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Ontario teachers complaining AGAIN


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You would think a group that has been so richly rewarded, with so many benefits better than anyone else in society, would be relatively content. But no, these are teachers, the whiniest group of workers in the country, probably in all of history, in fact. Despite getting raises well above inflation for years, and despite Kathleen Wynne almost immediately breaking her promise of no raises, teachers are again bitching and complaining about their hard lot in life.

According to a new C.D. Howe Institute report, three-quarters of Ontario teachers fell into the highest pay category in 2013-14. Teachers with 10 years of seniority earned a salary of about $92,000, putting them in the 85th percentile of all income earners in the province. That is before pension benefits that enable teachers to retire with a full pension before they turn 55, a perk that leaves them far better off than most Ontarians earning a similar salary in the private sector.

Imagine that. A bunch of people who have very little in the way of unique, hard to get skills or education, earning more than almost everyone else in the province! In fact, there are so many students coming out of college every year eager to be teachers they have to go to korea or China in search of work. We could probably fire every teacher in the province and have more than enough applicants to replace them by next day.

And that is what we ought to be doing. Cut their salary by a third and cut back on their benefits. Give them a take it or quit offer, and if they quit, so be it. We can easily hire replacements. Disband the union, too. This should be an essential service since people can't suddenly quit work to take care of their kids full time during a strike. We can't afford $100,000 teachers any more than we can afford $100,000 firefighters and $100,000 cops. You wonder why we're going broke? This is why!


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And that is what we ought to be doing. Cut their salary by a third and cut back on their benefits. Give them a take it or quit offer, and if they quit, so be it. We can easily hire replacements. Disband the union, too.

Yep, if there's one area we as a society should be nickel-and-diming, it's education. :rolleyes:

This should be an essential service since people can't suddenly quit work to take care of their kids full time during a strike. We can't afford $100,000 teachers any more than we can afford $100,000 firefighters and $100,000 cops. You wonder why we're going broke? This is why!

Jobs designated as essential services tend to get higher compensation awards due to the loss of collective bargaining power. So if you're looking at saving money, that's probably not the way to go.

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Instead of bitching about how good teachers have it with their shiny pensions and their decent salaries, we (as a society) should be trying to get everyone a decent paying job and a pension rather than racing to the bottom.

Decent pay and a pension are worthy goals, not something to be sneered at.

Now... turn that angst against large multinationals who make billions in profit but who pay minimum wage and don't offer any benefits.

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Since educated voters are less likely to vote Conservative, do you even have to wonder why?

Thats only because University in this country teaches that all white people are racist and Western civilizations are evil and colonial oppressors around the world. It's almost impossible to become a professor as a conservative. Yeah that's fair and balanced right?
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Instead of bitching about how good teachers have it with their shiny pensions and their decent salaries, we (as a society) should be trying to get everyone a decent paying job and a pension rather than racing to the bottom.

Decent pay and a pension are worthy goals, not something to be sneered at.

Now... turn that angst against large multinationals who make billions in profit but who pay minimum wage and don't offer any benefits.

I would be ready to lock them out, I'll educate my kids by myself. Eliminate all the taxes we pay for schools and I'm sure we're all better off. I'm more then willing to stop depending on the government to educate my children, it's not like they even do a good job, reletivly to how much they earn.

If they have the power to strike, I also want the power to lock them out.

Throw the lock on all schools tomorrow. Stop paying all teachers.

With Internet , today . Teacher's no longer need to be essential.

One person in Ontario is needed to email, daily lessons to all the kids in Ontario.

Let those teachers sit at home a full year without pay. Then will negotiate a contract. Maybe.

I tired of being held hostage every 4 years by the teachers. I want my government representatives to bypass the teachers so they no longer are required, and so no longer have the ability to hold us hostage.

If you take the teachers combined salaries and use it to fund a bypass I'm sure all kinds of alternatives can be implemented with that kind of resources.

Edited by Freddy
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Oh Black Dog why do you talk around the issue hmmmm? Oh come now. Let's discuss candidly why teachers are whining rather then give them some feigned knee jerk liberal lip service.

First let's refresh your memory. See you made it a point to explain you are very sympathetic to Muslims who rallied and marched in the gay pride parade chanting hey ho Israel must go. You argued it was politically appropriate and the right arena to do it in.

With that context in mind that shows your political beliefs, tell me and of course all of Ontario, since you are now an expert on education and why teachers whine, have you offered your services to mediating between Muslims pulling their children out of school and those who wish to teach sex education and tolerance for the gay lifestyle and the transgendered?

Will you be helping teachers with Muslim parents and other religious fundamentalists pulling their children from school?

