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Read My Lips: NO NEW TAXES

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One tenant, which I haven't seen personally from this proposed legislation, but is reported in the Huffpost:

The Conservatives say the law would still allow them to close tax loopholes and address "tax avoidance schemes."

Rather vague, I'd like to see the meat and potatoes, but in spirit another form of populism........

These jackholes have been in office for 10 years and the only action they've taken on "tax loopholes" and "tax avoidance" is laying off auditors and investigators at CRA.


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When I heard "Tax Lock" - a very effective sound bite and - it seemed familiar for some reason. I did some research and found that David Cameron of the UK coined that term effectively in his campaign. It worked for him:


But under further investigation I found that the secret to Cameron's success was that he allowed a person called Lynton Crosby, an Australian political mercenary to run his campaign. Then I did a search of Lynton Crosby and found:


In this MacLeans article, I was interested to read:

"Speaking to British Tories, Crosby contrasted Boris Johnson’s concerted strategy of outreach to ethnic minority voters with the UK Conservatives’ failure, so far, to do anything similar. But he cautioned — as he has heard from Harper’s team and as he saw with Johnson — any outreach strategy must be implemented through serious effort over time. It can’t be a gimmick.

Crosby was the subject of controversy in 2012 when the Daily Mail reported he’d referred to Muslims in a derogatory way. Quoting an anonymous source, the Daily Mail reported Crosby had told Johnson to stop spending so much time on “f****** Muslims.” Crosby denied it and pointed to his work encouraging closer ties to minority communities."

Harper has imported Lynton Crosby to run his campaign.

So, at this latest debate, Harper rolled out HIS new idea of a "TAX LOCK" - just like Cameron did (that exact term) after Crosby took over his campaign.

I have no problems with any party getting assistance during their campaign. But you might assume that Canadian Political Parties could hire Canadians before foreigners and that "new" ideas should be identified as campaign copies if that is what they are.

Looking forward to Harpers approach to Muslims - I wonder if it will reflect Crosby's "stop spending so much time on “f****** Muslims"

The Internet is certainly a useful tool.

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So is the forum search function ;)

Thanks for the reference. I was familiar with that thread but my point was the "TAX LOCK" declaration. My point is that if this guy is bringing his expertise to the campaign then is he also bringing his unique bigoted philosophy?

I assume that you take my post as being critical of Harper and therefore worthwhile for your response?

The Harper Conservatives are very fortunate to have you on their side.

Edited by Big Guy
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And of course, changes to the tax code in 2012 and 2013...... :rolleyes:

Yeah yeah that's super. After 7 years of being accused of turning a blind eye to rich corporate tax cheats, they put up some windowshades. Yay, look at the money pouring in. And Jim Flaherty set up a snitch line to report tax evaders, but he didn't bother calling it to report his buddy Jim Love, a tax fraud artiste who helped rich clients bamboozle millions of dollars out of Canada.


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So is the forum search function ;)

Thanks for the reference. I was familiar with that thread but my point was the "TAX LOCK" declaration. My point is that if this guy is bringing his expertise to the campaign then is he also bringing his unique bigoted philosophy?

I assume that you take my post as being critical of Harper and therefore worthwhile for your response?

The Harper Conservatives are very fortunate to have you on their side.

I actually didn't bother reading most of your post past your mention of Mr Crosby. I linked to the previous topic on Crosby, in an attempt to both give you reference to the other discussion on him, and help to keep this thread on topic. I assumed you hadn't seen the Crosby thread.

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I actually didn't bother reading most of your post past your mention of Mr Crosby. I linked to the previous topic on Crosby, in an attempt to both give you reference to the other discussion on him, and help to keep this thread on topic. I assumed you hadn't seen the Crosby thread.

That is unfortunate. You may have gained an insight if you had continued reading. Last I saw, it was the moderators who decided on what is considered thread drift. Thank you for volunteering to act in that capacity on my posts but I would appreciate impartial moderators to continue to make decisions of thread contents. Perhaps you might apply your volunteer moderation to other posters in the future.

