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Canadians FEAR Trump...Big Time

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Don’t even try with Russian history.  Russia is a superpower militarily and in terms of education, but its countryside is still very old world.  Russia industrialized after painful Stalinist five year plans.  Even now Russia can’t seem to function without a Czar, so it keeps strongman Putin at the helm.  

Yes climate has helped U.S. immigration, and climate change will help Canadian immigration as the U.S. leader of the free world leads the globe off the cliff of global warming.  Yes the U.S. produces lots of renewables.  It’s a big country.  There you go again failing to look at proportionality.  The U.S. also still burns lots of coal to produce electricity.  Watch your air quality.  

Enjoy your temporary shale oil boom and hope it doesn’t cause a tectonic shift in the heart of the country.  Also watch your water supply.  You’re building cities in deserts like Arizona that wouldn’t exist without irrigation.  Be careful testing environmental limits.  Basically be careful in general, because you’ve got unaddressed economic disparity and violence and a very strange, dangerous approach to international affairs.

The reason I cited Vimy and other Canadian military contributions is to remind you of just how outsized Canada’s contributions have been to major wars, punching far above its weight.

 Taxme, I don’t think you’re Canadian.  Your posts are too unpatriotic.

Also, you’re right about an error, I meant man made disaster, not natural.

And as far as sizzle goes, I don’t know, Drake, Bieber, Sean Mendez, Alyssia Cara, The Weekend, Arcade Fire, countless actors and comedians.  Nice Kids in the Hall profile pic BushCheney.

If you’re talking economic growth, Canada has led the G7 in growth before, but I’d argue that growth isn’t the concern right now, but rather how we grow and measure growth/progess.  The U.S. is growing economically in terms of old GDP metrics, but I’d say it’s regressing in many ways with regard to progress.   Anyway, we need more Canadian commentators.  There’s too much of a certain right wing U.S. outlook on here that scews the discussion.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Don’t even try with Russian history.  Russia is a superpower militarily and in terms of education, but its countryside is still very old world.  Russia industrialized after painful Stalinist five year plans.  Even now Russia can’t seem to function without a Czar, so it keeps strongman Putin at the helm.  



Russia suffered far more from world wars and paid a much higher price than Canada or the United States, but still managed to become a super-power.

Canada didn't...and Canada can't.    Canada has neither the means or the will to do so.

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The reason I cited Vimy and other Canadian military contributions is to remind you of just how outsized Canada’s contributions have been to major wars, punching far above its weight.

So are you saying that because of past contribution you are entitled to no longer pay for the collective defense, allowing America to shoulder the greatest burden and complain when we say no more? That's not really a valid excuse. 


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

but rather how we grow and measure growth/progess.

The globalist did a fine job didn't they, leaving america's poor and destitute jobless and living on welfare, taking away their dignity because they're deplorables. If that's how you measure growth then consider america slapping tariff as a no thank you. 

2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

 There’s too much of a certain right wing U.S. outlook on here that scews the discussion.

LOL wut? Last I check I thought me and BC were the only Americans here. People are waking up to the truth, perhaps you didn't realize what was already obvious to others, the problem with unchecked leftism. 

Edited by paxamericana
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Canada has made important contributions for its size and will continue to do so, not just militarily.  Russia is a very different country from Canada and I don’t envy it.  It’s been mismanaged for centuries.  Being able to invade countries and destroy the world is not in and of itself a virtue.   Realize that about your own power, because the U.S. is misusing it right now.  Russia did some pretty corrupt things too like having s non-aggression pact with Hitler and throwing returning soldiers from WW2 into gulags.  Read Solzhenitsyn.  Stalin killed upwards of 20 million of his own people, but he did industrialize Russia.  Sadly he has gained popularity as a historic Russian champion.  Canada had far fewer than 20 million people as a population in WW2, yet Canadians played an important role in events like the liberation of Holland.  Anyway, we can site achievements by all of these countries and you’re right, Russians paid a terrible price in WW2.

I’ll just say this:  How much damage to allies, the environment, and your own democratic institutions will be enough for Trump and Co.?  When will the rich be rich enough?  Where is it all going and what does it stand for?  Do you really know?  I think you need to worry about this.  You don’t want fascim, or maybe you do.  I think you need to figure out what you stand for and whether it’s good.

