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Why I Won't Vote NDP

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I'm guessing you believe the far right Liberal provincial gov't we have in BC is somehow related to Trudeau's Liberals.

Are their policies identical to the ones the federal Liberals are pushing? Is your premier calling press conferences and issuing press releases condemning Harper and calling on people to vote for Trudeau? Is she showing up arm in arm with him, lauding him and his policies while he compliments her on doing such as well job?

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Are their policies identical to the ones the federal Liberals are pushing? Is your premier calling press conferences and issuing press releases condemning Harper and calling on people to vote for Trudeau? Is she showing up arm in arm with him, lauding him and his policies while he compliments her on doing such as well job?

Yeah, I'm not sure why people can't make the connection or see the difference. Wynne is even attacking the leader of the federal NDP.

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Why are Conservatives online so bent on interjection Ontario provincial politics into discussions about the federal government? Kathleen Wynne is utterly irrelevant. She's a terrible premier, who adopted a legacy of corruption. But nobody outside of Ontario gives a crap about Wynne.

I think political advisers call it the Change The Subject strategy.

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Why are Conservatives online so bent on interjection Ontario provincial politics into discussions about the federal government? Kathleen Wynne is utterly irrelevant. She's a terrible premier, who adopted a legacy of corruption. But nobody outside of Ontario gives a crap about Wynne.

Because what happens federally and what happens provincially aren't independent.

One of the reasons we are in an economic contraction is due to the insane energy policies of the Ontario government.

The idea that we should pretend that the decisions made by a province that contains a third of the country's population have no impact federally is ridiculous.

The Ontario government is in massive debt, has insane energy prices and is in massive debt. It's on the path towards default.

But if you want to talk about other provincial governments, I can point out their flaws too:

BC - opposes HST, opposes nuclear energy, has made it difficult to get pipelines built.

Alberta - current government has basically scared all investment out of Alberta.

Quebec - a money pit that has insane anti-business laws. It should get rid of its language police.

Edited by -1=e^ipi
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It's like saying Dennis Maruk was a better hockey player than Sid Crosby because Maruk scored 136 pts in one year and Crosby has never eclipsed 120. Like I said, different times, different circumstances....but you would rather deceive.

Hockey comparison? Okay. We're not comparing Crosby to Maruk. We're comparing Crosby to a player who was playing 10 years ago. Which is a fair comparison.

The economic record of Stephen Harper to the prime minister right before him and every other prime minister since WW2 is inferior.

It's quite odd for you to be saying this anyway. Because you are the one who has been comparing Mulcair to an NDP premier from over 20 years ago.

Try to keep consistent, will you? And please stop being a total Conservative fanboy and then come here and say that you're "objective" or "non-partisan".

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Yeah, I'm not sure why people can't make the connection or see the difference. Wynne is even attacking the leader of the federal NDP.

I don't pay attention to Wynne. That's why I don't know these things. The few things I've seen her do have been monumentally stupid, save for modernizing sex ed. I'm amused by the breathless hysterics from the social conservatives in Ontario.

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Federal and provincial jurisdictions are separate. Their powers are divided in the Charter.

Mulcair's proposed $15 per day cost for daycare is a disaster waiting to happen. It sounds like a great program but don't buy this B.S. about how the costs will be covered by eliminating a number of government programs. Quebec has found that their "cheap" daycare program is too costly. Fees are rising and subsidies are being cut.

Mulcair has based his numbers on an ideal situation wherein a low level government employee (Yes, they will be unionized.) is monitoring a prescribed number of children in some type of playtime setting. Then comes the demand that each daycare have a nutritionist on site to ensure meals are properly prepared; or, if packed at home they can ensure that no proscribed foods slip through. That increases the cost.

Since many of these children will be separated from their parents for the first time there will be high levels of anxiety. This will require that a trained social worker with experience in childhood disorders be on hand or readily available. This too increases the cost.

Finally, we come to the unionized part. If anyone thinks the wage scale for the folks employed in these daycares will remain static they must have spent their lives living under a rock. These daycare workers will hold absolute power. Who can contemplate the absolute chaos that would result if hundreds of thousands of parents had to find alternative placements due to a labour stoppage.

