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Of course there's a difference, but can you really not see how cultures where plastic surgery is not prevalent or not acceptable might think that someone going under the knife to alter their body to fit a very narrow beauty standard is also barbaric?

Hell, male circumcision is starting to be considered barbaric and for how long did doctors and parents here just assume that's what should be done?

Michael Hardner, may he rest in peace, pointed out many times on this forum how when you get down to brass tacks and flesh out exactly what's offensive about actions that people will explain away those things in our culture but point them out as examples in other cultures.

Nobody anywhere should be mutilating little girls genitals. It's an abhorrent practice. But calling out FGM was attached to keeping "Muslims" out of Canada and fast-tracking Christians. It's so stunningly ignorant it's tough to even find somewhere to begin. First of all, FGM is not strictly a Muslim thing. It's an African thing and it predates Islam's arrival in Africa. It's also practiced by some Christians in Africa too. Secondly, "honour" killings were brought up and when I pointed out that this is something that's predominantly a Sikh practice, that was shrugged aside in order to complain some more about Muslims. We haven't even gotten into the arranged marriage thing yet.

At the end of the day, every single one of these things are illegal here and completely unacceptable here. As Peter F keeps trying to point out to you, it's pretty hard for us to stop people from practicing this in their own countries. If people want to come here and they meet the requirements then we should allow them because it's far more likely that they will abandon those practices in our society. And if they don't, we're actually able to prosecute perpetrators of these heinous activities and protect the victims.

But, no. We're not going to have an honest discussion about this. Instead I'm going to wade through post after post of assholes claiming I'm pro-FGM! That I support "honour" killings. That I love those cultures and want Canada to turn into that.


No one said you are "pro" fgm

I said you defended it...which you did

Call me an asshole

Fair enough

I'm not the one defending cultural practices like FGM.

Trolling? By taking exception to your defense of FGM?

Really? That's your definition of trolling?

See, then I am a proud Troll. Capital fucking T.

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No one said you are "pro" fgm

I said you defended it...which you did

Call me an asshole

Fair enough

I'm not the one defending cultural practices like FGM.

Trolling? By taking exception to your defense of FGM?

Really? That's your definition of trolling?

See, then I am a proud Troll. Capital fucking T.

Your trolling by saying I'm defending FGM because apparently you're too bloody stupid to understand the difference between an explanation and a defence.

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