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Israeli War Crimes

Big Guy

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Me thinks there are more and more posts being created by Big Guy to warn the rest of the world about this rogue state of Israel and me thinks he thinks his posts and the web are one in the same.

Me also thinks his agenda can be described as the following fixation:

source: http://www.jewishjournal.com/dennis_prager/article/why_do_people_hate_israel

"...the 20th century was even bloodier, but we are only in the 15th year of the 21st century. Nevertheless, showing how awful the world is for so many of its inhabitants is not my point. My point is that, despite all this evil and suffering, the world has concentrated its attention overwhelmingly on the alleged evils of one country: Israel.

..The question, of course, is why?

...There are only two explanations for this moral anomaly.

One is the nearly worldwide embrace of leftist thought and values. According to this way of thinking, Westerners are almost always wrong when they fight Third World countries or groups; and the weaker party, especially if non-Western, is almost always deemed the victim when fighting a stronger, especially Western, group or country. Leftism has replaced “good and evil” with “rich and poor,” “strong and weak,” and “Western (or white) and non-Western (or non-white).” Israel is rich, strong and Western; the Palestinians are poor, weak and non-Western.

The only other possible explanation is that Israel is Jewish.

There is no other rational explanation because the fixation with, and the hatred of, Israel are not rational. Israel is a particularly decent country. It is tiny — about the size of New Jersey and smaller than El Salvador; and while there are more than 50 Muslim countries, there is only one Jewish one. She should be admired and supported, not hated to the extent that there are dozens of countries whose populations would like to see Israel annihilated — again, a unique phenomenon. No other country in the world is targeted for extermination.

As hard as it is for modern, rational and irreligious people to accept, Israel’s Jewishness is a primary reason for the hatred of it.

Ironically, this fact — just as with the fixation on the Jew before Israel’s existence — confirms for this observer the divine role the Jew plays in history.

Few Jews are aware of their role, and even fewer want it. But, other than the influence of the left, there is no other explanation for all the animosity toward Israel. "

Edited by Rue
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Some argue the fixation on Israel has enabled terrorism:

I would refer to this article by Evelyn Gordon entitled: "How the Israel Fixation Feeds Terror", December, 2015 at:


..." Why this peculiar obsession with democracy and human rights in Israel, alone of all the world’s countries? The answer, of course, is that the donations aren’t primarily motivated by concern for democracy and human rights at all. They go almost exclusively to organizations dealing in some way with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict – or, to be precise, organizations striving in some way to get Israel to adopt the West’s recipe for solving it: ever more concessions to the Palestinians.....

After 20 years in which repeated territorial concessions have brought only more terror rather than peace, most Israelis can no longer be persuaded to buy this nostrum. So instead, these foreign-funded NGOs work to drum up anti-Israel sentiment overseas in the hope of generating international pressure and sanctions on it (see, for instance, Breaking the Silence, which travels worldwide to accuse Israel of “war crimes” but refuses to cooperate with Israeli law enforcement agencies so its allegations could actually be investigated, or B’Tselem, which eagerly cooperated in UN efforts to smear Israel as a war criminal, inter alia, by supplying inflated statistics about civilian casualties). In other words, this money goes mainly toward trying to circumvent Israeli democracy by forcing its government to do something most voters oppose....

..The Palestinian-Israeli conflict had nothing to do with the Syrian civil war, which has flooded Europe with refugees and created a power vacuum that the Islamic State has now filled with its terror-exporting “caliphate.” The Palestinian-Israeli conflict had nothing to do with the Libyan civil war, which is also flooding Europe with refugees and created another power vacuum that Islamic State is similarly moving to fill. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict had nothing to do with the Iraqi government’s exclusion of its Sunni citizens, which led them to view Islamic State as a protector and provide it with the initial base from which it later expanded. In short, this conflict had nothing to do with any of the real problems now preoccupying the West...

The past can’t be rewritten, but it’s not too late to change the future. As Leibovitz and Troy argued, that will require taking attacks on Jews seriously and ending Western appeasement of Palestinian terror. But it will also require finally abandoning the myth of Palestinian centrality and focusing instead on the Mideast’s real problems. Diverting those millions of euros from Israeli NGOs to all the countries that really do need help with democracy and human rights might be an excellent way to start."

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Methinks that Brazil deserves congratulations for stating the obvious and doing something about it. Israel has withdrawn the nomination of Dani Dayan, a former West Bank settlement leader, as ambassador to Brazil, ending a seven-month standoff with Brasilia, which refused to accept his credentials.


