such as Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Marder, and Tariq Ali have argued that the characterization of anti-Zionism as antisemitic is inaccurate, sometimes obscures legitimate criticism of Israel's policies and actions, and is sometimes a political ploy to stifle criticism of Israel.[158]

I share the view of Noam Chomsky (et al) here and have argued my concern for "Nationalism" with more depth as a more generalized concern for all people here: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25623-nationalism-is-the-doom-of-all-politics/. I broaden the meaning of "Nationalism" to include any concern by some set of people to favor an in-group identity with the demand for POLITICAL preservation that is based on an assumption that they have some intrinsic right to 'own' a behavior or set of behaviors (culture) based on some extra belief that their genetic link to others (ancestors) who have had such culture are definitely connected with necessity, as if Nature itself or some God has decreed them uniquely privileged to distinct rights apart from all others.

Such divisive politics to those believing in a State of those of this nationalistic belief (Zionism, here), makes those supporting it to have an intrinsic belief in some significant right of Jews, in particular, to have a distinct recognition of all others in the world to recognize them as a type of deserving people who 'own' a "holy"(God-divined) special place politically that, unlike all others, treats its genetic and cultural heritage as the primary sovereignty of anyone else within their domain. It is exclusive to others who do NOT accept this primitive constitutional cult and so while it could possibly BE 'fair' to other Zionists respecting the Jew with distinct authority, it is non-democratic with respect to ALL others who are at least non-Jew or non-Zionist.

The language you may opt to demand others NOT associate with the discrimination here clearly is begging of others to default to an exception of any Jewish or Zionist connection to a remotely derogatory term, regardless of its factual relevance. It's also hypocritical since it significantly takes center-stage on assuming this same behavior by others elsewhere is not permissible, which PROVES those supporting such a belief think that they have some 'superior' justification (likely a God or Nature) that makes them exceptional to this requirement.

If you want to address the logic of this, go to the linked thread where I discuss this as it demonstrates that 'if' I have ANY bias at all, it is to Nationalism as I define it inclusively and to those particular ones who especially have the actual power to reverse the problems as they have the actual dominant position with respect to those they oppose with equal forms of Nationalism. Those you consider 'terrorists' certainly have Nationalism as their reflective cause to this extreme. To stop it requires recognizing the logical problem that creates the division and attack that, not to foster MORE Nationalism.

Edit: Added the 'et al' (and company) in anticipation of some likely presumption I didn't include the others who may be Jewish and thus make those like Rue interpret this as 'evidence' of me being somehow anti-Semetic. :rolleyes:

Edited by Scott Mayers
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The Palestinians don't have the ability to even HAVE a normal government to even set up appropriate courts or other good infrastructure DUE to Israel's capacity to keep them scattered and isolated. So there is not comparison.

Drivel. They have police. They have courts. They seem to have no difficulty trying people, sentencing them to death and executing them (or sometimes simply executing them without the trials) So how is it impossible?

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Eye your comment reflects an ignorance as to the current Palestinian judicial system. Instead of assuming it exists and has jurisdiction to deal with the issues you think it should, go find out it is not a state, does not have the courts you think it does, and stop assuming the way you live in Canada with the legal rights safeguarded in your constitution are the same with the Palestinian Authority. Your myopic sheltered assumptions that the world is the same everywhere is past ridiculous and no you won't find a MacDonald's on the West Bank, and no Eye the MacDonald's in Indonesia or India has a different menu. Painful. Very painful.

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With the world focus on Syria, Iraq and Isis, the Israelis continue in their war crimes torturing and manhandling Palestinians that they have taken prisoner:


The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) recorded 1,274 complaints of "torture and ill treatment" of Palestinian detainees by PA forces in 2014 alone. Though comprehensive figures for 2015 have yet to be released, available figures show that at least 323 complaints have been registered by the organisation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza in the past seven months.

Why is Canada allowing these war crimes to continue?

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With the world focus on Syria, Iraq and Isis, the Israelis continue in their war crimes torturing and manhandling Palestinians that they have taken prisoner:


The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) recorded 1,274 complaints of "torture and ill treatment" of Palestinian detainees by PA forces in 2014 alone. Though comprehensive figures for 2015 have yet to be released, available figures show that at least 323 complaints have been registered by the organisation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza in the past seven months.