I would bet that Mulcair's plan only shows the beneficial side of the program and none of the costly drawbacks.

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Mulcair's proposed $15 per day cost for daycare is a disaster waiting to happen. It sounds like a great program but don't buy this B.S. about how the costs will be covered by eliminating a number of government programs. Quebec has found that their "cheap" daycare program is too costly. Fees are rising and subsidies are being cut.

Mulcair has based his numbers on an ideal situation wherein a low level government employee (Yes, they will be unionized.) is monitoring a prescribed number of children in some type of playtime setting. Then comes the demand that each daycare have a nutritionist on site to ensure meals are properly prepared; or, if packed at home they can ensure that no proscribed foods slip through. That increases the cost.

Since many of these children will be separated from their parents for the first time there will be high levels of anxiety. This will require that a trained social worker with experience in childhood disorders be on hand or readily available. This too increases the cost.

Finally, we come to the unionized part. If anyone thinks the wage scale for the folks employed in these daycares will remain static they must have spent their lives living under a rock. These daycare workers will hold absolute power. Who can contemplate the absolute chaos that would result if hundreds of thousands of parents had to find alternative placements due to a labour stoppage.

I would bet that Mulcair's plan only shows the beneficial side of the program and none of the costly drawbacks.

What happened to you?

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What happened to you?

What happened to me? It's a long story and I explained it in a thread but Charles Anthony deleted for reasons unknown. Basically I realized I had been a socialist progressive follower, having spent 5 years in university being bombarded by Marxist/socialist rhetoric. I admit I was a blind follower. I have recently woken up and now consider myself a non-partisan independent. I see through the lies and manipulation of the agenda driven MSM, especially the CBC of which I was once a huge fan. People change their views and I'm thankful I have.

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What happened to me? It's a long story and I explained it in a thread but Charles Anthony deleted for reasons unknown. Basically I realized I had been a socialist progressive follower, having spent 5 years in university being bombarded by Marxist/socialist rhetoric. I admit I was a blind follower. I have recently woken up and now consider myself a non-partisan independent. I see through the lies and manipulation of the agenda driven MSM, especially the CBC of which I was once a huge fan. People change their views and I'm thankful I have.

Amazing. God bless you. I initially thought you were trolling. You were insufferable back when I was here. Glad you burst out of that shell. I'd love to talk to you about it.

Edited by kraychik
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I might call yours the living in a a make believe world strategy, where everyone except the conservatives are clean and pure.

We are not pure and clean, just cleaner and purer.

Edited by PIK
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What happened to me? It's a long story and I explained it in a thread but Charles Anthony deleted for reasons unknown. Basically I realized I had been a socialist progressive follower, having spent 5 years in university being bombarded by Marxist/socialist rhetoric. I admit I was a blind follower. I have recently woken up and now consider myself a non-partisan independent. I see through the lies and manipulation of the agenda driven MSM, especially the CBC of which I was once a huge fan. People change their views and I'm thankful I have.

Mind if I use this as my signature? This is awesome.

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What happened to me? It's a long story and I explained it in a thread but Charles Anthony deleted for reasons unknown. Basically I realized I had been a socialist progressive follower, having spent 5 years in university being bombarded by Marxist/socialist rhetoric. I admit I was a blind follower. I have recently woken up and now consider myself a non-partisan independent. I see through the lies and manipulation of the agenda driven MSM, especially the CBC of which I was once a huge fan. People change their views and I'm thankful I have.

Well, you know what they say about choosing between printing the truth or the legend...

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Well, you know what they say about choosing between printing the truth or the legend...

^And this represents the kind of hostile reaction I have received on this "tolerant" forum that pretends to accept all views. People here had no problem with Mulcair changing his beliefs with regards to what he said about Thatcher, but I'm not allowed to switch because it aggravates the "tolerant" socialists here. :rolleyes:

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Salve your pain with this breaking news: Rob Ford of Toronto mayoralty infamy, has announced his brother Doug Ford will seek Harper's job if the Conservatives are tossed Oct. 19th.

Bring on the circus.

So what? I think Trudeau needs to put a tent over his own circus.

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