Dozens of former Brazilian diplomats and social movements signed letters supporting the Brazilian government's decision, saying that Israel's attempt to send Dayan, who himself lives in an illegal West Bank settlement, to Brazil was an affront considering the country's position on the Israeli occupation.

This kind of rejection of Israeli policy is building (sic) and should be joined by Canada. Time for Canada to start to put the screws to Israel.

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....This kind of rejection of Israeli policy is building (sic) and should be joined by Canada. Time for Canada to start to put the screws to Israel.

Actually, the opposite has happened...Canada negotiated a free trade deal with Israel (CIFTA), and wants to modernize it for even more trade between the two nations. Canada has no free trade agreement with Palestine or terrorist groups.


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So the Israeli air force has managed to kill two more Palestinian terrorists.

Oh good. Another topic where people can express their hatred of Jews in a slightly veiled way.

Look! Look what that filthy JEW did!

Never mind that hundreds of innocent people were slaughtered during the same time by countries and organizations who applaud the BDS movement, like the supporters of ISIS and Al Quaeda and Boko Haram, like the Saudis and the Iranians and Sudanese and Syrians. Where are all the people crying crocodile tears about the Palestinians on divesting from those countries? Nowhere, of course. No Jews there.

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Looks like the rest of the world, in the form of the UN, is finally noticing the atrocities being committed by Israel:

Yes, it's so good to know a collection of autocrats, dictators and despots cares so deeply over the plight of the Palestinians.

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And what does this have to do with the thread "Hudson"?

Why do I need to explain the obvious to you, "Rue"?

You can question Israel vs international law all you want, but it's clear to me and many others that Israel has violated international law repeatedly.

People don't have the patience for excuses any more. Something needs to be done as our governments will not initiate this. The BDS movement is what we're witnessing here.

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Methinks that with Minister Dion just declaring that Canada will now be negotiating and engaging Russia and especially Iran, that we will take at least a neutral position of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. I have no doubt that our new active participation into the UN will soon put us in line with those other nations who correctly view Israel as a rogue state intent on stealing all of the Palestinian land. The Israeli apartheid policy should and will be discussed at the world court and in the United Nations.

Time for Israel to be judged.

Time for Canada to wipe our hands of this rogue state.

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Looks like the rest of the world, in the form of the UN, is finally noticing the atrocities being committed by Israel:


The Israeli government is having difficulty in explaining the video of Israeli soldiers assassinating a wounded and unarmed Palestinian. Canada should immediately disassociate itself from this rogue nation of Israel and wash our hands of its murderous acts.

The Israeli court has just acted on this murder:


"Judge rules "reasonable doubt" after Israeli soldier caught on video shooting wounded Palestinian in the head."

Why am I not surprised?

As the Palestinian was laying on the ground, an Israeli soldier was captured on camera raising his firearm and shooting him in the head, killing him.

I have extensive doubt of the judges "reasonable doubt" - as should anyone who cares about life.

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Time to bump the thread back up is it "Big Guy/Hudson Jones"? Didn't take very long now did it. Pavlovian theory. I ring the bill, guess who reacts on cue. Do look up Pavlovian response.

Here let's get you to respond again on cue. 1,2, 3 and go...

Let me quote from:http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5158/israel-war-crimes

"The fundamental issue is whether any of the accusations against Israel are true. Has Israel been committing terrible crimes in Gaza? Or were the war crimes in this conflict actually committed by Hamas, while Israel and its armed forces behaved in an exemplary fashion, in hard-fought battles, to minimize civilian casualties? Further, are the claims of war crimes and indiscriminate killing born, not from humanitarian anxieties, but from a recrudescent anti-Semitism?

It often seems as if your grandmother's old-fashioned anti-Semitism has merely morphed and been repackaged as anti-Israel invective and rallies that call on Hamas to rise up for human rights.

The supporters of this repackaged anti-Semitism, however, always seem perfectly comfortable "forgetting" that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] offers its people no human rights, and often liberal helpings of human wrongs. Thus is a liberal democracy maligned by a theocratic tyranny.

It is time that Israel's harsher critics, politicians, and the media acquainted themselves with the physical and legal facts of this conflict.


Rather than help save innocent lives, they seem actually to relish putting Israel into the dock. They promote incessant rounds of boycotts, divestments and sanctions, mounted against Israel and no other nation."

