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Can Harper beat the odds?


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Spanky , your liberals cut the military by 30%, trying their best to bring it down enough that we could never afford to build it up again. That was a real hidden agenda, to destroy the military. It takes time and money to rebuild and since we are stuck with a incompetent bureaucracy, that can.t handle any big purchase anymore.

I think we need to admit that there is strong bipartisan, actually pentapartisan, support for keeping military spending very low in this country.

The Conservatives have had nine years to change direction and they have not done so. The US is not impressed.

BTW I have never been a member of a political party and I have voted both PC and Liberal in my time.

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True. The "unhappy vets" are simply those who never would have voted Conservative anyway trying to play politics.

A sad and idiotic comment from both of you.

You have no idea who those unhappy vets would vote, did vote for ,nor who they voted for in the past.

Apart from that, being happy with something is not a paper seller. Once a critical mass is reached, media will report on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is also a baseline of humane support that we, as a society, agree to give to all people.

A chief tenant of communist societies which, when enacted, almost without exception, resulted in far worst outcomes than than doing nothing.

Not everything can be quantified, or shown to be worthwhile but much can. If a project provides only a break-even return but doesn't cost more, then the intangible benefits could make it worthwhile.

One would need to demonstrate that break-even return in some way. Many ares of government spending cannot do do.

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A chief tenant of communist societies which, when enacted, almost without exception, resulted in far worst outcomes than than doing nothing.

That's a strawman holding a straw doll.

I say "societies are humane". You say "that's what COMMUNISTS DO !". Then you add "AND COMMUNISTS END UP DOING EVEN WORSE THINGS."

You know who else is kind and humane ?


Think about it.

One would need to demonstrate that break-even return in some way.

No. One wouldn't.

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That's a strawman holding a straw doll.

I say "societies are humane". You say "that's what COMMUNISTS DO !". Then you add "AND COMMUNISTS END UP DOING EVEN WORSE THINGS."

You know who else is kind and humane ?


Not sure what purpose Batman has here, other than to indicate you relinquish the point.

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I think if Harper gets back in, especially with a majority, most Canadians will go into a depression and the economy will too!

Sort of like what happened to Republicans when Obama won. You really going to play that game. How about all the Liberals move to Denmark where it's Sunshine and Roses 24/7.

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I think if Harper gets back in, especially with a majority, most Canadians will go into a depression and the economy will too!

Let's not get too serious. This forum is fun to throw up some ideas and for some, a way to vent frustrations, both personal and political....but the truth is, no matter who is governing, the vast majority of Canadians get up in the morning, go to work, pay the rent, raise their kids - or have a beer and watch TV.....they carry on. Municipal and Provincial governments have far more effect on the daily lives of Canadians.

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Yeah, but it the feds that affect the municipalities and the provinces and so it really is the feds that bring more unpleasantness to a country citizens. just look at what they did to the social programs and by the way ,the 2500,00 from CPP to help bury a person is now down to 2250.00, had a notice in the mail stating so and was surprised by it.

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It was terrible when the last Liberal Majority government raped the provinces on health care

Yes it was.....luckily the Cons have fixed that. Stable, predictable funding going forward. No more blaming the Feds. The provinces can get on with actually improving the delivery of Healthcare which is their constitutional responsibility. If more money is needed - increase Provincial taxes.

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How does that in any way go against what I said?

It goes against what you implied.


. Social programs generally have little to do with the federal government actually."

In fact, the Feds have extraordinary ability to affect social programs via funding or lack of.

Edited by jacee
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