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5 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

 How much damage to allies, the environment, and your own democratic institutions will be enough for Trump and Co.?  When will the rich be rich enough?  Where is it all going and what does it stand for?  Do you really know?  I think you need to worry about this.  You don’t want fascim, or maybe you do.  I think you need to figure out what you stand for and whether it’s good.

Allies need to be partners not snowflake freeloader. 

Democratic institution is fine, called check and balance, trump gets plenty of push-back by congress and courts on many issue, border wall, immigration, healthcare bill etc... seems like a healthy democracy working as intended.

The rich will always get rich but Trump has done more to help the poor than you realize or willing to acknowledge. look at the unemployment and welfare application. lowest in history. LOWEST but nooo keep believing the fake news about what you should worry about. Fascist? since when was trump a fascist? because he's a racist? what has he done to prove that he is a racist? again claims without evidence, all serving to distract from the real issue that trump is fixing. America has and always stood for the right thing and Trump is the course correction this country needed. He's no saint, he's not the hero we deserve but the hero we need. Those that voted for him voted for something authentic that no swampy politician was willing to do, say what they feel. Now they're attacking Trump for it and he's the political equivalent to a nuclear cockroach, you can throw anything at him and he'll survive. We conservative elected this con-man to run our country because crooked Hillary was worse.

It is you who need to start understanding trump supporters and actually learn why liberals lost the election. Stop chalking it to Russian collusion and meddling. How much impact do you think it had on 300 million people? Our voting system is decentralized and not networked, Russians can't hack it like the media claims.  Stop chalking it to un-educated hillbilly not knowing who to elect, they need to know one thing and one thing only, how to feed their families while they see jobs getting ransacked by china and the rest of the world. Its time liberals get off their elitist high horse and go back to grassroots politics. Else 2018,2020 is destined to be a repeat of 2016. A word of foresight, what happens in america will eventually find its way across the border to Canada and beyond. 

Edited by paxamericana
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5 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada has made important contributions for its size ...


True, but Canada also FEARS Trump because of its size and dependence on the U.S. to "protect the post WW2 order".   

"Damn Americans...what will they do next ?"     Whatever they want......

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Well many of us are not the "snowflake liberals" that you think we are.  I'm actually quite conservative fiscally and even socially in many ways, but Trump is a loose cannon.  One man is behaving in what I'd call an unpredictable and dangerous manner.  I get that being unpredictable is part of his game, but it's important to look closely at that game.  What does winning mean for Trump?  What are the implications of that "win"?  I don't think you want him running down the country the way he ran down the casinos and either flipped them or took bailouts.  Yes, the rich will do very well under Trump, but with inequity comes reinforcement of the disparities.  No doubt he's primed the economic pump, but that's your treasury blown now and what will you have to show for it in the long run?  If Trump simply raised the personal tax exemption and lowered taxes for the lower  and middle classes, that would've helped even the playing field, especially if he paid for these tax cuts with some small percentage increases at the top.  Instead his tax cuts will benefit the rich far more than anyone.  There will be a mess of debt to clean up.  It's a squandered opportunity, because once that mess is identified down the road, the costs of clean up will be high, and it will be harder to bring in environmental protections or any kind of progressive tax code, because there will be debt to pay.  I think this is his game.

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

 ...No doubt he's primed the economic pump, but that's your treasury blown now and what will you have to show for it in the long run? 


Trump has done nothing yet compared to previous U.S. deficit spending by presidents & Congress.  

The U.S. has a much higher credit limit than Canada, and became the world's lone super power by using it.


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Well our banks are in much better shape and our federal debt is lower (proportionally).  I do worry about subnational debt though.  It all requires cleaning house.  Just don't complain if the  bubble bursts in the U.S., which some very respected economists predict.  At that point there won't be a lot of reserve to draw from.  I guess you could try printing more money, selling more debt, but China might have a different game plan for U.S. debt after the trade war.