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Here is what Hudson Jones/Bug Guy forgot to mention as they now focus on an isolated act of an Israeli soldier to try demonize the entire state of Israel as a criminal state:

"Israel has never initiated any of the conflicts in which it has been engaged. Not the 1948 war, when seven Arab armies from five countries invaded it. Not the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel found itself surrounded by armies from Egypt, Syria and Jordan about to invade. Not in 1973, when a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria with Jordan again invaded Israeli territory and were fought off at great cost. Not the first Gaza war, the second Gaza war, or the 2014 conflict. All Israel's actions have been defensive, all Arab actions offensive. This has a serious bearing on the issue of which side has acted legally within the confines of international law. This is not a matter of opinion, but of history: of plain, verifiable fact."


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Here is also something Hudson Jones/Bug Guy can not acknowledge:

" On November 4, 2014, Amnesty International published a scathing report on Israeli "war crimes" in Gaza during the war between Hamas and Israel last year. Entitled, "Families under the rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes," the report accuses Israel of displaying "callous indifference" in launching attacks on family homes in the densely populated coastal strip, and argued that in some cases the conduct amounted to war crimes. The report makes difficult reading. The toll of human tragedy in the conflict was enormous. Over 2,100 Palestinians were killed, about 1000 of them civilians. But did Israel commit war crimes? And is Amnesty reading war crimes legislation in a balanced way?

(they do focus on the above only but not the rest.... and that is....)

"The following day, the recently retired UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, published an article in the New York Times, in which she calls for Europe to allow "Palestine" to be admitted to the International Criminal Court [iCC], a body to which neither Israel nor the United States is party.

One day later, November 6, 2014, the chief military commander of the U.S., General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a man with lifelong military experience, including senior service in Iraq, flatly contradicted both Amnesty and Pillay in an outspoken insistence that Israeli troops had behaved in an exemplary fashion. "I actually do think that Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties," he said. "They [the IDF] did some extraordinary things to try and limit civilian casualties to include ... making it known that they were going to destroy a particular structure".

Dempsey's remarks are a direct echo of sentiments expressed (and not for the first time) by a former British commander in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp: "The way that this conflict [Operation Protective Edge] is being portrayed in many, many media outfits by many reporters, by some politicians round the world, is the mirror opposite of reality. Israel has been demonized, Israel has been accused of committing war crimes. The real war crimes have been committed by Hamas." "

sources for above:


"The Gaza War in 5 Minutes: Thoughts from Col. Richard Kemp", YouTube, 10 November 2014. And see other videos by Kemp listed on the same page.

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The United Nations, the spokesperson of the world has expressed outrage at yet another Israeli war crime:


The United Nations expressed outrage on Wednesday over the killing of a Palestinian by an Israeli soldier who was caught on camera saying the evidence signaled a clear case of an extrajudicial execution.

Israeli actions are painting it into a war crimes corner. When the world condemns an obvious war crime then we know it is time for Canada to wash our hands of this rogue and dangerous nation.

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The United Nations, the spokesperson of the world has expressed outrage at yet another Israeli war crime:


The United Nations expressed outrage on Wednesday over the killing of a Palestinian by an Israeli soldier who was caught on camera saying the evidence signaled a clear case of an extrajudicial execution.

And did the UN - or you - ever express outrage over the bodies of suspected enemies Hamas executed without trial and dragged through the streets?


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Big guy

I guess it is just Israel that we can paint an entire nation as rogue.....for the actions of a few soldiers.....

How does that not fall under being racist ? and I thought I had you all figured out....go figure....

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A few days ago the Chief Israeli Sephardi, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said non-Jews should only be able to live in Israel as servants. Now the Israeli Transportation Minister has called for the 'civil' targeted killing of non-violent civil rights activists who are calling for the boycott, divestment and sanctioning of Israel until it conforms with international law. Apparently, he added the word civil in front of a Hebrew phrase used to mean the 'targeted killing of a terrorist'.

"We are entering dangerous territory when an Israeli cabinet minister engages in wordplay that verges on putting a bull’s-eye on the backs of non-violent activists. If there are Israel apologists out there who dismiss the significance of such rhetoric they are sadly mistaken. In this torrid political environment in which Israeli leftists have become criminals and wounded Palestinian youth may be summarily executed in the street, it is only too easy to forsee Palestinian activists like Barghouti (BDS leader) having a bounty on their heads." - Richard Silverstein


Is anyone worried that the Jewish words and acts we tolerate or excuse will effectively nullify our condemnation of those by Muslims?