Why is Canada allowing these war crimes to continue?

LOL. Didn't even read the headline, did you, champ?

Didn't even read what you cut and pasted, either. This is about torture and mistreatment of Palestinians BY the Palestinian Authority. No Jews involved at all! You'll need to go hunt up another story to replace it.

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LOL. Didn't even read the headline, did you, champ?

Didn't even read what you cut and pasted, either. This is about torture and mistreatment of Palestinians BY the Palestinian Authority. No Jews involved at all! You'll need to go hunt up another story to replace it.

Was just wondering if you were still reading my posts. Thank for continuing to be a fan and attempting to improve your understanding of world events by following my blog. There is still a chance for you.

Edited by Big Guy
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Congratulations to Israeli authorities for finally releasing one political prisoner. This 12 year old girl spent ONLY 2 and a half months in jail - ONLY two and a half months in a hell hole for "attempted voluntary manslaughter and illegal possession of a knife." \


By the way, Israeli law prohibits the imprisonment of children younger than 14 for the country's citizens. But the little girl was a Palestinian Israeli citizen.

There are 7,000 Palestinians currently in Israeli prisons, according to the Palestine Liberation Organization's Prisoners Affairs Commission. The figures include 70 women, 750 in administrative detention, 700 sick detainees, and 30 who have been imprisoned for more than 20 years.

The figures also include 440 Palestinian children, who are held in Israeli detention for "security" offences, according to Defence for Children International - Palestine (DCI), a Ramallah-based rights group. This is the highest tally since the Israel Prison Service started providing figures in 2008, the group said. More than 100 of these children are between 12 and 15, while 12 are girls and seven are in administrative detention.

Why is Canada associated in any way with these war criminals?

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Congratulations to Israeli authorities for finally releasing one political prisoner. This 12 year old girl spent ONLY 2 and a half months in jail - ONLY two and a half months in a hell hole for "attempted voluntary manslaughter and illegal possession of a knife." \

Please describe this alleged 'hell hole'. For added measure, please compare and contrast with Iranian and Palestinian prisons, where prisoners are often tortured and beaten to death, and with what happens to twelve year old girls under ISIS, which has set up sex slave trading systems.

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Please describe this alleged 'hell hole'. For added measure, please compare and contrast with Iranian and Palestinian prisons, where prisoners are often tortured and beaten to death, and with what happens to twelve year old girls under ISIS, which has set up sex slave trading systems.

If you are trying to make a point I suggest that you do your own research and create your own posts. I assume that you have the time, ability and interest to perform those tasks - I do not.

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If you are trying to make a point I suggest that you do your own research and create your own posts. I assume that you have the time, ability and interest to perform those tasks - I do not.

I think I made my point, and I think you made my point too. -_-

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I think I made my point, and I think you made my point too. -_-

I have no doubt in that is the way that you think. Shoo, go away. Go pick an argument with somebody else who cares what you think. :P

Anyone interested in how the Israeli military treats 12 year old girl "terrorists" can get an insight at :


Time to dump Israel and look to Iran as Canada's associate in the Middle East.

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Please describe this alleged 'hell hole'. For added measure, please compare and contrast with Iranian and Palestinian prisons, where prisoners are often tortured and beaten to death, and with what happens to twelve year old girls under ISIS, which has set up sex slave trading systems.

Israel aspires to be like that?

How about you 'compare and contrast' Israel's detention of Palestinian CHILDREN to international standards of CIVILIZED behaviour!!


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Because Irans treats it's citizens so much better, and this is the country we want to have ties with....or so says Big Guy....




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They're not civilized if they're incarcerating children.

Israel does not get a free pass anymore.


So which countries are civilized, Are you aware that Canada incarcerates children, the results are the same. loss of freedom of movement....

Do we get a free pass.....

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They're not civilized if they're incarcerating children.

Israel does not get a free pass anymore.


Israel never received a free pass from you-its always received an inconsistent, bias, selective discriminatory take from you.

Next, get back to me when you figure out how many children are being incarcerated in Canada on any given day.

Lol your selectivity knows no limits.

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