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This week in Islam


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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Please save it for 'this week in Hindu...'   This thread is for blaming all Muslims, especially in Canada, for misdeeds on the other side of the world not Hindus.


Like dialamah, you're free to go to bat for this cult and desperately find some 'good news' coming from it...you know...stuff like Imams meet to denounce terrorism in Islam.

Zero sum...but hey...better than blowing-up a church. Right?

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

So I am  guessing some of you  you guys were not upset Nazim Kadri was traded to Colorado.


He didn't produce much when it was needed, and he got a multi-game suspension for delivering a senseless, violent hit in their final series. There are a lot of other great players out there, so buh bye...

It has nothing to do with his being a Muslim. Or, maybe it does..?

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Please save it for 'this week in Hindu...'   This thread is for blaming all Muslims, especially in Canada, for misdeeds on the other side of the world not Hindus.

Bullshyte... just because you cannot live up to the challenge I raised you. Show us the good news this week in Islam. So far nothing... these stories have no weight. Perhaps because there is nothing, then? Is that the conclusion?

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2 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Bullshyte... just because you cannot live up to the challenge I raised you. Show us the good news this week in Islam. 

You actually think that a billion people can't produce a single good story Ina week?


And you wonder why I don't buy into this exercise, when you have that assumption?



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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

You actually think that a billion people can't produce a single good story Ina week?

You've forgotten what I said about it earlier then. Where is your media?


And you wonder why I don't buy into this exercise, when you have that assumption?

No, I wonder why you never learn.

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You actually think that a billion people can't produce a single good story Ina week?


And you wonder why I don't buy into this exercise, when you have that assumption?



Nobody cares about good news, regardless of who is making it. 

Unless it involves cats, for some reason.

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45 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Anyway, let me know of the bits that blame all Muslims, especially in Canada, for misdeeds on the other side of the world, and I'll edit it.

If you added something like "This is why we need to limit/eliminate Muslim immigration to Canada" or "Why aren't Muslims condemning this violence?" or "Muslims are violent, backward, barbaric people whose values are antithetical to Canadian values" then you'd be blaming all Muslims for the misdeeds of one from a far-off place. 

Anyway,  this had been explained multiple times, but you remain too thick to 'understand'.  You continue to tell yourself, and try to persuade others, that posters who reference anti-Islam sites and use broad-brush statements about Muslims while talking about the crimes of individual extremists only mean "the bad ones".  

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9 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Bullshyte... just because you cannot live up to the challenge I raised you. Show us the good news this week in Islam. So far nothing... these stories have no weight. Perhaps because there is nothing, then? Is that the conclusion?

Muslim cop saves drowning man in Rochdale.

Muslim butcher in Cairo provides shelter for Cancer patients.

Muslim professor provides 6 million hours of video lessons for medical students in the U.S. and around the world.

British Muslim offers help and a job to a homeless drug addict.

Muslim taxi driver returns £12K to.pensioner who was scammed.

Canadian Muslim wins innovator of the year for groundbreaking work in treatment of eye diseases.


OW has me on ignore, so he won't see this unless someone replies with quote.

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12 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Muslim cop saves drowning man in Rochdale.

Muslim butcher in Cairo provides shelter for Cancer patients.

Muslim professor provides 6 million hours of video lessons for medical students in the U.S. and around the world.

British Muslim offers help and a job to a homeless drug addict.

Muslim taxi driver returns £12K to.pensioner who was scammed.

Canadian Muslim wins innovator of the year for groundbreaking work in treatment of eye diseases.


OW has me on ignore, so he won't see this unless someone replies with quote.


That's more this week in Muslims than this week in Islam.

As Churchill said: individual Muslims might have splendid qualities. It's the RELIGION that's the real issue.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apa­thy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

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30 minutes ago, dialamah said:

If you added something like "This is why we need to limit/eliminate Muslim immigration to Canada" or "Why aren't Muslims condemning this violence?" or "Muslims are violent, backward, barbaric people whose values are antithetical to Canadian values" then you'd be blaming all Muslims for the misdeeds of one from a far-off place. 

Anyway,  this had been explained multiple times, but you remain too thick to 'understand'.  You continue to tell yourself, and try to persuade others, that posters who reference anti-Islam sites and use broad-brush statements about Muslims while talking about the crimes of individual extremists only mean "the bad ones".  

I'm not too thick.  I just don't agree with you.  Width doesn't enter into it.

If someone were to add, "See!  I told you all Muslims were bad and this person's action proves it", then you might have a point.  As it is, you don't.