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Rue said, "If it is even true that Jews are disproportionately represented in business, one must be careful to note that correlation does not equal causation."

I haven't bothered to read all he's had to say yet but to this one point one has to reasonably raise interest to investigate in something that has circumstantial evidence to suggest bias. It doesn't mean that ALL people who are Jews are targeted with suspicion. But even Rue's apparent extreme to do what it takes to prevent people from even questioning any potential bias of Jewish Nationalism is itself suspicious when he hypocritically finds it alright to assume all others as default to be Anti-Jewish for questioning SOME JEWS who DO this just as other groups do. You cannot presume that somehow Jews are perfectly innocent while only those who could potentially be conspiratorial are non-Jews.

What IS unusual circumstantially is that with respect to powerful pivotal industries, like communication and entertainment (or finance), while Jews are of a severe minority in most given populations, their presence in these are inversely proportional. This IS a severe circumstantial oddity that suggests that at least SOME potential conspiracy exists. It requires sincere investigation but is most severely opposed and prevented, especially when the very suspects hold the reigns of dominant power in the industries we use to relay information among one another. It is too paramount to dismiss regardless because media ownership represents the ownership of the very air we breathe between individuals anywhere. As such, unlike other concerns, where PIVOTAL industries are concerned, we DO have to look at being sure these have balanced representation of the populations in reality.

Ownership of media and finance are two most significant industries we require being sure to prevent any one culture of dominating, regardless of any sincerity or default trust we should apply in most other areas. And for this reason alone, we'd still be reasonable to question the dominance of ANY one group that deviates so far from their population as represented in reality.

Edited by Scott Mayers
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Why not urge Canada to boycott the United States....Israel's biggest ally and provider of military and economic aid ? Surely this enables and emboldens Israeli actions in the "occupied territories".

Wait...I think we know why.

What is you're implied understanding of "why"?

Your process of thought here sounds like you support those who assert, "You're either FOR us, or FOR the terrorists."

As this is the case in context of who you support, it's understandable why you'd think boycotting the U.S. should be our rational response. But unlike you, many do not interpret the political support by the U.S. as a black-or-white thing.

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What is you're implied understanding of "why"?

As this is the case in context of who you support, it's understandable why you'd think boycotting the U.S. should be our rational response. But unlike you, many do not interpret the political support by the U.S. as a black-or-white thing.

Of course many don't, as they wish to have it both ways. Fact is, Canada supports Israel in several overt ways, and is not about to choose even the middle ground, let alone BDS its largest trading partner. This includes defense manufacturing and contracts that directly support Israeli military actions (so called "war crimes") in the occupied territories.

What some protesting Canadians (or Americans) say/do pale in comparison to what their governments have actually done (and continue to do) for decades in the region. Reality bites that way.

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Squid speaking about "dumb":

You came on a thread dedicated to calling a nation racist and all people in that nation racist because they choose to live in that nation and express their collective identity as a nationality to tell someone calling someone" racist for criticizing a nation is dumb."

Yah I know its too complicated for you to understand the inconsistency in what you said.

Zip zap zam.

1-"dumb" refers to someone who is unable to speak, the word we use today is "mute", using the word "dumb" to name call someone's you disagree with is childish, petulant, and again repeats the tone on the anti Israeli threads where anti Israelis like you name call when you disagree with something because you have nothing to contribute other than name calling; if you can't explain why you disagree with someone and the best you have is "its dumb", all you show when you respond like that is you have limited capacity in communicating and so fall back on name calling since you have no ability to explain your position;

2-no one has come on this board and called anyone racist simply because they criticize Israel state policies-no one-your brain represents the comments of Army or others as saying that because you don't read what they write-you could care less what they write-you simply project whatever comes to your head at the moment in the forum of an insult the moment you think you disagree with what they wrote without e taking the time to read what they write and explain why you think you disagree;

3-you and your anti Israeli friends call Zionists and Israeli Jews racist-those of us like myself and Army and others question your calling Jews, Zionists, supporters of Israel racists simply because they believe Jews have as much a right to have a state and national identity as Muslims have their Muslim states;

4-further to 3, we criticize people like you because you negatively stereotype an entire nation and people as racist not simply because you criticize the nation's policies, and then in the next breath claim when you negatively accuse an entire people of being racist, it shouldn't be criticized, or using your in depth analysis and words, "it's dumb".

Israelis are not a race. Palestinians are not a race. Both are nationalities.

