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NDP Make Big Move in Latest EKOS Poll

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They sure as hell don't have any interest in straight, white middle class men except to impose more rules on our behaviour and to tax us more to improve the lot of all those other segments.

Haven't you, by your own admission, done very well over the last epoch ? Do you really need help from the government ? I think policies have already done well for you, but you want more still.

My general feeling is that the politics of division belongs to the past. Efforts to lift up groups that have been marginalized or even brutalized in the past make sense to most people, except for what I see as a paranoid minority. It's just a feeling I have, but this is how it sounds to me, and typifies one of our problems.... ie. white male squeaky wheels who are greased, and won't shut up about the injustice. They (we) even have our own network south of the border.

Fortunately, it's all coming to an end. The rest of us are interested in seeking out something known as win-win...

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I just wondering how many Tories supporters would have voted Conservative if they knew he was going to make many changes to the CPP, Elections Canada, get more troops involved in the Middle-East and the contents in the Terrorists Bill?? So having said that, what on his agenda if he gets back in??? Five years in the military, we are getting low.

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I wonder how most people would feel if Harper were to start eating babies? I wonder if that's on his agenda.

I wonder how long you'll claim you're not a Conservative, yet continue to be an apologist for someone who has failed to deliver on the very premise he was elected.
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I don't like Harper all that much. If Paul Martin wouldn't have been tossed out of power, I'd probably still be Liberal. At the moment I see Harper as the least bad choice given what I've seen (though Trudeau's tax plan has me intrigued). I just don't like conspiracy nonsense.

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Until you tell them you're going to increase their taxes. You know, the NDP and Liberals have both been highly critical of the Tories for lowering the GST. But neither of them is willing to say they'll raise it up again.

You have a recent poll to support your claim?


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I thought Harper should have resigned at the end of last year. I still think he should, though there really isn't a lot of time now to put distance between him and the party, even with a much more likable and reasonable sounding (ie, Jason Kenney) guy in charge.

That's what Brian Mulroney did way back.

How did that work out for the federal pc?


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Haven't you, by your own admission, done very well over the last epoch ? Do you really need help from the government ? I think policies have already done well for you, but you want more still.

There is no policy or act of government which has helped me in any way, shape or form to improve my economic well-being. I did it myself through persistence and hard work. And I'm not ASKING for help from government. On the other hand, you should hardly expect me to welcome a government whose every policy statement since it was created has been hostile to me and my well-being.

My general feeling is that the politics of division belongs to the past.

Oh please. Do you know nothing of politics whatever? All parties target specific population segments, and give the back of their hands to others. ALL of them.

Efforts to lift up groups that have been marginalized or even brutalized in the past make sense to most people, except for what I see as a paranoid minority.

That's because your senses are attuned to American culture and American history and you really don't know much about Canada (nor care much about it). You see affirmative action programs in the states to help marginalized Blacks and think, hey, we need that here! It doesn't matter to you that 98% of the visible minorities in Canada are recent immigrants. You're bleeding heart feels the need to make it up to them for the racism of the past, even if they were living in other countries at the time. Of course, the fact you use my money to make it up to them makes it a win-win for you, eh?

ie. white male squeaky wheels who are greased, and won't shut up about the injustice.

Your feelings come from a strange fairy tale land of liberal myths and legends and, like most of your beliefs, has little basis in reality. It certainly has ZIP to do with my statement that the NDP has never shown any interest in the white middle class except as wallets to milk in order to help those they regard as their real constituents.

Fortunately, it's all coming to an end. The rest of us are interested in seeking out something known as win-win...

Like increasing taxes on those more successful than you are? You know it's really not my fault if you're a failure.

Edited by Argus
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That's what Brian Mulroney did way back.

How did that work out for the federal pc?


It was actually working out for a bit. Kim Campbell was ahead in the polls. But she ran probably the worst campaign in Canadian political history and got trounced.

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It is funny argus how the left think harper invented every trick in the book, while actually it was the party that has lead the country the most and also the most corrupted party of our times. The liberal party.