You continue to tell yourself, and try to persuade others, that only those Muslims who are guilty of the worst acts of extremism should be targeted, and anyone who finds the notion of entire countries ruled by superstition reprehensible and abhorrent, or the notion that those countries and the people who live in them who subscribe to the barbarism that is religious rule are worthy subjects for criticism and contempt, have racism as their motive.

But it's not because you're too thick.  It's because you're wilfully blind.

I, personally, am of the opinion that someone's thoughts are their own, and none of my business.  That's why I oppose hate speech legislation.  If someone opposes allowing people into the country who have reprehensible views, that's up to them.  Would you be okay with allowing people into the country who have reprehensible views, or do you agree with me on the hate speech issue?

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2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I'm not too thick.  I just don't agree with you. 


One might sit down with some Bach or Shakespeare and get a good dose of Western Civilization as influenced by Christianity. 

Islam produces none of this sort of stuff...and it isn't an accident. 

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1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

Didn't we have a thread about Hindu extremists at one time?  I remember the "Cow Protection Group" being some very serious individuals.

Religious fanatics of any stripe are idiots and we should be striving to keep them out of Canada.


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28 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I'm not too thick.  I just don't agree with you.  Width doesn't enter into it.

If someone were to add, "See!  I told you all Muslims were bad and this person's action proves it", then you might have a point.  As it is, you don't.

You continue to tell yourself, and try to persuade others, that only those Muslims who are guilty of the worst acts of extremism should be targeted, and anyone who finds the notion of entire countries ruled by superstition reprehensible and abhorrent, or the notion that those countries and the people who live in them who subscribe to the barbarism that is religious rule are worthy subjects for criticism and contempt, have racism as their motive.

If people were really concerned about whole countries ruled with reprehensible and abhorrent policies, we'd have threads about Russian individuals and their misdeeds, Chinese individuals and their misdeeds, Indian people and their misdeeds.  These 'discussions' would focus on the barbarism of the associated culture and/or religion that immigrants from these places will bring to Canada, and declarations that the people from these cultures/religions should either not be permitted in Canada, or should undergo more extensive screening.  But we don't.  It's only Muslims who are broad-brushed in this way.  

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8 minutes ago, dialamah said:

If people were really concerned about whole countries ruled with reprehensible and abhorrent policies, we'd have threads about Russian individuals and their misdeeds, Chinese individuals and their misdeeds, Indian people and their misdeeds.  These 'discussions' would focus on the barbarism of the associated culture and/or religion that immigrants from these places will bring to Canada, and declarations that the people from these cultures/religions should either not be permitted in Canada, or should undergo more extensive screening.  But we don't.  It's only Muslims who are broad-brushed in this way.  

We could do.  We would probably be accused of racism again.  I personally think the Chinese government are bunch of despotic tyrants, and anyone in China who agrees with their policies is worthy of the utmost disgust and contempt. If you think the fact that they don't get a thread of their own, on here, is a good reason not to bring attention to the barbarism of theocracies, and the mindless ignorance of those who support them, then start a thread.  It would be better than saying lets all be quiet about the theocracies.


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59 minutes ago, dialamah said:

If people were really concerned about whole countries ruled with reprehensible and abhorrent policies, we'd have threads about Russian individuals and their misdeeds, Chinese individuals and their misdeeds, Indian people and their misdeeds.  These 'discussions' would focus on the barbarism of the associated culture and/or religion that immigrants from these places will bring to Canada, and declarations that the people from these cultures/religions should either not be permitted in Canada, or should undergo more extensive screening.  But we don't.  It's only Muslims who are broad-brushed in this way.  

This week in allergies.  I mean Russia!


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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

If people were really concerned about whole countries ruled with reprehensible and abhorrent policies, we'd have threads about Russian individuals and their misdeeds, Chinese individuals and their misdeeds, Indian people and their misdeeds.  These 'discussions' would focus on the barbarism of the associated culture and/or religion that immigrants from these places will bring to Canada, and declarations that the people from these cultures/religions should either not be permitted in Canada, or should undergo more extensive screening.  But we don't.  It's only Muslims who are broad-brushed in this way.  


So start some threads and fill them with Russia's, China's and India's misdeeds.

Islam isn't a race of people, btw...though you keep trying to paint it as one. It's a religion created in the Middle Ages by an Arab upset that the Jewish rabbis in Arabia didn't treat him as the final prophet of THEIR religion. 

Edited by DogOnPorch
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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

You've forgotten what I said about it earlier then. Where is your media?

I suppose so. Well, given that I haven't blocked you yet there must be some worth to your posts, so here's something I googled and got on the 1st page:



Islamic Relief Worldwide posts record income

Islamic Relief Worldwide has recorded its highest ever income – almost £128m – according to its latest accounts.