When references you and others use define "Jewish people" differently than non Jewish people, hold Jewish people to have inferior rights than other peoples, and/or use words to assign Jews negative characteristics, beliefs or motives, or to incite hatred, anger, resentment against Jews or deny the holocaust, trivialize the holocaust, that is anti-Semitic.

When references you and others use treat " Israelis" and/or "Zionists" differently than non Israelis, hold Israeli people to have inferior rights than other peoples and/or use words to assign Israelis or Zionists negative characteristics, beliefs or motives, that is anti Zionist/Israeli.

Whether your comments are anti semitic or anti Zionist/Israel depends on what you refer to.

On this thread Bug Guy has provided excellent examples of how his agenda is to smeer all Israelis and Zionists as criminals then go the next step and insult all Jewish people under the pretext of criticizing Israeli state policies.

Big Guy is challenged precisely because he does not question Israeli state policies as he claims, in fact he has never mentioned one. he is criticized because in the name of criticizing Israeli state policies, he in fact questions the right of Israel to exist as a nation because its Jewish and its citizens are Jews and choose to define their Jewishness not just as a religion but a nationality.

The whole point of this thread for him as he has shown over and over is to use the pretext of certain actions he thinks the IDF or Israeli government undertook to call all Israelis criminals/

Now you want to come on this thread he uses to piss on an entire people for existing as a national identity and tell other people they are "dumb" to criticize that...


So let's summarize:

1-you can't tell the difference between a nationality and a race

2-can't take the time to read what someone said

3-think challenging someone for engaging in negative stereotyping is "dumb."

4-its reasonable to call Israelis a race even though they are not then claim their entire race is criminal

5-its reasonable to smeer all Israelis as criminals .

Thanks for sharing.

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A classic example of anti Semitism, i.e., 1-attacking all Jews and referring to all Jews in a negative context; ii-holding all Jews culpable for the thoughts of one Jew; iii-using the pretext of criticizing Israeli state policy to stereotype all Jews as being negative can be seen in post 42 where Slick concludes with the slur; " Is anyone worried that Jewish words and acts we tolerate or excuse will nullify our condemnation of those by Muslims."

Sick debases this debate to an attack on Jews. His comments are about Jews as an entire people and in defining them all negatively and holding all Jews culpable for what he thinks are bad policies.

He couldn't have done a better job showcasing bigotry against Jews and he phrases it so argue if you the audience don't smeer all Jews and blame them when you want to criticize the individual action of an Israeli or an Israeli government polcy, it will prevent you from being able to smeer all Muslims the same way.

Not only does he present a scenario that argues you should engage in anti Semitism and bigoted hateful stereotyping of all Jews, but then says, dot hat so you can do the same against Muslims.

Ah I love this thread. It provides such in depth and well thought out analysis of a conflict. Jews are poo. Call them poo heads otherwise you won't be able to call Muslims poo poo heads.

Hey thanks Slick.

By the way Slick, taking a clearly bigoted and idiotic statement of a Rabbia out of its context to smeer not just all Israelis but all Jews, its old.Its been going on for over 4,000 years. Your using Israel as a pretext to smeer all Jews doesn't hide what it is.

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Slick claims the Minister of Transport has called for the targeted killing of non violent civilians. He never did and even the article he provides shows he never said that but the article's writer said it could be "inferred" to mean targetted killing of innocent civilians.

The article is a classic example of taking a statement and providing a spin or new interpretation on what was actually said, to create another meaning.

I am no fan of this Minister but the full context of his statement is far different than the false representation Slick tries to promote by taking an opinion piece editorializing an inferred new meaning from what he has actually said.

What he has said is that BDS s funded by the Palestinian Authority. The BDS is funded by the PA, Iran and its leader openly has called for terror as a reasonable option in dismantling Israel and that boycotting of Israeli products should be used as an additional weapon in the arsenal of dismantling Israel.

Boycotting is a democratic right. Its non violent. It is a non violent weapon. No one is suggesting killing guilt ridden leftist blowhards in the West who won't buy Jaffa oranges. To even suggest that is laughable.

What this Minister wants is counter-measures to contain BDS activities.

THE BDS operates its boycotts in nations that allow freedom of expression. Israel has no policy or intention of killing any leftist who shows up on campus screaming anti semtiic diatribes, providing posters of Jews with hook noses, swastikas, iniciting attacks on all Jews on campus, demanding Jewish professors be fired for being Jewish.

BDS is not new. Boycotting Jews has gone on for 4,000 years. BDS is now trying to resurrect what Nazis did to Jews in Germany before gassing them, and has been doing non stop since 1949.