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There is no policy or act of government which has helped me in any way, shape or form to improve my economic well-being. I did it myself through persistence and hard work. And I'm not ASKING for help from government. On the other hand, you should hardly expect me to welcome a government whose every policy statement since it was created has been hostile to me and my well-being.


Really ? Just off the cuff - you never received government money, tax cuts or funding from programs ?


Oh please. Do you know nothing of politics whatever? All parties target specific population segments, and give the back of their hands to others. ALL of them.


That is not the politics of division.


That's because your senses are attuned to American culture and American history and you really don't know much about Canada (nor care much about it). You see affirmative action programs in the states to help marginalized Blacks and think, hey, we need that here! It doesn't matter to you that 98% of the visible minorities in Canada are recent immigrants. You're bleeding heart feels the need to make it up to them for the racism of the past, even if they were living in other countries at the time. Of course, the fact you use my money to make it up to them makes it a win-win for you, eh?


It's Canada's money not yours. Your supposition about how I learned about things is wrong, but you're making many personal comments all through your post.


Your feelings come from a strange fairy tale land of liberal myths and legends and, like most of your beliefs, has little basis in reality. It certainly has ZIP to do with my statement that the NDP has never shown any interest in the white middle class except as wallets to milk in order to help those they regard as their real constituents..

Women are part of the middle class. Unions have many middle class members.


Like increasing taxes on those more successful than you are? You know it's really not my fault if you're a failure.

I suppose if I prove that I'm not a failure you lose your argument then ? Even more so if I prove I'm not a *financial* failure then ?

This is the problem with putting personal comments as the basis for your arguments see, ie you don't know me.

Further to that, if you think that people only favour positions because it benefits them personally, you make people wonder if you yourself think that way.

I would be happy to pay higher taxes if I had full confidence that problems were being solved. How about you ? Does my assertion anger you?

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Really ? Just off the cuff - you never received government money, tax cuts or funding from programs ?

I'm sure he has police, fire, and ambulance covering his area. I'm sure he and his family members have gone to school at some point in time in Canada. I'm sure he's probably seen a doctor. I'm sure his roads are probably paved. I'm sure the government is holding a pension for him. I'm sure if he had kids he got the universal child care benefit. I'm sure he gets his mail delivered. I'm sure he has insurance in case he becomes unemployed due to economic fluctuations. I'm sure he's probably bought some "eco friendly" lighting in the last 10 years.

But y'know, why can't people who can barely afford to put food on the table AND heat their home in the winter pay MORE? His disposable income is all gone after he pays for his house, car, vacations, RRSP, TFSA contributions, etc. I mean, there's practically nothing left, so why should he pay more? Have the people struggling to put food on the table skip a couple meals next year. They should contribute more to the society that made him successful and left them struggling to get by.

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Really ? Just off the cuff - you never received government money, tax cuts or funding from programs ?

I suppose when I was young my mother got the baby bonus.

.That is not the politics of division.

Oh course it is.

It's Canada's money not yours.

Canada HAS no money. It doesn't have a job. It takes money off those who do and uses that.

but you're making many personal comments all through your post.

Right back at ya.

.Women are part of the middle class. Unions have many middle class members.

There is nothing in the NDP platform that helps union members (as opposed to unions). And there's precious little for women who are middle class either.

I suppose if I prove that I'm not a failure you lose your argument then ?

Your post showed resentment towards me due to my presumed economic success. I merely suggested that IF you were a failure that wasn't my fault.

This is the problem with putting personal comments as the basis for your arguments see, ie you don't know me.

Oh please stop whinging. I'm just more honest about it vs your lofty sneering at 'paranoid minorities' and 'white squeaky wheels who don't care about injustice'.

You insult people as much as anyone this site, you just do it in what you no-doubt consider a more subtle fashion.

Guess what? It's not really very subtle.

Further to that, if you think that people only favour positions because it benefits them personally, you make people wonder if you yourself think that


This is disingenuous as you know very well that people will favour positions because it benefits them personally.