In the accounts for the year to 31 December 2018, which were published on Companies House earlier this week, the charity posted an income of £127.9m, up from £126.5m the previous year.

Spending on charitable activities hit £114.4m – an increase of more than £2.9m according to the accounts.

Staff numbers at the charity increased from 416 to 457 people.

The charity also supported a combined 1.8 million people affected by the wars in Syria and Yemen, and the organisation had its largest ever Ramadan and Qurbani food distributions.

Islamic Relief Worldwide helped 3.9 million people worldwide with emergency response and improved 3.5 million lives in 31 countries through development projects.

Seems like some good news...

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5 hours ago, dialamah said:

If people were really concerned about whole countries ruled with reprehensible and abhorrent policies, we'd have threads about Russian individuals and their misdeeds, Chinese individuals and their misdeeds, Indian people and their misdeeds.

Are we getting hordes of Russian immigrants? No. We are getting hordes of Chinese immigrants and I'm a little leery of that since the Chinese have  a history of resisting assimilation. But that might have been because they weren't welcomed in greater society. They do not, as far as I know, hold our own culture and values in contempt, nor regard us as morally defective because we do not think and worship as they do. They probably do actually think we're kind of lazy and that we don't put enough effort into raising our children properly, but I can live with that. Most of the Chinese put tremendous importance on education, and their kids generally go to university. That means getting out in the world and eventual integration. They do not expect their daughters to stay cloistered so as to pop out babies and mind them, nor do they appear determined to send their sons back home for a proper wife, nor wish our laws could be changed to suit their backward religious beliefs.

The Indians are broken into multiple religions. I am somewhat leery about them, too, though they do tend to integrate better than the others. Sikhs have caused our worst ever terrorist incident and there is still far too much interest in violence in that community. They also can have backward values, though these seem based on culture not religion, so will eventually evaporate. Same for the Hindus, who, for the most part, seem far less religious than the other two groups.

The Muslims seem to be addicted to the idea of being part of a world-wide community of Islam. Far too many would welcome the thought of a theocracy, esp a world-wide Muslim theocracy, or "caliphate", which makes them dangerously prone to seduction by extremists bent on using violence to further those goals.

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I suppose so. Well, given that I haven't blocked you yet there must be some worth to your posts, so here's something I googled and got on the 1st page:


Seems like some good news...

Sure, you can find anything by Google. It's all out there, if you bother to do a search. But searching takes effort, and I want to be spoon-fed my infotainment.

Recalling the conversation we had earlier in this thread, you agreed that "good news" cannot stay afloat in our media for long, because the media is not really committed to telling the news. It is a corporation seeking to make the top dollar and increase its viewership. 

Thank you for not blocking me "yet". May I say it is truly a privilege to get a response from someone as magnanimous as you. :D

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12 hours ago, dialamah said:

Muslim cop saves drowning man in Rochdale.

Muslim butcher in Cairo provides shelter for Cancer patients.

Muslim professor provides 6 million hours of video lessons for medical students in the U.S. and around the world.

British Muslim offers help and a job to a homeless drug addict.

Muslim taxi driver returns £12K to.pensioner who was scammed.

Canadian Muslim wins innovator of the year for groundbreaking work in treatment of eye diseases.


OW has me on ignore, so he won't see this unless someone replies with quote.

I only use ignore for complete idiots, not regular members. Dog has answered you well enough, and you can also see what I wrote to MH about this.

All those things you listed are nice stories. I don't doubt that individual good deeds and personal accomplishments are being done daily, but there has to be more done to promote reform of Islam. Muslims should be the first ones to stand up and denounce religious terror, but when something happens we see many of them do not. In order for that attitude to change, Islam has to rediscover itself within the context of the modern world and let go of those old patriarchal ideas, for example any that justify domestic violence.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I only use ignore for complete idiots, not regular members. Dog has answered you well enough, and you can also see what I wrote to MH about this.

All those things you listed are nice stories. I don't doubt that individual good deeds and personal accomplishments are being done daily, but there has to be more done to promote reform of Islam. Muslims should be the first ones to stand up and denounce religious terror, but when something happens we see many of them do not. In order for that attitude to change, Islam has to rediscover itself within the context of the modern world and let go of those old patriarchal ideas, for example any that justify domestic violence.

What do those accomplishments have to do with "reform"?

What is this standing up and denouncing "religious terror"? Why would random Muslims care? If a white man somewhere shoots people, do you go about wailing on TV for days to prove how sorry you are that someone from "among you" did that?

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