Slick you can invent all the Zionist conspiracies to kill BDS supporters, but your sole basis for your latest smeer is an opinion piece reinterpreting from Hebrew a statement to give it a new meaning.

In fact the Minister was severely criticized by his own cabinet for his words.

Words that incite hatred against BDS members are inappropriate. They have no place in a democracy. The way to deal with BDS is in the open using freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech the BDS exploits to counter their false statements and expose who is behind them and what their true agenda is.

No one in Israel is saying shoot leftist students. I am sure some people are tempted to, but no its not an Israeli state policy and ironically the leftists recruited into BDS are stupid-it never fails to amaze me seeing these preening leftists wearing their berets and scarves and latest faux campus fashions including the Arab head-dress as scarf standing arm in arm with Muslim extremists and neo Nazis who despise them more than they do Jews-lol, BDS right. Yah the Israeli government is sending Mossad to shoot them. Bug Bad evil Israel is going to kill innocent students.

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Now in regards to the rabbi Slick quotes to smeer all Jews, it is my guess he went to the following web-site, read the first sentence, then stopped:


Slick reading he first sentence of this article to then smeer all Jews across the world, let alone Israelis for what he said speaks for itself.

In fact this rabbi is talking about a concept where what he said does not insult non Jews by saying they would not have the right to be full citizens.

It does however show a very real on-going issue in Israel as to how conservative rabbias define Jews based in their interpretation of Jewish religion then want to have the government turn that into policies that if in fact implemented would be discriminatory, anti-democratic and just as intolerant and incorrect as Muslim dhimmitude policies with non Jews widely practiced in the Muslim nations of the Middle East.

This Rabbi in fact promotes a view of Judaism that if implemented would be no different than the fundamentalist Islam imposed through Sharia law on non Muslims in Muslim nations.

This Rabbi and the other "Chief" Rabbias do not represent me or the majority of Zionists who reject these rabbias as antiquated dinosaurs.

In fact Israeli laws and its constitution clearly isolate, contain and define this Rabbia's take on how Jewish religion should be practiced in Israel to be no more relevant than the opinions of the heads of the Christian and Muslim faiths in Israel.

This Rabbia is free to preach and claim to be the spiritual leader of his people like say Bishop's are in Canada but the average Israeli who is Jewish does not even follow the laws he claims all Israeli Jews should follow. In fact this Rabbia would define me because I am a Reformist-Existential Jew as a non Jew while most Israelis and its government have the identical views I do as to religion and would allow me citizenship.

The average Jew in Israel, the vast majority of Jews, do not practice Judaism as per this Rabbia's suggestions. We don't. We separate religion from state. Most of us don't practice Judaism. Its a national identity. Our spiritual identity we keep to ourselves. I say we but I mean modern Jews. I can't speak for all Israelis. Yes there are Orthodox Jews that follow what this Rabbia says but they are a minority.

If you want to follow his rules, you can opt out of the conventional family law system and follow his rules,but Muslims and Christians have the same rights to do that.

On the other hand, the Israeli government does not define Israelis as he does.

The Law of Return that expedites citizenship application for Jews does not even define Jews the way this Rabbia does and nothing in Israeli immigration laws or any law say you must be a Jew to live in Israel and be a citizen of Israel. It does not because Zionism the ideology behind the creation of the state never defined a Jew as anything but someone who identifies as a Jew because of persecution and needing to escape that persecution. It was created for that reason and by atheists.

Many fundamentalist Jews feel until the Messiah comes, Israel is not allowed to exist.

The views this Rabbia advocates are dinosaur views that define women as inferiors, gays as committing crimes against God, people who are not kosher or have sex before marriage or abortions are evil, etc.

The difference is this Rabbia's ideology is not one and the same with the government as it is in Muslim countries. If it was the vast majority of Zionists or Israelis would not be Zionists or Israeli.

Therein lies the irony. The attempt to mix extreme religious interpretations and pass them off as Israeli government policy and the beliefs of all Jews is what the intent of the post was.

Its as stupid as suggesting al Catholics blindly follow their Pope.

Slick would be the first to tell you, don't call all Muslims terrorists or extremists because of the views of Muslim fundamentalists yet he engages in the exact same thing now with Jews.

Slick just so we are clear because Passover is coming up, I don't make matzah from the blood and flesh of gentiles relax. Go eat a hot dog and enjoy. I will tell you what its made out of in another thread.

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