Will you be showing tolerance for anti gay Muslims and anti sex education Muslims or will you be overtaken by your support of gays and sex education?

Ah to be a gay Muslim in Canada. Not easy is it Black Dog. Imagine wanting to show your fellow Muslims how anti Israel you are to get their approval but still be hated by your fellow Muslims for being gay....must be tough.

You Black Dog have made it clear if Muslims are anti Israel we encourage those sentiments at gay demonstrations,. Say now what if the same anti Israeli Muslims are anti gay as well? Then what? Oh wait, yes I got it, according to you its ok to be anti Israel but not anti gay. So if a Muslim wants the collective Jewish identity wiped out no problem...but if they want to call the collective of gays evil, no no no.

Selective hatred and Big Guy decides and then right you Black Dog will put it in the curriculum to teach and anyone who disagrees with you? Well?

Well then that's different right? So there then, Black Dog will decide to teach Muslims what is and is not acceptable to hate right Black Dog? Israelis bad. Gays good. Sex education Good. Zionism bad. Got it Black Dog.

Teachers are whining Black Dog precisely because people like you demand society engage in this b.s. exercise and couch that by arguing our society and our class rooms be all things to all people as long as you get to define what it is they are entitled to or can think..

Your self entitled generation has overloaded the teachers with conflicted roles they can't possibly carry out dealing with students who can't speak English, can't be disciplined, can't be failed, can't be told they lost in anything, can opt out of classes the moment they don't like them and have pulled the curriculum down to a dumbed down level to accommodate them destroying the school system.

We have thousands of children coming out of our public schools illiterate and unable to function and clogging universities and community colleges with self entitlement demands for straight A's and they can't write, read or have a clue how to create or reason and grow up to be Black Dogs-people who know how to demand but have no clue what to do with people they don't agree with.

No problem Ms. Wynn will fix it. I mean come on the liberal darling she had create her curriculum was a pedophile but hey who knew. Oh wait that was unfair. He was only looking at naked children on his computer for research.

For the rest of you other then Black Dog-what we have are self entitled conflicted brats who are demand unrealistic discriminatory accommodation for only their desires in schools and its caused teachers to throw their hands up.

I would contend teachers are feeling the brunt of Black Dogesue parents demanding their needs be met but not listening to the fact that their are other parents with other views. Hey now we've all been taught to march and chant. This is out right....to have a tantrum and hold our breath in public until we are accommodated.

Ah you have to love this kind of parenting My boy is a prince. He will be anything he wants including an anti sex education, gay hating, illiterate, Jew/Christian whatever hater, unskilled angry fundamentalist reactionary and if you challenge that you are a racist or bigot. Hey the Charter guarantees we be whatever we want.

I would argue teacher's unions are reactionary, anti-democratic, elitist, dictatorial, corrupt, intolerant to change, counter-productive to solving problems and entrenched with idiots running them as are the school boards. Teachers are caught in between.

Most teachers are not asking for money or more vacation time. They are asking someone to acknowledge that society has demanded they be all things to all people and something has to give.

That is their issue-the unrealistic, subjective, arbitrary discriminatory selective demands of Black Doggian who have created unrealistic expectations with their self entitled expectations. .

Heaven forbid someone suggest children who do not speak English not be mainstreamed into public schools until they can. Heaven forbid someone explain that mainstreaming severely disabled children has proven a disaster.

Heaven forbid someone acknowledge we have dumped on children in classes the role of not just language translator, but cultural interpretor, disciplinarian, mental health counselor.

Heaven forbid we discuss how a teacher is supposed to teach a class of 30 students when the majority do not speak English, won't take gym, music, and find the curriculum offensive to their sensitivity. I mean come on, how dare our little fat princes be expected to run at recess-its too cold-how dare we tell them they can not speak to girls in class the way they do their sisters and mother at home.

How dare we teach Canadian values everyone must adhere to.

Public school must now accommodate everyone ranging from crunchy granola nudist colonial vegetarian commie to ultra fundamentalist Wahabi Muslim . Yes sir, put them all in one room, hold hands and sing Koombaya. Oh wait we can't do that, you can't touch a Muslim girl's hands.Sorry. Hey who explains to Abdul why Kenny uses the girl's wash room and does his nails. Hey it's all so easy man. Know why? Cause Black Dog has it figured out. He will come up with a code of what he decides is politically acceptable ad impose it on the rest of us and if we disagree he will call us intolerant of his selective discriminatory intolerance.