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49 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I get that being unpredictable is part of his game, but it's important to look closely at that game.  What does winning mean for Trump?  What are the implications of that "win"?  I don't think you want him running down the country the way he ran down the casinos and either flipped them or took bailouts.  Yes, the rich will do very well under Trump, but with inequity comes reinforcement of the disparities.  No doubt he's primed the economic pump, but that's your treasury blown now and what will you have to show for it in the long run?  If Trump simply raised the personal tax exemption and lowered taxes for the lower  and middle classes, that would've helped even the playing field, especially if he paid for these tax cuts with some small percentage increases at the top.  Instead his tax cuts will benefit the rich far more than anyone.  There will be a mess of debt to clean up.  It's a squandered opportunity, because once that mess is identified down the road, the costs of clean up will be high, and it will be harder to bring in environmental protections or any kind of progressive tax code, because there will be debt to pay.  I think this is his game.

Don't believe the fake news about trump tax cut. See my post on growth and how it can pay for the tax-cut in the NAFTA debate. I think 2/3rd of the corporate tax cut has already been paid for by the growth, its expected to be fully paid for by the end of 2019. 

Trump is trying to lower taxes for everyone not just corporation. That's why he is working on a tax cut 2.0 but we will see how that gets to be implemented. Its the liberal progressive who want to raise taxes to 50 percent for the middle class. Conservative is trying to reduce taxes and welfare by increasing jobs. Conservative mean limited government not more. 


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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well our banks are in much better shape and our federal debt is lower (proportionally).  I do worry about subnational debt though.  It all requires cleaning house.  Just don't complain if the  bubble bursts in the U.S., which some very respected economists predict.  At that point there won't be a lot of reserve to draw from.  I guess you could try printing more money, selling more debt, but China might have a different game plan for U.S. debt after the trade war.

Yeah those are the same people who thinks the end of the world is here and that Economic collapse was imminent. Economist are like the weather man, two of the only jobs where you can be wrong more than half of the time and still get to keep said job. 

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Official stats for 2017 debt to GDP:

Canada 89%

U.S. 105%

i just think spending should be targeted.  There’s usually good pay off from infrastructure spending, seven dollars generated for every dollar spent.  Poor people tend to spend their money because they have to to survive, so tax cuts for the poor stimulate the economy.  The rich tend to hoard and don’t necessarily hire.  Reagan’s trickle down approach did not reduce government debt.  His tax cuts massively increased debt.  Trump is singing from that song sheet.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well our banks are in much better shape and our federal debt is lower (proportionally).  I do worry about subnational debt though.  It all requires cleaning house.  Just don't complain if the  bubble bursts in the U.S., which some very respected economists predict.  At that point there won't be a lot of reserve to draw from.  I guess you could try printing more money, selling more debt, but China might have a different game plan for U.S. debt after the trade war.


I am not complaining....I am profiting, as are many other Americans and the CPP investment board, which has more American investments than any other nation's in the world, including Canada !     Recessions come and go...this ain't our first rodeo.

Infrastructure ?    America has plenty of that too....far better than in Canada.   Canadian truckers love it !

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31 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well Canadians had to fund the new bridge at Detroit because Michigan could not. 

Detroit's funding is only part of the issue, the other part is that Canada funded the bridge not from some outright altruism they funded it because more Canadians used that bridge to enter the US and also because it allows us citizen to spend money in Canada. 

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada financed an important project for both countries.  

OH i see, now its all about us as oppose to benefit only america. This is why you should engage more with those who have differing opinion, if nothing else it keeps us honest and more informed about one another's view. As opposed to calling for me to be ban as some have suggested on this forum or as BC has dug out about the Trudeau administration labeling of dissenters on nafta. 


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2 hours ago, paxamericana said:

Detroit's funding is only part of the issue, the other part is that Canada funded the bridge not from some outright altruism they funded it because more Canadians used that bridge to enter the US and also because it allows us citizen to spend money in Canada. 


Indeed...Obama didn't want to fund the bridge or American side customs plaza at all....Ontario/Canada wanted it far more than the USA, if only to break up the monopoly by the American/privately owned existing Ambassador Bridge.   Canadians go to the USA at twice the rate of Americans going to Canada.

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There's an obvious reason why Canadians travel south, to get out of the cold in winter, not really an issue in the west, but it is in Central and Eastern Canada.  While Florida and California may be closer than Mexico or farther south, those are also options worth considering if this bullying continues. 

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10 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

While Florida and California may be closer than Mexico or farther south, those are also options worth considering if this bullying continues

Feel free to spend money in a drug war zone where the cartel own most of the government and businesses because you think America is bullying you. The stuff they do to people in mexico makes detroit look like child's play. 

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