I would be happy to pay higher taxes if I had full confidence that problems were being solved. How about you ?

Sure. But paying higher taxes so Trudeau can put more money into the pockets of those in the top third of earners does not, to my mind, even address a problem, much less solve one. The Ontario Liberals collect twice as much tax as they did when they took office. What problem have they solved? Education is no better. Health care is no better. The roads are no better. Social services are no better. All that's happened is that teachers, doctors, cops and other public servants got consistently higher raises and benefits.

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I'm sure he has police, fire, and ambulance covering his area. I'm sure he and his family members have gone to school at some point in time in Canada. I'm sure he's probably seen a doctor. I'm sure his roads are probably paved. I'm sure the government is holding a pension for him. I'm sure if he had kids he got the universal child care benefit. I'm sure he gets his mail delivered. I'm sure he has insurance in case he becomes unemployed due to economic fluctuations. I'm sure he's probably bought some "eco friendly" lighting in the last 10 years.

But y'know, why can't people who can barely afford to put food on the table AND heat their home in the winter pay MORE? His disposable income is all gone after he pays for his house, car, vacations, RRSP, TFSA contributions, etc. I mean, there's practically nothing left, so why should he pay more? Have the people struggling to put food on the table skip a couple meals next year. They should contribute more to the society that made him successful and left them struggling to get by.

It actually goes further than that!

The wealthy in Canada have benefited the most from providing services and selling to an well established middle class that has succeeded from social services!

They just don't admit it!


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There is nothing in the NDP platform that helps union members (as opposed to unions). And there's precious little for women who are middle class either.

Your post showed resentment towards me due to my presumed economic success. I merely suggested that IF you were a failure that wasn't my fault.

Trashing C-377 helps union members from having their private info being made public. Non union corporations hate that!

I doubt your self proclaimed economic success is independent of taxes/social services/infrastructure.


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It is funny argus how the left think harper invented every trick in the book, while actually it was the party that has lead the country the most and also the most corrupted party of our times. The liberal party.

PIK, were have you been since 2006? Yes, the Liberals got into trouble with the Adscam and Liberals help voted them out and the reformed Conservative are more corrupt then any party I can remember and the most important thing about Harper is he says one thing but does another, you can trust this guy, he's never open and honest when he needs to be. I've hear him so many times tell half-truths in the House, he comes off as a smart-ass! If he was a LIberal or NDP ,you vote him out, so do the country a favour and vote him out or don't vote, which ever is the easiest.

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PIK, were have you been since 2006? Yes, the Liberals got into trouble with the Adscam and Liberals help voted them out and the reformed Conservative are more corrupt then any party I can remember and the most important thing about Harper is he says one thing but does another, you can trust this guy, he's never open and honest when he needs to be. I've hear him so many times tell half-truths in the House, he comes off as a smart-ass! If he was a LIberal or NDP ,you vote him out, so do the country a favour and vote him out or don't vote, which ever is the easiest.

Funny though, with the exception of Income Trust, I don't recall Harper doing anything significant other than what the Conservatives said they would do in their platforms.....and almost all of what they said they would do - they did - or tried to do. Perhaps you can be more direct in terms of his "lies" as it relates to what he said he'd do?

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The NDP know who they want to take money from and they know who they want to give it to, the problem with the NDP is that they never know how to generate money - and that should be the only real issue here. If the economy is good, or at least stable then everything else falls into place. We need foreign money to sustain ourselves and and our social structure, and the NDP has never been able to to secure that.

Alberta is patting themselves on the back for tossing out the conservatives - great, lets see them in a years time when we can gauge their buyers remorse. What they did there is the definition of "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

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Funny though, with the exception of Income Trust, I don't recall Harper doing anything significant other than what the Conservatives said they would do in their platforms.....and almost all of what they said they would do - they did - or tried to do. Perhaps you can be more direct in terms of his "lies" as it relates to what he said he'd do?

I believe there was something in their original platforms about open and transparent government. Where did that all go I wonder...

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