Makes perfect sense

Edited by Rue
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All that Ontario has to do is look west to BC if it wants to figure out how to stand up to the teacher's outdated unions. Just say no. Simple as that. The teachers unions are not used to that tactic and it unsettles them. Want to go on strike there teachers? Sure go ahead. The offer that was put before you will be waiting for you after you have gone without a paycheque for (in the case of the BCTF) 7 plus weeks.

Ontario - just say no to the teachers. It is a very simple, but extremely effective solution.

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All that Ontario has to do is look west to BC if it wants to figure out how to stand up to the teacher's outdated unions. Just say no. Simple as that. The teachers unions are not used to that tactic and it unsettles them. Want to go on strike there teachers? Sure go ahead. The offer that was put before you will be waiting for you after you have gone without a paycheque for (in the case of the BCTF) 7 plus weeks.

Ontario - just say no to the teachers. It is a very simple, but extremely effective solution.

BC has Clark. Ontario has Wynne.

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The one enemy of teachers is population of a school district and in Ontario many small school boards are closing down schools because there isn't enough students. In my own area, when I was in high school we have close 900 students, now its down to 275-300. the school is huge and is in good shape. The big city schools have a better chance of surviving.

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Huh, I did not realize the election had been held already. Must be a time zone thing. But if you are referring to polls, well out West, we do not put much value in polls or pollsters. Their track records are a tad sketchy.

I understand polls. But it's looking pretty good for the NDP there. I understand it did last prov. election, but I think this is different. Why do you think Mulcair has so much appeal to BC residents?

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I understand polls. But it's looking pretty good for the NDP there. I understand it did last prov. election, but I think this is different. Why do you think Mulcair has so much appeal to BC residents?

Now, you say you understand polls. But then you staunchly defend them. Speak out of one side of your mouth. Polls have been proven to be utterly worthless in pretty much every Canadian election for over four years. Yes, they got Aberta right this time around, but you know what they say about blind squirrels and nuts.

So, why is Mulclair so popular in BC? I have no idea if he is or not. I will tell you if he is or not after the one poll that is actually accurate in October.

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Now, you say you understand polls. But then you staunchly defend them. Speak out of one side of your mouth. Polls have been proven to be utterly worthless in pretty much every Canadian election for over four years. Yes, they got Aberta right this time around, but you know what they say about blind squirrels and nuts.

So, why is Mulclair so popular in BC? I have no idea if he is or not. I will tell you if he is or not after the one poll that is actually accurate in October.

I agree.

A lot can happen. What are your predictions for BC?

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I agree.

A lot can happen. What are your predictions for BC?


1) The federal elections will happen in October and one party will likely win more seats than the others.

2) The BCTF and it's whiny members will find something to bitch and moan about.

3) The Canucks will not win the Cup.

You are welcome.

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1) The federal elections will happen in October and one party will likely win more seats than the others.

2) The BCTF and it's whiny members will find something to bitch and moan about.

3) The Canucks will not win the Cup.

You are welcome.

HAHA. I meant federal ridings in BC.

As for the BCTF. I had an awakening and realize they are the problem. I would like to apologize for our spat in the strike thread, PCT. You were right and I was wrong.

With guys like this being a strong voice in the BCTF then one has to ...............


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Yep, if there's one area we as a society should be nickel-and-diming, it's education. :rolleyes:

So you didn't bother to read the cite before reacting. I see.

I get that people who don't bother to acquire much knowledge can be sympathetic. I mean, they're teachers, right? They teach our children. Why begrudge them their meager $100,000 pay cheques, long, lazy summers, and benefits which would make most public servants green with envy?

The problems with education in this province, in this country, are enormous, but they start with that attitude of yours, which allows teachers a sense of entitlement at all levels which knows no limits. There are some really talented and dedicated teachers, after all. They're in the minority, but they exist. Most teachers are mediocrities who didn't have any real calling and didn't really have any idea what to do with their lives but just wanted a well-paid job with great benefits and summers off. And we've made it so they can't be fired, however poor a job they do. Why is that again? What is the purpose of tenure? No other profession on earth has it.

So we have lots of overpaid, mediocre teachers who couldn't earn half as much in the private sector who are literally stealing money from children's educations. Because the higher their pay and benefits, the more crowded class rooms have to be, and the less money there is for things like computers.

If you actually cared about children's educations you would want to get rid of tenure, start firing mediocre teachers, and cut back on their far too generous salaries so there's more money for the classroom.

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Since educated voters are less likely to vote Conservative, do you even have to wonder why?

Another guy who didn't bother reading the cite. If you did you would have seen that the quality of education has no linkage to the generosity of teacher salaries and benefits. Why do you hate children, Cyber? Why do you want to take away all the money for education in order to give it to a lazy, privileged minority?

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