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Yeah yeah that's super. After 7 years of being accused of turning a blind eye to rich corporate tax cheats, they put up some windowshades. Yay, look at the money pouring in. And Jim Flaherty set up a snitch line to report tax evaders, but he didn't bother calling it to report his buddy Jim Love, a tax fraud artiste who helped rich clients bamboozle millions of dollars out of Canada.


Why would he report him? Until the Tories changes to the Income Tax Act, Mr Love's involvement in sheltering money in offshore trusts wasn't illegal.

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I can't believe they'd be as dumb as some of the forumers here and take the bait. You never know though.

The policy plank is a win-win regardless if they Liberals/NDP take the bait........PM Harper says he won't raise taxes, but he's willing to go further and make it law for this Parliament.........so why don't the Liberals and NDP agree to a similar pledge and enact it into law? Clearly they want to raise your taxes ;)

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Clearly they understand that Harper is playing pointless and dangerous games. There are times in the future where taxes may in fact need to be raised

Dangerous games? That sounds scary........one would assume if there was a need to raise taxes, the Government would be afforded the political capital to do so...........I'm not sure that lack of funding for National Daycare and investment in transit buses constitutes a Clear and Present Danger to our way of life. :ph34r:

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Harper has just committed that the next Tory government would pass legislation banning Federal tax hikes.

My only question here is really: Is there anybody that actually thinks this kind of populist pandering has any meaning?

About 35% of Canadians pay no taxes at all. This message is irrelevant to them, and Mulcair/Trudeau Jnr will fight for these voters.

But for about 65% of voters, the "promise" that the federal government will not take more; well, it matters.

Harper cut the GST from 7% to 5% so his promise is believable. So yes, it has meaning.

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These jackholes have been in office for 10 years and the only action they've taken on "tax loopholes" and "tax avoidance" is laying off auditors and investigators at CRA.


Kimmy, you're mistaken.

The various investigations of government fraud in Quebec started after 2006, because of Harper. Despite media reports, it started with the CRA in 2006, a federal agency.

Edited by August1991
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Well that's good too......the Tories will gladly keep repeating that they will lower taxes

What do you think pays for all that military hardware you love so much? What do you think pays for healthcare costs of injured veterans after they fight those wars you fantasize about?

Your giddiness about "no new taxes" is incredibly myopic.

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I don't know if you realize this, but the future does extend out beyond this election.

I don't think they do realize that. The Conservatives have a singular focus: winning elections. Even when they ran a majority government, they didn't have much of a plan beyond perpetual electioneering. Like I've said in the past, Harper's pragmatism is simultaneously his best and worst quality. It means he changes his mind when there's enough public outcry, but it also means that he's quick to pass a bunch of legislation without considering its consequences or legality.

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Why would he report him? Until the Tories changes to the Income Tax Act, Mr Love's involvement in sheltering money in offshore trusts wasn't illegal.

Wasn't illegal when he did it, still isn't illegal today.

Despite Flaherty promising to get tough on schemes like this, despite stamping his feet about it and setting up his little Snitch Line and making some cosmetic changes, more money than ever is going to overseas tax havens, and the one thing that would really help-- hiring more investigators-- is apparently not in the cards.


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Sure, the Tories cut the GST but it was the Tories idea to have it in the first place and when u cut, its less revenue coming in and therefore, your interest has to go up on the debt. They upped EI premiums also and they spent the EI surplus that the Liberals took from EI.

Cutting the GST was one of the worst thing the modern Conservatives ever did. They should have hiked it and cut income taxes.

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About 35% of Canadians pay no taxes at all. This message is irrelevant to them, and Mulcair/Trudeau Jnr will fight for these voters.

But for about 65% of voters, the "promise" that the federal government will not take more; well, it matters.

Harper cut the GST from 7% to 5% so his promise is believable. So yes, it has meaning.

Except it's a meaningless unenforceable promise. No Parliament can bind a future Parliament's actions. The law is a waste of Parliamentary time.

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